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Some thoughts on improving GW2 economy.

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Thanks for the laugh, op 🤣🤣🤣


Wait ... you're actually serious???


12 hours ago, paShadoWn.5723 said:

Re-buying expensive weapons would add more meaning to gaining gold, because currently all you can do with it after playing for some time is to dump it into gems into largely useless stuff and shinies.

And that is a problem because?


If you don't enjoy the game, you are free to find other activities to spend your time (and money?) on. There's no need to totally ruin it for everybody else by replacing enjoyable (for us) gameplay with repeated busywork and/or a serious real money investment.

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OP, if you are desperate for a gold sink, I will take the hit and accept a monthly stipend from you. You can email me 300 gold on the first of each month.

No need to thank me. It's the least I could do for a fellow player like you, overcome with the terrible burden of wealth.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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Basically implementing the worst out of other mmos that just make it harder to actually play the game. 

Btw why would you vendor equipment drops. TP is a completely decent alternative to salvage and doesnt take mats out of the game. 

Btw gw2 has much better economy to almost all of those games. 

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If there's anything the GW2 economy needs, it's more flow of the piles of stuff we get in our inventory. 


If it has a limited use, either let us trade it for other currencies or sell it for minimal value. (Looking at you, Auric Dust.)  


With all the currencies out there, we'd do very well with a conversion system similar to gems/gold. An existing pool is modified by how much players deposit or withdraw. Lesser played content becomes more valuable, drawing more players to it for the conversion value, which props up the player pool for those who need the content. With a generous conversion tax (somewhere in the 15-30% range) and a daily limit, it would be an elegant way to have vents for the stuff we have too much of while earning currencies for content we're less inclined to approach. 


Oh, and make Gift of Battle saleable. WvW players constantly and rightfully gripe about rewards, and putting GoB on the market would give them a way to greatly monetize their play time. 

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20 minutes ago, Rauderi.8706 said:


Oh, and make Gift of Battle saleable. WvW players constantly and rightfully gripe about rewards, and putting GoB on the market would give them a way to greatly monetize their play time. 

With how easy they are to get, would they really end up worth that much on the TP?

Whenever I see this suggestion I imagine they'd end up worth fairly little, which would mean WvW players wouldn't see much improvement in rewards from gameplay, but it would become much easier for non-WvW players to get them.

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20 hours ago, paShadoWn.5723 said:

Main feature that I think needs to be implemented is crafting timers. Having crafting done by the masters to whom you deliver materials and then they spend some minutes on refinement and basic gear, hours for exotics and days and weeks for ascended and legendary gear would achieve realism (having a grunt hand-making a complicated magical item in under a minute is quite silly). Current restriction on ascended mat crafting per day tries to achieve the same thing but it is obviously a crude solution and it doesn't works - anyone can get enough ascended mats from trade post for anything if he is proficient at obtaining gold, devaluing ascended items

Lol so after all the mats you hoarder for weeks/months. Now you wait a timer to craft the legendary? I would probably quit the same day they would do this. Last thing I want after I did all collections and hoarded all mats and spent all gold is to wait some more. No, I want it when I have all ready.

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4 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

With how easy they are to get, would they really end up worth that much on the TP?

Whenever I see this suggestion I imagine they'd end up worth fairly little, which would mean WvW players wouldn't see much improvement in rewards from gameplay, but it would become much easier for non-WvW players to get them.


It's something like 6-8 hours of effort, if spam boosters, and get super lucky enough to have a group to lol-roll with. 


GoB is a stop-gap for a lot of casual/PvE players' attempts at legendaries. Some won't even bother because of it. And the ratio between non-WvW players and WvW players is (probably) pretty sizable. If PvE players weren't strong-armed and held at gunpoint to do it themselves, there'd be fewer GoB to market and more willing to buy. I'm reasonably sure that would keep the price elevated. 

And not to leave WvW folks out, the same should go for Gift of Exploration. Many players (rightfully) find map completion dreadful, and if they want to cash out to skip it while someone else gets rewarded, it should be that way.  

Then, with more people able to get components to make legendaries, the prices of other related good will climb, meaning more cash for sellers/providers and more reason to engage with the game to get trophies. 


Kitten it, make LI saleable while I'm on this train. Get every economic dead-end material and trophy cycling through the game. 

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I love it. Where do I sign up for this?


Here are some more great ideas to add on top:

1. Upgrade chances to "ultra forge" gear which strait up give a bit more stats. 


2. Make higher gear items have a chance to "break" while being crafted. Sell gem store insurance contracts to prevent item breakage.


3. Inserting and removing upgrades from items is now free. Instead there is a 10% chance the item breaks and gets destroyed. If thks happens in inserting the upgrade, the upgrade is destroyed alongside the item.


4. All accounts get an energy meter which gets consumed on any action. When depleted, player accounts are unable to interact with the surrounding world. Crafters can create consumables which restire this energy. One ingredient used for this recipe is sold exclusively on the gem store.


Wait a second, April fools ended already....

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