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Pure OW PvE idea for legendary armor


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Ascended armor offers the same stats as legendary armor and can be acquired through pve.


Legendary armor isn't for everyone, it's a commitment of time and skill.


I'f you're not willing to tread the salty waters of PvP, get blobbed over in WvW, or L2P in raids then you don't have the dedication to acquire legendary armor.

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27 minutes ago, Bear.9568 said:

Ascended armor offers the same stats [but none of the QoL] as legendary armor and can be acquired through pve.


Legendary armor isn't for everyone, it's a commitment of time and skill.


I'f you're not willing to tread the salty waters of [play semi-afk in] PvP, get blobbed over [endlessly flip camps] in WvW, or L2P in [buy runs through] raids then you don't have the dedication to acquire legendary armor.





For the record, I'm currently getting my leggie armor through PvP and enjoying it. So this isn't a post out of self-interest.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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17 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:


So everyone who got their legendary armor in PvP was playing semi-afk, everyone who got their armor in WvW was only flipping camps and everyone who got their armor in raids bought the clears? That’s nonsense. You know, you can actually play the game modes 

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Just now, yoni.7015 said:

So everyone who get their legendary armor in PvP was playing semi-afk, everyone who get their armor in WvW was only flipping camps and everyone who get their armor in raids bought the clears? That’s nonsense. You know, you can actually play the game modes 

No, but all of that is available, so trying to put legendary armor on some pedestal of skill and dedication is silly.

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3 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

No, but all of that is available, so trying to put legendary armor on some pedestal of skill and dedication is silly.


Oh, the skill pedestal that PvE  casual players can't seem to reach and keep complaining about.

Edited by Bear.9568
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9 hours ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

You're setting the bar too high.  Armour isn't more exclusive than weapons by design, it's more exclusive than weapons because PvE is way more popular than WvW, and weapons were around since the beginning of the game.  If WvW was the primary game mode, and Weapons were introduced later in PvE, then the situation would be reversed.

Quite confused by your argument here, this actually makes no sense whatsoever. You are completely incorrect about armor not being more exclusive, it absolutely is more exclusive.


The pve armor set requires you to raid, which requires you to complete additional mastery tracks in order to participate. As well as needing a build and skill level high enough to be competitive in some of the hardest pve content in the game. 


The pvp armor set requires you to be rank 20 at a minimum in spvp, as well as 3 spvp seasons fully completing the pip reward track (again, at a minimum). Odds are this will take you more than 3 seasons, especially if you're starting at rank 1 in spvp. 


The wvw armor set requires rank 500 in wvw. This would take quite some time to reach if you were starting at rank 1, as well as requiring a fairly deep knowledge of the game and how to be competitive. 


There are no legendary weapons in the game that require pre requisites like that. None. In fact, the overwhelming majority of legendary weapons can just be outright bought with gold. If you don't want to buy them with gold, you can do a collection which involves (gasp) open world content. And just to really nail it shut, we would not be having this discussion AT ALL if the armor wasn't already so exclusive 🙂 So yes, the armor is far more exclusive than the weapons are, and should remain that way. Setting extremely high expectations for unlocking an open world legendary armor set is completely justified, and necessary. 

Edited by chaosdurza.3291
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28 minutes ago, Bear.9568 said:


Oh, the skill pedestal that PvE  casual players can't seem to reach and keep complaining about.

Has anyone in this thread complained about a skill pedestal?


If anything the major complaint is that the current paths are too boring.  Raids is just a pain because it requires scheduling.


Honestly, why are so many people in this thread attached to the idea that skill is a blocker to Legendary Armour when it is so easy to prove it isn't?

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Just now, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

If anything the major complaint is that the current paths are too boring.  Raids is just a pain because it requires scheduling.


I don’t know about you but I didn’t find it boring getting my first legendary armor set in PvP and the other two sets in WvW. I actually enjoyed the paths to get them. Had a great time in PvP and an even greater time in WvW. What is so boring about the paths? 

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8 minutes ago, chaosdurza.3291 said:

Quite confused by your argument here, this actually makes no sense whatsoever. You are completely incorrect about armor not being more exclusive, it absolutely is more exclusive.


The pve armor set requires you to raid, which requires you to complete additional mastery tracks in order to participate. As well as needing a build and skill level high enough to be competitive in some of the hardest pve content in the game. 


The pvp armor set requires you to be rank 20 at a minimum in spvp, as well as 3 spvp seasons fully completing the pip reward track (again, at a minimum). Odds are this will take you more than 3 seasons, especially if you're starting at rank 1 in spvp. 


