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Im pretty sick of failing Dragons End meta

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5 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

But that's not social communication at all!? Calling out stuff during action is just routine that may be unnecessary eventually as players learn. AB used to require communication between commanders too. To balance between lanes, share about when they can DPS, etc.

It really doesn't sound like it's uniquely suitable to form communities or build relationships. Or rather, it mostly differentiated itself initially by being extremely frustrating and having an extremely high failure rate. And any decrease in frustration decreases it's uniqueness. 

But that is exactly why I consider the presentation of DE a failure. It doesn't do enough to allow people to self select. The unique positive some point out is rooted in extreme frustration. Which I find odd to celebrate. 

Usually, at least in my squad, there is a lot more going on in squad chat because you get to know the other people in the squad you are doing the meta with. It is actually quiet a funny time. You hardly have this experience during other meta events where there is zero communication and cooperation. But again, that is just my personal experience. I don’t represent my opinion as fact like others in this thread 🙂 

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3 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Usually, at least in my squad, there is a lot more going on in squad chat because you get to know the other people in squad you are doing the meta with. It is actually quiet a funny time. 

Just for me to understand. How exactly is that related to the DPS check and unique to DE? 

Edit: As reminder, your original point was that the necessity for commanders making calls improved the social aspect of the meta. 

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4 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

Just for me to understand. How exactly is that related to the DPS check and unique to DE? 

Edit: As reminder, your original point was that the necessity for commanders making calls improved the social aspect of the meta. 

No it wasn’t.  I wasn’t talking about the DPS check. But of course Leads the necessity for commanders making calls often to a more lively chat. Maybe you misunderstood or I didn’t articulate myself correctly because English is not my native language. Sorry for the confusion. 

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32 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

No it wasn’t.  I wasn’t talking about the DPS check. Maybe you misunderstood or I didn’t articulate myself correctly because English is not my native language. Sorry for the confusion. 

I mean, you weren't explicitly talking about the DPS check. But you did make the point that DE is uniquely suited to fostering that kind of community. Do feel free to explain in what precise way DE is unique here!

I just assumed since you were advocating for DE and this thread was about the frustrating parts of DE that your comments might have been related to the mechanics of DE. Which set themselves apart from other metas mostly through a DPS check.

Edit regarding your edit:

32 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

But of course Leads the necessity for commanders making calls often to a more lively chat.

I do not see that correlation. How is gameplay focused calls related to social banter? And more importantly, how does DE differentiate itself from AB a few years back in that regard? Clearly commanders being necessary can be done without the need for a DPS check.

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39 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Usually, at least in my squad, there is a lot more going on in squad chat because you get to know the other people in the squad you are doing the meta with.

Isn't it the other way? You get social banter because the squad consists of players that already know each other. For me, that tries the meta on and off occasionally, i see only squads where there's no social banter at all, and the communication is way below of what i am used to see in AB and Gerent metas. There's some sorting out for alac and quick at the beginning, and that's about all there is. And i am talking about the succesful squads here (ironically, the unsuccesful squads generally seem more social to me, btw).

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On 6/2/2022 at 11:26 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

I'm one of those that stopped trying.


11 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

 For me, that tries the meta on and off occasionally

weird but okay.

In all the squads I have done DE with there was more communication than during other meta events. Experiences can be different though.

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Just now, yoni.7015 said:

weird but okay.

Well, at this moment "occasionally" means i haven't been to that map for over 2 weeks already 😛

Just now, yoni.7015 said:

In all the squads I have done DE with there was more communication than during other meta events.

We were not talking about the mechanic communication, but about social banter here. And even with that, i see more communication in Gerent about the sizes of each lanes' squads alone than the totality of communication in DE squads. It's almost as if the good squads in DE assume everyone knows what they're doing.

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2 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Well, at this moment "occasionally" means i haven't been to that map for over 2 weeks already 😛

We were not talking about the mechanic communication, but about social banter here. And even with that, i see more communication in Gerent about the sizes of each lanes' squads alone than the totality of communication in DE squads. It's almost as if the good squads in DE assume everyone knows what they're doing.

So have you stopped trying or haven’t you? One day you say this and the other day you say that 🙂 
Yes, I mean overall communication. I see more communication in DE than in Gerent. 

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10 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

weird but okay.

