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Is the engineer supposed to be that strong in pvp?

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The only rifle I've seen in PVP so far was a Mechanist trying to run it... didn't go well for them.   I imagine you could try a real glass Holo with it, but your going to miss the defence of shield and the quickness on sword etc.   You'll have to take some type of utility that's defensive for the holo mode cool down... either wrench kit for its shield, or the holo block skill, or maybe the rocket boots to run away as defence....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mechanist is completely broken

The AI pet still does a lot of damage. 

As a power build, with Spark Revolver /Mechanized Deployment/perma alac,hitting a single target for 1932 * 2.25 / (20 *0.85/1.25) = 320 ~ damage per second (crit) constantly.

That means even a nerfed mech is still doing almost twice the damage of ranger pet.

Why does Ranger get no Love!? 


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8 minutes ago, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

Why does Ranger get no Love!?

Just a friendly reminder that  the infamous "Teleporting Maul+Tailswipe"-Combo exists.

That was the biggest love a ranger could have asked for....

Untamed took the single thing keeping coreRanger relevant (Tailswipe) and added a new layer of frustration ontop of it (teleporting maul+Tailswipe combo).

Mechanist is a build that relys solely on projectiles, thus is easily counter. Adjust your build. Projectilehate is pretty much a necessity in the current meta. It helps against most of the currently strong specs.


Edited by Sahne.6950
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On 7/1/2022 at 11:29 AM, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

When the engineer gets one knock down, its over for sure cuz it has so much damage like what the hell.

Topic aside, what are the visual tells of the engi knockback(s)? I can't seem to tell even when looking at the engi. What am I missing?

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Engineer isn't even part of the meta right now. It's specter, DE, catalyst, tempest and bladesworn's time to shine. 

Rifle engi does good damage, especially when they run mech, but tempest turns them into a liability, and at that point you'd really rather have something else. They also fall over if you breathe on them. Especially against condis. Catalyst with it's good mobility and magnetic aura access can also bully them.

Condi specter is can rip their boons and load them with more condis than they can cleanse.

🍔 gets into a 1111111 war with them and wins because of prot, poision cloud, boon corrupts, and a laughable amount of condis that this build cannot deal with.

Willbender ports on top of them and sticks on top of them like glue, completely negating their range advantage. 

It's an actual glass cannon with glass canon damage. (Not the 🍔or WB flavor of "Glass canon" where they also have tons of defense baked in)

This build is a noob buster, like any high damage build. If you see it and panic they'll down you before you realize it. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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10 hours ago, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

Mechanist is completely broken

The AI pet still does a lot of damage. 

As a power build, with Spark Revolver /Mechanized Deployment/perma alac,hitting a single target for 1932 * 2.25 / (20 *0.85/1.25) = 320 ~ damage per second (crit) constantly.

That means even a nerfed mech is still doing almost twice the damage of ranger pet.

Why does Ranger get no Love!? 


Mechanist is dogshit in this meta, it does nothing and the AI can't reach you if you get on a platform. It only works against noob facetanking every hit. 

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On 7/28/2022 at 7:37 AM, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

Mechanist is completely broken

The AI pet still does a lot of damage. 

As a power build, with Spark Revolver /Mechanized Deployment/perma alac,hitting a single target for 1932 * 2.25 / (20 *0.85/1.25) = 320 ~ damage per second (crit) constantly.

That means even a nerfed mech is still doing almost twice the damage of ranger pet.

Why does Ranger get no Love!? 



As a scrapper I love facing mechanists.   I have two protracted stun utilities and it neutralizes their bot.    Do you have a CC build?

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18 hours ago, Pimsley.3681 said:

Hi I've seen some really good engies on scrapper hammer with mortar kit, but rare coz a lot run rifle mechanist, which I feel is inferior to the former.

I run scrapper with Mortar shredder E-gun and potion U.   With the quickness traits in scrapper I very much enjoy it.   I am probably playing at higher rank than I ever have in the last 7 years.

