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The Skyscale Quest Line Is WAY Too Grindy, And Insulting [Merged]

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4 minutes ago, Drennon.7190 said:

Because player power / mobility is being locked behind the weakest content to be added to this game. Not only that, but it has an insane time investment.

It's not "player power" and the mobility delivered by the other mounts is easly enough to keep up with players using skyscales.

It's also not the weakest content (not sure where that random claim is even comming from) nor -still- is it an entry barrier. You should stop using phrases you don't understand just because you think they sound nice -it does the opposite of what you think it does for you. And that time investment is relevant to what point exactly? You not wanting to do something ingame? Alright, then don't and just use other/base mounts.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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3 minutes ago, Drennon.7190 said:

Where are you getting this from? Because I think poor design/implementation should be fixed?

I don’t think it is poor designed or implemented. So there is absolutely nothing to fix.
It took me a while to get the skyscale but I don’t remember it being very grindy or tedious. And now it is even easier and faster than when I did the collection. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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30 minutes ago, AnzuZuzu.8275 said:

u just have to get the legendary for everything right? can you explain what is ur obsession with legendary that has nothing to do with the mount yet u keep trying to hang it here?

It has everything to do with it.  The skyscale IS NOT REQUIRED to complete any content.  Neither is legendary gear.  Both are COMPLETELY OPTIONAL as QUALITY OF LIFE upgrades.

Both also require time and effort to obtain.  If we can make the skyscale easy to get, why not legendary gear?

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6 minutes ago, Drennon.7190 said:

Keep defending it. It’s a huge turnoff for new and returning players. Which this game needs if you don’t want to to go the way of Wildstar. 

Ah, so now we went from random claims about "entry barrier" (still not it) to you deciding what's a turnoff for other players because you want reward without doing stuff. All I see is wiggling around the posts you're quoting. 😉 Luckily I don't need to defend it, we can just keep describing facts.

Fact 1: Not too much

Fact 2: not a barrier of entry

Fact 3: don't somehow need "min 4 hours" to clearly and meaningfully chip away at the acquisition process

Fact 4: prestige mount, not base mount

Fact 5: still easy to play the game without that mount, but using the other mounts instead.


Wildstar has nothing to do with anything here, another attempt at irrelvant strawman and fearmongering. If gw2 will need to close, it won't be because of skyscale, lol. 🤦‍♂️

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4 minutes ago, Drennon.7190 said:

Keep defending it. It’s a huge turnoff for new and returning players. Which this game needs if you don’t want to to go the way of Wildstar. 

I know a couple of returning players that are working on the skyscale collection. Haven’t heard any complaints so far. 
And how do you know what every new or returning player likes or doesn’t like? Just because you don’t like something? 

Edited by yoni.7015
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12 minutes ago, Drennon.7190 said:

Because player power / mobility is being locked behind the weakest content to be added to this game. Not only that, but it has an insane time investment.

So, let's just forget the raptor, springer, jackal, skimmer and griffon, then.  Oh, and the roller beetle.  Heck, even the warclaw since it's able to be used in open world.

All of these mounts provide power/mobility.  I guess they don't matter.

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2 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

So, let's just forget the raptor, springer, jackal, skimmer and griffon, then.  Oh, and the roller beetle.  Heck, even the warclaw since it's able to be used in open world.

All of these mounts provide power/mobility.  I guess they don't matter.

No, they don’t matter when one Mount invalidates all of them, minus warclaw. 

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2 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

It has everything to do with it.  The skyscale IS NOT REQUIRED to complete any content.  Neither is legendary gear.  Both are COMPLETELY OPTIONAL as QUALITY OF LIFE upgrades.

Both also require time and effort to obtain.  If we can make the skyscale easy to get, why not legendary gear?

uh no its not... making it easy for you to move is not the same as making u more OP.
my point is  it takes too much TIME to do it, not everyone have the TIME to do so much, esp if u are a new player, not everyone has LW so u need to grind to get it, not every one had every mount before knowing about skyscale so you have to do that too, not everyone had the gold to buy the expensive materials that the quest ask for, so one more TIME i say it takes too much TIME to do it, do you get it? so i dont have to waste TIME again to explain it....

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2 minutes ago, AnzuZuzu.8275 said:

uh no its not... making it easy for you to move is not the same as making u more OP.
my point is  it takes too much TIME to do it, not everyone have the TIME to do so much, esp if u are a new player, not everyone has LW so u need to grind to get it, not every one had every mount before knowing about skyscale so you have to do that too, not everyone had the gold to buy the expensive materials that the quest ask for, so one more TIME i say it takes too much TIME to do it, do you get it? so i dont have to waste TIME again to explain it....

You don’t have to hurry, you can take all the time you need to get the skyscale. 

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11 minutes ago, Drennon.7190 said:

Where did I claim this? You can make stuff up and wink all you want. What I claimed, is that the path to getting skyscale is garbage and needs changed.

But it's not garbage and the amount of things people write but you dodge -as well as create false reasoning (like claiming it's a barrier of entry when it very clearly isn't one or that skyscale acquisition will somehow make gw2 shut down the same way wildstar did)- present it well enough.

If you think it's garbage but it's not about doing stuff then what is it about? "too much"? That's not only not specific, but also not "garbage" nor true.