In all the squads I have done DE with there was more communication than during other meta events. Experiences can be different though.

That is exactly the point. I'm happy you and your guildie found an environment that you enjoy!

But I fail to see what makes DE and the format of OW DPS checks uniquely suited to that positive experience.

Why DE must be a regular OW meta that even railroads all players into it via story and turtle. How is a 50+ player meta the best environment to necessitate higher DPS output from players and get them to learn about min/maxing traits and gear. (Min maxing = minimizing weaknesses, maximizing strengths. Aka gameplay performance is king)

Why are the plentiful negative experiences irrelevant? 

3 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Yes, I mean overall communication. I see more communication in DE than in Gerent. 

This might be because you are running with your guildies and people you are familiar with.

In my experience Gerent is about as lively as DE and metas like AB are much more socially active. 

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3 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

So have you stopped trying or haven’t you?

I have. I no longer feel any pressure to do that event. If i happen to be on the map somewhere in the future (probably far away one, because currently i'm staying away from EoD) and the meta will start i might join if i have time and i feel like it. Or i might not.


What i will no longer do is to actively try doing it or have it a part of my daily/weekly routine. It is no longer on the list of my goals.

3 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

One day you say this and the other day you say that 🙂 
Yes, I mean overall communication. I see more communication in DE than in Gerent. 

You may be joining guild squads then and listening to guild banter (as opposed to DE banter). Or you might be joining some very silent and niche Gerents. The ones i usually do are frequently part of the meta trains, and those squads talk a lot. Almost as if there was a subcommunity forming around it. Funny that.

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It's actually a very interesting observation. How detached the perspectives are.

Almost as if these were to different kinds of subcommunities who enjoy different things and possibly should have a clear idea what content is built for them and what content is built for others.

Allowing people who enjoy both to just play both while allowing players who only enjoy one side to only play one side. Without running head first into unexpected brick walls. 

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1 hour ago, Gorem.8104 said:

This post is rather confusing. You didn't need a hard meta to accomplish anything you accomplished. So the "Challenge" of the DE meta actually did nothing for you, you could have done that regardless doing say, a HP solo in HoT.

I'm going to quote this part but others have responded with similar comments. And all those comments are totally correct, there is challenging content outside of DE. But the important and main point i want to make is that most of that content is outside of the story path. You need to actively search for it and when you do you are already working on improving your skill.


The first time i did DE and failed miserably i was actually kind of glad it failed. For me it was the trigger to start working on my skills and when i finally beat the meta it was a personal achievement. That was my reward so to speak and no amount of unidentified gear could match that reward.


Remember, this is my story about how the meta affected me, this is not everyone's story. So i don't understand why people try to invalidate my story because it could have been told differently.

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8 minutes ago, Ellon.4316 said:

Remember, this is my story about how the meta affected me, this is not everyone's story. So i don't understand why people try to invalidate my story because it could have been told differently.

Unfortunately some have difficulties accepting that others have had different experiences than them. 

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2 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

It's actually a very interesting observation. How detached the perspectives are.

Almost as if these were to different kinds subcommunities who enjoy different things and possibly should have a clear idea what content is built for them and what content is built for others.

Allowing people who enjoy both to just play both while allowing players who only enjoy one side to only play one side. Without running head first into unexpected brick walls. 

I suppose there are different camps: You have the OW camp, the Raid/Strike/Fractal camp (I will refer to this group as the Raid camp or Raiders from here on out), the PvP camp and the WvW camp. There are also many people who enjoy content of multiple camps. However, we see the Raid camp and OW camp pitted against each other here. 

I guess what Anet is trying to do is to garner interest for both camps to try the other side, because Anet knows that there are many in both camps that don't even want to try content for the other camp. Of course whenever Anet tries to do this, the irony is that the polarization is reinforced rather than weakened. At least that's what I'm getting.

I mean I personally enjoy OW and WvW the most. I dabble in dungeons, strikes and fractals occasionally but they're kinda meh to me, so I rarely do them. They're not as fun to me. I'll do them mostly for getting items for a collection actually, not because I enjoy them so much. So at least I did try some of the other stuff, just didn't care for it. (I also tried PvP but that's not relevant here).

But these camps are hard to convince and even when they try it, they are turned off by it, so it solidifies their opinions. I think here and there people have thought of some solutions, but it seems to me that the raid camp has more to gain by putting more difficult content in OW than the other way around. Bottom line is that DE is a big step too far, as well as the Strikes in Normal Mode for a lot of OW'ers.

