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Player housing poll

How would you like player housing to work?  

356 members have voted

  1. 1. What type of housing would you like in GW2?

    • Adding extra features to the existing home instances
    • Adding extra features to the home instances AND a building or space which officially belongs to my character/s
    • More home instances to choose in different locations around the world
    • Placeable houses in a shared map (or multiple maps) seperate from the rest of the world
    • Placable houses in the existing maps
    • Private spaces for each guild member in guild halls
    • A tempoary/portable home like a tent or airship
    • Any of the above
    • I would prefer a different housing system (explain in a comment)
    • I do not want housing and/or I'm fine with the current home instances with no additional features
  2. 2. Which of these features do you want/expect player housing to have in GW2?

    • Gathering nodes like home instances
    • Town services (bank, TP, merchant, crafting stations etc.)
    • A way to show off my achievements, collected skins, mini pets etc.
    • Placable furniture and decorations
    • NPCs come to live there (either like the story NPCs in home instances or ones you choose and place)
    • "Houses" which do not look like a house - e.g. cave, ship, bare ground, forest etc.
    • Furnishings which allow you to build a house - placable walls, doors, floors, stairs etc.
    • A resting buff like Arborstone (or a different type of buff for going home - explain below)
    • The option to invite other players in my party or squad to visit my house
    • The option to make my house public so everyone can come in even if I'm offline
    • The option to keep my house entirely private so no one else can come in
    • Extra item storage, seperate from the bank and inventory
    • The ability to expand the size of the instance over time (adding more rooms or more land to build on or whatever)
    • Other
  3. 3. Would you like houses to be character-specific?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I don't mind either way

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3 hours ago, Zechie.4039 said:

We are talking about a system that requires little work though, that everyone has the ability to unlock easily. I believe to get a guild hall you must be a level 80 player and have a guild with other level 80 players in, possibly have a few upgrades, and then go on a "mission" which needs a few people 9, I believe you have said, you also need 150 Favor, and 100 gold. 
I also did say people had the option to make their own guilds earlier if you noticed, but also agreed with others who said it wasn't the same thing, and it is not the same thing.

Ok well maybe you are satisfied with that but other people have their own opinion and may not be satisfied with that. Its clearly a thing people want, and have their own views upon. I personally see no issue with having instantized housing, I don't see what harm it could do.  If people want to participate in it they have the choice to do so, if people like yourself do not wish to participate in it then you don't have to. 

I think that's a very judgmental comment to make, you don't know this, it may be popular for a very long time, other MMOs have shown that it can be very popular and people are attracted to it.  

Considering the amount of people in this that are saying they want housing I doubt its only them that think housing would be something they would be interested in. 
Also just to point out, other MMO's have proven housing to be a popular past time players are interested in, some investing a lot in time wise, and in some cases there is the option to purchase items with RL money, but its not a necessity. 
I'm almost 100% sure there's a number of YouTube and Twitch channels dedicated to housing in different MMO's. So clearly it is something that is popular and people are interested in.
You may dislike something but you don't have to participate in it, you also don't have to be against others having the opportunity to participate in it, because you yourself do not like it.

Calling something others see as something they would be interested in a waste is quite dismissive of their thoughts and opinions.
Again just because you dislike something and do not see the point in it, dose not mean it is a waste. 

As I said I would hope it wouldn't, I would hope it would be far more balanced and not be 100% reliant on the gemstore, I would hope a 80% in game and 20% gemstore balance could be reached, and the 20% being things that are not necessities, I would hope. If it did end up with the majority of it reliant on gemstore purchases I would be against it, I wouldn't support it. 

Idk. The stuff you mentioned in getting a hall sounded like chores and hurdles to you but if you are really keen in building and decorating, you will see beyond that and actually enjoy them as some kind of achievements. But I guess you are not.

Having a main feature in an xpac where many dislike IS A WASTE to those people. Again for example fishing (EoD), after a couple of months of hype, people stopped fishing totally. Many even skipped it from the start. On the contrary, Gliders and Mounts (HoT and PoF) for many years we still need them. Why? They are the real useful features that sells xpacs.

I could say the same for just because it's something that you like, it is different and it will be fun and not a waste? 😀

Edited by MintyMin.2718
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I would prefer to have no housing in Guild Wars 2.