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I admittedly thought it was strong only because I have yet to play one. This thread is really making me rethink this, even though I've played a guardian so, I know that their second sword skill reflects projectiles. I've also played as&with an Untamed so, I know that you can use your pet for that matter. I just didn't realize how many counters there are. Of course, it's great because the last time I faced the Shadow Behemoth, there were so many Mechanists in one spot. You'd think it was a game changer!

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Rifle scrapper here. Gold tier 2/3.   Love the build.    Does well.    Fun for me    I will never be a plat player.  I am too old and slow for that.  Lol


and to be honest a vast majority of your players I’m going to be either. So I think you have to play with you enjoy and you can be moderately successful at. And I find the rifle scrapper to have a lot of tools to be successful with

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Cool.   Yeah my issue with that build would be the lack of stun break.  You have a bit of stability but you need to use your one reflect to get it.  If a team is decently coordinated in todays “everyone can port” meta you’d be a likely focus.  Side node you’ll probably be able to escape.   You just really don’t want to face an interrupter and your condi removal is non existent…. So against condi comes you’ll have trouble.   I can see how it would be fun.  I would probably do poorly running it given my scrappy preferences…. Which is also why I’ll never be top tier… I get bored and want to wade in 😉

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On 7/30/2022 at 12:30 PM, shion.2084 said:

What do you build the rifle scrapper with… which trait lines and which utilities?   I guess you’d do a quickness scrapper so like 1 3 2 for the scrapper trait line.  Do you stay ranger and so use a utility like rocket boots?

Best variant I've seen is actually on Scrapper, what Cuilan runs on NA.

It's better than Mechanist tbh. He has a method to use rush you with massive CC juggling using gyros and of course the rifle just deals a lot more direct damage with Scrapper mods.

I'm no Engi main so I can't really accurately gauge exactly how that build is setup, but it does feel a lot stronger than Mech Rifle builds.


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On 7/31/2022 at 9:20 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Best variant I've seen is actually on Scrapper, what Cuilan runs on NA.

It's better than Mechanist tbh. He has a method to use rush you with massive CC juggling using gyros and of course the rifle just deals a lot more direct damage with Scrapper mods.

I'm no Engi main so I can't really accurately gauge exactly how that build is setup, but it does feel a lot stronger than Mech Rifle builds.


I think most people using the scrapper trait line will be using it's quickness settings (1,3,2) so they won't be getting the Direct might increases etc.   It's the quickness that likely is doing the damage.

For what it's worth... I don't like running a single burst meme build...  This is mine....

It gives a bit of survivability.  The hammer gives stun, blocks, reflect.   It provides some boon help for team mates... AOE and dos..

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On 7/30/2022 at 2:38 PM, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

Scrapper OP!

Rifle Scrapper has a quite easy combo and 1 shot everything.

The build here is totally not my play style.  You've got no condi cleanse... but you want to be close to burst max DPS.  So you're susceptible in games where there's condition AOE spam.   What stun breaks do you have?  I guess the one on Elix S. 

Essentially this is a noob wrecker, or a one trick burst from stealth in certain situations.  Once a good team gets hit with it once they're likely going to stop you in your tracks with CC and mob.  Looks like we're running scrapper quickness build (1,3,2) and explosives... not sure what the third is... possibly firearms for the extra DPS?   Likely not alchemy because the respawn on the elix S invisible is 45 seconds.

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It's nice that ANet finally gave Engi a 2nd DPS traitline worth taking. We were forced into Alchemy for ages because firearms wasn't worth taking and tools is... tools.

After some tweaks, we have engis running Firearms/Explosives and they're pumping damage that people aren't used to seeing from them. 

They're also a lot squishier than people are used to. No Elixir E, no protection injection, no transmute conditions, no HGH with Elixir S or Elixir H. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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On 7/28/2022 at 1:37 PM, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

Mechanist is completely broken

The AI pet still does a lot of damage. 

As a power build, with Spark Revolver /Mechanized Deployment/perma alac,hitting a single target for 1932 * 2.25 / (20 *0.85/1.25) = 320 ~ damage per second (crit) constantly.

That means even a nerfed mech is still doing almost twice the damage of ranger pet.

Why does Ranger get no Love!? 


surely broken in silver yes

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