It seems to me that Anet should look into this a bit more because if you want to convince OW'ers of the value and fun of doing this type of content, you need to come up with a different method of making harder content in OW.  Equally it's hard for the Raid camp to enjoy OW content that's "dead easy". 

Look at it this way: It's as hard to convince OW'ers of the fun of group content as it is to convince the Raiders of the fun of "dead easy" content.

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10 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Unfortunately some have difficulties accepting that others have had different experiences than them. 

Yes. That's you. I have no difficulty accepting that others can have varyingly different experiences than me. I'm just aware that some of those experiences are pretty much niche. And i am aware due to 10 years of observing this game's playerbase.

Basically, if the reality was like you think it is (or even anywhere near it), the overall playerbase of this game would today be far more skilled than it is. And yet since HoT there was no significant change in that regard at all.

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23 minutes ago, Ellon.4316 said:

I'm going to quote this part but others have responded with similar comments. And all those comments are totally correct, there is challenging content outside of DE. But the important and main point i want to make is that most of that content is outside of the story path. You need to actively search for it and when you do you are already working on improving your skill.


The first time i did DE and failed miserably i was actually kind of glad it failed. For me it was the trigger to start working on my skills and when i finally beat the meta it was a personal achievement. That was my reward so to speak and no amount of unidentified gear could match that reward.


Remember, this is my story about how the meta affected me, this is not everyone's story. So i don't understand why people try to invalidate my story because it could have been told differently.

What do you think about the fact that one can improve by themselves and keep failing over and over? Or who are already much further along the journey of personal progression and yet fail miserably over and over? (Specifically talking about the older version of the meta. I think specifically the second example has gotten very rare since)

Is that really what the story should lead into?

My point really isn't to invalidate your story. But rather that a terrible experience is not improved by someone else having a good one. I know of the couple of groups who love the event which is beautiful! 

But are the drawbacks really worth that? Can something be done to reduce those drawbacks. The negative if not terrible experiences without making it unenjoyable for everyone else?

E.g. my suggestions for more clearly differentiating it from other meta events or focusing on things that can be changed while in the map. For example, you can totally have a meta that requires quickness or alacrity without requiring high DPS by having success tied to the amount of incoming attacks rather than damage dealt or having to use the special action key faster very slightly faster than its cooldown allows. Necessitating these boons while allowing experienced players to explain exactly one mechanic. Teaching players what skills or traits can support the group that way without too much effort and inexperienced players can have a lovely learning experience for these so central boons. 

DPS can not be taught in map. At best someone sends around a link to what a build should look like and the player has to read up and change everything themselves. At once. Hopefully understanding the skills they were told to select without context.

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33 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Unfortunately some have difficulties accepting that others have had different experiences than them. 

I would accuse you two of the same. We acknowledge that positive experiences exist.

The question is whether those justify the negative to terrible experiences that are attached to it. Especially since, as Ellon correctly pointed out. The game and the story leads you so directly into it. All but assuring almost every player will have the pleasure to make an experience along this range.

How high is the percentage of players with positive experiences? How high of negative experiences? Are those negative ones inherently necessary to create the positive ones? And if so, are they worth it? 

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26 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Yes. That's you. I have no difficulty accepting that others can have varyingly different experiences than me. I'm just aware that some of those experiences are pretty much niche. And i am aware due to 10 years of observing this game's playerbase.

Basically, if the reality was like you think it is (or even anywhere near it), the overall playerbase of this game would today be far more skilled than it is. And yet since HoT there was no significant change in that regard at all.

Of course you don’t, that’s why you invalidate every experience that is different from yours and constantly present your opinions as facts. 
 But who knows, tomorrow you’ll probably write the exact opposite, like you did with trying or not trying the meta  🙂 

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40 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

I suppose there are different camps: You have the OW camp, the Raid/Strike/Fractal camp (I will refer to this group as the Raid camp or Raiders from here on out), the PvP camp and the WvW camp. There are also many people who enjoy content of multiple camps. However, we see the Raid camp and OW camp pitted against each other here. 