I am a housing nut, and I love tinkering on houses, but they also have a way of draining the game world of players and making the world seem empty and inactive, as every player just does their thing from their own house instead of the central auction house.


Expand the guild halls function instead.

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If u want to see housing visit swords of legends online its absolutely gorgeous and seriously creative, if gw2 had housing in some way like this they'd be on to a substantial winner i believe, u can add more crafting for décor and building to the game and of cause the sale of décor, the home instance doesn't cut it and seriously the guild hall is meh its not ur own, its not housing and ppl that say it is obviously never played an mmo with proper housing. 

I would love proper housing and i think it would be good for the players/rpers/ ppl that are creative and seriously profitable for the game.

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11 hours ago, MintyMin.2718 said:

Idk. The stuff you mentioned in getting a hall sounded like chores and hurdles to you but if you are really keen in building and decorating, you will see beyond that and actually enjoy them as some kind of achievements. But I guess you are not.

Very judgemental of you to say this about me, and very wrong. The system a number of people have described is not the same as the one you keep insisting is the same, and keep telling us we need to go and partake in.
I have been in guilds where everything seemed peachy and everyone seemed happy, the guild master built the guild up with everyone's help, after everything was done to a certain standard, the guild master then kicked everyone and sold the guild for a certain amount of gold, advertised it on discord. So I would be very reluctant to join and build up someone else's guild, because this is a potential outcome. 
You don't mention the draw backs of being in something controlled by others, there is the option of having your own guild, a solo guild, but then you have a very limited choice of what you can do which wont really work out, or take far to long to the point people could and probably would lose interest.
Where as the system a number of other people have described is a system that would be accessible to all in some form or another. 

11 hours ago, MintyMin.2718 said:

Having a main feature in an xpac where many dislike IS A WASTE to those people. 

And what about the players who would enjoy it, you are only considering your own opinion, you don't like something you don't want it, and because you don't want it, its a waste, but to many who are interested it is not.
You are also not considering that it could draw more people to the game who are interested in game housing and liked and played GW2 in the past. 
I have literally said a number of times it should be an optional thing, guess you haven't read that, I never once said, nor did anyone else as far as I am aware say it should be a main feature of an expansion. It could be a feature of an expansion but doesn't have to be the main one, but who knows, could end up being a main feature.


I could say the same for just because it's something that you like, it is different and it will be fun and not a waste? 😀

Just what, where have I said anything would be a waste, I don't think I actually have. If you mean because I like in game housing I am backing it and saying it wont be a waste because I like it, you clearly haven't read anything I wrote. Ill just leave it at that.

6 hours ago, IsabelDawn.8950 said:

I would prefer to have no housing in Guild Wars 2.

I am a housing nut, and I love tinkering on houses, but they also have a way of draining the game world of players and making the world seem empty and inactive, as every player just does their thing from their own house instead of the central auction house.

Expand the guild halls function instead.

Sadly that could be a thing, I do agree that taking people from the main areas could be a draw back.
Expanding the guild halls function could be a solution but my issue there is that people would probably end up having to create their own guilds just to get the ability to decorate it, and then go through the unlocking process, so it wouldn't be accessible to all right away there would be a process, and others would be needed. 

6 hours ago, deffy.1320 said:

If u want to see housing visit swords of legends online its absolutely gorgeous and seriously creative, if gw2 had housing in some way like this they'd be on to a substantial winner i believe, u can add more crafting for décor and building to the game and of cause the sale of décor, the home instance doesn't cut it and seriously the guild hall is meh its not ur own, its not housing and ppl that say it is obviously never played an mmo with proper housing. 

I would love proper housing and i think it would be good for the players/rpers/ ppl that are creative and seriously profitable for the game.

