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Fix Forced Engagement. (+Rant)


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It's one thing to ask players for pixel precise LoS to use a skill, but it's another to change what fundamentally never was a problem for years until you changed yourself.


I don't want to stop playing Core Revenant, stop gutting my already limited options. I bought your expansions, I already to pay to play this profession. You're slowly ruining it step by step, Mallyx is already a travesty of it's former design that you ignore the mistakes of.


You can make it better, I've waited and waited, the years are stacking up and slowly it is becoming unplayable by every update that you release. Take the QoL from what players experience the game with in priority so that we can enjoy your game in the way that you marketed it in the first place. I cannot fathom how it is ridiculous that you Anet as the own creator of your content fail to understand what you initially designed to work so well to be utterly ruined in every conceivable way with absolutely no explanation.


Core Revenant is legitimately only a quarter playable now and that elites hardly make it any better. Fix your game. This is not just for me but everything else that you changed without concern of the bigger impact.


Core should never be changed in regards to elites, elites should be changed in regards to core. If Core is too strong, it'll be obvious because it is where you started, core is where your game began. Newer ideas shouldn't rot the foundation of the game, it should improve it.


Please, you just released another expansion, you have the market that constantly flow money. You have all the reasons to finally address the issues that keep plaguing the fundamental of the game further and further...


It's not okay that the very beginning of the debut of professions are being ruined in the light of their future. You should justify yourself logically for every decision that you take, it is objectively really easy to know apart from what may or may not be overpowered.

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Yea i hate how they make skills on rev nowadays. If you dont have an perfect LoS on skills, like Forced engagement or hammer 2, it simply goes onto an cooldown for not being able to cast. They make rev even worse than it already is. Btw its still counted as "beta" in bugtracker, maybe its getting finally offically released out of the beta soon 

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1 hour ago, Thornwolf.9721 said:

Becomes clearer every patch that they just don't want revenant to really exist. Outside of renegade of course~


Hyperbole like this is so unnecessary. It's the same on every profession subforum. Everybody thinking ANet is out to get their favorite class. Really...you actually think that ANet doesn't want Revenant to exist? Yes, they make some questionable decisions and critiquing them is a large part of what these forums are for, but why take it to such an extreme?

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9 hours ago, Za Shaloc.3908 said:


Hyperbole like this is so unnecessary. It's the same on every profession subforum. Everybody thinking ANet is out to get their favorite class. Really...you actually think that ANet doesn't want Revenant to exist? Yes, they make some questionable decisions and critiquing them is a large part of what these forums are for, but why take it to such an extreme?

Because I honestly think it was roy's baby. Without Roy the profession has no future or hope of being more than a meme. I have no faith in them not to botch anything they touch; Every patch they make it worse. Each elite spec after herald has felt horrible and has had "why" written all over it. Its not unnecessary; It's my favorite profession feels terrible. To the point where I haven't touched it since the expansion has dropped and have been bouncing around from class to class looking for the "fix" and feeling I got while enjoying my rev which I can't find.

At this point it'd be better if they either removed us, or just renamed us to renegade and got rid of herald and this ridiculous new spec which doesn't even hold a candle again  to renegade. Im tired of trying; We've all given feedback and it clearly falls on deaf ears who either can't or won't develop anything of value for this class.

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11 hours ago, Za Shaloc.3908 said:


Hyperbole like this is so unnecessary. It's the same on every profession subforum. Everybody thinking ANet is out to get their favorite class. Really...you actually think that ANet doesn't want Revenant to exist? Yes, they make some questionable decisions and critiquing them is a large part of what these forums are for, but why take it to such an extreme?

Current rev plays nothing like release rev back in 2015. Its literally different profession with all the clunky slow skills, high cds and most important of them all -  slapped cds on utilities. The whole energy system and "management" is a joke meme at this point.


Like look rev was supposed to have low cds on weapons cuz he pays energy cost. Now you have same or even larger cds than other classes while energy cost still being there. No point going on and on especially in case of Mallyx. Rev is ruined in my eyes

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16 hours ago, Za Shaloc.3908 said:


Hyperbole like this is so unnecessary. It's the same on every profession subforum. Everybody thinking ANet is out to get their favorite class. Really...you actually think that ANet doesn't want Revenant to exist? Yes, they make some questionable decisions and critiquing them is a large part of what these forums are for, but why take it to such an extreme?

   Well, since Revenant was one of the selling points of HoT, but PoF's Renegade is way better at PvE content, they no longer need competitive core or Herald builds to sell expansions...  Also, I known that in every forum there's moanings about changes at every class, but lest be real: what happens with some of the largely UNFIXED bugs in this profession would be entirely unnaceptable by Guardian, Ranger or Necro players. Just try to figure what would happen in the Reddit forums if those classes had random changes in the order of the utilities while moving from maps, mounts, game modes or instanced content.

