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Open world solo build help


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I was trying to find a solo open world build to do 20k damage with because currently I only do 10k although that isn't bad doing more damage seems nice and all the builds that specified dps were for everything but pve also I know theres metabattle but i dont know how much dps they do (sounds stupid but yeh)

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1 hour ago, CritikalMoist.7216 said:

I was trying to find a solo open world build to do 20k damage with because currently I only do 10k although that isn't bad doing more damage seems nice and all the builds that specified dps were for everything but pve also I know theres metabattle but i dont know how much dps they do (sounds stupid but yeh)

A lot of times the DPS numbers you see are from DPS tests on the raid Golem.  They ignore sustain in favor of getting every ounce of DPS from a build, as well as using optimal boons on self and conditions on the Golem.  This might be fine for Raiding or Fractals, but in Open World you will rarely have that optimal situation to maximize your DPS.

Benchmarks | Snow Crows

Scroll to the bottom of that page to see what the recommended boons and conditions are for DPS testing.  Then consider that most builds are not going to be able to provide the majority of them at the same time, if at all, by themselves.  Even in an OW Zerg you may not get all the boons and conditions to meet the requirement.

I mention this as it frames the actual response; When you are playing solo, Open World, facing a single target, 10k DPS is pretty good compared to the average player.  20k DPS would be very strong for most players, if it is even attainable on the majority of OW builds, which it usually won't be.

Now, the above link also provides an entry point into what the top DPS specs can do, and may give you ideas on how to optimize your build, or find a different profession which will perhaps give you more DPS in a package that you enjoy.

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My problem with snow crows is that it's only for raids and that kinda thing and factors in that you will always be getting buffs from other players including the rotation and build is in more favour of raids or big groups PLUS at the bottom there golem set up which means it isn't for solo open world

Edited by CritikalMoist.7216
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16 minutes ago, CritikalMoist.7216 said:

My problem with snow crows is that it's only for raids and that kinda thing and factors in that you will always be getting buffs from other players including the rotation and build is in more favour of raids or big groups PLUS at the bottom there golem set up which means it isn't for solo open world

Do you search for something tanky with dps?

In this case:
This is my Open World Weaver Build:

Not done for legendary enemies because of the high cooldown of Stone_Resonance but very good to kill Champions in very low time.
Can solo all heropoints in HoT in a short time, including Champion_Avatar_of_Balthazar and Champion_Mushroom_Queen which are hps where lots of players struggle.

Other strong open world build with sustain would be Condi Renegade, Condi Scourge, Condi Mechanist, Condi Willbender, Condi Harbinger and Condi Mirage.
Condi Mirage doesnt have that much dps tho.

Edited by SeTect.5918
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20k dps self buffed is not easy to achieve. Many classes can hit that benchmark and higher, but only temporarily since they lack the boons to sustain their rotation. Most of the time you dont even get to do a full rotation because you are always killing things and moving to different targets.

A better measure of open world build strength is their ability to solo champs or groups of veterans & elites. You ideally want enough cc for breakbars and enough sustain to keep you in a fight if you get hit. Also you should be able to give yourself permanent 25 might, fury, and decent uptime of other boons like prot or quickness.

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Honestly there is not many people trying to build solo 20k DPS builds. Your best bet is anything with high burst or conditions like torment or confusion but they are both situational.

I mean Soulbeast with a right rotation can get you the 20k DPS but the problem is your will die just as quick, you a very sharp piece of paper where one interruptions and you drop below 5k DPS.

Other options include Reaper or something like Chrono with danger time.


Over all the best way to get the high DPS in the open world is group enemies up and cleave.

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