I agree with this, I do believe housing could be a good thing, popular with many players who are already interested, and popular with many who are not. Sure its not for everyone, but it could still be a popular thing, and a positive thing for GW2

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On 7/27/2022 at 6:46 PM, Zechie.4039 said:

As I said I would hope it wouldn't, I would hope it would be far more balanced and not be 100% reliant on the gemstore, I would hope a 80% in game and 20% gemstore balance could be reached, and the 20% being things that are not necessities, I would hope. If it did end up with the majority of it reliant on gemstore purchases I would be against it, I wouldn't support it

You can hope, but ANet has established a pattern that contradicts your hope. The reality is that a housing system sufficiently robust to satisfy enthusiasts would take significant resources to develop. It would be expensive and would come at the expense of other forms of content. This means that it would need to be heavily monetized in order to recoup developmemt costs and to offset opportunity cost. This isnt a matter of hope, it is a matter of reality.

Those opposed to the idea are not against adding housing just because they are not interested in it but rather because they understand that it would take development resources away from other forms of playable content that they are interested in. Is it possible that ANet could figure out a way to make housing more broadly appealing than is often the case? Sure. It is possible. But it would still need to pay for itself.

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3 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

You can hope, but ANet has established a pattern that contradicts your hope. The reality is that a housing system sufficiently robust to satisfy enthusiasts would take significant resources to develop. It would be expensive and would come at the expense of other forms of content. This means that it would need to be heavily monetized in order to recoup development costs and to offset opportunity cost. This isnt a matter of hope, it is a matter of reality.

Every MMO that has added housing has recorded profits from it, and that is a reality. I do understand your points about it being heavily monetised but asking for a balanced system is perfectly fine, other MMOS have managed to make a some what balanced system, no idea why ANet couldn't. 
Some have given players a small taste and then the option to if they like it build upon it, some mmos have the option to buy in game housing with currency or whatever the cash shop currency is (gems in this case) Same with housing items, some have added crafting recipes to the crafting classes with some items being exclusive to the cash shop. 

3 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Those opposed to the idea are not against adding housing just because they are not interested in it but rather because they understand that it would take development resources away from other forms of playable content that they are interested in. Is it possible that ANet could figure out a way to make housing more broadly appealing than is often the case? Sure. It is possible. But it would still need to pay for itself.

There was literally 1 person who said that they disliked it and it was a waste, they may have edited their comments since, I haven't looked, however my comment was responding to them.
Also what they then said was it was a waste to people who disliked it, and my reply to that was just because some people disliked it dose not mean it would be a waste because there are people who would like it. Which is true, at the end of the day some people are going to like some things and other people other things, no one is going to be 100% satisfied all the time, however it doesn't mean that implementing something that satisfies some is a waste. 
Every other person who has said they were not for housing has given their opinion and I have agreed with some of their views. I do understand how things work and that developing a working housing system would take resources away from other aspects, but I still do not think it would be a waste because there are clearly people who are interested in it. 

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19 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:


Go and check for yourself, the information is available if you look.
I also do not see you providing any sources, just opinions and what you believe will happen. Truth is housing in GW2 has not happened yet, it may, it may not, but you can not really speak and it will 100% be this way when it has yet to happen, who is to say, I cant say something that has yet to happen will 100% be this way. I don't know anyone who can. 

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4 minutes ago, Zechie.4039 said:

Go and check for yourself, the information is available if you look. 

No it isnt. A company posting profits does not necessarily break their results down by specific purchases. I have played two MMO's which included player housing which largely failed. One went out of business completely....apparently their robust housing system was not particularly profitable, and another which went into maintenance mode shortly after housing was introduced. Again, it turned out that housing wasnt profitable enough.

If you cannot back up your claim then no one else is going to do it for you.


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14 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

No it isnt. A company posting profits does not necessarily break their results down by specific purchases.

Company's do normally say if something has been successful, there will be articles / posts / updates about it, they will be releasing new things for it both in game and in their cash shops, housing related items I guess in this case or new locations. 
Normally if its been a total waste other sources will be the ones posting it and criticising how the company handled the issue, and most people can see if something is successful or not by how the community themselves have reacted. 

14 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I have played two MMO's which included player housing which largely failed. One went out of business completely....apparently their robust housing system was not particularly profitable, and another which went into maintenance mode shortly after housing was introduced. 

There have been many company's that have done housing very well, just because the two you played seem to have failed, doesn't mean all do, there's a large number that have not, in fact a number has been mentioned here in this thread that are still going strong today, and so is their housing system. No idea why you haven't noticed them.