The wvw armor set requires rank 500 in wvw. This would take quite some time to reach if you were starting at rank 1, as well as requiring a fairly deep knowledge of the game and how to be competitive. 


There are no legendary weapons in the game that require pre requisites like that. None. In fact, the overwhelming majority of legendary weapons can just be outright bought with gold. If you don't want to buy them with gold, you can do a collection which involves (gasp) open world content. And just to really nail it shut, we would not be having this discussion AT ALL if the armor wasn't already so exclusive 🙂 So yes, the armor is far more exclusive than the weapons are, and should remain that way. Setting extremely high expectations for unlocking an open world legendary armor set is completely justified, and necessary. 

I disagree.  Yes, it is theoretically quicker to get legendary weapons, however if you actually compare play time to weapons acquired, very few people would have got weapons in close to that speed.


WvW and PvP basically tick up progress towards Legendary just by playing.  Hence if you go to the WvW forum there are a load of vets complaining they have nothing to spend skirmish tickets on.


The armour isn't uncommon due to difficulty or commitment, it's just that most of the player base sunk time into PvE.  If they'd sunk that same time into WvW or PvP instead, they'd have three full sets of armour without really having to even try.  There's no exclusivity here in terms of prestige, its just that most players spent there time in a different game mode.

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1 minute ago, yoni.7015 said:

I don’t know about you but I didn’t find it boring getting my first legendary armor set in PvP and the other two sets in WvW. I actually enjoyed the paths to get them. Had a great time in PvP and an even greater time in WvW. What is so boring about the paths? 

I'm not really sure how to explain boringness given how subjective it is, so I guess I can answer for me.

sPvP is really repetitive, and doesn't really reward skill very well because the matchmaking is awful (not to mentioning AFKing).  It's not terrible, but I don't enjoy it nearly as much as Open World.

WvW is actually pretty entertaining.  The only issue there is you need to do so many hours a week, for so many months, that "pretty entertaining" eventually wears thin.  If it's the game mode you enjoy most, great.  But we're talking hundreds of hours spent when you'd rather be doing something else.

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7 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

I don’t know about you but I didn’t find it boring getting my first legendary armor set in PvP and the other two sets in WvW. I actually enjoyed the paths to get them. Had a great time in PvP and an even greater time in WvW. What is so boring about the paths? 

I'm enjoying PvP, but I can see how some would find repeated matches of 5v5 conquest dull.

I started off thinking I was going to get legendary armor through WvW, and enjoyed it for a time, then did find it tedious. In spite of my joke earlier about flipping camps on my PvE Holosmith (which I have done), I also tried some zerg builds on various professions and ran with groups as well, when I could find them.

After a while there was something a little mind numbing about it all to me, though.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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10 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

WvW and PvP basically tick up progress towards Legendary just by playing.

What I'm suggesting is this exactly, but for open world pve. And since the difficulty of spvp and wvw are much much higher than open world, a longer time commitment would be necessary to unlock legendary armor via the most forgiving content in the game. 


16 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

Yes, it is theoretically quicker to get legendary weapons, however if you actually compare play time to weapons acquired, very few people would have got weapons in close to that speed.

How are you finding this metric? It's not theoretically quicker, it just is quicker. If you're suggesting that the play time to unlock Nevermore is comparable to unlocking a full set of wvw legendary armor, I don't know how you've come to this conclusion lol. 


18 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

The armour isn't uncommon due to difficulty or commitment, it's just that most of the player base sunk time into PvE.

Absolutely agreed, open world pve is the most played aspect of the game. However, this changes nothing in my argument. 


19 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

If they'd sunk that same time into WvW or PvP instead, they'd have three full sets of armour without really having to even try.

So you're of the opinion that someone who has previously sunk time into open world pve, should be able to easily acquire 3 full sets of legendary armor now...? That is not a logical argument. 

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6 minutes ago, chaosdurza.3291 said:

What I'm suggesting is this exactly, but for open world pve. And since the difficulty of spvp and wvw are much much higher than open world, a longer time commitment would be necessary to unlock legendary armor via the most forgiving content in the game. 

We're pretty aligned then, except I totally disagree with the claim that the difficulty of spvp and wvw are much higher than open world.  I'm not actually sure why you think it is.


6 minutes ago, chaosdurza.3291 said:

How are you finding this metric? It's not theoretically quicker, it just is quicker. If you're suggesting that the play time to unlock Nevermore is comparable to unlocking a full set of wvw legendary armor, I don't know how you've come to this conclusion lol. 