I guess what Anet is trying to do is to garner interest for both camps to try the other side, because Anet knows that there are many in both camps that don't even want to try content for the other camp. Of course whenever Anet tries to do this, the irony is that the polarization is reinforced rather than weakened. At least that's what I'm getting.

I mean I personally enjoy OW and WvW the most. I dabble in dungeons, strikes and fractals occasionally but they're kinda meh to me, so I rarely do them. They're not as fun to me. I'll do them mostly for getting items for a collection actually, not because I enjoy them so much. So at least I did try some of the other stuff, just didn't care for it. (I also tried PvP but that's not relevant here).

But these camps are hard to convince and even when they try it, they are turned off by it, so it solidifies their opinions. I think here and there people have thought of some solutions, but it seems to me that the raid camp has more to gain by putting more difficult content in OW than the other way around. Bottom line is that DE is a big step too far, as well as the Strikes in Normal Mode for a lot of OW'ers.

It seems to me that Anet should look into this a bit more because if you want to convince OW'ers of the value and fun of doing this type of content, you need to come up with a different method of making harder content in OW.  Equally it's hard for the Raid camp to enjoy OW content that's "dead easy". 

Look at it this way: It's as hard to convince OW'ers of the fun of group content as it is to convince the Raiders of the fun of "dead easy" content.

The problem is the extremely wide gap that knowledge creates in this game.

Understanding the combat system and having a good build easily causes 5x-8x the damage output. Low DPS requirements may require of unknowledgeable players to be very active. While even medium DPS requirements are essentially just auto attacking for experienced players. That's where the "11111" myth comes from. Performance is mostly detached from how many skills you use. The players who are accused of wanting braindead content often just enjoy to play content they can actually do something in. 

The root cause of that is exponential rewards for the right selections (percentage modifiers which increase in bonus the more base value you have. E.g. Dragon's End Contributor buff providing ~800 DPS to an unoptimized build while providing ~6000 DPS to an optimized one. But this is true for lots of traits, runes and sigils as well).

This widens the gap between experiences. 

Mixed with a lot of freedom for build choices this means that effectively there are tons of traps everywhere. This freedom also means freedom to make mistakes. And those are punished extremely by the game.

There is zero chance to make the two extreme ends of the spectrum come together. The "way forward" can only be to disregard players who did not manage to improve and focus on the more hardcore community. 

But instead of working on better education and feedback system to make that step up easier and more approachable. ANet created DE. Interpretation on my end. They hoped extreme frustration would get more players to seek out communities and resources and improve on their own. Aka git gud or get out. If that was the intention, then it is the worst approach to get players to learn or even just enjoy their time with the game. At least when one expects all players to participate in that content and integrates it accordingly. 

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21 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

I would accuse you two of the same. We acknowledge that positive experiences exist.

The question is whether those justify the negative to terrible experiences that are attached to it. Especially since, as Ellon correctly pointed out. The game and the story leads you so directly into it. All but assuring almost every player will have the pleasure to make an experience along this range.

How high is the percentage of players with positive experiences? How high of negative experiences? Are those negative ones inherently necessary to create the positive ones? And if so, are they worth it? 

Where did I write that negative experiences don’t exist? Of course they do. I had some negative experiences with the meta at the beginning myself. But you can turn those negative experiences into positive ones. 
And yes, your questions are important ones. But I don’t have an answer to them. 

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14 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Where did I write that negative experiences don’t exist? Of course they do. I had some negative experiences with the meta at the beginning myself. 
And yes, your questions are important ones. But I don’t have an answer to them. 

Of course there is no clear answers about the question I put up. That's what we are discussing here.

No one seriously suggested that absolutely everyone hates the meta. Yet you keep arguing against people who share negative experiences and their distaste for how it was implemented into the game about how fantastic it is and how it shapes fantastic communities and everything is fine and dandy. 

Well it's not and that that style of arguing comes across as if you do not care about people with negative experiences and simply disregard their perspective. 

We want the game to be as great as possible. I've said several times that I see no way they can reasonably fix DE. It is fundamentally built to create exactly the experiences it creates right now. It can not get better. 

But exactly that is what ought to be discussed. ANet should not keep doing exactly this. Should not keep antagonizing a significant amount of players. All the people who vent their frustrations over the past months and plenty who did not. 

I'm totally fine with content having a DPS check. With a road towards content that requires high player performance. With educating players and all that jazz.