14 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

If you cannot back up your claim then no one else is going to do it for you.

You have not backed up any of your claims, also you have only expressed your opinions, I have mentioned a number of times that there are a number of sources which show the popularity of player houses in games, mentioned it a number of times. sorry if you have not read that. 

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5 minutes ago, Zechie.4039 said:

There has been many company's that have done housing very well, just because the two you played seem to have failed, doesn't mean all do,

I am not the making claims about all MMOs with housimg. You are.

Also, popular does not mean profitable. You claimed that housing has been profitable for every MMO that included it, and then claimed that there were records of those profit statements, itemized specifically for housing systems, available. So, do you have even a single source for your claim? Just one? I mean it is pretty damning for the claim if you dont have even a single source to support it.

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3 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I am not the making claims about all MMOs with housimg. You are.

I dont think I have mentioned Housimg, sorry what is that ?

3 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Also, popular does not mean profitable. You claimed that housing has been profitable for every MMO that included it, and then claimed that there were records of those profit statements, itemized specifically for housing systems, available. So, do you have even a single source for your claim? Just one? I mean it is pretty damning for the claim if you dont have even a single source to support it.

Im sorry you are unable to find information that is available, but the fact is there is information out there that you yourself can check, if you chose not to do something, don't expect others to do it for you. 
Also just to add, when there is new stuff brought out for a system on a constant basis that implies the system that is constantly being added to is popular and profitable, company's who only care about money and profits wouldn't spend resources on a system that didn't make them profits. No one throws good money after bad, certainly not company's with a cut throat kind of attitude, at the end of the day they only care about the money.

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9 minutes ago, Zechie.4039 said:

You have not backed up any of your claims

My only claim is that historically ANet has monetized systems such as mounts/etc introduced after player requests for them (as found in other games) while not providing free skins beyond the basic starter option. If you want I can provide a link to the gemstore and wiki listing for skin acquisition when I get home from work. Hint: there will be zero such skins acquirable outside of the gemstore. 

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8 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

If you want I can provide a link to the gemstore and wiki listing for skin acquisition when I get home from work. Hint: there will be zero such skins acquirable outside of the gemstore. 

I can press the O button thanks. 

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11 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

... zero such skins acquirable outside of the gemstore. 

Yes, Ashen is mostly correct, the gemstore has been the primary source of skins. But there are a few in game exceptions: a warclaw skin, which requires completion of a reward track and I believe a good chunk of gold, and some fishing poles -- at least one? Am I missing any?

So I'm with Ashen on this one: If housing is added, expect it to be highly monetized. It is The Way.

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37 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Hint: there will be zero such skins acquirable outside of the gemstore. 


23 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

But there are a few in game exceptions: a warclaw skin, which requires completion of a reward track and I believe a good chunk of gold, and some fishing poles -- at least one? Am I missing any?

Hmm interesting, a few minor things.

As I have said, if it was highly monetized and you needed to buy all the decent looking things through the cash shop, then I myself would be against this system. I have always said this, I don't think anyone wants something that they have to empty their wallet / purse for, but a reasonably balanced system possibly. 
A balanced system which a number of other games have managed to achieve to a certain point is a much preferred system, which would make housing accessible to all should they chose to participate, and over time it could be developed upon.
At the end of the day if people want to spend their money they can, and I agree to a point that there should be more available in game other than the basic stuff (its honestly annoying) I really do and I wouldn't be opposed to ANet adding more skins for mounts and such in the game that are obtainable by doing certain things through the game, a much more balanced system is needed, and I'm sure people would appreciate it more. 
As some have said adding crafting recipes to crafting classes, adding the potential for bosses to drop recipes, the potential for bosses to drop items. This would be a potential solution. A balanced system where things can be bought but also obtained through in game means is the ideal system for everything. Hopefully it could be implemented, who knows. 
But at the end of the day I don't think housing would be a waste, there are people who are clearly interested in it, its the execution of it that would need to be thought through carefully.

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35 minutes ago, Zechie.4039 said:

I dont think I have mentioned Housimg, sorry what is that ?

Im sorry you are unable to find information that is available, but the fact is their is information out there that you yourself can check, if you chose not to do something, dont expect others to do it for you

If you want to nitpick over a typo, perhaps you meant, "there is information out there," not, "their is information out there." 

