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A REAL legendary armor

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3 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

“I know people” is hardly a substantial argument. 

Yet it's the exact same argument you just made when claiming that 'most people play WvW because they like it'. This is based, I assume, on your anecdotal experiences when you 'spend time in WvW almost every day'. That's the thing about anecdotes. We know that they happened and that they're credible because we were around to witness them, but the credibility of them will always be in question in a conversation where someone disagrees with you or has had different experiences.

Anyway, the burden of proof is, unfortunately, on you. You said that 'no one' plays WvW the way Erise suggested - but Erise plays that way, disproving the point pretty quickly. It doesn't mean that the WvW or PvP methods of getting to legendary armor are bad or that we should look down on those who play those modes (we shouldn't), but pointing out that there are low-impact methods by which you can work on WvW and PvP armor is a good argument for why OW armor should be just as valid as path as those that already exist. Challenge is not a necessary part of WvW or PvP armor and so it should not be considered a necessary element when considering where to add (or not add) another path.

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6 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:


It would be much appreciated if you could share with us the true number!  As someone who plays almost every day and is extremely experienced you must know the precise statistics much better than us! I'd be most interested in the data used to arrive at the number, but the number itself would be an interesting starting point! 

Same with your claim that most people play WvW because they like it! Real interested in the numbers behind that claim! 

"I don't see it often" is hardly a substantial argument.

I am not the one who claimed to have a number. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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9 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Pointing out that it’s just your bias against WvW and PvP speaking is not a personal attack. Stop trying to portray people who disagree with you as bad people 

I feel like there's a language barrier here. What I mean is that you completely ignore the subject and instead target my character in an attempt to invalidate my argument. Arguing ad hominem. Which I thought was translated as personal attack but it may be a different word in english.

This doesn't make you a bad person. But it is indeed a fallacy primarily used to derail conversations and avoid subject matters. 

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15 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

I know plenty of players who play exactly like this because they don't enjoy WvW, but recognize it as a passive grind toward legendary armor. For them, the process is taking forever and it isn't fun - and this is why you have people who want OW armor. They don't mind putting in time or effort, they'd just rather have fun while doing so.

That is a opinion at best. A very active person in this threat actually discourage people to use numbers so the the time and effort people are willing to put in is never stated. Probably because they are afraid it weakens their argument. They wouldn't have fun doing boring OW stuff either. 

Everyone who reads these post assumes people want to get Legendary armor while farming gold in halve the time it takes to get WvW armor. And that's not gonna happen.

Edited by Albi.7250
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3 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

Everyone who reads these post assumes people want to get Legendary armor while farming gold in halve the time it takes to get WvW armor.

Then 'everyone who reads these posts' isn't actually reading them. I've stated several times throughout the thread that an OW path should be comparable in time and cost to existing paths. As I understand it, most of those who have weighed in in favor of an OW set agree with this sentiment.

If people are making assumptions instead of exercising a bit of reading comprehension, then there isn't really much that can be done about that apart from corrections and clarifications like this one.

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1 minute ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Then 'everyone who reads these posts' isn't actually reading them. I've stated several times throughout the thread that an OW path should be comparable in time and cost to existing paths. As I understand it, most of those who have weighed in in favor of an OW set agree with this sentiment.

If people are making assumptions instead of exercising a bit of reading comprehension, then there isn't really much that can be done about that apart from corrections and clarifications like this one.

Yes you stated as much, but what does that mean for all i know you could think the LW Legendary amulet was comparable time and effort.  Which would be a joke. Do you want WvW cllaim tickets a bonus loot on your normal farming path? I don't know. And no one gonna read through 13 Pages  of Raid toxic, Pvp easy and lol WvW brainless to find the one post were you convincingly stated you are ready and willing for the grind.

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3 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

Yes you stated as much, but what does that mean

In fact, I already explained what it means, and this is why reading is so important. To quote myself, "I would leave it up to ArenaNet to deem what requirements would be equivalent, but the desire for an OW set is certainly there."

6 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

no one gonna read through 13 Pages

You should if you want to weigh in, and I mean that sincerely. Reading through a discussion can be very helpful as it will apprise you of what points have already been raised and by who. You can also answer a lot of questions in advance by seeing what's already been discussed.

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24 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

In fact, I already explained what it means, and this is why reading is so important. To quote myself, "I would leave it up to ArenaNet to deem what requirements would be equivalent, but the desire for an OW set is certainly there."

You should if you want to weigh in, and I mean that sincerely. Reading through a discussion can be very helpful as it will apprise you of what points have already been raised and by who. You can also answer a lot of questions in advance by seeing what's already been discussed.

Haha. I shouldn't as you just stated your opinion. Which means nothing. People think you want free legendary like season of dragons. And nothing in there would change that opinion.

I'm sure there wasn't much said of value. I try to summarize the threat without reading it( I read the last 7 posts and the first 5):


OW armor pro: Popular, i am a buying customer i should get it, raid are toxic, WvW is brainless afk, PvP is easy, want armor while doing what I enjoy and of course stating that people are surely willing for a comparable grind while never having done that grind(probably 1 exceptions who owns a set of armor).


Anti OW armor: Get gud, free legendary, Raid is Pve, "stop begging", just play one of the 3 paths already in the game and of course Raids arent toxic, WvW isn't brainless if you play it right and PvP isn't easy. Edit: forgot: Legendary armor is a prestige item.


People on the fence: Depends how it would be implemented, shouldn't be free.


