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Mechanist & Specter are the real targets you should be focusing nerf discussion

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2 hours ago, Infinity.2876 said:

A spec is really good at running away so amazing 

Soulbeast does that all the time too

Also more sustain isn't noticeable amount of probably has less sustain than your average necros who can generate shroud at 1 health bar per 10 sec

No I die just as fast as anyone from condis while running in stealth after doing hide in shadows. Yes I do have shadows embrace traited

You're not understanding how this spec is performing when wielded by higher tiered players.

Also, Soulbeast mobility isn't even in the same ballpark for comparison to any Thief build for several reasons.

Here is a comparison of Specter mobility vs. DP Daredevil and how they differ.

Note that a Soulbeast cannot ground target teleport to bypass elevations, nor does it have on-demand super speed.

GW2 - Specter vs. DP Daredevil mobility test - Twitch

Here are the times:

  • Specter Home to Mid - 13.5 seconds  

    DP Daredevil Home to Mid - 13 seconds  

    Specter Long Lap - 1 minute 25 seconds  

    DP Daredevil Long Lap - 1 minute 14 seconds  

    Specter Burst Disengage - spawn to past mid in 9 seconds  

    DP Daredevil Burst Disengage - spawn to before mid in 7 seconds  

Specter has a better quick burst disengage due to many ground target teleports, but DP Daredevil is still making much better rotational times overall when comes to elongated runs. What this means is that DP Daredevil is still a better rotational decap, but Specter is better at escaping bad situations in the immediate when it comes to combats. The amount of teleports alone puts it ahead in this aspect, but then you stack that Necro Shroud on top of that, and we get a spec that's a bit harder to kill than it should be for how much sheer mobility it has.

Regardless, trying to compare Soulbeast mobility or any other class mobility for that matter to Thief level mobility, is just not a realistic comparison. Thief builds greatly outshine other classes in sheer mobility & disengage.


Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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On 3/28/2022 at 6:23 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

You're not understanding how this spec is performing when wielded by higher tiered players.

Also, Soulbeast mobility isn't even in the same ballpark for comparison to any Thief build for several reasons.

Here is a comparison of Specter mobility vs. DP Daredevil and how they differ.

Note that a Soulbeast cannot ground target teleport to bypass elevations, nor does it have on-demand super speed.

GW2 - Specter vs. DP Daredevil mobility test - Twitch

Here are the times:

  • Specter Home to Mid - 13.5 seconds  

    DP Daredevil Home to Mid - 13 seconds  

    Specter Long Lap - 1 minute 25 seconds  

    DP Daredevil Long Lap - 1 minute 14 seconds  

    Specter Burst Disengage - spawn to past mid in 9 seconds  

    DP Daredevil Burst Disengage - spawn to before mid in 7 seconds  

Specter has a better quick burst disengage due to many ground target teleports, but DP Daredevil is still making much better rotational times overall when comes to elongated runs. What this means is that DP Daredevil is still a better rotational decap, but Specter is better at escaping bad situations in the immediate when it comes to combats. The amount of teleports alone puts it ahead in this aspect, but then you stack that Necro Shroud on top of that, and we get a spec that's a bit harder to kill than it should be for how much sheer mobility it has.

Regardless, trying to compare Soulbeast mobility or any other class mobility for that matter to Thief level mobility, is just not a realistic comparison. Thief builds greatly outshine other classes in sheer mobility & disengage.


You have to take the average of 3 laps for each test to compare these. You will see really quick that the daredevil is way faster when compared. Please stop acting like rangers don't have amazing disengage as well as the common spellbreaker. Power mirage has got some mobility too along with weavers. The spectre is the boat with those, otherwise it won't have any skills or use. Because it isn't a decapper, and specs right now are preventing DP from viability. So, to have a place in the game, no they didn't get any nerfs. Jeez

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Obviously, spectre wasn't designed to be a decapper, they chose to make them more team build oriented, but decided not to completely gut thieves in terms of defense, so some mobility would be expected, as they only have 9 base ini, this is basically dropping a weapon while in combat for shroud. Look at the skill cost. Look at the build they used, can you not see the weaknesses? It's nothing that can't be built to fight. Where are the dp complaints? Oh yeah, no one is playing because in today's meta it's d tier.

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1 hour ago, Gundam Style.8495 said:

You have to take the average of 3 laps for each test to compare these. You will see really quick that the daredevil is way faster when compared. Please stop acting like rangers don't have amazing disengage as well as the common spellbreaker. Power mirage has got some mobility too along with weavers. The spectre is the boat with those, otherwise it won't have any skills or use. Because it isn't a decapper, and specs right now are preventing DP from viability. So, to have a place in the game, no they didn't get any nerfs. Jeez

This guy is a ranger main, I believe!

He asks for nerfs on thief and defend any thread opened against ranger, lol

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4 hours ago, anjo.6143 said:

This guy is a ranger main, I believe!

He asks for nerfs on thief and defend any thread opened against ranger, lol

What's wrong with ranger? It is not meta and barely viable at roamer role or duelist. Other professions do his role much better.


Meanwhile specter on marauder amulet or condi can support, +1, decap, roam, duel and sidenode. Balanced yeah?