And it seems you continue to be unable to support your claims. It certainly is not my responsibility to support your claims for you.

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29 minutes ago, Zechie.4039 said:


Hmm interesting, a few minor things.

As I have said, if it was highly monetized and you needed to buy all the decent looking things through the cash shop, then I myself would be against this system. I have always said this, I don't think anyone wants something that they have to empty their wallet / purse for, but a reasonably balanced system possibly. 
A balanced system which a number of other games have managed to achieve to a certain point is a much preferred system, which would make housing accessible to all should they chose to participate, and over time it could be developed upon.
At the end of the day if people want to spend their money they can, and I agree to a point that there should be more available in game other than the basic stuff (its honestly annoying) I really do and I wouldn't be opposed to ANet adding more skins for mounts and such in the game that are obtainable by doing certain things through the game, a much more balanced system is needed, and I'm sure people would appreciate it more. 
As some have said adding crafting recipes to crafting classes, adding the potential for bosses to drop recipes, the potential for bosses to drop items. This would be a potential solution. A balanced system where things can be bought but also obtained through in game means is the ideal system for everything. Hopefully it could be implemented, who knows. 
But at the end of the day I don't think housing would be a waste, there are people who are clearly interested in it, its the execution of it that would need to be thought through carefully.

A, "few," or one?

I freely admit that I missed that exception. So, you would be ok with one housing item earnable in game via WvW while everything else is in the gemstore then?

Again, I am not pushing for the level of monetization ANet applies to such systems to be applied also to housing. I am however describing ANet's history as regards to monetization. Feel free to, "hope," otherwise and to, "not support," that level of monetization if/when it happens....but that doesn't change the fact that ANet does monetize this way. Has done so for years, and shows little sign of changing (1600 gems for a jade bot skin that you see for seconds at a time).

Enjoy your $20 chairs.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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34 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

Yes, Ashen is mostly correct, the gemstore has been the primary source of skins. But there are a few in game exceptions: a warclaw skin, which requires completion of a reward track and I believe a good chunk of gold, and some fishing poles -- at least one? Am I missing any?

So I'm with Ashen on this one: If housing is added, expect it to be highly monetized. It is The Way.

Thank you for the correction. I had missed that option. But, yes, "it is the way." 

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My absolute dream is to be able to just pick a spot anywhere in the world that i really like, "claim it" and it becomes a private home instance within a modest boundary, leaving the boundary would put me back into the actual map version. In this home instance i could place objects like furniture and home instance nodes etc wherever i like where i choose to place them and have it act like i've either made camp at this spot or decided to settle there, maybe even i could place an actual premade house if i wanted to.

It would all be private and invisible so no one else would see mines or theirs unless invited into the instance itself.


It's probably too far fetched tech wise but it's always been a dream feature for me, the ability to find any location you like and just make camp or even call it home.

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7 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

If you want to nitpick over a typo, perhaps you meant, "there is information out there," not, "their is information out there."

No I was asking what Housimg is I was unsure if you were using a word from a language I do not speak I only asked no need to be funny about it.

7 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

And it seems you continue to be unable to support your claims. It certainly is not my responsibility to support your claims for you.

I have supported my claims, you made incorrect claims that you clearly did not research and that is proven above, I'm pretty sure I linked the link 


Again sorry if you don't wish to look for any information, but just because others do when you clearly do not, dose not mean they are wrong or the information dose not exist, its just you chose to not look for it, do not expect others to do things for you, that's not helping you and It certainly is not my responsibility to look for information for you. 🙂

7 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

But there are a few in game exceptions: a warclaw skin, which requires completion of a reward track and I believe a good chunk of gold, and some fishing poles -- at least one? Am I missing any?

Maybe read this again, also your claim was for mounts/etc, are we now only referring to mounts, if so you never said that we were only referring to mounts, I was referring to your earlier statement of mounts/etc which means mounts and some other things, not just mounts.

7 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

A, "few," or one?

I freely admit that I missed that exception. So, you would be ok with one housing item earnable in game via WvW while everything else is in the gemstore then?

You had not admitted your mistake at this time so you wrote this when this statement was untrue. 