As for "where did you claim it", it's rather apparent, if only from your posts like this one:


Ah, right,you've also called it a "core function of the game", which... it is not and it was already explained to you.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 minutes ago, AnzuZuzu.8275 said:

my point is  it takes too much TIME to do it, not everyone have the TIME to do so much,

I have guildies who literally play GW2 for two hours a week on Monday evenings. They had the skyscale within a few months of it being available. And that was before the Return To events were a thing.

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29 minutes ago, AnzuZuzu.8275 said:

its me or ppl is missing the point here? the point is that this quest is TOO extreme to just get the mount, not saying the game is bad cuz of this, the game is amazing but not everyone have the time to make it, its just too many things to do and u can go on with the "then dont do it" just cuz u did it and like it dosnt mean everyone does same other way just cuz i dont like it or i dont have the time is the same with everyone, just dont go on about it just cuz u already did it and u dont want ppl to get "handouts" as ya say....

Personally, I don't think the collections are "too extreme". The first 3 were incredibly tedious though and they could certainly be cut down without affecting the overall chain. That being said, I remember the rest of the line as being somewhat fun. Run around all over the place collecting different things, instead of just bouncing around dragonfall over and over and over.  And if you don't want to do a boss or jumping puzzle, there's the ability to skip past it.
And I really liked that you didn't have to do it all at once. You could work on and off again on the various parts of the quest line and make a little bit or progress each day (or every couple of days).
Not nearly as bad as any Legendary item, but that's the general way I looked at getting the Skyscale. And in game everyone I encountered was really helpful and supportive. If you are ever stuck, ask for advice or help in map chat and someone is usually around. If not, go to a different part of it and come back to that map later.

In the end, if you get burned out on any bit. Take a break and come back later. The Skyscale is worth it.

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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

If you think it's garbage but it's not about doing stuff then what is it about? "too much"? That's not only not specific, but also not "garbage" nor true.

I already explained in a previous post three reason why it’s not enjoyable. Not I’m going to continue explain. I don’t reply to your entire post, because a lot of it is not worth respond to. 

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5 minutes ago, AnzuZuzu.8275 said:

uh no its not... making it easy for you to move is not the same as making u more OP.
my point is  it takes too much TIME to do it, not everyone have the TIME to do so much, esp if u are a new player, not everyone has LW so u need to grind to get it, not every one had every mount before knowing about skyscale so you have to do that too, not everyone had the gold to buy the expensive materials that the quest ask for, so one more TIME i say it takes too much TIME to do it, do you get it? so i dont have to waste TIME again to explain it....

Wow.  A 5% bump makes a character OP?  Same 5% that one gets from Ascended gear?

I am a very casual player and it took me several months of playing here and there to get my skyscale and I had no issues moving around maps with the standard PoF mounts.  And this was well before the Return To events so I had to get the zone currencies by (gasp!) actually playing the game.

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9 minutes ago, AnzuZuzu.8275 said:

my point is  it takes too much TIME to do it, not everyone have the TIME to do so much,

I'm probably getting baited, but here we go. First of all, you're already quoted in this thread as claiming that the skyscale collection requires a year of playing and doing so for 4 hours at a time. Your perception of the amount of time it takes is not a matter of opinion at this point - you are blatantly wrong, so it's hard to respect anything you say about how long the collection does, should, or shouldn't take. 

18 minutes ago, AnzuZuzu.8275 said:

so one more TIME i say it takes too much TIME to do it

So it seems like some in this thread are correct - People just want instant gratification rewards, regardless of how valuable they are. Glad we could clear that up. 


I'm really not a fan of the common theme I find on this forum that just because something is valuable and improves your gaming experience means that every player, new and veteran, must have it as quickly and effortlessly as possible. 

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34 minutes ago, Drennon.7190 said:

No, they don’t matter when one Mount invalidates all of them, minus warclaw. 

Players do choose to only use Skyscale, but it's a choice. Raptor, Springer, Roller Beetle, Skimmer and Gryphon are all better than Skyscale in their area. Skyscale complements the others well, but the best use is to keybind them all and swap based on the path ahead.

The only mount Skyscale arguably invalidates is Springer. Though Springer still has it's opener that does nice breakbar damage, and can be used as a launch for Gryphon.

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14 minutes ago, SuavePuppy.2809 said:

I'm probably getting baited, but here we go. First of all, you're already quoted in this thread as claiming that the skyscale collection requires a year of playing and doing so for 4 hours at a time. Your perception of the amount of time it takes is not a matter of opinion at this point - you are blatantly wrong, so it's hard to respect anything you say about how long the collection does, should, or shouldn't take. 

So it seems like some in this thread are correct - People just want instant gratification rewards, regardless of how valuable they are. Glad we could clear that up. 


I'm really not a fan of the common theme I find on this forum that just because something is valuable and improves your gaming experience means that every player, new and veteran, must have it as quickly and effortlessly as possible. 

first the "4 hours" was just an example and i know hard for you to understand it so there it is and again i mean and i hope this time u understand it, there is too many things u need to even start this quest, its not newbie friendly, never said that they need to remove it entirely nor even change the quest itself, just make it a little easy r for newbies to start it? i hope i explained a little more this time (im already halfway thro the quest tho, so its not like im not trying it, im actually "gasp" playing the game) u can have the last word now if u want mate.
also im talking as a new player, dont even know how to get the bettle or the gryphon just gonna add this here so you know i dont know how to hardcoregrind stuff in the game.

Edited by AnzuZuzu.8275
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