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I feel somewhat of lost here...seeking for knowledge

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Hello everyone.

I want to start by saying that i have had Guild Wars 2 for a while, i have all the current expansions but in short i have never given this game a fair shot, my highest level character is at level 44 so i'm quite positive that i didn't see almost nothing that the game has to offer, i come from World of Warcraft by the way and while it's not a bad game by any means, i have left behind many good memories and people but to me that company is not worth my time or money anymore.

For those of you that have been here for years i'm sure that Guild Wars 2 has had or still does have issues but compared to other MMORPG's out there, for example ESO, BDO, Lost Ark and others that i'm sure you know about in Guild Wars 2 i don't know why but i have the feeling that it is a game that respects players time.


One thing that i never understood was, unless i'm wrong, that Guild Wars 2 has an horizontal progression opposite from WoW's vertical progression but what does that mean? I understand that the gear you have will always be relevant but with each expansion that comes out isn't there any new gear like armor and weapons that are released we always stay as we started back in 2012 or all of what comes out as new are skins and in truth it's all really about fashion wars? 🙂 


About actual end game, i noticed that while leveling on certain zones there are dungeons but once we reach max level i heard of fractals and raids, are those challenging and they feel rewarding to players to do? 

A big positive for many people that enjoy WoW is it's PvP there's a tendency for people to say that WoW's pvp feels satisfying and i'm one of those people, well i enjoyed PvP in WoW but i wonder in Guild Wars 2 how does it feel since i see that many classes/professions can cast spells and abilities while moving so i wonder if it can be satisfying to play, if there is a ranking system and good rewards to try and get from this mode?


As a player in mmorpg's i do love to dive into the market/auction house and also to get into crafting, i mean who doesn't like to make a profit even in games right? 🙂 So i wonder if it is possible to make a decent/good amount of gold from the auction house through crafting? Is there a crafting profession that stands out more than others as to be required by people so that i could craft the items and then sell them on auction especially as a new player?


I also wanted to ask (for whoever wants to reply to this) :


1- For how long you have been playing Guild Wars 2 and what makes you stick to this game instead of searching for an alternative one of those mmorpg titans out there?

2- Did you came to Guild Wars 2 from another mmorpg? If so which one and what made you change?


I'm really sorry about the long post, i'm sure i will have more questions to come.

Thank you for your time reading this.



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Came here from Rift back in the day. 


I stayed because I started to grow away from Guild Related content (Irony I know). I stop wanted to be in MMO Guilds and being required to be in a guild to play content at endgame.


GW2 gave me that freedom in the vanilla game. I like Large Scale Multiplayer content, but in most MMOs that is usually Endgame hardcore stuff that requires Guilds that Min/Max to get a chance to play.

Well here in GW2 in the vanilla game and also now, I can do large scale Meta events all over the game world by just showing up on time(or ahead of time in some cases). Or I can join WvW for some large scale PvP, without the need to be in a guild, like we see in MMOs like New World, which has large scale Wars, but its guild restricted. Which means you cant play it without the consent of the guild that controls it. 


Also you and continue to progress your characters by unlocking new skins and account features. 

Each Expansion adds new features to unlock along with the new skins to unlock. Some of which take time. But I rush through it, same as I do in vertical progression MMOs because I want to get to the gameplay that I enjoy, and skip the middle man that blocks that.


This game is by far, not perfect in any way. Developers still need to sometimes look outside their closed mindset sometime to see how new ideas in the industry are coming and how to properly implement some of these ideas into GW2. But trust me, the developers have gotten much better at this lately compared to the Pre-Launch developers, that seem to be more hell-bent on being different from WoW, rather than being enjoyable. 


EoD was a major missed opportunity, but you can somewhat tell it was rushed. I look forward to the Living World updates and future news on expansion 4. I hope it has Player Housing and New WvW Maps and features. But hey

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It has been pointed out that GW2 is not very good at explaining things to players. As a resault it has a very helpfull community with in depth  guides and one of the best wikis. This is alo why the game has the feture where you can type /wiki and what you want to know about and it will open the wiki page in browser, or use google to find the sites for specific parts of the game. The downside is that you player need to have a web browser open in the back ground and have to alt+tab alot.

As for making gold and crafting, it's more about raw materials than actual products and is therefore more about farming.

I played wow and ffxiv, but gravitated back to GW2 because it has the better core gameplay(combat), no subscription and no vertical progression, resaulting in the feeling that the game "waits" for you, if you don't play it for a while.

