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Identity of Catalyst?

Felix Pantherae.1425

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So I've played a lot of weaver and tempest, and while I feel those two have a clear identity (dps vs supp), I'm having a hard time figuring out where catalyst sits and what it's strengths are... In ways it seems like kind of a bruiser spec. But I feel like it steps on the toes of the other two, with a weird amount of focus on auras (tempest), and a lot of it's utilities seeming like weaver stances. What is everyone's thoughts on the role of Catalyst?

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Tempest is not just support, and weavers is not just dps. Tempest can be a dps or bruiser and weaver can also be a support or healer (yes, there is a nice weaver healing build out there)

Ele elite specs are not about roles, but about how you do whatever you do (heal, support, dps).


Catalyst is about combos and the Jade sphere. Using combos to get auras, elemental empowerment, and energy to deploy the sphere (for dmg, combos, or boons).

You can play catalyst as a bruiser spec (like old cele d/d ele, but better), you can play as support with lots of boons for your group, you can play as dps... 




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while i do believe that the intention was a combo using spec they failed at execution.

imo the traits should be focused around increasing combo potency instead of getting an aura and buffs on aura gain. (the jade sphere buffing traits are mostly fine, could use some tuning up mostly the master tier one feels mediocre)

jade sphere is also a boring elite spec mechanic that i feel lacks significant gameplay changes, at the moment it's mostly "fire and forget until the cooldown is off". would have liked it to have a more meaningful presence then just "hey it's a boon/combo field." for example have a trait where when you combo into your orb the orb does something meaningful (comboing into fire orb causes it to shoot a flamethrower at enemies)

hammer 3 is just weave self from weaver with extra steps. and agreed that the augmentations are feeling pretty close to weavers stances.

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Catalyst bridges the gap between the heavily supportive Tempest and the high dps Weaver. It offers fields and boons for team play, something Weaver can't do,  yet lacks in the ability to heal/sustain teammates which Tempest excels at (outside of blasting their water field). Tempest also relies more heavily on Aura support through its shouts, whereas any Aura support for Catalyst comes from the sharing trait in Water. Weaver on the other hand brings no team synergy outside of its own DPS with all of its traits focused on self empowerment or sustain, which is not the same for Catalyst which has a lot of team oriented support.

I'd imagine that Tempest and Weaver will be seeing some future changes to bring them more in line with this identity. Right now Catalyst is a team supporter who doesn't give up all of their damage to be a pure support like Tempest and lacks anyway to heal allies.

Summarize: Pick Tempest if you want to help your team with healing/sustain, Weaver if you want to help your team with damage, Catalyst if you want to help your team with boons without having to focus on healing and without having to risk a large loss of dps.

It's really funny, it kinda reminds me of the old days when I'd play 5 mans on my D/D ele. Back in those days the boons I would float around were very useful for team play, yet I didn't have to go full healer to do so. It feels very much like that once again to me, something that both Tempest and Weaver lack.

Edited by fuzzyp.6295
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5 hours ago, lLobo.7960 said:

Tempest is not just support, and weavers is not just dps. Tempest can be a dps or bruiser and weaver can also be a support or healer (yes, there is a nice weaver healing build out there)

Ele elite specs are not about roles, but about how you do whatever you do (heal, support, dps).


Catalyst is about combos and the Jade sphere. Using combos to get auras, elemental empowerment, and energy to deploy the sphere (for dmg, combos, or boons).

You can play catalyst as a bruiser spec (like old cele d/d ele, but better), you can play as support with lots of boons for your group, you can play as dps... 




Imagine you have a tool for every task. 

Now you get a new tool. 

But no new tasks have been added. 

Does the new tool replace another tool for a specific task? 


Thats the question that needs to be asked when a new Elite Spec is released. 


What Some people want is E Specs to be like socks. 

You already have many, but a new pair with a different color is what you wish for. 


I want E Specs to be like tools in a tool box. 

Each tool has a job to do. If a new tool gets added, it either needs to be something completely new or replaces an old broken tool. 


So what's the point of Bladesworn? 


Anyway, in Raids, Cata is a good offensive support. 

Next to Tempest defensive support. 

And weavers dps. 


Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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On 4/18/2022 at 10:36 PM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Imagine you have a tool for every task. 

Now you get a new tool. 

But no new tasks have been added. 

Does the new tool replace another tool for a specific task? 


Thats the question that needs to be asked when a new Elite Spec is released. 


What Some people want is E Specs to be like socks. 

You already have many, but a new pair with a different color is what you wish for. 


I want E Specs to be like tools in a tool box. 

Each tool has a job to do. If a new tool gets added, it either needs to be something completely new or replaces an old broken tool. 


So what's the point of Bladesworn? 


Anyway, in Raids, Cata is a good offensive support. 

Next to Tempest defensive support. 

And weavers dps. 



I disagree, really. Classes are not built around roles in this game - that's one of the core design mantras. Elite specs offer fun new ways of playing classes - nothing more, and nothing less. Classes are also dynamic in this game - they are designed to be potentially good at multiple things. If one overlaps with another one, it does not materially matter.  All that matters is they are fun, thematically immersive, somewhat unique, and reasonably effective at a couple of potential "roles."

Edited by Einlanzer.1627
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Weaver is the tankly ele Tempest is the counter cc ele (self only sadly) and Catalyst is the unique boon ele. Ele over all is an cele class so each elite spec is effectively the same.

I would love to see Catalyst take on an "orb" support where you can apply your orb to one player at a time making the Catalyst class a bard like class. But right now Catalyst only has boon support that the other ele elite spec. are missing and over all has no unique support effect.

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