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Bring back the Pve Reaper


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If you scale up Reaper to 38k as he is, without changing anything about skills but damage, leaving the current rotation intact, that spec wouldnt be terrible. His opening burst with "Summon Madness" has high CD but is respectable.
It would be unplayable at some encounters, like VG, or Gorse, but okay at others like CA, KC, or Sabir. Reaper wouldnt be half bad at bossfights that just dont come with alot of AoEs either, like Deimos.

To not just fall into that niche all it needs is some buffs to the weapons, so Reaper is able to deal damage above 50% outside of the shroud. Or we go all in and buff his sub 50% damage by buffing the hell out of Gravedigger.

Anyway. While a Grandmaster Trait that turns Reaper shroud into a "no second hp bar" kind of shroud, I dont think it is given to be the only path. Specter lives with the same restriction atm, and that spec still sees play in fractal cms, and use in some strike cms. Even after the (unjustified) nerf.


I just cant see the need to rework Reaper completly. Some number pushing and we are setup for success.

(I would also much appreciate an animation clean up, so skipping them would not be possible anymore. Its just dumb that this is a thing at all.)



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On 10/13/2022 at 3:30 PM, Obtena.7952 said:

Well, that's your view of the game. Just because there are roles doesn't mean we are regulated to playing that way. In fact, MOST content can be successfully completed ignoring this artificially created role system Anet is implementing (because the content wasn't designed around this system to begin with). Aside from a SMALL fraction of content, you don't need it to win. Even for that small fraction, it's not determined how strictly roles or specific specs are needed to win. 

What I know is that if someone has a problem teaming with a class or a spec, it's because of how they have decided to perceive and play the game. Your post is a good example of someone who thinks they can't play something because it's not desirable to someone else. If everyone you play with plays what they want, then that's just a self-imposed restriction. 

Again, you asked me what the answer is to Reaper teaming (either because you think I have the answer ... or you just want to argue with me ... my bet is on the latter ...) I gave you an answer; radical changes to how Reaper works or radical changes to how content is affected by the reaper toolset. Maybe you just want to argue with me I'm wrong and reaper should have a30% DPS increase. You can do that. You know what I'm going to say. 

In the environment I play in the game, that question isn't even relevant. That question only has an answer for the subset of people that impose a view of the game that artificially limits how they can play it. 


Complete BS, you're ignoring the fact that Reaper already had a role, which was tank/control with decent DPS, they broke the class the players didn't and all we are asking for is to fix it! Add the fear and freeze levels back and up the DPS and we are back in business. You want to constantly defend their actions feel free but the Reaper was a great build at one point and it was Anet that trashed it, regardless of your perceived all knowing opinion. The Reaper was a solid build Anet broke it, we want it fixed it's as simple as that.

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3 hours ago, Vlad Morbius.1759 said:


Complete BS, you're ignoring the fact that Reaper already had a role, which was tank/control with decent DPS, they broke the class the players didn't and all we are asking for is to fix it! Add the fear and freeze levels back and up the DPS and we are back in business. You want to constantly defend their actions feel free but the Reaper was a great build at one point and it was Anet that trashed it, regardless of your perceived all knowing opinion. The Reaper was a solid build Anet broke it, we want it fixed it's as simple as that.

What is simpler ... you don't need roles to complete the vast majority of content that is relevant to the vast majority of the players ... including the players that don't think that's true. 

The discussion about 'roles' is not significant. Again, the idea that a role is necessary or helps make Reaper desirable is limited to the subset of people that impose a view of the game that artificially limits how they can play it. If you believe you can't play a Reaper because 'roles', that's just a self-imposed exile. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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What about Reaper doing what the name implies? 


How about being superior than any other class at removing and corrupting boons?

No, it does not have to be all about dps.


There are so many ways that the ES can be improved and meaningful without OP on dps.


You cannot create a class that the name and visuals represent fear and terror, and then nerf it to oblivion. 

It is contradicting in the least.


I'm not saying to make it the best ES of the lot. 

I would never hear the end of it by other classes mains.

But even if that was the case.

Let's say Reaper would be the class that could inflict the most dps, even by average players.

Would that be so bad?


Alright, that aside, let's comeback to other aspects of the class.