But players should go in with the right expectations. If it's supposed to require higher than usual DPS, then it should distance itself from other metas. So players who fail have a somewhat correct assumption why it might have failed and are lead towards improvement. 

Just getting everyone into a meta event that suddenly is so very different is a boiling pot full of bad things happening. 

Either metas ought to be designed differently or presented differently. I'm happy for all clarifications about what exactly is important to those who love the meta. After all, that kind of content is built for them. Who am I to demand that being be taken away from them? 

But I do expect of future content to be more considerate for the negative side of the coin. This addition was not ok in all kinds of ways. From design flaws (some of which they tried to fix with the damage area, though animations are still confusing), to bugs they still struggle with (how often did they fix bites now?), to presenting it as part of the story, locking the turtle and leading everyone into it over having a regular meta event designed to fail when average OW player squads attempt it simply due to lack of DPS. 

The combination is bad. And I'd love to hear which parts should definitely be kept and which aspects would be ok to loose. So we can format the feedback and help ANet improve into better directions. Where both sides who show up in threads like this are more satisfied with the game. 

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18 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

But instead of working on better education and feedback system to make that step up easier and more approachable. ANet created DE. Interpretation on my end. They hoped extreme frustration would get more players to seek out communities and resources and improve on their own. Aka git gud or get out.


You know this is blatantly false right? 

Anet has been trying to hand people tools to improve for years, people just tend to ignore them. 

That's Anet being courteous to Open World players. 

They offer the tools and experiences to improve yourself, but if you refuse to do so you can still do the majority of the content. 


In the case of Dragon's End:


1. Anet added the most overpowered specs to the game in terms of both DPS and support, while at the same time those specs have a drastically reduced threshold to play effectively ( Compare Condi Virtuoso's rotation which 90% consists of the same 5 buttons with something like Condi Weaver for example. Or Support Mechanist, which has a whole lot of auto attacking and using it's F keys on cooldown for the most part). 


2. Masteries in this expansion added some of the most broken safety nets to players, especially the Jade Bot line which adds: A free res, a free teleport, and (depending on your Jade Core) 1-3k health.


3. Every meta prior to Dragon's End does it's best to teach you every possible mechanic. Examples:  All the other meta's have breakbars that at some point have to be broken. They all show big telegraphs where you should not stand in.  Seitung and Kaineng both feature a 'focus on adds' phase.  Kaineng features a split phase. Echovald features 'stand in green/hide behind objects to avoid a KO' mechanic. The only really new thing that the Soo Won fight adds is the green phase. Everything else gets shown to you in prior meta's in this expansion, and that is without mentioning how plenty of mechanics are going all the way back to the basegame. Dodging has been in the game since 2012, as are red telegraphs. Green = good and breakbars have been in the game since at least HoT so 2015.  Kill things at the same time has been featured since at least the Great Jungle Wurm in 2013, and people got a refresher for that with at least the Dragonfall meta.  Both Wurm and Tequatl also feature split phases.


There is simply nothing there that has not been explained to you and showed to you by the game prior, some of those things being so basic they have been a staple for over 5 or even 10+ years at this point. It is possible to miss them, but at some point that is no longer Anet's fault.


Some people just don't want to improve. 

Which is their choice and valid. 

But then don't complain when that choice means you cannot complete certain content, no matter where said content emerges. 

You have a right to experience content, not to succesfully complete it.

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13 minutes ago, Wielder Of Magic.3950 said:

1. Anet added the most overpowered specs to the game in terms of both DPS and support, while at the same time those specs have a drastically reduced threshold to play effectively ( Compare Condi Virtuoso's rotation which 90% consists of the same 5 buttons with something like Condi Weaver for example. Or Support Mechanist, which has a whole lot of auto attacking and using it's F keys on cooldown for the most part). 

Doesn't teach. Just helps people who understand the system to perform higher, more easily. 


13 minutes ago, Wielder Of Magic.3950 said:

2. Masteries in this expansion added some of the most broken safety nets to players, especially the Jade Bot line which adds: A free res, a free teleport, and (depending on your Jade Core) 1-3k health.

Doesn't teach. Just reduces the amount of time you spend away from the fight and helps maintain your DPS uptime. Which is worthless if your DPS is low. This is minor QoL. Not education. 


