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Rip my server this week

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28 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

I'm not on Mag, I didn't bring up morals.

/hits tennis ball back

Of course not, you have no personal connection to mag. You just expended all this energy defending mags honor as an unbiased third party who has, in your own words, been on mag for a few years before.

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11 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Of course not, you have no personal connection to mag. You just expended all this energy defending mags honor as an unbiased third party who has, in your own words, been on mag for a few years before.

I don't have a personal connection to mag, I have a connection to wvw.

You're the one rolling up up in here saying you've never seen ganking of zerg tails anywhere else, something you couldn't believe me saying it exist on every single server. Just pointing out to you, as a veteran, these things have existed since the beginning of the game. If you can't accept that, that's not my problem, have fun with Mag in the meantime.

/smashes tennis ball back grabs towel and heads out for reset.

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23 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

I don't have a personal connection to mag, I have a connection to wvw.

You're the one rolling up up in here saying you've never seen ganking of zerg tails anywhere else, something you couldn't believe me saying it exist on every single server. Just pointing out to you, as a veteran, these things have existed since the beginning of the game. If you can't accept that, that's not my problem, have fun with Mag in the meantime.

/smashes tennis ball back grabs towel and heads out for reset.

Yeah, I forgot I have to play WvW for 10 years to criticize anything about how people play and point out how consequences of actions work. I also must have a sound reason as to why pointing this out will result in drastic change in player behavior instantaneously, or else what I'm saying is pointless and is just something I "can't accept." You see, the standards are different for me. I have to demonstrate the validity of everything I say and the point of saying it and explain everything I say to the fullest extent, even when others willfully misconstrue it and stay polite while doing so. And if I don't, then I'm a troublemaker, and definitely not the people who are having such expectations of me while they never even come close to applying the same standards to themselves and actively avoid owning words that can be quoted back to them with ease, so they can feel like they won an argument on the internet.

This is the dynamic far too many people deal with on forums.

Like if you'd gone back through what I said and pointed out that I initially called the tactic underhanded, you could have said "you were making it about a moral judgment there" and I would have said "yeah, I mistakenly included that aspect of it at first and then changed tack, realizing that the important problem I had with it was the way it impacted players of lower skill or newer to the game more and is going to chase them away." I'm fine with calling attention to that myself and admitting it. I will own the words I say on here, even if it makes me look foolish. So I don't understand going on and on defending a practice that you yourself admit is done by mag way more, admitting that you played mag for years, telling me mag people are probably laughing at my complaint, and then having the gall to insist you have no personal connection to mag and this is just about pointing out how this has existed for a long time.

It probably makes me look silly going this deep into it, but I'm past the point where "I don't care" coolness points are more important to me than calling out this kind of approach to conversation that happens so often online.

I'm not always the best at communication and I'm not always as patient as I want to be, but I really try to give people the benefit of the doubt and then I get dragged into stuff like this. And then I get to watch as some moderator cleans it up and says I did a personal attack because I dared to do conflict directly and openly, instead of the forum standard of hiding behind passive-aggression. I'm so tired of it.

I entered this thread commiserating with someone about struggling to enjoy WvW. Then I get someone telling me I want the game to be easy, so I reply to that and then I get dragged into this. I didn't roll up in here to do anything other than have a human moment. But then I get insulted and I dared to criticize a tactic, and me getting told I just want it easy is apparently fine, but criticizing a tactic is just too galling for you and something you think I can't accept.

The audacity is never-ending.

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6 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

I'm not on Mag, I didn't bring up morals.

/hits tennis ball back

I dunno, the morality of hitting a tennis ball is a very important subject of debate. I mean, what did the tennis ball ever do to you?

Please wait while I concoct more accusations on your moral nature.

But yea, it's a game and kitten got complicated.

Also, people picking tails can be easily exploited, by using your tail as bait (sometimes intentionally). Is that moral to pretend to be an easy target but actually be partaking in this trickery?

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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6 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

I will own the words I say on here, even if it makes me look foolish.

hi labjax, 

you do not look silly and you have every right to write here what are your thoughts / tips for this game mode.

this is the right place to do it. you will always find a series of salty or unconstructive answers, normal. sometimes only because they are topics already addressed or experiences that other players have already undergone etc etc. but this does not take away the right to be able to express themselves and to be able to share them with other players.

I already wrote yesterday that if you analyze the numbers mag exceeds its enemies by at least 40% as a result they can do practically anything they organize. not because I'm mag , with those numbers everyone can do it.

although you will find a lot of cops or superheroes who think they can make a difference, in this game mode the numbers are still important not to say fundamental. after all the mode itself (beautiful) provides clashes between large groups, and if you do not have the groups ....... or if your opponent has twice as many as yours, I don't have to explain anything else.

but, and I put here my constructive part in this post, since I believe that a good chunk of your experience expressed here could be related to transfers, and with the hope that many of you agree, we can ask as if we were a single voice to arenanet to block them, even if only temporarily, and let's see how the mechanics of the links respond.

we know you're working on alliance, but you rightly need time for development. in the meantime we can do some tests and see how the system responds. provided that a temporary block of transfers let's say for the next 6 months, is not a demanding job for arenanet.

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There's like 1 guild left in NA with the numbers and skill to be called a fighting guild. 


Every guild on your server, whatever server, is a PPT guild.  They will get cut down by even a small "cloud".


If you thought they had pvp skill, now you realize they were just fighting trashy farming groups until they met mag.



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10 hours ago, displayname.8315 said:

If you thought they had pvp skill, now you realize they were just fighting trashy farming groups until they met mag.

