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A REAL legendary armor

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6 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Seeing how people wanting leggy armor acquired strictly through playing OW want it to remove the need of getting additional ex/asc sets, your claim about OW "missing long term goal" is wrong. (or straight up dishonest, because it was already talked about in the preivous thread too)

It's good that it's "desirable", that's the point. It's still an optional reward for participating in broader content of the game though.

"Broader content of the game" is just obfuscating needlessly. Gen 1 legendaries still require "broader content of the game" (Gift of Battle, Gift of Exploration) yet they don't require winning at some of the hardest content in the game. Why do people keep ignoring this point?

Also, it really doesn't matter why anyone wants a PvE path to legendary armor that is raid-free. Nobody's motivations are on trial here. It's a feature ask in a video game. Legendaries are designed to be the most desirable rewards in the game and most people don't raid. It's not that deep.

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1 minute ago, Labjax.2465 said:

"Broader content of the game" is just obfuscating needlessly. Gen 1 legendaries still require "broader content of the game" (Gift of Battle, Gift of Exploration) yet they don't require winning at some of the hardest content in the game. Why do people keep ignoring this point?

Also, it really doesn't matter why anyone wants a PvE path to legendary armor that is raid-free. Nobody's motivations are on trial here. It's a feature ask in a video game. Legendaries are designed to be the most desirable rewards in the game and most people don't raid. It's not that deep.

There are two other ways to get legendary armor for people that don’t raid. That’s how I got my sets. 

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20 minutes ago, Sarius.9285 said:

lol what are you even talking about. You're clearly just making things up. Claiming you can average 6 eggs per chak....and having to farm for MONTHS in raids, which is so incredibly untrue....you need 150 LI for one armor which you can get in 6-10 weeks...

I'm still talking about full armor sets. Which are 37 weeks of full 7 wing raid clears or 50 weeks of full HoT clears. At 20 minutes per boss on average (which is still generous and pretty much assuming static raid groups) that's 250 hours of raiding.

Avoiding as much OW as possible you can get everything that must be gained in OW in somewhere around 12-15 hours total. Even if I count 2 Chak and 2 AB per piece.

Reverse the two. Necessitate 15 hours of raids (should be somewhere around 1-2k magnetite?) have people farm a mat that drops doing certain things in OW which you can only get once you start grinding a piece that takes a total of 350 hours for all armor. And I'd be thrilled.

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Just now, yoni.7015 said:

There are two other ways to get legendary armor for people that don’t raid. That’s how I got my sets. 

Yes and they are both forms of PvP, another area where a lot of people are actively put off and nothing will ever get them into it. Meanwhile, GW2's star content form that makes it stand out from other MMOs (its open world meta dynamic) has no path. Doesn't that strike you as odd? Or am I supposed to believe that WvW that never gets updates, raids that never get new ones made, competitive PvP you never hear a word about, are secretly the most popular content in the game and they are just continually putting most of the budget into story and new PvE maps because they want to waste it on a small subset of players?

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1 minute ago, Sarius.9285 said:

You are just jumping around lmao....first you were talking about one piece of armor, then about 1 set and now all 3....just stop embarrassing yourself....

My comment was literally in response to


In all my grinding for my 3 Legendary Sets, I don't think I've ever gotten more than the 2 Chak Eggs from the meta.

It would be appreciated if you would actually consider the context of the conversation rather than attacking me personally. 

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7 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Yes and they are both forms of PvP, another area where a lot of people are actively put off and nothing will ever get them into it. Meanwhile, GW2's star content form that makes it stand out from other MMOs (its open world meta dynamic) has no path. Doesn't that strike you as odd? Or am I supposed to believe that WvW that never gets updates, raids that never get new ones made, competitive PvP you never hear a word about, are secretly the most popular content in the game and they are just continually putting most of the budget into story and new PvE maps because they want to waste it on a small subset of players?

It doesn’t matter what part of the game has the most players when it comes to legendary armor. I don’t think legendary armor is designed for everyone, it is still the absolute best gear in the game. So it shouldn’t be rewarded for some open world stuff that is not challenging. Everyone who wants it has three ways to get it. Why waste resources on another way? Especially when most open world players don’t have any use of it and wouldn’t care about a legendary armor? 