13 minutes ago, Wielder Of Magic.3950 said:

3. Every meta prior to Dragon's End does it's best to teach you every possible mechanic. The only really new thing that the Soo Won fight adds is the green phase. Everything else gets shown to you in prior meta's in this expansion, and that is without mentioning how plenty of mechanics are going all the way back to the basegame. 


There is simply nothing there that has not been explained to you and showed to you by the game prior, some of those things being so basic they have been a staple for over 5 years at this point. It is possible to miss them, but at some point that is no longer Anet's fault.

Almost correct. Nothing prior teaches about DPS. The primary flaw.

Yes, if people just failed because of not doing those mechanics fast enough then your points would be fair. But it also requires more than two hundred percent the DPS. Which has not been taught gradually. And please be mindful and accurate about claims regarding this. I am building a substantial dataset and can say with quite high certainty that none of those mechanics are key reasons for failure.

Also, none of the other meta events are integrated into the storyline so it's quite possible they are skipped until players have reached the location where they can get their turtle. 

If it was expected education then it should also have been part of the critical path. 

And it is exactly this lack of education that results in the majority of players not performing anywhere close to knowledgeable players. If it's specific individuals who struggle, then it's their fault. If after a decade the majority struggles, it's ANets fault.

13 minutes ago, Wielder Of Magic.3950 said:

You have a right to experience content, not to succesfully complete it.

That's a polite way of saying you don't want players in your game who don't understand the combat and trait system well. Which is fair. But then you should be given the ability to gate keep and move out of the critical path of the game.

Raids are fine. It's fine not everyone can complete them.

But a meta like DE which is so prominent and central is not. It should be possible to complete. For everyone. Without jumping through a lot of hoops.

If a large amount of players are extremely frustrated by experiencing that, the fault is with ANet. Not with those players.

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People here seem to be forgetting that even if you have a meta build, even if you do 30k+ dps, it won't matter, because there's a chance that the dps from the average player in your squad is garbage.

So, even if you know traits, skills, and how to make a good build, it might not matter because some people in your squad probably don't, and you sure as hell aren't going around teaching randoms how to get better.

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31 minutes ago, Wielder Of Magic.3950 said:


You know this is blatantly false right? 

Anet has been trying to hand people tools to improve for years, people just tend to ignore them. 

That's Anet being courteous to Open World players. 

They offer the tools and experiences to improve yourself, but if you refuse to do so you can still do the majority of the content. 


In the case of Dragon's End:


1. Anet added the most overpowered specs to the game in terms of both DPS and support, while at the same time those specs have a drastically reduced threshold to play effectively ( Compare Condi Virtuoso's rotation which 90% consists of the same 5 buttons with something like Condi Weaver for example. Or Support Mechanist, which has a whole lot of auto attacking and using it's F keys on cooldown for the most part). 


2. Masteries in this expansion added some of the most broken safety nets to players, especially the Jade Bot line which adds: A free res, a free teleport, and (depending on your Jade Core) 1-3k health.


3. Every meta prior to Dragon's End does it's best to teach you every possible mechanic. Examples:  All the other meta's have breakbars that at some point have to be broken. They all show big telegraphs where you should not stand in.  Seitung and Kaineng both feature a 'focus on adds' phase.  Kaineng features a split phase. Echovald features 'stand in green/hide behind objects to avoid a KO' mechanic. The only really new thing that the Soo Won fight adds is the green phase. Everything else gets shown to you in prior meta's in this expansion, and that is without mentioning how plenty of mechanics are going all the way back to the basegame. Dodging has been in the game since 2012, as are red telegraphs. Green = good and breakbars have been in the game since at least HoT so 2015.  Kill things at the same time has been featured since at least the Great Jungle Wurm in 2013, and people got a refresher for that with at least the Dragonfall meta.  Both Wurm and Tequatl also feature split phases.


There is simply nothing there that has not been explained to you and showed to you by the game prior, some of those things being so basic they have been a staple for over 5 or even 10+ years at this point. It is possible to miss them, but at some point that is no longer Anet's fault.


Some people just don't want to improve. 

Which is their choice and valid. 

But then don't complain when that choice means you cannot complete certain content, no matter where said content emerges. 

You have a right to experience content, not to succesfully complete it.

Exactly. It seems that some players ignore everything the game offers them to improve and instead come here to complain. It’s hard to change ignorance. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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