It could well be even more proficient in corrupting and stealing boons, then also share those boons to near by allies, while the conditions enemies get are spread out to near by foes.


May I even dare suggest bring back an old GW1 mechanic.

Very simple, very necro. 

The health degeneration hexes and curses.

Also could be proficient in inflicting conditions such as desease.


All those goodies could well make a comeback.

Ok, don't make Reaper the class that can reach the highest dps.

But I'm thinking, inflicting desease, and higher cd poison conditions on hit.

Also give it some quick cast health degeneration aoe hexes.


There are so many skills and abilities in gw1 that the devs could well implement in gw2.


Give Reaper abilities that coincide with its name and theme.


On the other hand, I think the complete freeze is a little too much.

I think the type of chill reaper applies should inflict just cause slowing down while causing damage effect.


Fear, should be inflicted more often, especially while in shroud... or make it entirely a shroud trait; not just through skills.


There are so many things that could make Reaper a good team asset without overpowering it, and still be a lot of fun to play. 


So a brief recap.

Reap Enchantments: 

More of, Corrupt and steal boons.


Spread those conditions into nearby foes.

Reinforce conditions and apply new ones:

Desease, Poison, Fear, chill.


AoE Health degen. Slow. 


I think it would make Reaper a really fun class to play and be useful in a team.

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On 10/15/2022 at 11:44 AM, Obtena.7952 said:

What is simpler ... you don't need roles to complete the vast majority of content that is relevant to the vast majority of the players ... including the players that don't think that's true. 

The discussion about 'roles' is not significant. Again, the idea that a role is necessary or helps make Reaper desirable is limited to the subset of people that impose a view of the game that artificially limits how they can play it. If you believe you can't play a Reaper because 'roles', that's just a self-imposed exile. 


I said nothing about roles, the elite as a whole was broken by Anet, and I cannot tank effectively, control effectively and my dps is subpar. My point once again is that Reaper was a viable build they broke it, now it isn't, I want Anet to restore the capabilities they stole from the build so it is a decent spec to play, to hell with the role! Give us the control back, along with better DPS so we can enjoy playing the class again. No mystery no ulterior motive or agenda, just fix the build and we can enjoy the damned game as we did before, is that really too much to ask for?

Edited by Vlad Morbius.1759
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4 hours ago, Vlad Morbius.1759 said:


I said nothing about roles, the elite as a whole was broken by Anet, and I cannot tank effectively, control effectively and my dps is supbar. 

Good ... then you shouldn't be a stretch for you to stop arguing with me about things that aren't related to what I said. I mean, whether Anet has ruined Reaper or not ...  is not relevant to my point. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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"you don't need roles to complete the vast majority of content"

yes we can play everything we want , i am gonna try join a raid with a minstrel soulbeast ! yes ofc 

And we dont need role to complete the vast majority of the game , thats true , who needs a healer on tarir ? and who needs a healer on slothasor ? huh... sure i need one , .. yes Obtena let's all slap our heads about what you said , we dont need roles , we dont care about boon uptime , let's all go yolo  , plz anet make a random stats button for leg stuff , so we can clownfiesta all the game , with Weaver healers , with druid dps , with quickness holosmith ... oh that last doesnt work ... think you cannot play how you want at least ... let's try harvets temple cm with only druids , it's not time gated so we gonna make it after 3 hours , or not ... you know this forum is not actually the game , you dont earn golds by posting , sometimes you need to spend time on the game you talking so much about ...

I was always wondering , do you think Dragon stand meta is the ultimate endgame content ? here end my sarcasm.

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On 10/16/2022 at 2:48 AM, zeyeti.8347 said:

"you don't need roles to complete the vast majority of content"

yes we can play everything we want

There you go. The truth. It simply depends on how you play. The irony is that your attempt at sarcasm is ACTUALLY an accurate reflection of how the game is meant to be played and can be played, even with the sensational and extreme examples you provide. So whatever mockery you are attempting to make here isn't relevant to your intended target; those people don't care if you throw shade at them because they don't have a problem getting teams with the builds they want to use. There isn't a game mechanic that prevents anyone else from doing the same. Just not sure what the purpose of your post is ... other than in some extreme way ... to say I'm correct

Also, looks like I was 'somehow' removed from your block list for a second time. Weird how that keeps happening despite your claims you aren't going to waste time on the forum replying to me. 🙄

Edited by Obtena.7952
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Guys, come on.