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20 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

It doesn’t matter what part of the game has the most players when it comes to legendary armor. I don’t think legendary armor is designed for everyone, it is still the absolute best gear in the game. So it shouldn’t be rewarded for some open world stuff that is not challenging.

That's a raid-focused gear progression game thinking. GW2 is not that game.


Everyone who wants it has three ways to get it. Why waste resources on another way? Especially when most open world players don’t have any use of it and wouldn’t care about a legendary armor? 

Nice generalizing. A lot of OW players do care and would find use for it. At the same time a number of raid players don't care and are perfectly happy swimming in their wide selection of ascended gear they get nearly for free. SPvP players may care, but definitely have no use whatsoever for the armor either. Seeing as they literally cannot use its legendary features (both ascended tier stats and QoL stat-swapping just do not work in SPvP due to the gearing system there being completely separate).

In the end, who needs it, who desires it, and who gets it are three completely separate things.

Notice, btw, that even a small fraction of OW players having use for legendary armor and wanting it would still likely make more people than all the raiders together.

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2 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

That's a raid-focused gear progression game thinking. GW2 is not that game.

Nice generalizing. A lot of OW players do care and would find use for it. At the same time a number of raid players don't care and are perfectly happy swimming in their wide selection of ascended gear they get nearly for free. SPvP players may care, but definitely have no use whatsoever for the armor either. Seeing as they literally cannot use its legendary features (both ascended tier stats and QoL stat-swapping just do not work in SPvP due to the gearing system there being completely separate).

In the end, who needs it, who desires it, and who gets it are three completely separate things.

As I wrote before: Everyone who wants to get it, can get it and has even three different ways to get it. You don’t have to raid for it. I did some raiding when they were released but soon realized that it’s not for me. So so got my legendary armors in PvP and WvW. Maybe we shouldn’t think that the different player bases are limited in the content they play. A lot of raiders play WvW and PvP and a lot of them do play raids and open world. 

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48 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

So not all people are gunning for the Aurora and simply get an asc .

So magically  the Legendary OW , will makes all the gear absolute ?

Still waiting for the day you'll start actually responding to what you're quoting 🤦‍♂️

Edited by Sobx.1758
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42 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

"Broader content of the game" is just obfuscating needlessly.

How is it "obfuscating" anything?


Gen 1 legendaries still require "broader content of the game" (Gift of Battle, Gift of Exploration) yet they don't require winning at some of the hardest content in the game. Why do people keep ignoring this point?

People aren't ignoring that point, it was already written in the previous thread and pretty sure you've read it. Differences in acquisition between these modes come from the fact one of them is a co-op mode in a controlled pve environment, while the other is competitive, where your enemies are players and not the ai. That said, if "weapon acquisition is ok, because wvw is ok", then... you're aboslutely free -and encouraged- to get that leggy armor in wvw.


Also, it really doesn't matter why anyone wants a PvE path to legendary armor that is raid-free. Nobody's motivations are on trial here. It's a feature ask in a video game. Legendaries are designed to be the most desirable rewards in the game and most people don't raid. It's not that deep.

Yeah, nothing matters unless it supports replaying same basic part of the game to get whatever you want, I know 😉

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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

How is it "obfuscating" anything?

People aren't ignoring that point, it was already written in the previous thread and pretty sure you've read it. Differences in acquisition between these modes come from the fact one of them is a co-op mode in a controlled pve environment, while the other is competitive, where your enemies are players and not the ai. That said, if "weapon acquisition is ok, because wvw is ok", then... you're aboslutely free -and encouraged- to get that leggy armor in wvw.

Yeah, nothing matters unless it supports replaying same basic part of the game to get whatever you want, I know 😉

And people co-up to face epic bosses in the OW.

It's people choice to spent time  in their beloved area and get rewarded (..hm , why this sound like the current CM Strikes?) . And not from some1 who tell them , they dont need it 😛

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18 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

And people co-up to face epic bosses in the OW.

It's people choice to spent time  in their beloved area and get rewarded . And not from some1 who tell them , they dont need it 😛

"epic bosses" that aren't even a boss encounter as much as they're just zerging it down with next to no personal impact on the outcome. 

Of course "it's people choice to spend time in their x area", not sure why you think I need that pointed out to me, when this is also what I pretty consistently write -they're free to make that choice for themselves. I'm also not "someone who tell them they don't need it", it's just a fact that they don't need it. I don't need it, you don't need it. It's an optional reward for players choosing to participate in broader content of the game. I'm not sure how your post changes anything about what I said here or in any of my previous post.


