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I'm fine with every OP spec, but I never enjoy playing against Deadeye


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On 5/16/2022 at 5:43 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

This meta could be described as "Anti-projectile reveal spam teleport gap closing burst madness"

If you guys can't handle DEs in today's meta, you're doing something very very wrong.

Let's take a look at this:

  1. DH - reveals & pulls into 1shot trap stack - or land 1x true shot on DE and you win
  2. Guard Support - bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles aegis aegis aegis aegis aegis
  3. Willbender - teleporting burst god - hit the DE once with sword offhand and you win
  4. Bladesworn - infinitely cycles reveals - kill a DE easily by spamming only artillery slash and cyclone trigger - or alternatively land a single dragon trigger burst and kill the DE
  5. Herald - teleporting burst god with reveal and massive AoE CC that requires no target to hit
  6. Mechanist - stand behind your Mech and use it to LOS - eon't even need to push skills to do this and the DE can't kill you
  7. Holosmith - get a hold of the DE once and automatically win
  8. Ranger/Druid/Soulbeast/Untame - if you died to any Thief spec while running any Ranger spec, you're doing something very wrong or you're just plainly getting out-skilled by the Thief
  9. Thief/Daredevil/Specter - If you can't figure out how to teleport at the DE to kill, then just teleport away from the DE so it can't kill you.
  10. Harbinger - necros no longer have room to complain about ranged attacks - use your ranged attacks - learn to LOS like everyone else
  11. Mesmer/Chrono/Mirage/Virtuoso - gfg man block block block projectile reflect reflect reflect invuln invuln invuln evade evade evade - you can kill a DE by LOSing and letting your clones auto attack it - you don't even need to actually know what you're doing to kill a DE as a Mesmer
  12. Ele/Temp/Weav/CATA - dudes, the projectile nullification on modern Ele specs is very seriously upwards of 90% especially on Cata - if you cannot figure out how to at least survive and not die vs. DE, you're doing something very wrong

I mean what the hell boys? What is your technique when you see a DE? Do you AFK or something? ^^

Sorry, I just don't see how anyone is possibly having enough legit problems with DE that it would warrant a complaint thread.

I think the complaint was not that DE is strong but that's it's complete kitten game design.  Which it absolutely is.

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On 5/16/2022 at 9:45 PM, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

It's necessary in PvE, since your main source of damage is DJ spammed over and over and over.
As toxic as it may be -and it is- it's a mechanical necessity for DE to exist outside PvP. I'd change some other things

1) Mercy has 0 reason to be a stunbreak. 0 reason.
2) Deadeye is meant to be a slow moving spec. For this reason DE was given... the best movement skills in the game, with rifle4? This thing needs a fat nuke.
3) The big damage is on skirmisher shot, which is a skill with low cast time, no aftercast, low ini cost, 1200 range, projectile moves super fast and it doesn't require kneeling. It's literally a "now you die" button with no risk nor preparation, you just press stuff and force people to waste way too many things to get out of range; in which case you can just malicious backstab or DJ.
4) Malicious backstab has enough power damage to oneshot people with 0 tell; would be acceptable from a class with low access to stealth, but a DE can perma stealth. You can't just "see it coming".
5) Kneeling is also quite strong, even though people usually see no reason to do it; with the smoke screen on rifle they are protected against projectiles (so about half of ranged damage doesn't work), which can also combo with skirmisher shot to blind people from range to further prevent any kind of counterattack. Whenever you reach the range of the DE, they can just rifle leap on their smoke field and they're gone
6) Shadow rejuvenation needs to go, and the 3 condies cleansed on shadowstep return need to go.

Everything else is questionable stuff which -as bad as it may be on PvP- has a reason to be due to PvE.

So, to get this straight, you want to take an underperforming spec, and just make it completely unplayable and the single worst spec the game has ever seen? What? Usually people hide their blind hatred for thief better.


Also the reason people see no reason to kneel is because not only is it not strong, its incredibly weak. Actively terrible. Oh and that smokescreen? Costs a ton of initiative, so you can say goodbye to your escape with rifle 4 (not that htat one is good to begin with). 

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3 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I think the complaint was not that DE is strong but that's it's complete kitten game design.  Which it absolutely is.

This, same happened with the Trapper runes drama, some persons in these forums really needs to improve their reading comprehension xDD

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4 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I think the complaint was not that DE is strong but that's it's complete kitten game design.  Which it absolutely is.

I never said it wasn't.

But complaining about DE at all in 2022 looks very silver tier or g1 at best l2p.

That's all I'm saying.

I mean come on boys, Willbender Harbginer Vindicator is happening right now.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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17 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I never said it wasn't.

But complaining about DE at all in 2022 looks very silver tier or g1 at best l2p.

That's all I'm saying.

I mean come on boys, Willbender Harbginer Vindicator is happening right now.

Nope. We WILL butt heads on this. We can walk and chew gum at the same time! Deadeye, no matter if it's overpowered or not, is a disgusting spec and should've never seen the light of day. In my opinion, it should be deleted. (Everybody relax, I know that's not going to happen...) I've never walked away from a Deadeye fight and thought, "That was fun...". Look, to give it the benefit of the doubt, a Deadeye could pew-pew at me for ONE HP and I would still hate it. It's nothing but a troll build and a time-waster.


Nothing personal against Deadeye players, this is beyond mere "salt", this is pure contempt against that infernal spec. I would rather you play Daredevil, Specter or core instead.


Whoever designed Deadeye needs to walk in wet rain boots on a tile floor...

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14 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

Nope. We WILL butt heads on this. We can walk and chew gum at the same time! Deadeye, no matter if it's overpowered or not, is a disgusting spec and should've never seen the light of day. In my opinion, it should be deleted. (Everybody relax, I know that's not going to happen...) I've never walked away from a Deadeye fight and thought, "That was fun...". Look, to give it the benefit of the doubt, a Deadeye could pew-pew at me for ONE HP and I would still hate it. It's nothing but a troll build and a time-waster.


Nothing personal against Deadeye players, this is beyond mere "salt", this is pure contempt against that infernal spec. I would rather you play Daredevil, Specter or core instead.


Whoever designed Deadeye needs to walk in wet rain boots on a tile floor...

No, cause then you would just come for the other thieves, like all other wars and mesmers are.


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The problem with deadeye is that it went from being a positionally based sniper that traded mobility for damage with kneel to stealth and 2 spam throughout the years. Sure, shadow meld has always been an toxic skill regardless. As a whole Anet leaned hard into the permastealth gameplay rather than what made the spec interesting in the first place. Even though it's not overperforming it's neither fun to play nor play against. 

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Anyway, when it comes to design, Deadeye is flawed, but its also flawed because playing it is bloody *boring*. You just spam 2, because every other skill is worthless. Kneel exists but you never go into it because its kitten. And stealth is a trap that you shouldnt focus on, but actually also gives you issues when reveal happens.


If I were to change deadeye, I'd drop the kneel thing completely, and change it to a midrange skirmisher with deaths judgment as its only notable long-range options. Keep malice, malice is cool, make the dodge roll not give stealth and instead make the gimmick to this spec that it can stealth attack WITHOUT stealthing (Sorta like mirage's ambush), make the stealth attack after dodgeroll baseline, and rework rifle 2, 3, 4 and 5. Make 3 actually worth a kitten for DPS, keep 2 as a utility thing, make 4 better for mobility and make 5, idk, some kind of teamfighting thing. A grenade you toss maybe? 

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