That's the complete opposite of what I've seen for the last week or so. The past two nights I followed a PvE guy who was only doing WvW so he can get a legendary. We wiped every mag group that was our size, the only thing mag does really well is come back with 3x your size.

Last night all these "PPT" guilds had mag < 1.0 on their precious K/D ratio, but alas off hours mag has better coverage and now that's dropped.

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1 hour ago, Aerthan.1907 said:

That's the complete opposite of what I've seen for the last week or so. The past two nights I followed a PvE guy who was only doing WvW so he can get a legendary. We wiped every mag group that was our size, the only thing mag does really well is come back with 3x your size.

Last night all these "PPT" guilds had mag < 1.0 on their precious K/D ratio, but alas off hours mag has better coverage and now that's dropped.

Nice I'm on AR(bg) and not having much luck with good fights.  The usual 5-10 dying, not knowing how WvW fights work.. backpedaling the zerg until everyone dies as they run away.  The usual.


Here in the forums and in the team chat online everyone saying avoid EB, avoid fights, PPT cuz that'll show em.. Ugh

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On 6/8/2022 at 4:44 PM, TwoTongues.5163 said:

Ok I get it OP, you hate Mag. Well so does everybody else. Here's the thing though, and you can take this however you want. There are ZERO penalties for loosing and there are ZERO incentives to winning. So as a life long Mag player, like many on Mag, we created our own content because we all know ANET won't. That content is KDR/EBG. Yes we have trolls/toxic players and so does every server. We play how we play and its not a secret. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING will change until the great white whale, the unicorn of unicorns, Alliances roles out. And I have zero faith that it will. So maybe instead of complaining on the forums about Mag, you should channel that energy into petitioning Anet to have winning/loosing actually mean something. If servers have something to gain or loose they would likely change how they play.  Also if you don't enjoy your match up, transfer for a week or 2. I've done this more than a few times and so have a lot of other players. It's a crap thing to have to do in order to enjoy the game mode you choose to participate in but it is what it is. And if you find me and kill me, drop troll food or siege on me. I don't feel alive anymore unless I know another player hates me. Until then, thanks for the bags !!!



Awesome post!  I also love to “hate” Mag.  But it’s more of a sport now than ever. Keep on trollinnnnnnnn 😏

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This is nothing new, most of this was happening 10 years ago and it is still happening. There always will be a bad guy server in this game, always. There used to be this thing called map painting, and basically outside of T1 there was usually one dominant server that would paint the entire map 1 color and and the entire server would sit at the other 2 spawns with siege (pre nerfed), and I'm not talking about gankers or roamers, actual commanders with tags popped camping in TeamSpeak and calling out if anyone tried to use the side exits. 

People forget the good ol days to quickly. 

A lot will disagree with me but having a server like Mag right now is healthy for the game. I love to fight mag; they make me think and give more of a challenge. We really all should see Mag as a challenge right now. Granted, they don't really put up as much of difficulty as they used to, but they are trying, and you can see some vets have handed down some of the old tricks. 

Answer: Open up all servers and let players play where they want, stop the silly re links and let the chips fall. 

This game will never have population balance because you can't force people to play. 

Even if they make the EBG 25 vs 25 if some players decide they don't want to play because of X reason then there will be a population imbalance. 

Can I get a fist bump if you get me?

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You can call it "mag hate" but the hard truth is people get dunked on, their servermates are sub-par farmers, they avoid the fights that mag is providing in EB because they are just that bad at the game and won't even try to learn.


Thanks mag for providing us opponents even if we're too scared to take the challenge... sorry friends.

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2 hours ago, Crazy.6029 said:

Snip 8<

This game will never have population balance because you can't force people to play. 

Even if they make the EBG 25 vs 25 if some players decide they don't want to play because of X reason then there will be a population imbalance. 

Can I get a fist bump if you get me?


Fist bump from over 5 years ago & Like sent today.

Posted - 2017-04-27


Can I get a Like or Thanks if you get me?

Yours truly,

Credibility requires critical insight & time.

Edited by Diku.2546
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17 hours ago, Crazy.6029 said:

Answer: Open up all servers and let players play where they want, stop the silly re links and let the chips fall. 

This game will never have population balance because you can't force people to play. 

Even if they make the EBG 25 vs 25 if some players decide they don't want to play because of X reason then there will be a population imbalance.

it's pretty much what we've always had, they're called transfers, players stack freely where they want, it happens every 2 months, I guess you've noticed this too.

the experience that we have not had the opportunity to verify, however, is that of having equal teams. please give me numerically equal teams. 

of course these 3 equal teams in a 24/7 mechanic will constantly undergo the variable of the playing time of their players. and it will be so forever, it is impossible to think or base a balanced clash in reference to a variable parameter, the result is practically impossible.

you have to add a machine that compares the online players of the three teams to manage the value of the war points that will vary constantly throughout the duration of the game of 24/7. always if we agree that the winner is the one who scores the most points of war.

you have to change your perspective you have to take a step forward, any static logic you want to use to build balanced teams, is destined to fail (including alliances) because they will always be heavily subject to a variable parameter called time, with the sad consequence that you will never have the security of competing with equal weapons compared to your opponents.

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It's cute to read NA players complain at the state of WvW on their servers when we have perennial unlinked servers on EU that experience the same issues...in T5.


Mind you, last year Anet managed to have a link (Deso+WSR) that did not lose a single skirmish, not match, skirmish, in T1 for like 5 weeks. They won over 320 consecutive skirmishes during that link period and they only came second in a handful.


I think we collecrively need to ask that someone with a brain is put in charge of transfers and have variable transfer costs to counter stacking. They can leave the same monkeys and cuckoos to decide links, if the must.

Edited by Karagee.6830
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