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Bladesworn - Dragon trigger is rly frustrating (PVE)


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6 minutes ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Yeah, but you're complaining about having downtime in damage between fighting mobs in open world,

no no no, you are derailing from the topic. I have no issues with my weapon skill or utility cool downs or rotation. I have enough muscle memory to use them efficiently and without even looking at the timers.

What I don't like is the downtime on the class mechanic and I find it boring and less efficient for open world.

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4 hours ago, Mesket.5728 said:

no no no, you are derailing from the topic. I have no issues with my weapon skill or utility cool downs or rotation. I have enough muscle memory to use them efficiently and without even looking at the timers.

What I don't like is the downtime on the class mechanic and I find it boring and less efficient for open world.

Let's be clear: not liking CD's on class mechanics isn't the topic here to begin with so they are derailing the topic? Weird.

Why would someone continue to play a class who's class mechanic they don't like? 🤔

Here is the realistic answer to that: Anet isn't going to change existing specs to accommodate people that have problems with CD's on class mechanics because CD's on class mechanics isn't a problem. Make better choices. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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I hated it on begin, them had spend some weeks on my willbender.

I come back to bladesworn today, im loving it now.

Like SpellBreaker, is a spec the rely on a "nuke" skill, so u have to be used/train a bit, to get used to timing. Once u get used, u feel is more easier to handle then spellbreaker full counter.

But is really no so good against few(1~2) trash mobs, just forget about dragon trigger. Against pack of mobs,(5+) is really very great, the damage is just insane.

Also my playstyle is even more complicated, because i dont like gunsaber, i use greatsword.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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19 hours ago, Sentinel VX.1392 said:

You should have use your stab when start charging unless your got hit by more than 1 CC.


Another possibility is you your dragon trigger in under 8s because the trait that give stab has 8s cd while dragon trigger only has 7s.

It was truly a masterful stroke of brilliance, to give an internal cooldown to that trait.


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19 hours ago, Opun.3824 said:

So i mostly play thief but like to play warrior from time time, so after changes to elite spec asended weapon collection i thought i would play some bladesworm to get his ascended pistol skin.


I logged to warrior and went to echovald to kill some mobs to try build, skills etc.

I started fighting with few mobs, filled my flow bar, eneterd dragon trigger, started charging dragon slash and... BAM some enemy instantly cast fear on me the moment i started charging dragon slash, my char started running all over place, dragon trigger is on cd... i think ok lets try again... few second later dragon trigger is no longer on cd, so again i start to charge dragon slash and BAM, again fear... it happened like 5 times in a row, i couldnt even use it once coz of insta fear from some simple mobs... i just gave up and stopped using it, and finished those mobs with axe and pistol...


So conclusion from all of this is that currently charging dragon trigger even in most casual open world pve can end up being rly frustrating and just not fun when dragon trigger is so easily interrupted.

Also even if somehow u finish charging dragon slash and use it on mobs, even in full zereker gear with good tratis (Snowcrows build or metabattle), simple mobs are not even killed in one hit ;/


I just wanted to share my impressions with current state of bladesworm most unique mechanic.

Was it a seeker? Lol If so I know what you mean..this particular mob would literally fear me from dragon trigger every time even if I tried to randomize when I cast it

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Yeah it could be seeker, also fighting champs in OW it not rly fun also, often when fighting them when i start dragon slash i get CC'ed or champ just moves out of range, and even skill 2,3 or 5 cant rly help it coz it went after someone else and is too far 😞

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17 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Well, that really depends on the build, not the spec, as well as the content. Of course if you don't consider how you get adrenaline/flow, you don't get to burst on trash mobs, ESPECIALLY in early game content. ALL warriors have this problem to some degree.

That being said ... haven't encountered many mobs in EoD that I don't get to use my bursts so the idea that Zerk or BsW is a 'waste of time' in OW ... is just angry player rhetoric. I have yet to not have the adrenaline to use Primal Burst on CD and on BsW, you don't need a full adrenaline to use it so ... people need to learn to make builds appropriate for the content they are doing for how they want to play. 

As for the OP being frustrated ... there is definitely more consideration when you should burst and it pretty much goes with out saying the more mobs you encounter with more chance for CC, the harder it will be for ANY class to take the actions they want without interruption. 


You mean you don't have to all out stop DPS for a few seconds while your flow fills otherwise one more triple chop will kill them? I'd say you're not hitting hard enough then.

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2 hours ago, Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

You mean you don't have to all out stop DPS for a few seconds while your flow fills otherwise one more triple chop will kill them? I'd say you're not hitting hard enough then.

Don't really get your point here ... would you EVER burst a mob with such little HP on any espec? I mean, you CAN for thrills, but it doesn't make sense to complain about it if you do or complain it's not worth using your class mechanic on the last bit of HP on a mob. 

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18 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Don't really get your point here ... would you EVER burst a mob with such little HP on any espec? I mean, you CAN for thrills, but it doesn't make sense to complain about it if you do or complain it's not worth using your class mechanic on the last bit of HP on a mob. 

To maintain Berserker's Power stacks, cleanse condis with CI, or to refresh Adrenal Health stacks.

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16 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

To maintain Berserker's Power stacks, cleanse condis with CI, or to refresh Adrenal Health stacks.

Fair enough ... my point isn't that there aren't reasons to do so. People appear to be complaining that warrior especs are "a waste of time in OW" because of things like CD's on class mechanics. Everyone realizes that's an absolutely ridiculous claim right? It would be sad to have to explain why, yet the responses suggest it is necessary. 