I'm not suggesting that at all.  What I'm saying is that, because legendary weapons require specific actions, rather than just generic playtime, most people will not have got them with near perfect efficiency just by playing the game.  Conversely, you could progress all the way to three legendary sets of WvW armour without even realising it exists.  Hence, if you played WvW for years, then you likely have all you need for the armour without trying.

7 minutes ago, chaosdurza.3291 said:

Absolutely agreed, open world pve is the most played aspect of the game. However, this changes nothing in my argument. 


So you're of the opinion that someone who has previously sunk time into open world pve, should be able to easily acquire 3 full sets of legendary armor now...? That is not a logical argument. 

No, not at all.  I'm just saying that the exclusivity is illusory.  Armour is just rare because it is gained from less popular game modes, not because it's difficult.

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3 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

We're pretty aligned then, except I totally disagree with the claim that the difficulty of spvp and wvw are much higher than open world.  I'm not actually sure why you think it is.

I'm basing this on the fact that running into spvp and wvw with a very mediocre build will result in no progress gained. Versus running into open world pve with just about anything still lets you kill mobs and progress. If you disagree, I challenge you to run a full soldiers build with all condition damage focused weapons/traits/utilities in wvw. Because you can absolutely do that in pve, and you'll still kill stuff. 

6 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

I'm not suggesting that at all.  What I'm saying is that, because legendary weapons require specific actions, rather than just generic playtime, most people will not have got them with near perfect efficiency just by playing the game.

Pve legendary armor also requires this. Only spvp and wvw armor doesn't, and that's supplemented by the fact the process to unlock them is much longer than the raid set. 


7 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

Hence, if you played WvW for years, then you likely have all you need for the armour without trying.

Ironically, I have been playing wvw for years and I'm not even close to having a single piece of legendary armor for wvw hahaha. Nor do I have the backpack. I think I'm around rank 900ish, but all I do is roam. I don't really zerg at all. So, I can confirm this is also untrue. I do, however, have the legendary backpack from spvp. And again, I am not even close to having a single piece of spvp legendary armor.

9 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

No, not at all.  I'm just saying that the exclusivity is illusory.  Armour is just rare because it is gained from less popular game modes, not because it's difficult.

I think an argument can be made that the game modes are less popular because they're more difficult. If raids were not difficult (and in all honesty, they're really not that bad to do), or at least if they weren't intimidating, I genuinely believe more people would do them. Hence my suggestion that legendary armor via open world pve should require a much longer time commitment, since the content is quite forgiving for most people (which is why it's more popular). 

I definitely think a set of open world legendary armor should come from achieving the BEST of the things the game mode can offer. And you'd get to do your favorite game mode while you do it! Collecting petrified wood, thousands of diflourite crystals, branded masses, a few full stacks of chak eggs. These are things you would passively do while playing the game mode that is preferred by the majority of players.

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4 minutes ago, chaosdurza.3291 said:

I'm basing this on the fact that running into spvp and wvw with a very mediocre build will result in no progress gained. Versus running into open world pve with just about anything still lets you kill mobs and progress. If you disagree, I challenge you to run a full soldiers build with all condition damage focused weapons/traits/utilities in wvw. Because you can absolutely do that in pve, and you'll still kill stuff. 

Okay, so this is a bit of a complex topic that I don't think we should go into here.  There are definitely more or less difficult ways of playing both Open World, and WvW.  I'm also not claiming that most of Open World is fairly trivial in terms of difficulty.


However,  I don't agree on the "no progress gained" bit.  You have to play WvW in a very specific (and ironically probably high level) way to not keep your participation above 3 (which seems to be how you play it based on comments below 😂).  In sPvP, I actually completely disagree.  You can mostly AFK a match, lose, and still get progress towards legendary (albeit slower than if you try).

6 minutes ago, chaosdurza.3291 said:

Pve legendary armor also requires this. Only spvp and wvw armor doesn't, and that's supplemented by the fact the process to unlock them is much longer than the raid set. 

Indeed.  I'm actually arguing that Open World Armour should be both specific in what you do, and take about as long as WvW/PvP.

6 minutes ago, chaosdurza.3291 said:

Ironically, I have been playing wvw for years and I'm not even close to having a single piece of legendary armor for wvw hahaha. Nor do I have the backpack. I think I'm around rank 900ish, but all I do is roam. I don't really zerg at all. So, I can confirm this is also untrue. I do, however, have the legendary backpack from spvp. And again, I am not even close to having a single piece of spvp legendary armor.