Also isn't it funny how you've claimed you agree with me about it, as soon as on the page 2 of this thread:

..but right after that you've started arguing -for 4 pages- against what you've just agreed with? It's almost as if you've tried to make some "reward ultimatum" bait argument by pretending you agree there, but when nobody had a problem with it, you've instantly dropped it and went back to arguing again 🙄

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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

"epic bosses" that aren't even a boss encounter as much as they're just zerging it down with next to no personal impact on the outcome. 

Of course "it's people choice to spend time in their x area", not sure why you think I need that pointed out to me, when this is also what I pretty consistently write -they're free to make that choice for themselves. I'm also not "someone who tell them they don't need it", it's just a fact that they don't need it. I don't need it, you don't need it. It's an optional reward for players choosing to participate in broader content of the game. I'm not sure how your post changes anything about what I said here or in any of my previous post.


Also isn't it funny how you've claimed you agree with me about it, as soon as on the page 2 of this thread:

..but right after that you've started arguing -for 4 pages- against what you've just agreed with? It's almost as if you've tried to make some "reward ultimatum" bait argument by pretending you agree there, but when nobody had a problem with it, you've instantly dropped it and went back to arguing again 🙄

Legendary Gear are not a prestige -hardcore gear as you assume . It is simply an ordinary long term reward .

If people want to play the OW and get rewarded they can do that . It's not up to some appointed-self Dev to tell them that: "core is basic stuff" and they should  not to have it

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5 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Legendary Gear are not a prestige -hardcore gear as you assume . It is simply an ordinary long term reward .

When did I say it's a "prestige-hardcore gear"?

It clearly is not an "ordinary" long term reward. It's an optional long term reward for participating in broader content of the game though, so you got that partially correct.


If people want to play the OW and get rewarded they can do that .

People can play OW and they ARE rewarded for doing that. Not sure why you're trying to pretend otherwise.


You've skipped this part btw: Also isn't it funny how you've claimed you agree with me about it, as soon as on the page 2 of this thread:

..but right after that you've started arguing -for 4 pages- against what you've just agreed with? It's almost as if you've tried to make some "reward ultimatum" bait argument by pretending you agree there, but when nobody had a problem with it, you've instantly dropped it and went back to arguing again 🙄


If you actually want to discuss anything here, then maybe keep responding to what I write (or don't, but then there's no reason for you to quote my posts) instead of reverting to these weird "omg you think you're a dev?!!" non-arguments that basically show you lack any real ones.

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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

When did I say it's a "prestige-hardcore gear"?

It clearly is not an "ordinary" long term reward. It's an optional long term reward for participating in broader content of the game though, so you got that partially correct.

People can play OW and they ARE rewarded for doing that. Not sure why you're trying to pretend otherwise.


You've skipped this part btw: Also isn't it funny how you've claimed you agree with me about it, as soon as on the page 2 of this thread:

..but right after that you've started arguing -for 4 pages- against what you've just agreed with? It's almost as if you've tried to make some "reward ultimatum" bait argument by pretending you agree there, but when nobody had a problem with it, you've instantly dropped it and went back to arguing again 🙄


If you actually want to discuss anything here, then maybe keep responding to what I write (or don't, but then there's no reason for you to quote my posts) instead of reverting to these weird "omg you think you're a dev?!!" non-arguments that basically show you lack any real ones.

For example in all the threads , when i have to auto-corrent you and show you that those gear are not anything special  .

Just like you told me in the previous post  that "epic bosses" that aren't even a boss encounter as much as they're just zerging it down with next to no personal impact on the outcome.  ".

Who made you an Archon , if their mode  deserve Legendary gear or not ?

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5 hours ago, Erise.5614 said:

You get 8 keys, can buy 10+ more to open around or over 20 crystalline chests per meta. You can get two guaranteed ones.

Netting you somewhere between 3 - 6 eggs per meta if you need eggs. 5 isn't exceptionally lucky.

75-100 are a decent average just for the final loot run. Pre events also award Lost Arms of an Auric Hero, Recovered Priory Expedition Chest and the additional chests that show up around them. Which you can farm on all 4 sides as well. 

Making it very possible to get over 150 for a single meta. Also, entire Ingots can drop from grand chests as well. 