7 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Thank you for the correction. I had missed that option. But, yes, "it is the way." 

This is the post which you admitted your mistake in, the post after you claimed you had admitted your mistake. Guess you realized your mistake there when you claimed you had already admitted you made a mistake and then made a post admitting you had made a mistake.
Firstly one is more than zero which you originally very strongly claimed was the case, guess you should have actually checked things before making them claims. I mean it is pretty damning for the claim if you claim something and its wrong.

7 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Again, I am not pushing for the level of monetization ANet applies to such systems to be applied also to housing. I am however describing ANet's history as regards to monetization. Feel free to, "hope," otherwise and to, "not support," that level of monetization if/when it happens....but that doesn't change the fact that ANet does monetize this way. Has done so for years, and shows little sign of changing (1600 gems for a jade bot skin that you see for seconds at a time).

Enjoy your $20 chairs.

I don't support the system I have never once said the system is ok and that I support it, if you read what I have written you will see I do not support the system and have said that a number of times. I have in fact said the system dose need to change and in my opinion it dose, I have in fact said a balanced system is needed and have given some suggestions as to how to make it more balanced, as have others. In my own opinion making everything cash shop dependant is not a balanced system its more of a rip off. So no I will not be enjoying $20 chairs because I wouldn't buy them, because I wouldn't support that, I would however enjoy chairs which I obtained through in game means (crafting, boss drops, ect)
I honestly am wondering why you are choosing to completely ignore the fact that I have said this and where you are getting this opinion of I support the system, its like you are looking for an argument. 
Also I have said a number of times I am not opposed to earning in game items / recipes, implementing this system could also make older content more relative because people would then possibly farm that content for the items. This could also be applied to mount skins and the like (or as you said Mounts / ect)
What I have said a NUMBER of times now is that housing would/could be a popular feature and that some people are interested in it, which they clearly are, otherwise they would not be posting about it and asking for it to possibly be implemented. 
I have said there are a number of YouTube channels and Twitch channels dedicated to housing in other games which clearly show how popular it is among the community. (You can go and check on them platforms to see how popular it is, if you like) I have told you where you can see this.
I have said that other games have proven that it is popular and that company's have found it to be profitable and the fact that the system is constantly receiving updates and additions and being expanded on by the company show it is clearly profitable, company's do not waste money over and over on things that make them a loss. If you look for this information you will be able to find it you just refuse to look.
What you seem to be arguing against is my hope for a better more balanced system. Also you do understand we are asking for something we would like to see, that is the point in writing down what we would hope to have or like to see, we are allowed to have hope otherwise we may as well just give up on everything now. 😄

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2 hours ago, Bookah pls.9352 said:

My absolute dream is to be able to just pick a spot anywhere in the world that i really like, "claim it" and it becomes a private home instance within a modest boundary, leaving the boundary would put me back into the actual map version. In this home instance i could place objects like furniture and home instance nodes etc wherever i like where i choose to place them and have it act like i've either made camp at this spot or decided to settle there, maybe even i could place an actual premade house if i wanted to.

It would all be private and invisible so no one else would see mines or theirs unless invited into the instance itself.


It's probably too far fetched tech wise but it's always been a dream feature for me, the ability to find any location you like and just make camp or even call it home.

That sounds really nice too, I don't know what we can expect if in game housing is implemented, but it sounds really nice. We can hope. 

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On 7/28/2022 at 4:34 PM, Zechie.4039 said:

Expanding the guild halls function could be a solution but my issue there is that people would probably end up having to create their own guilds just to get the ability to decorate it, and then go through the unlocking process, so it wouldn't be accessible to all right away there would be a process, and others would be needed.


Guild Wars doesnt neccecarily need a full decorating function, though. It could be fun, but I think in the end the cons (empty game world, lack of player interaction, beautiful public environments going unused) will weigh heavier then the pros (minigame, showing off your house).


As a roleplayer I used to think housing was vital for it but the housing feature seems to kill even those communities off rather then support them.


In the end there are other games with a full housing and decorating feature and it isnt a fix that -needs- to be in the game in my view.


It's also one of the most gigantic cash drains I've ever seen in MMO gaming. Just look at how ESO monetizes its housing system.

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