Okay, I wasn't anticipating you being one of those players.  This is true, and actually unfair.  The WvW participation definitely isn't perfect.

7 minutes ago, chaosdurza.3291 said:

I definitely think a set of open world legendary armor should come from achieving the BEST of the things the game mode can offer. And you'd get to do your favorite game mode while you do it! Collecting petrified wood, thousands of diflourite crystals, branded masses, a few full stacks of chak eggs. These are things you would passively do while playing the game mode that is preferred by the majority of players.

Sounds good to me.  Like I said, I want specific content that takes about the length of WvW/PvP armour.  I think that's fair.

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On 9/13/2022 at 5:22 PM, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

I don't think anyone in this thread, or any thread I've seen on this topic, has ever said anything even remotely resembles this claim.


Obviously I haven't read every post ever, but this just seems wildly inaccurate.

Ok, so you didn't even have to look too far to witness a fresh one:

13 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

Of course, I could grind that out, play raids (I've done a few, not to my liking anyways), or just not try for it.  But there are really not a lot of endgame goals - legendary items is one of the few ones out there.  Trying to force me into content I don't want to play will just result me playing a different game (and stop spending money on GW2).  Providing me a reasonable & enjoyable path to legendary armor is likely to keep me playing.


You see... "not a lot of time to play, so I don't want those pesky ways taking long time". "Could raid, but nah" (with another false argument of "needing to schedule" for them for some reason? While at the same time mentioning that he apparently already participated in them? Definitely don't need scheduling here). But also apparently there's only few endgame goals for him, so if you'll force him to go for leggy into whatever mode, he might as well quit.

Or, you know, he could play whatever he wants with exotics/ascended gear. Apparently there's an interest to tag a world boss daily from here and... that's about it, but also "leggy armor or why even play". Yes, I still don't understand the logic behind that. If you have 30 minutes to play, literally just grab that exotic gear and do whatever you want to do in OW.


6 hours ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

Why do you keep reading complaints about scheduling issues and responding as if someone complained about difficulty?

Probably because the complaint about "needing to schedule" is a false reasoning. There's no need to schedule some stable specific times to participate. Even OP (quote above) tried to say he can't schedule and yet... he claims he already participated in raids. If he needs to schedule for them, but can't, but still participated in them... I mean... must be magic.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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4 minutes ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

Guess I'll do the FTFY this time...


Again, why are people here if they don't care about Open World and also don't read anything anyone says?

They're here to bait, spam "confused" and get the thread closed, like they do on every thread on this subject or any other subject they dislike. I admire how patient you are with these people though.

Edited by vanfrano.1325
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12 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:

As I said, you have no clue what the words means in the context. Exploiting will be using a tool or a program to enable something that was not designed as such.

Sorry, but you're the one being wrong here. Using exploits in the game does not require you to use any tools or programs. It's the use of bugs, glitches or simply faulty design in ways the devs didn't intend them to be used. If you think the devs intended players to afk on spawns to farm up rewards then not sure there's any point following this up. 🙄

Edited by Sobx.1758
wrong "than"
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5 minutes ago, vanfrano.1325 said:

They're here to bait, spam "confused" and get the thread closed, like they do on every thread on this subject or any other subject they dislike. I admire how patient you are with these people though.

So that's also my theory, but I'm still curious as to the "why"?  That's a lot of effort just to stop other people enjoying a game.  If they want GW2 to succeed, it's against their interests (unless they'd playing 4D chess and just trying to keep these threads visible), and if they want it to fail, that's a bizarre way to choose to spend your free time.

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10 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Ok, so you didn't even have to look too far to witness a fresh one:


You see... "not a lot of time to play, so I don't want those pesky ways taking long time". "Could raid, but nah" (with another false argument of "needing to schedule" for them for some reason? While at the same time mentioning that he apparently already participated in them? Definitely don't need scheduling here). But also apparently there's only few endgame goals for him, so if you'll force him to go for leggy into whatever mode, he might as well quit.

Or, you know, he could play whatever he wants with exotics/ascended gear. Apparently there's an interest to tag a world boss daily from here and... that's about it, but also "leggy armor or why even play". Yes, I still don't understand the logic behind that. If you have 30 minutes to play, literally just grab that exotic gear and do whatever you want to do in OW.

I'm honestly not trying to be snarky here, but the things you're saying don't seem to align to the quote you listed, so I feel like I'm missing something.  The quote doesn't reference a long time, or scheduling (which is a genuine issue) - so I'm not sure how to understand your response in context?

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