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1 hour ago, Buran.3796 said:

   Well, since Revenant was one of the selling points of HoT, but PoF's Renegade is way better at PvE content, they no longer need competitive core or Herald builds to sell expansions...  Also, I known that in every forum there's moanings about changes at every class, but lest be real: what happens with some of the largely UNFIXED bugs in this profession would be entirely unnaceptable by Guardian, Ranger or Necro players. Just try to figure what would happen in the Reddit forums if those classes had random changes in the order of the utilities while moving from maps, mounts, game modes or instanced content.

As well

  1. a core weapon skill getting you stuck in terrain
  2. traits that either didn't work or simply were not working as intended
  3. if damage and utility was shaved off of all of their weapons
  4. if they had any form of management outside of cooldowns
  5. if every other elite spec was made to be nearly unplayable in every game mode even the ones it was intended to be rock solid in
  6. and finally core features of your class being removed without any form of explanation or compensation


And finally to top off the cake of disappointment, rage, malignance and otherwise horrid view of the developers and their botched whatever this attempt was at making something for revenant. The utter lack of regard for what the class was intended to be, its role and above all the fluidity of its combat. Even the other problem children (Thief and messmer) have their fluidity and they get to keep their weapons utility and movement. Both are plagued with horrible balance decisions are hit needlessly hard when the time comes. But they do have things that make them fun to play where as current revenant compared to what it was initially sold and shipped as? Is completely un-fun and a husk of what it was. 

Again I've barely touched rev, my main since I've returned. I have little interest in it as when I see a rev all I See is a free kill now. Without roy this class has no future and thats clear to see. We have no developer or team dedicated to us unlike the other classes who at least likely have a rep at the table; We're unwanted, unloved and likely by the dev's considered to be a mistake. 

Their choices illustrate this in their blatant lack of understanding and unwillingness to make the class functional; Which mind you it used to be. It used to be good, it used to be fun and it used to be really really good. But then the QQ over blocks or evades and "sPeCiAl MeChAnIcS" Got out of control and the community refused to adapt to it, even though the core cast could often still take it on and beat it soundly. I remember in the HoT beta when people whined about rev but reaper was over here embarrassing herald, so was zerker. So its partly their fault and partly the community. The class has been stripped of too much, has been given too little or nothing. 

I honestly regret loving it, regret devoting time to it. Regret allowing it to pull me back in during HoT because I miss my class. The one I paid for. The one I loved and the one they will never let me have again; Rather whatever this amalgamation of ideas and "BaLaNcE" Has created. 

But hey... Blue-class exists so.. I guess there is that.

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On 4/9/2022 at 4:20 PM, Virdo.1540 said:

Yea i hate how they make skills on rev nowadays. If you dont have an perfect LoS on skills, like Forced engagement or hammer 2, it simply goes onto an cooldown for not being able to cast. They make rev even worse than it already is. Btw its still counted as "beta" in bugtracker, maybe its getting finally offically released out of the beta soon 

Yet I'll put up with perfect LoS. I get it, less cheese.


But where's the grenade LoS nerf on core engineer then? Where's the consistency in decision making for other things that are just as problematic in the long? Those also reach much further than intended if done right, same for ranger longbow in general.


A weapon, Hammer, designed to work with a legend mechanically and thematically, Jalis The Iron Hammer, is counter intituively terrible to set up with it's very recognizable moves. Setting up someone with Forced Engagment unless they are crippled/chilled or using purposefully range weapon are soooooooooooooo stupidly if not impossible to work for reasons I'll have to put out again, too far they run up against you therefor miss your hit point blank due to a nearly 3 year long mistake of a change, or FE will miss because for again reasons I'll explain, basic relative principles, the projectile is already slow and the further you are the more likely to miss targets that are normally in range make it out of the possible range.


That's just one issue among double digits issues in a profession with such simple choices already. You no longer wonder feel like those are just nerfs but personally attacked for no reason because none of these nerfs are properly or even justified at all. Just some random change that slides in after years of one thing that nobody ever complained about be damned away.


We all know that Taunt is buggy to a degree but not the range of skill, but because of the refusal to fix actual issues.


Much of the changes with Revenant hardly affected gameplay until they started to take away the actual design away from their initial purpose. Core Revenant was at it's balanced peak until they changed Resistance, after that they only kept changing durations and effects until what used to make sense is no longer.


I'm not against nerfs, Revenant needed some but they're taking it way too far with it. Core likewise had a peak and it's now slowly descending into the unplayable category. There were mistakes you could shrug off but when it affects your entire ability to make skills even properly achieve anything, they are doing something terribly wrong.

Edited by Shao.7236
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