I have no more problem with class mechanic CD's on warrior than I do on the eight other classes where they exist, so it's REALLY hard to see where this CD makes warrior especs 'a waste of time in OW' but not for the other classes. Basically, people just talking out their rears at this point because they don't like things about the class. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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34 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Don't really get your point here ... would you EVER burst a mob with such little HP on any espec? I mean, you CAN for thrills, but it doesn't make sense to complain about it if you do or complain it's not worth using your class mechanic on the last bit of HP on a mob. 

If there's no reason for me to use my class mechanics then why'd I even bring the class in the first place? Every other profession gets to use their class mechanics right off the bat in a fight if they so choose. Shoot Anet even gives free refills to other professions to fill any bars they may have in raids while they make warrior just have to deal with it and fill it from 0 tell me how that's fair.

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6 minutes ago, Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

If there's no reason for me to use my class mechanics then why'd I even bring the class in the first place? Every other profession gets to use their class mechanics right off the bat in a fight if they so choose. Shoot Anet even gives free refills to other professions to fill any bars they may have in raids while they make warrior just have to deal with it and fill it from 0 tell me how that's fair.

I didn't say there wasn't a reason to your class mechanics. I simply don't understand the purpose of the post you made in response to what I said. 

Why doesn't Warrior get to use it class mechanic right off the bat? It's theme. It's got nothing to do with 'fair'. It never has. I'm betting it's not going to change with current specs either. If that class mechanic doesn't suit how you want to play ... make better choices. I personally don't have much problem with it, even if I do want to burst right off the bat ... there are ways to achieve that. 

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12 minutes ago, Mesket.5728 said:

Its incredible some people need to be explained about this very basic design flaw.

Except it's not a design flaw because there are reasons to use your class mechanics EVEN when the mob is near the end of it's life.  It's incredible that some people with claimed thousands of hours of warrior playtime need to be explained that. Other posters even gave EXAMPLES of what those things are. 

I get you aren't happy about how warrior works but if you are going to complain, those complaints should make some sense. CD's on class mechanics are NOT a problem. Benefitting from class mechanics because there are reasons to use them is NOT a design flaw. 

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2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Except it's not a design flaw because you there are reasons to use your class mechanics EVEN when the mob is near the end of it's life. It's incredible that some people with claimed thousands of hours of warrior playtime need to be explained that.

Why would I stop my attack chain to stand there doing nothing charging my attack when just 1 more hit would kill the mob?

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42 minutes ago, Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

Why would I stop my attack chain to stand there doing nothing charging my attack when just 1 more hit would kill the mob?

I guess you missed some answers to that question here:

1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

To maintain Berserker's Power stacks, cleanse condis with CI, or to refresh Adrenal Health stacks.

Again, I don't really understand what your point of your responses to me are here. If there is a reason to use your mechanic, do so. If not, then don't. I'm not here to tell you how to play warrior. You play it how you want. 

But ... when you use your burst that has NOTHING to do with warrior especs being 'a waste of time in OW' like someone is claiming it is. That's the discussion I'm having here. If that's not what you are talking to me about, then you better make your point more clear. 


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35 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I guess you missed some answers to that question here:

Again, I don't really understand what your point of your responses to me are here. If there is a reason to use your mechanic, do so. If not, then don't. I'm not here to tell you how to play warrior. You play it how you want. 

But ... when you use your burst that has NOTHING to do with warrior especs being 'a waste of time in OW' like someone is claiming it is. That's the discussion I'm having here. If that's not what you are talking to me about, then you better make your point more clear. 

If you haven't understood it from what I've said to this point you haven't been paying attention. So I'll spell it out for you...  If I want to use the burst on the new shiny elite spec I have to let the flow build. Yes I know you have ways to build it faster but the other elite specs could top out faster. Then finally once you have enough flow built you can then finally start charging the skill that eats your flow charging that into bullets which takes time and you can't do anything to make that faster. Then you FINALLY get to hit with your big shiny attack that Anet sold us. 

We're forced to build up 1 resource to then spend on another resource to even use our big class mechanic. So tell me why should I even bother with something that clunky? As the topic says dragon trigger is extremely frustrating.

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6 minutes ago, Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

We're forced to build up 1 resource to then spend on another resource to even use our big class mechanic. So tell me why should I even bother with something that clunky? As the topic says dragon trigger is extremely frustrating.

If you don't see a reason to bother with it, don't use it. That's just a personal preference. Frustrating? for some people that's true but don't pretend there aren't reasons people will play it. If it's too frustrating to play, it's a good thing we have LOTS of other choices. 

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9 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

If you don't see a reason to bother with it, don't use it. That's just a personal preference. Frustrating? for some people that's true but don't pretend there aren't reasons people will play it. If it's too frustrating to play, it's a good thing we have LOTS of other choices. 

Then why did I bother getting the expansion of I'm just going to continue playing what I've already been playing?

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6 minutes ago, Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

Then why did I bother getting the expansion of I'm just going to continue playing what I've already been playing?

I don't know ... I don't see how that's relevant to the thread though. Personally, I think if the only value the expansion has for someone is ONE espec, they are just are looking too narrowly and don't value their money in the first place. I mean ... you spent ten's of dollars for access to JUST ONE espec you might not like while having TWO chances to beta test it free of charge? Sounds like you just made a bad purchasing decision. 

Caveat Emptor

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