It's fine if you don't wanna min max. Or rather go the shorter way by running a few metas repeatedly. Rather than the other way around. But that's your own personal preference then.

It is possible to get the entire legendary armor by playing OW the time or even less than I claimed. 

The egg has a very low dropchance in the crystalline chest. 5 are ridiculous. Even 3 are extremely lucky. With a decent raid static its just 18h raids for the first set within 6 weeks.

You need at least 10 meta runs per armor. You need 1.5k map currency aswell. You cant open 20 td caches per run without buying keys or taking the map currency reward. You need to run more chak gerent for currency if you buy the keys. Timewise its more 50/50 between open world and raids.

You could also buy your raid clears from raid sellers. what does a full clear of w1-4 cost? 500mc? thats 5k coins or 6k gold. 200h of drizzlewood farming. actually less because you get some gold back in raids. Already less timegated than the wvw armor.

There is the pure ow way. Do drizzlewood for 200h and pay sellers. You could watch netflix just like in ow content too.

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48 minutes ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

The egg has a very low dropchance in the crystalline chest. 5 are ridiculous. Even 3 are extremely lucky.

Fair enough. You'd probably average around 2.5 eggs per Gerent in the longer run.

48 minutes ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

With a decent raid static its just 18h raids for the first set within 6 weeks.

That's 3h per full clear. It's not just "decent". It's very fast. I mean, 3h was considered fast even when we had only 5 wings, and we now have 2 more. Most groups should probably expect around 4 to 6 hours, with occasional hiccups. That makes 24 to 36 hours for first set, double that for second and third. For Gerent it would take 12-15 runs of around 15 mins each (most of that time would be pure waiting, the fight itself lasts maybe 5 mins nowadays), so 3 to 4 hours max. And no doubling that time for subsequent sets.

48 minutes ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

You need at least 10 meta runs per armor. You need 1.5k map currency aswell. You cant open 20 td caches per run without buying keys or taking the map currency reward. You need to run more chak gerent for currency if you buy the keys. Timewise its more 50/50 between open world and raids.

Nah. At worst it might take around 10 hours of laid-back OW play to get everything for one set. And both the intensity of play and effort required for those hours would be a fraction of which is required for even similar time in raids. There's no real comparison.

48 minutes ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

You could also buy your raid clears from raid sellers. what does a full clear of w1-4 cost? 500mc? thats 5k coins or 6k gold. 200h of drizzlewood farming. actually less because you get some gold back in raids. Already less timegated than the wvw armor.

There is the pure ow way. Do drizzlewood for 200h and pay sellers. You could watch netflix just like in ow content too.

First, last i heard full clears were still a bit higher than that (more than halfway). The prices might have changed downward since then, but i doubt it considering MC value went down in that time. But let's drop it, i may be mistaken and it might have indeed went so low lately.

Second, the [fast] gold values for Drizzlewood are purely theoretical. Most players should realistically expect maybe half that value.

So, you end up with 400-600 hours of farming Drizzle. For *one* clear. Of wings 1-4. That's 15 LI. You need 150 for the first set. That's four to six thousand hours of farming drizzle for the first set. And double for second or third. What kind of "equivalency" is that? How is that "less timegated" than WvW? Are you even arguing in good faith? Because at this point i sincerely start to doubt it.

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15 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Fair enough. You'd probably average around 2.5 eggs per Gerent in the longer run.

That's 3h per full clear. It's not just "decent". It's very fast. I mean, 3h was considered fast even when we had only 5 wings, and we now have 2 more. Most groups should probably expect around 4 to 6 hours, with occasional hiccups. That makes 24 to 36 hours for first set, double that for second and third. For Gerent it would take 12-15 runs of around 15 mins each (most of that time would be pure waiting, the fight itself lasts maybe 5 mins nowadays), so 3 to 4 hours max. And no doubling that time for subsequent sets.

Nah. At worst it might take around 10 hours of laid-back OW play to get everything for one set. And both the intensity of play and effort required for those hours would be a fraction of which is required for even similar time in raids. There's no real comparison.

First, last i heard full clears were still a bit higher than that (more than halfway). The prices might have changed downward since then, but i doubt it considering MC value went down in that time. But let's drop it, i may be mistaken and it might have indeed went so low lately.

Second, the [fast] gold values for Drizzlewood are purely theoretical. Most players should realistically expect maybe half that value.

