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Warrior main wanting to try something else

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Hey everyone
I have been playing on and off for years but enver really gotten into high-end Fractals and Raiding. which suits me fine as a super casual player 😁

I have pretty much only been playing Warrior (all Elites) for that time and with EoD out and I feel like I've gotten decently back into the game, I want to do something new (for me at least)..
level and Alt.


I enjoy Warrior a lot and will likely only use this for Open World or casual Fractals, so the "Meta" and optimization isn't necessary, but I want to find something at least similar in style to the Warrior since I quickly got bored of some options I already tried.
also, I mostly prefer Power over COndi but I am open to give any build that is functional a try 🙂


Can anyone recommend a Profession, Elite Spec, or Build that would suit what I have mentioned above at least to some degree?

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26 minutes ago, Abbysial.6721 said:

Hey everyone
I have been playing on and off for years but enver really gotten into high-end Fractals and Raiding. which suits me fine as a super casual player 😁

I have pretty much only been playing Warrior (all Elites) for that time and with EoD out and I feel like I've gotten decently back into the game, I want to do something new (for me at least)..
level and Alt.


I enjoy Warrior a lot and will likely only use this for Open World or casual Fractals, so the "Meta" and optimization isn't necessary, but I want to find something at least similar in style to the Warrior since I quickly got bored of some options I already tried.
also, I mostly prefer Power over COndi but I am open to give any build that is functional a try 🙂


Can anyone recommend a Profession, Elite Spec, or Build that would suit what I have mentioned above at least to some degree?

I mean you want another power class that doesnt utilize condi? I would try Revenant or Thief. Revenant you can still use those power or viper builds and have a great time. The elite specs are kinda meh but the vindicator has been pretty decent to play. If you casually do PVE only then try them out. If you ever venture into Condi give necro a try or FB and get into some strikes and or WVW. Pretty decent

Edited by Legend of Rogue.5394
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I used to be a warrior like you but then I took an arrow to the knee.. from a ranger.. I mean I made a ranger and never looked back.
Lotsa fun altho different playstyle, and I like the thief too cause of the same mobility. For more warrior-like playstyle I'd suggest guardian or revenant. Necro is also fun in group content but for me it's bit too boring in solo play.

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In order to give a good reply we need to know the reason behind your "Similar in style" and what other options bored you and why. Is it the class fantasy of being a big guy (heavy armor) and just smacking stuff silly that appeals to you? Or is it the in-your-face-on-your-toes kind of playstyle? Or is it the versatility in the amount of weapons? 

Because the Revenant would be another more burly in-your-face guy, but with more rotation depth and difficulty. But as I read above; you don't seem very hyped for complicated or very static rotations, so I'm guessing you prefer a more reaction-based style of play.

If the in-your-face, fast paced gameplay is the thing you are looking for, I would suggest Daredevil thief (or thief in general). Which also has the option of playing a very static ranged class in the Deadeye and a support caster in the new specter.

If you prefer to get more than 1 in your face style elite-spec, I would say that the revenant would still be the winner overall, because all three elite specs can be played as power damage and I would say that the class is a bit in between warrior and thief in style of gameplay.

If it is the simplicity of the warrior, not difficulty-wise, but fantasy wise (just hit the thing to kill it), that you like, then I would suggest trying the ranger. It also has a lot of different options in weapons, as melee and ranged. It has two elite specializations that can be played as power damage as ranged and melee and then one support/healer spec to switch it up if you want.

You might also like the engineer, but that one is a bit different, as you get no weapon swap in combat. Instead you have kits that you can equip as "weapon", that give you 5 new skills. Engineers are one of the most versatile classes out there. 

If the more basic fighter fantasy has nothing to do with your love for warrior and magic is also on the table you could look at Mesmer. Mesmers could be described as a magic version of the combination of warrior and thief (please don't hate me for this comparison my sweet friends in the forum). A lot of Mesmer gameplay is very reactive with class-specific blocks/dodge and occurs in melee range quite often. It also offers a lot of options for getting into end-game content groups, but with EoD that is true for most classes 🙂

Hope this helps! And if you have questions you can always ask!

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Power Reaper.  I run axe/warhorn and GS.  Your Soul is Mine for healing, Signet of Spite, You Are All Weaklings for stun break, and switch Rise and Epidemic situationally, also I normally run flesh golem when I need lots of CC, otherwise Chilled to the Bone.  I run marauder's armor, but, the build was originally designed to run with Valkyrie's - Reaper Shroud is based on vitality, so more vitality means more time in shroud.  Most people would say to run dagger, but, axe is almost as good at building life force and gives you some range.  If I remember correctly, I based it off of NikeDNT's power reaper build from YouTube.


Another alternative is Power Alac Renegade.  I run the same power alac ren build in raids and open world without any problems, though I will frequently run shortbow instead of staff in open world on the second weapon set.  You can also play around with the build and use marauder's armor and full diviner's trinkets and weapons and still hit the 100% alac uptime and crit chance with higher vitality very easily.

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6 hours ago, Jukhy.2431 said:

I used to be a warrior like you but then I took an arrow to the knee.. from a ranger.. I mean I made a ranger and never looked back.
Lotsa fun altho different playstyle, and I like the thief too cause of the same mobility. For more warrior-like playstyle I'd suggest guardian or revenant. Necro is also fun in group content but for me it's bit too boring in solo play.

HA I mained warrior as my first account back in 2012 when the game came out. I took around 3 weeks to get my character to lvl 80, got max stats then I maxed every other character out with Exotic stats, got all legendaries then HOT came out, I played Warrior and got ascended gear on him. Then I realized we were hated by ANET and it was not going well from there. WVW was a disaster as we got one shot. We took way to much pain and kills. Finally after HOT I created a Necro and played it non stop. Lucky for me I was correct as Warrior is still hot garbage to this day. I tried playing holosmith in POF but I utterly hate and I mean HATE playing grenades and kits. So I got back to the Necro and really enjoy it. I might swap to vindicator and FB for WVW and other shenanigans but for now Necro is and always will be my go to.

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On 3/22/2022 at 9:37 AM, Abbysial.6721 said:

I'm not against using trying out Condi, I have just mostly seen that I prefer Power as a style.

and Thief is a good idea, that for some reason I didn't hink about. What Elite would you recommend for Thief?

Staff daredevil is quite a bit of fun. It is fast, mobile, decent damage including AoE.


Im currently really into specter, but staff daredevil will probably always remain my favorite spec of all time across all classes/specializations. 

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