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9 hours ago, Gundam Style.8495 said:

You have to take the average of 3 laps for each test to compare these. You will see really quick that the daredevil is way faster when compared. Please stop acting like rangers don't have amazing disengage as well as the common spellbreaker.

This is dumb propaganda, like saying apples are roughly the same size as a watermelon.

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On 3/27/2022 at 6:28 PM, Tycura.1982 said:

The amount of people who don't understand specter is busted just kill me lmao.


So let me get this right.

You can shadowstep 5 times?

You get quickness on each one with a rune?

You get core necro's mechanic? While being able to support? While still being able to burst?

You can res people like a res signet?

You can heal people? Barrier too?

You've got chronomancers elite but with mobility?

You've got access to all the best soft CC conditions?

5 seconds of slow and 10 stacks of poison you say?

Torment for your buddy too?

You can still stealth?

Alacrity too? Oh wait you mean consume plasma as a well?

You still have mobility?

Back to back cancel casting 5-6k projectiles?

You can win 1v1s? You can +1? You can still support people?


Yeah ok. You guys are right specter is pretty underwhelming.

T H I S.

Specter is busted.

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Mechanist nerf sadly missed the target. Imo the problem with mechanist is not that the mech is to strong. The problem is that the sustain of the mechanist is overtuned. a good mechanist can stall almost any build, while the mech is winning the fight for him. The problem in this is not that the mech is to strong. The Problem is the mechanist itself is to resiliant thanks to alot of stabi and HUUUGE Sustain. If they want to balance Mechanist they have to tweak the sustain, rather than the stats of the mech.

OHH and btw... who in their right minds thought that a Profession that heavily relys on a AI controlled BEEPBOOP is healthy for the game? Its just pretty lame imo (atleast in spvp and WvW).


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What I'd like to see from specter:

- Remove the slow on Siphon. Slow sucks and nobody likes it.

- Reduce the base values of healing/barrier, increase coefficient on...most things.

- Twilight Combo can have excellent damage or chill, but not both. Fix the bugs with it tho.

- Hungering Darkness needs to die alongside every other pulsing cleanse but that's require a pretty comprehensive condi rework, so eh. Here's hoping.

- The elite well needs a distinct animation when jumping to differentiate it from the other wells the specter is using, if it doesn't already have one.

- Not sure what, if anything, needs to be done about the wells themselves + the alac trait. DrD and core used to run 2-3 stunbreaks, and now it's just shadowstep, so...I don't think ppl would use the wells w/out the alac, either. Boon well isn't something you'll really stand in for long, and enemies won't stand in the dmg one for long either unless CC'd. Best part about them imo is the teleport and alac. The thief gives up the value of AoE stealth/blast/blind/stunbreak and group cleanse/+end restore. Maybe anet  could trim a second or two off the alac duration, but eh.


Admittedly these are just the more nerfy things I'd like to see. A few things need buffs, such as Shadow Sap, and the rez trait imo should be in the middle tier. 

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Spectre is at healthy point post nerfs. Scepter/dagger 3 has an obvious animation and slow projectile, if you are not dodging/blocking this, then what are you doing it on versus spectre? Their auto? If you take damage from this ability, you deserve it. And now that it's 5 initiative, they can only do two casts in a row, not 3.

If slow is bad, then we should gut revenant. It has access to slow, chill and weakness. 3 most hated conditions all at once. The duration nerf was the correct call, instead of removing it.

The condition cleanse on Spectre is now weakest of all pulse condition cleanses, so as long as we have them there is no point complaining about it.

Spectre's main power now is 2v2s. It will still be very powerful in 2v2s and that's the design of the class to support 1 person extremely well but not be able to support team fights. At least not very well.

Edited by Nezekan.2671
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They could probably start with fixing the shroud HP display issue, first it's red on red, really ? Just put it purple I don't know do something.


Then could we effectively see the amount of shroud instead of its scaling with max HP ? PLEASE ?


When they will eventually go through this very complex process, maybe they should start to look at the shadowstep out max range pre cast glitch 3 animation speed boost ????


Issue is that specter shroud management is not readable. And the 3rd skill is full of bugs which enable abusive mechanics on the 2nd projectile.

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On 3/28/2022 at 2:10 AM, Gundam Style.8495 said:

Well, the best way to get after Specter is to nerf the core thief skills and more utility skills. Probably should nerf daredevil too, because its affect specter. I suggest a nerf to infiltrator signet and unhindered combatant. Base stealth for anything thief should be reduced to 2 seconds including combos. Heartseeker should be increased cost to 5 initiative, and the distance should be lowered to 240. Swiftness of UC is too long as well, suggest cutting in half so acrobatics will be used more. Remove the well rune from pvp.

Why not just delete thief 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 alway the poor pepos that lose to outplay classes with super high skill sealing and get buthurt 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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3 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I feel like the elite well animation needs to be distinctly different than the other wells.

That's a very powerful well, better than Dragon's Maw honestly, and it is able to be hidden too easily.

I agree that wells need better tells before the fact.

But just as a note, the elite well is the only one not castable while moving. Spectres can still fake/juke by standing still on regular wells too tho.

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