Edited by civokenes.3284
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Hello everyone and thank you for reaching out.

I forgot to ask in terms of the story and content how many hours Guild Wars 2 can offer before someone can start to feel well bored or wanting to take a break because it ran ou of stuff to do?


Also the new expansion came out recently and we now know that the developers are planning a 4th expansion, so between now and then will Guild Wars 2 get any updates with content?

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39 minutes ago, Splat.7981 said:

One thing that i never understood was, unless i'm wrong, that Guild Wars 2 has an horizontal progression opposite from WoW's vertical progression but what does that mean? I understand that the gear you have will always be relevant but with each expansion that comes out isn't there any new gear like armor and weapons that are released we always stay as we started back in 2012 or all of what comes out as new are skins and in truth it's all really about fashion wars? 🙂

Horizontal progression means you gain more options, not stronger versions of what you've already got. The level cap has never increased and we haven't had a new equipment tier introduced since 2013 (when ascended became available for all equipment types). What we have gotten since then is several new stat combinations, elite specialisations masteries and other things which change and add to what our characters can do.

And yes also new skins. Fashion is important to a lot of people in this game and players will often put the same effort into getting a skin they like as players in other games put into getting an upgraded item.

39 minutes ago, Splat.7981 said:

About actual end game, i noticed that while leveling on certain zones there are dungeons but once we reach max level i heard of fractals and raids, are those challenging and they feel rewarding to players to do? 

A big positive for many people that enjoy WoW is it's PvP there's a tendency for people to say that WoW's pvp feels satisfying and i'm one of those people, well i enjoyed PvP in WoW but i wonder in Guild Wars 2 how does it feel since i see that many classes/professions can cast spells and abilities while moving so i wonder if it can be satisfying to play, if there is a ranking system and good rewards to try and get from this mode?

Fractals and raids (and strikes which are like mini raids) are harder than dungeons and require a coordinated group to clear. They also have unique rewards which can't be obtained anywhere else and Fractals has it's own progression system. Whether that feels rewarding depends on the player, but some people really enjoy them and for some of them it's the main thing they do in GW2.

I've never played WoW so I can't comment on how PvP compares. I also don't play structured PvP in GW2, which is what I think of as the traditional format - two teams running around a little arena killing each other over and over and claiming things to score points until one side wins. It does have a ranking system and unique rewards (all game modes do) and I know some people really like it, but also complain about it constantly, but that seems to apply to PvP in everything.

The other PvP mode is World vs World which is sort-of like PvPvE. The maps are much bigger - roughly the same size as a PvE map, each of the 3 teams can have something like 150 players on a map at a time and it's focused on a mix of big battles and siege warfare, capturing camps, towers and keeps. There's both a personalised ranking system (which gives you new WvW specific abilities) and a league table for servers.

Both PvP and WvW can be played at any level - both will scale you up to level 80 and PvP gives you access to all your skills and specialisations as well - so if you're curious you can try them out now.

39 minutes ago, Splat.7981 said:

As a player in mmorpg's i do love to dive into the market/auction house and also to get into crafting, i mean who doesn't like to make a profit even in games right? 🙂 So i wonder if it is possible to make a decent/good amount of gold from the auction house through crafting? Is there a crafting profession that stands out more than others as to be required by people so that i could craft the items and then sell them on auction especially as a new player?

Short answer: yes you can make a profit from crafting.

Long answer: It's a lot more complicated than in other games. It's relatively easy to level crafting in this game so most players will have at least a few crafts at maximum level, which means there's not much demand for the majority of crafted items because anyone who wants it can make it themselves. However there's some items which for one reason or another players are more likely to buy than craft. Usually that's because they're time-gated so you can only make 1 per day, or because one or more of the components is annoying to get. Anything which uses charged quartz crystals is a safe bet, although check before making it that it's not account bound on acquire.

The other complication is that because so many players can craft and because the Trading Post is game wide - everyone on all servers across both NA and EU regions uses the same one - if anything is really profitable a lot of people will start crafting and selling it and then that drops the price. So which items are most profitable to craft and sell will keep changing.

40 minutes ago, Splat.7981 said:

1- For how long you have been playing Guild Wars 2 and what makes you stick to this game instead of searching for an alternative one of those mmorpg titans out there?

2- Did you came to Guild Wars 2 from another mmorpg? If so which one and what made you change?

