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Mechs in PvP

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On 11/21/2022 at 7:47 AM, Kodama.6453 said:

This is one of the main reasons why gameplay mechanics which require you to have predictable movement (for example, Mirage mirrors) don't actually work against experienced players. If you shackle your movement to such a mechanic, then a knowledgable player will read that and use it against you easily.

True wisdom from the before times.ย 

6 hours ago, Tofu.1865 said:

Now Mechanists are just feeders on PvP thanksย  to crybabies

It do be like that

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One thing I've never understood is why Mechanist happened in the way it did.

What I mean is:
Specs where AI companions do a lot of work, like ranger pets have at times, or minionmancers, or mech are both difficult to balance across the skill spectrum and really unfun for most players to fight in general. So much so that they're often kept intentionally bad.
The MMO genre learned that lesson a really long time ago, multiple times even, across more than one game.ย 

Even this game's predecessor figured that out, pets were largely just a dot and the player controlled the skills, which were delivered through them, or in tandem.
Why not work from that starting point again?

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1 hour ago, Shagie.7612 said:

One thing I've never understood is why Mechanist happened in the way it did.

Me either, I'd like old Ranger F2 and general pet responsiveness back before Mech was a thing.ย  Been broke for what, two years now?

1 hour ago, Shagie.7612 said:

Even this game's predecessor figured that out, pets were largely just a dot and the player controlled the skills, which were delivered through them, or in tandem.
Why not work from that starting point again?

For ranger, current pets are just CC and player controls the skills if Untamed and meant to be played in tandem.

I'm not sure how it's any less fun to fight than clone spam, teleburst spam, or stealth spam is...

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2 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

For ranger, current pets are just CC and player controls the skills if Untamed and meant to be played in tandem.

Pet skills were in competition with regular skills, not just free, and not on an AI that does them automatically for 3/4 of the specs. That's where the problem lies, and that's exactly why pets have been put into the position they're in.

As far as why it's less fun, all of those take actual action by the player. A strong pet does not, because it's AI controlled. Like say, when Gazelle could hit you for a bajillion damage driveby as it rocketed off into Narnia.

If we look at Mech, and why it's in the position it's in, it's because as you go lower in skill levels, pet classes begin to win by default because the AI is smarter than the players. At higher skill levels, pets are exploitable, so you have to make pet builds ridiculously strong so that when the AI does finally get its moment, they're actually competitive. Which, naturally, screws up balance everywhere else and often creates situations in which the pet class player didn't do anything special to earn their win.

That's why, across every mmo that's had pvp, pet classes are always a problem and the solution has always been to make their special features player controlled.

Edited by Shagie.7612
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