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Why do so many people choose wvw as a 1v1 dueling lobby?


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On 4/8/2022 at 11:34 AM, Hotride.2187 said:

If you are directly above or below south camp (alpine border), its where players gather to duel. Move along if you dont like it. You will highly likely get ganked by the rest of the duelers otherwise. And from my experience, the duelers are skilled and dont kitten around.

If its elsewhere, obviously its nice if you get asked to kitten off that you do. But it happens, sometimes you dont read chat on time, etc.. Not a big deal if you interfered then IMO.

As for why people duel... when you roam sometimes you run into someone you want to 1v1 and they want to duel you also (they liked your build, your playstyle, your attitude, they think you are good and vice versa). Or overall you want practice against specific builds (good way to learn matchups). Or you want to duel - I spent a lot of time in WoW just dueling, and so did others. Likewise I duel a lot in GW2.

For not 1v1ing in spvp, balancing there is very different. If you main wvw roaming, wvw is where you want to duel.

And as for "circlejerk"... personally I find ganking to be graceless garbage. You dont find me insulting players who only do that. To each their own, wvw is about finding your own fun.

For an extra area, there is armistice. It does get dueling and it does have shitheads who interrupt even there. But they do that specifically to ruin other players fun. Not to help out.


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Bit of advice, when you see 2 people fighting, don't interfere unless they run to you for help. When you see 2 guilds are fighting, don't interfere, don't kitten clouding around trying to pick up kills here and there... that's not nice, so basically try to read the situation and decide whether to interfere or not. When you see 2v1, definitely join, they definitely can't win 3v1. Jokes aside, WvW has various mini-games that people like to play, you need to know those and don't ruin other people's fun. It's not elitism or anything, just respect and etiquette  

Edited by laoshanlung.3675
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Sometimes, especially if new to the game mode, you do not know if a given fight is a duel, but you will learn the common duel spots and can decide for yourself if you want to actively seek to interrupt others' fun. If you do you can expect them to respond. You described your ally as backing off and asking you to not interfere and have repeatedly insulted him and his duelling partner for it. I doubt many would take much exception if you had just said, as others have here without receiving backlash, "red = dead." But instead you chose to attack others for playing differently, in a largely sandbox game mode, from yourself. 


All of that said, if duelists are contributing to their server score by capping or attacking non duelists then they dont really have anything to complain about if killed.

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On 4/8/2022 at 11:07 AM, gorgoroth.8360 said:

I just don't get it, you see your ally fighting another guy, so you jump in to help only for him to back off and and tell you not to interfere.
Pretty sure the pvp lobby was made for 1v1 combat and still you got people like that circle jerking eachother in wvw.
Is there really an incentive to ''1v1 me bruh'' in wvw?

I had a situation like this. I am playing Support Vindicator Revenant.  So I have little power to deal damage. But I saw this Necromancer attacking a ally player, so I jumped in. While I started fighting. The ally player just stopped and stood nearby while me and the Necromancer exchange blows for a good 10 mins before I went down from lack of damage.  Once I went down, the ally player went back to fighting the Necromancer.       


I was very disappointed by that, since I only jumped in the first to help an ally I saw being attacked. I am support player after all. But guess this player didn't want that. Very off putting. SPvP has ways for small scale combat.  Leave that stuff there and open up slots for people that actually want to do large scale PvPvE

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On 4/11/2022 at 2:58 PM, solemn.9608 said:


Nah screw that. If iam in the middle of nowhere, regardless,  and I am being attacked by enemy players, I expect allies nearby to attempt to rescue me. I do the same when I see allies being attacked. Unless they say something like "stop" or "we dueling"

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On 4/14/2022 at 12:19 AM, Knighthonor.4061 said:

Nah screw that. If iam in the middle of nowhere, regardless,  and I am being attacked by enemy players, I expect allies nearby to attempt to rescue me. I do the same when I see allies being attacked. Unless they say something like "stop" or "we dueling"

yes and no, most duelists have their usual spots to duel (the center of blue and green borderland maps), and when a big group pass by, we don't attack each other. You will recognize those spots once you have played long enough.

Roamers on the other hand, attack anyone they get their hands on whether that person wants to fight or not, they are usually free game, feel free to jump on them, your allies will often thank you for that. But again, if you see 2 people fighting outside the usual duelist spots, and there are people watching, then you should watch as well.

To me personally there is a distinct difference between roamers and duelists, one being that duelists are more fun to play with, they just want to have fun 1v1 fight, roamers are just annoying specifically those that attack us when we are having organized group fight... like what are you trying to achieving shooting at a 25-man blob with 5 scrappers constantly healing... tagging? or roaming with 5 people and gank people by having more people, and those (from the other color not the one we are fighting) that try to pick up tail as we rush to defend our stuff are the worst

Edited by laoshanlung.3675
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On 4/8/2022 at 4:07 PM, gorgoroth.8360 said:

I just don't get it, you see your ally fighting another guy, so you jump in to help only for him to back off and and tell you not to interfere.

Is there really an incentive to ''1v1 me bruh'' in wvw?

Yep, there really is an incentive to 1v1 people -- because they choose to. Repeated testing against another player, without someone having to run from spawn when they lose. Sometimes you may watch as perhaps they're that good it's great to see. Sometimes its just learning.

From what you said, I don't see why you're having a problem? They backed off and asked you not to interfere. Where's the problem? We've all had it happen and in the event someone gets ganked by someone interfering, they just usually respawn and run back. Of course, they may start ganking you in response. Who knows. Part of the fun.

Mountain out of a molehill. 

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