I've been playing GW2 since the day it came out, and before that I played GW1 for about 6 years. Before that it was Ultima Online. I'd tried many others over the years but until I found GW1 I actually thought MMOs weren't for me. My free time is very unpredictable which means not only that I'd waste a lot of money on subscription time I don't use but also that I can't commit to being online at the same time to play with a regular group or long enough to really get to know a wider community.

This game works really well for me. Partially because of the horizontal progression which means I can focus on what I actually want to do instead of spending my time grinding the things I need to be allowed into the things I actually want to do, but mostly because the entire cooperative nature of PvE means I can play with anyone who happens to be around. If I want to do a long meta-event like Dragon's Stand which needs dozens of players I don't have to make sure I'm online at the time when my guild leader has scheduled that activity, I can just show up and play with whoever happens to be doing it. If I don't feel like doing anything that structured there's tons of fun things I can do on my own (which often leads to me getting drawn into big events).

For me it's got all the upsides of a game full of other people, but without the downsides of needing to commit to it.

I do also play Elder Scrolls Online, but that came out after GW2. That one I play mainly because it's an Elder Scrolls game. I do have a lot of fun with it but it's more of a traditional MMO and I don't enjoy that aspect as much as GW2.

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38 minutes ago, Splat.7981 said:

Hello everyone and thank you for reaching out.

I forgot to ask in terms of the story and content how many hours Guild Wars 2 can offer before someone can start to feel well bored or wanting to take a break because it ran ou of stuff to do?


Also the new expansion came out recently and we now know that the developers are planning a 4th expansion, so between now and then will Guild Wars 2 get any updates with content?

That depends entirely on the person. Some people play for years without any signficant breaks and never run out of things to do, others get bored while leveling up and never get beyond that.

But I'd say there's two important things to remember here:

1) It's not a problem to take breaks. Because the game focuses on horizontal progression you're not going to fall behind or lose anything if you stop for a while so if you're not enjoying it there's no problem in playing less or stopping completely and coming back to it when you feel like it. You might need to take some time to relearn the game and remember what you were doing, but you won't have a long list of things to clear to catch up.

2) This game has a lot of things you can do but you don't have to do any of them, including the story. If something doesn't interest you or you want a change it's a good idea to swap to something different. Both PvP and World vs World can be played before reaching level 80 because they scale you up (and both gives tomes of knowledge which can be used to level up). Dungeons start at level 30 and open-world activities including world bosses and meta-events start from about level 10 (obviously you can do open world stuff from level 2, but the ones which resemble end-game activities start later). So there's no need to wait until you reach level 80 or finish the story to try other things, if there's something you're really looking forward to you can probably try it now.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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3 hours ago, Splat.7981 said:


I forgot to ask in terms of the story and content how many hours Guild Wars 2 can offer before someone can start to feel well bored or wanting to take a break because it ran ou of stuff to do?



As said above, this is entirely subjective.

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I came to gw2 as a game hopper. I’ve tried many of them including fiesta online, wow, ff14, tera, blade and soul, black desert online, revelation online and some others that I can’t remember. I could stick to one of them a few months then I got tired of the game. 

when I started gw2 a few years ago, I wasn’t sure if it was the game for me as I enjoy more “cartoony” game graphics, but it was something about this game that hooked me. Making an asura and being able to make him really cute made me stay in the game. As I played, I saw how much the game had to offer and I’ve been here ever since. I’ve been enjoying collections and making legendaries the most. But also fractals, strikes and general open world content. 

I think gw2 has something to offer to most players who wants a game that respects your time and want a chill gaming experience. 

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I started playing GW1 when I was young (it was my mum's storage account and she let me do the story and stuff, eventually it became my own account). Played it pretty constantly until GW2 came out (and a bit after too). 


Played GW2 mostly constantly, but I've taken a couple of long breaks from it (burn-out before HoT and between HoT and PoF). Since PoF released I haven't stopped playing, I've got an amazing guild full of people that make the game fun, and I even met my SO in-game a couple of years ago.


I've tried out other MMOs but they never stuck for me - the community aspect that I get with GW2 just wasn't there, and I really hate sub-fee games - I get so much stress about feeling that I need to play enough to make it worth it.



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GW2 can be played the way YOU like it - and has a lot of stuff to offer. Of course it has nod the usual "gear treadmill" where you have to stupidly grind the same dungeon/raid over and over just to get better gear to be able to go to the next one. This will make it easier since you quickly can access most of the content. On the other hand people that prefer to only optimize their gear ... might get bored. If they don't like the game for other stuff as well.