So, you end up with 400-600 hours of farming Drizzle. For *one* clear. Of wings 1-4. That's 15 LI. You need 150 for the first set. That's four to six thousand hours of farming drizzle for the first set. And double for second or third. What kind of "equivalency" is that? How is that "less timegated" than WvW? Are you even arguing in good faith? Because at this point i sincerely start to doubt it.

400h for 10 clears assuming 15g per h which is very low. You need 300h+ to get your wvw rank high enough to be able to buy the armor and 29 weeks of diamond chest which takes 15h+ weekly.

435h total per wvw armor. just the timegate. Assuming just 15g/h in drizzlewood and counting time spend in raids the drizzlewood + raid sell path is less time consuming than wvw.

A scourge stack with tempest heal can full clear in 2h. 4h is already below average with players relogging for every boss.

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1 hour ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

You need to run more chak gerent for currency if you buy the keys.

No you don't, there are multiple ways of acquiring the remaining ley-line crystals without having to play TD at all (e.g. the Jade Sliver exchanges).

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OW armour should NOT be 'easier' to get. NO NO NO. Where do you keep getting this narrative  from? It's bad enough that people moaned about what you had to do for the skyscale and we got given a crumby, stupid short achievement for the turtle, which made no sense. And the exotics will do,... please.

I must be a strange player because i often change my builds for OW, for example, I prefer my condi mesmer for OW in cantha and have a ball testing things out. Just Me? 

It's a dam shame anet don't have the time to make another set available (because there still isn't) because this forum would go into melt down. 

For lulz i got leggie sets in both pvp and wvw and leggie runes and sigils so don't @ me there. 

The confused, afternoon. I say let them eat cake if you get a raid wing?



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2 minutes ago, Dami.5046 said:

OW armour should NOT be 'easier' to get. NO NO NO. Where do you keep getting this narrative  from? It's bad enough that people moaned about what you had to do for the skyscale and we got given a crumby, stupid short achievement for the turtle, which made no sense. And the exotics will do,... please.

I must be a strange player because i often change my builds for OW, for example, I prefer my condi mesmer for OW in cantha and have a ball testing things out. Just Me? 

It's a dam shame anet don't have the time to make another set available (because there still isn't) because this forum would go into melt down. 

For lulz i got leggie sets in both pvp and wvw and leggie runes and sigils so don't @ me there. 




You say it shouldn't be easier to get, but Overworld content is easier in general.

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Just now, Xerxez.7361 said:


You say it shouldn't be easier to get, but Overworld content is easier in general.

Oh i dunno. If each piece was as hard as say aurora plus extra gold? I mean i'm not talking a few kitten events and done?  I mean what isn't challenging to you may be to some?


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Just now, Dami.5046 said:

Oh i dunno. If each piece was as hard as say aurora plus extra gold? I mean i'm not talking a few kitten events and done?  I mean what isn't challenging to you may be to some?



Aurora wasn't hard at all? I almost finished it within a day or two until I realized I needed a Gift of Battle. (Already had A Henge Away from Home completed)


Aurora was literally just a few easy events and some travel and done.

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Time gate it with stuff to make one set take over a year and one Legendary piece 1500 gold + whatever tokens.
- Different tokens from barely done metas like, Serpents' Ire and Maws of Torment, maybe VB meta
- Tokens from ""difficult"" metas, like DE
- Tokens from DRMs, 10+ DRM a day to hit the daily cap
- Finish each Strike each day atleast once to hit the cap(BS included)
- Finish the Personal Story for 2 Gifts of whatever, you need 6 in total, so repeat 3 times
- Daily Legendary bounties, 50% chance for the boss to give its token
- All repeatable renown hearts each day, 50k karma to buy the Token from them
- Atleast 6 explorable dungeon paths, excluding AC
- Searing Ascent, Chalice of Tears, Abaddon's Ascent, Aetherblade JPs
- Daily Fractals each day
- 4 mount races a day in PoF and LWS4 zones
- Atleast 10 PoF, LWS4, IBS adventures a day

There, no raiding required, it's not going to be cheap, but it won't be steamroll easy. Since the problem with PvE armor is apparently that is ""only"" requires Raids here is one that requires the stuff in PvE.

EDIT: You want easy PvE armor do this. You want to get Legendary armor faster? Raids, PvP, WvW. 

Edited by IAmNotMatthew.1058
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