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Willbender in SPvP


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18 hours ago, Viko.7068 said:

Arena net when u will nerf mostly this spec and others Overpower end of dragons specs  ?? 


Its ridiculous the gap beetween builds before end of dragons vs after end of dragons =/

In my opinion they should look at 3 of the new specs in particular.


Harbinger: They need to shave down the sheer number of diffrent condis that it applys so it is easier to cleanse it. No need to have slow/cripple/chill/weakness/vuln baked ontop of all the other damaging conditions, with the sole purpose of making it borderline impossible to cleanse all of it. Overall Damage can stay the way it is, just give us a chance to cleanse.

Willbender: They need to tone down the defenses a bit (Blind;Aegis) and bring down the teleporting a tiny bit. Getting chased by a Willbender when playing Daredevil is a "new Low". But the mobility is not the problem, it is the sheer number of hits that it can "Tank" without even getting hit by it, via Aegis and blind.

Untamed: Untamed took the single thing that made Core ranger viable/strong, and elevated it to a new level of frustration. I mean.... TELEPORTING TAILSWIPE ABUSE!? can we please wake up? This is nonsense. Untamed should be strong but this is not the way to achieve it. Buff it in other areas, but being hit for7.5k maul and 6k Tailswipe. from a "Tailswipe+Maul-Teleport-combo" out of stealth... is again a "new low". They removed other oneshot from stealth combos, but let Untamed have a upwards of 13k Burst out of stealth...   i mean come one xD 13k Damage... lets not forget how tanky Untamed is please! TELEPORTINGTAILSWIPEABUSE! what is going on xD i expected a tailswipe nerf... but NOPE anet thought that TELEPORT TAILSWIPES is exactly what ranger and the entirity of the Gw2 universe needed... GREAT ADDITION! I am not saying Untamed is overperforming, i am just saying that its only strong point... is nonsense and should honestly not exist or should not do over13k damage with literally no way of reacting to it. They have to give it other strengths... But Teleport-Tailswipe-Abuse is simply the single worst thing that they could have come up with on ranger....

Edited by Sahne.6950
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47 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Harbinger: They need to shave down the sheer number of diffrent condis that it applys so it is easier to cleanse it. No need to have slow/cripple/chill/weakness/vuln baked ontop of all the other damaging conditions, with the sole purpose of making it borderline impossible to cleanse all of it. Overall Damage can stay the way it is, just give us a chance to cleanse.

This ! The damage are "ok" but there is too much condi coverts


47 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Willbender: They need to tone down the defenses a bit (Blind;Aegis) and bring down the teleporting a tiny bit. Getting chased by a Willbender when playing Daredevil is a "new Low". But the mobility is not the problem, it is the sheer number of hits that it can "Tank" without even getting hit by it, via Aegis and blind.

I would rather do  the contrary and nerf the damage output and leave untouch the defense/mobility so Willbender stay a roamer/brawler

Edited by Jumpel.3972
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2 hours ago, Jumpel.3972 said:

This ! The damage are "ok" but there is too much condi coverts


I would rather do  the contrary and nerf the damage output and leave untouch the defense/mobility so Willbender stay a roamer/brawler

Idk... having high Damage classes is fine... Willybender is pretty good at dealing with the bunkers and it should stay this way. Just blanket nerfing Damage got us in the sad state we are in right now. They need to balance the game via skillreworks and not by -5 damage here and +5 Damage here. Also  they should not destroy the mobility /defense, they should not even change values/functionality of the skills. They should  partly revert the latest buff and slightly(please dont kill Willbender) raise the Cooldowns again, so that its not as spammy is it currently is. The f3 cooldown and the teleportcooldowns are laughable.

Willbender damage is actually okay. The problem is that in a normal spvp match you are not gonna see him coming alot of the time they just pop right in your face and just go KABOOM! Teleports should not be their only way of getting around the map... at some point they should have to use the W key aswell.  its just SO frustrating if you are chasing one and he just keeps teleporting away from you. Everytime you try to hit him he has Aegis up, or blinds you, has Stability, yada yada. and you can literally not do anything to stop him. He just uses teleport after teleport after teleport and you can literally not CC him, because you have to somehow get that Aegis of him first... you use a skill to pop the aegis... *MISS* oh yEAAAHH i forgot i am blinded aswell... okey then i have to waste 2 hits and then stun... you actually manage to hit him 2 times only to notice that this fella also has Stability on him... Then you throw your next CC skill right after, because you popped the stability now.. WHAT!? Aegis again!?!?   

Thats what fighting a good willbender feels like.

You cant have good Mobility/Sustain/Damage/Stability/Cleansing all baked into a single spec... there needs to be weaknesses... right now Willbender doesnt have any glaring weaknesses. Its mobile does alot of damage, has alot of way to 100% negate damage, great cleansing.. Teleports.... What does this class not have?   (please dont come around the corner and tell us it doesnt have HardCC, because it obviously doesnt even need it xDD)

Willbender Cooldowns really need to be looked at! Its not that particular skills are overperforming, its just that it has all of them ready to frequently. Willbender was considered trashtier before the buff and it (in my opinion)is a little bit to strong in the conquest setting right now. So the sweetspot is somewhere in the middle.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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27 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Willbender is a Guardian specialization.

I'd be surprised if it takes less than two years to nerf it to appropriate levels.

Streaming are saying it will get nerfed in today's patch, I dunno where did they get this romour, maybe a dev made a comment somewhere they are gonna address op things.


Lets hope tho.

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18 hours ago, Lysico.4906 said:

Wb:   Double to cool downs on the f1 to f3.    Sword 2, double the timer

At release F2 and F3 had significantly longer CDs in spvp and the elite was garbage. I am expecting some nerfs to F2 and F3, but double timer?! Absolutely not.

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