Did I forget something?

Did someone got convinced by anything?

Are you any step closer to Legendary armor? Do you think if these Post get big pages number it ill make a different?

Or did people just annoy each other for 13 pages again?


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10 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

I'm sure there wasn't much said of value. I try to summarize the threat without reading it.

So you're sure about things because you don't read them and just assume you know what was said and that it was threatening? That's not a very healthy way to approach a discussion or, really, any reading material. If you aren't here to articulate a position or, at minimum, read the thoughts of others, then I'm not sure why you're here at all. 😕


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5 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

So you're sure about things because you don't read them and just assume you know what was said and that it was threatening? That's not a very healthy way to approach a discussion or, really, any reading material. If you aren't here to articulate a position or, at minimum, read the thoughts of others, then I'm not sure why you're here at all. 😕


If you are as good at dodging in the game as you are in dodging my question you have your PvP armor in no time. I know because I read the others post about leggy armor and I doubt anything new or valuable was said here. So back to you:


Did I forget something?

Did someone got convinced by anything?

Are you any step closer to Legendary armor? Do you think if these Post get big pages number it will make a difference?

Or did people just annoy each other for 13 pages again?

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1 hour ago, yoni.7015 said:

Then please name a number. I spend time in WvW almost every day and this behavior is not very common. In fact, most people play WvW because they like it. 
“I know people” is hardly a substantial argument. 

Just as example.

I've spent the last 25 minutes with these lovely people recapturing Champion's and Greenwater back and forth. There's even a zerg and a queue on this map. 

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5 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

And they said to you that they are only there doing it for legendary armor and this is all they ever do in WvW? 

No. But this does not look like people who are enjoying highly challenging WvW gameplay. Not sure what they grind but I'm pretty sure none of them would be there if it weren't for some WvW specific reward. 

They kept doing it beyond one and it's not even a daily to reflag the camp. So I'm pretty sure it's not dailies.

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4 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

No. But this does not look like people who are enjoying highly challenging WvW gameplay. Not sure what they grind but I'm pretty sure none of them would be there if it weren't for some WvW specific reward. 

They kept doing it beyond one and it's not even a daily to reflag the camp. So I'm pretty sure it's not dailies.

Maybe they are there for the Gift of Battle.  So now you even cry about WvW specific rewards? Oh come on. 

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10 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

Maybe they are there for the Gift of Battle. 

Aren't in the same time casually playing and passively unlocking the legendary  ? Can't we really do something like that for PvE legendary , with a huge grind  ?

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4 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Maybe they are there for the Gift of Battle.  So now you even cry about WvW specific rewards? Oh come on. 

Could be! Fun thing is, they also make progress towards their legendary armor!

I actually noticed I'm about 2h away from a piece of armor after you pointed it out. Just from this afk farming towards GoBs. Which is why I'm there right now. 

OW armor, if it is even considered by ANet, most certainly mustn't be this easy and braindead.

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Just now, Ryuk.6840 said:

Aren't in the same time casually playing and passively unlocking the legendary  ? Can't we really do something like that for PvE legendary , with a huge grind  ?

Apparently we cant and there is already a PvE legendary armor, so it’s not needed. 

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5 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

Could be! Fun thing is, they also make progress towards their legendary armor!

I actually noticed I'm about 2h away from a piece of armor after you pointed it out. Just from this afk farming towards GoBs. Which is why I'm there right now. 

OW armor, if it is even considered by ANet, most certainly mustn't be this easy and braindead.

Further proof that there is no need for Open World legendary armor. I don’t know why are crying and complaining. Open World  armor would be just as “easy and brain dead”. Unlike you I really enjoyed the grind in WvW for the armor, but I am really playing the game mode. 

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1 minute ago, yoni.7015 said:

Further proof that there is no need for Open World legendary armor. I don’t know why are crying and complaining. Open World  armor would be just as “easy and brain dead”. 

So you agree that the challenge argument has no basis and, assuming players would be interested, ANet should implement an OW legendary armor? 

Or are you just opposed for no reason at all? 

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19 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

I've spent the last 25 minutes with these lovely people recapturing Champion's and Greenwater back and forth. There's even a zerg and a queue on this map. 

Highly unlikely and probably a lie. People normally port from map to map cause of the 5 min timer. They did that once port map finished there dailies and left WvW. No one who plays like that gets WvW armor before 2034. And as such your point is invalid.

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3 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

Highly unlikely and probably a lie. People normally port from map to map cause of the 5 min timer. They did that once port map finished there dailies and left WvW. No one who plays like that gets WvW armor before 2034. And as such your point is invalid.

Map hopping is only a thing when no queues are up and when others don't reflag camps. You need 1 camp every 10 minutes for max pips and therefore max skirmish tickets. The only account bound barrier. Not sure if people farm entire sets. But I'm certainly doing that to farm my piece. 

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6 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

So you agree that the challenge argument has no basis and, assuming players would be interested, ANet should implement an OW legendary armor? 

Or are you just opposed for no reason at all? 

Of course if you play like you obviously do it is “easy and braindead” but this is not how I play and how I got my multiple legendary armor sets, legendary backpacks and so on. 
So no, your low effort play style is no reason for OW set. 

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Just now, yoni.7015 said:

Or course if you play like you obviously do it is “easy and braindead” but this is not how I play and how I got my multiple legendary armor sets. 

Then the armor is implemented incorrectly, no?

Because the way I gained mine is as legitimate and as fast as your method. 

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