There are a lot of achievements. Story, maps - and jumping puzzles. The stuff expansions add - besides story/new maps: New elite specs (you can get new skills/traits) ... and some stats combinations. The armor strength and rarity - there nothing new is added though.

PvP: A matter of taste. I like the quick matches. And I play mainly for fun. People into e-sports or people that love a lot of balancing made for 1 vs. 1 ... tend to dislike it. (And the matchmaker can make bad matchups not tooo rarely.) Pro: Everyone has the same gear options. (No PvE gear is used.)

I played from 2012 until end 2013. Then stopped for personal reasons. Came back 2019 and played until now (caught up on a lot of stuff). I have chars of each profession on the max level. WoW on the other hand I played back at its original release as well. Never got a char to max level and found it tooo grindy to earn money for the first mount. So I got bored. (As well as with their comab system and that "holy trinity" with dedicated healers and stuff. And everything about dungeons/raids only.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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9 hours ago, Splat.7981 said:

I forgot to ask in terms of the story and content how many hours Guild Wars 2 can offer before someone can start to feel well bored or wanting to take a break because it ran ou of stuff to do?

Its a 10 year mmo. So you probably don't run out anytime soon. Also depends what "boring" means to you. Fair warning: part of the linear story content is tied to dlcs called living world who are bought with premium currency named gems or gold converted to gems. Endgame content is pretty vast and will probably take you easily 100+ a lot to much? hours to progress through it. Dungeons are kinda defunct. Fractals are Mystic+ dungeon. Raids are Raids. Strikes are 10-man single Boss rooms.


10 hours ago, Splat.7981 said:

About actual end game, i noticed that while leveling on certain zones there are dungeons but once we reach max level i heard of fractals and raids, are those challenging and they feel rewarding to players to do? 

Yes generally rewarding. 10 man content suffer a little from how buffs work in the game. Hope you are in a cuddle mood:). There is a high skill celling in the game  and <thanks to horizontal progression> a lot and i mean a lot of worthwhile encounters in the game.


10 hours ago, Splat.7981 said:

A big positive for many people that enjoy WoW is it's PvP there's a tendency for people to say that WoW's pvp feels satisfying and i'm one of those people, well i enjoyed PvP in WoW but i wonder in Guild Wars 2 how does it feel since i see that many classes/professions can cast spells and abilities while moving so i wonder if it can be satisfying to play, if there is a ranking system and good rewards to try and get from this mode?

PvP is arguably the easiest why to obtain Legendary armor(one of the most sought after rewards in the game), if you are willing to get your teeth kicked in from time to time. Combat is great. A little more fast paced. Normal PvP ranked is 5 man conquest. There are 3v3 and 2v2 arena mini seasons but not all the time. Again combat is great. Sidenote: You can play PvP right now. PvP is accessible anywhere in the game (it is one of the symbols on the top left of the screen). Guildwars PvP works with stat templates of your choosing and level you up to 80 so you can PvP on a level 1 as you can on a level 80. WvW is the other form of PvP. Its is a mix between open world PvP and Alterac, uses your normal gear. 

10 hours ago, Splat.7981 said:

So i wonder if it is possible to make a decent/good amount of gold from the auction house through crafting?

We have AH Barons in the game, so I guess yes. Nothing a Pleb like me would know.

Guild wars has the "responsiveness" that makes wow combat so great. I think the original Guild Wars 2 ceo made the warcraft 3 engine. I do however miss wow Jumps for kitting purposes.

Protip: Dailys, PvP and WvW gives you exp items you can consume for levels. Between 60 and 80 the leveling gets a little tedious as you in a awkward position where hunting for gear isn't really worth it as you still level fast enough, but the power boost from the level up isn't as rewarding as it was 20 levels ago.



Edited by Albi.7250
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Quite frankly, I think for as long as this game is up, I'll always have it installed on at least one computer where I live.

I genuinely love this game.

I hesitate to say but some people may know of a Mesmer who sits right outside of Fractals of the Mists, her addition to the game helped me to move towards becoming who I really was, allowing me to realize and stop living a lie I'd lived for decades. Gosh what else? It respects your time, first and foremost. I feel like I matter, and that I am not just some simple number on a line graph to make profits go brrrr. One thing it does better than most other MMOs is actually have a story, and actually keep to it in a way that allows you to really play the hero. When I play Gw2, when I am really into it, and I've hit a flow state while in combat, there is no other game I can think of that makes one feel more like a Hero who found themselves in a position to seek to change the world into a more welcoming, accepting, and most importantly, better place. And if you actually pay attention one can tell that the A-net staff similarly, also want the world we live in to be a better place, as they have often used the story of this game as a way to translate difficult, yet important world concepts, to their players before. Some might not like that, and call it political, but tough kitten, everything is a bit political. Poor balancing notwithstanding. It's an inspirational game, so inspiring that it actually caused me to completely change my career track and start headlong into activism. There is so much pain, despair, suffering, and just as I spent almost 10 years of relief work in Tyria, I've now started doing just that in our own world.

We may have saved Tyria from their dragons, but now we need to save our world from our dragons.

But more simple answers, I started playing because an old friend of mine sent me a copy back in 2013. I came from a whole cavalcade of MMOs. Shaiya, Runescape 2(it wasn't OSRS/RS3 yet), Conquer Online, Elsword, Cabal Online, PWI, you name it I probably downloaded, installed, and played a little of it. Once I played Gw2 tho all bets were off. Gw2 spoiled the crap out of me with Horizontal progression and a complete lack of gear treadmill and Enhancement gamblgrinding. It's just simply a better MMO than the vast majority of the competition, with the complete lack new player hand holding as it's biggest detractor. (Which is funny because don't a lotta normies complain about hand holding?) I've had a lot of friends fail to get into this game because "getting it" was too much of a hurdle because of how poorly what there is to do at 80 was advertised. It's so bad that there are features I still newly find out about today. I've been playing for nearly 10 years, the fact that we can access our bank from the guild bank shouldn't have been news to me. Stuff like that, it's all over the place. They need to continue to work on their tutorials, but hell once you get it, it's probably the best MMO for your money.

Edited by Fan Didly Tastic.7169
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On 8/7/2022 at 2:03 PM, Albi.7250 said:

We have AH Barons in the game, so I guess yes.

Any significant revenue you generate happens either by:
- Involving account bound resources that cannot be traded
- Trading privately without the trading post
- Flipping items where buy price is (significantly) lower than 85% of the sell price

Realistically you definitely won't get rich with crafting in this game. There are some time gated daily crafts you can do to earn money but it is really not a lot and you shouldn't expect to make money from leveling up your crafting professions. The game is essentially balanced around everyone sooner or later maxing out all crafting professions as part of legendary crafts or whatever so investing in that won't give you let you join any kind of chosen circle that can craft and sell stuff to earn fortunes.

Edited by Endaris.1452
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1 hour ago, Endaris.1452 said:

Realistically you definitely won't get rich with crafting in this game.

Well i just wanted to name drop the barons as OP also asked about playing the auction house in general. Sure crafting alone wont make you filthy rich. But it can make a decent amount of money. When the next legendary skin drops their is quite a lot of money to be made from having stacks of all the Research notes items. And that's just the first thing that comes to mind as a Non AH person. Especially if you play the ah. You an me can't play the game while crafting, a goblin like op can play the ah game.

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16 hours ago, Endaris.1452 said:

Realistically you definitely won't get rich with crafting in this game.

I'm happy to tell you this is only half true. In that while crafting ANYTHING won't, having a plan WILL. Through crafting, I've earned the cash to pay for things like an unlimited extraction kit. At the time it was 3000 Gold. There are absolutely ways of using crafting to make the biggest stacks of cash. And while what you mentioned can make someone a bigger fortune in less time, that requires a lot of risk and time if you don't already know how it's done. Crafting on the other hand is absurdly consistent, and even then, when it isn't you just do recipes in a way where when they give you more than the norm, it's not what you needed to profit, but instead just extra gains. Coincidentally, I've never used any of this gold to buy a legendary weapon or craft, idk what it is, I just wanna make 'em myself. The only thing that crafting to make money requires is the forethought on what people actually prefer to buy, instead of craft, followed by the diversification of those things. After that it's pretty much just watching money come in. Pretty much just run crafting like a business. I did and at one point I was making around 800G a week from 30 minutes of crafting, 4 times a week. No secret methods, no strange ways of getting mats, or salvaging for cheaper ones. It's as simple as making a plan of items people are too lazy/too annoyed to craft, putting in buy orders for mats, making the stuff, and placing it on TP. If you did the steps before sale correctly, one merely watches as the money comes in.

Also don't undercut by more than one copper. Everyone loses when you crash a market. >:C

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