This is supposed to be a constructive post about Reaper's Over-nerfing.

If that's even a word.


I'm looking at you @Obtena.7952


Look, I can understand you're not "down with reaper"

But can we please continue the constructive debate here, rather than making this personal? 


This is not about who has the last word.

It is fact that Reaper has been overly nerfed, period!

I'm not going to start speculating why you feel so strongly about Reaper being buffed.

You have your reasons, and frankly I don't really care enough to ask you.

But I don't think, as I said in a previous post.

Would it be so bad if Reaper was the class that could inflict more dps?


@zeyeti.8347 made a good point of saying that Mechanist already does that... effortlessly. 

Have you been to Engineer forum and tell Engie mains that you don't find that fair and that ANet should nerf it drastically? 


Please do that, and let us know what mechanists have to say.

I get the impression that you are a mesmer main.

Why you took particular interest about Reapers being/not being buffed, I might never know.

Just so I'm clear.

I, myself enjoy playing all classes and their Respective Elite Specs almost equally. 

Some a little more than others, but...

I have no particular favourite.

So I want balance and can recognise when a particular class has been nerfed or buffed to much.

That's why I started this post.


I fail to see why you do not acknowledge that Reaper is in fact underperforming and subpar compared to some other classes.

Maybe not as bad as warriors, but defo not right up there with Guardians and Revs.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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5 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Guys, come on.

This is supposed to be a constructive post about Reaper's Over-nerfing.

If that's even a word.


I'm looking at you @Obtena.7952

Look at me all you like but I'm not preventing constructive discussion here (don't mistake being critical for being non-constructive). I don't have a problem with Reaper getting buffs, but it has to be for sensible reasons if you want to be heard. "Can't play it in a team" is definitely not one of those reasons because it's just not true and that's obvious. Pretending it's an outcast from the elite performing specs isn't going work ... it hasn't and doesn't work for 10 years for lots of  specs, not just Reaper. That messaging is wrong. 

Again, The Reaper toolset isn't appropriate for endgame team content. That's not something a DPS buff will fix. Even massive DPS buffs expose big problems with how the Reaper is ill suited for endgame team content. 

I mean, if you want to jump on the bandwagon with the busted wheel, OK ... but MOAR PDS is doesn't solve the problem people want fixed, for lots of reasons. People don't even state the problem properly (because the problem isn't getting a team ... it's joining performance-focused PUGs ... NOT the same thing), so how can any constructive post be made about it in the first place? If people can't acknowledge they don't even understand the problem ... where do you think this constructive posts are going to come from?

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Obtena mech loosed 3k damage , because bot doesnt fire rockets passively anymore and was strip from 50% of his crit. strike , and guess what mechanist fell down from 33% played to 27% played in strikes missions and in raids , so people do care about damage so if reaper goes up to 38-40k (on real fights) people will start taking it , and about my block : the thing i readed was quoted so ... cant block quotes , i am a human being curious 

Anet choosed to remove the 10 target cap , and unique group boons (aka old banners , spotter , etc...) so now they have to make each class competitive to each other , we know it will be hard , very hard , but none asked for that change , rev. was played cause +150 ferocity on 5 people was nice , druid +150 precision on 5 nice too (+25 constant might on 10 targets)

If you just look at wingman stats way before , like july 2019 , you will notice a +- "balance" for all classes , every class was represented by 1 or 2 e-specs , now look at the end graphic , can you see the reaper logo ? where is it ? so people here are right anet need to see this graph and ask why people dont want to play this or this or this , answer will be : "duh, mechanist do the same and i can fap... do homeworks while playing " 

I know you dont like data , but proof is there , i run mech on every encounter and i can notice his power everytime i play it .

just example on harvest temple cm , how can you heal and provide boons to your team when you need to go 1500 away 50% of the fight ? well mech has a remote boon provider , THE BOT , so feeling this fight was made for the healmech , try play another healer on that , and see the results : less boon uptime , less healing , etc etc .

We are talking a fight who need you to take 110% of your class power . 

Just why are they literally no reapers in endgame ? answer the question and i will traduce your "poetic" answer ...

And for your question , people do care about damage , the problem is effectiveness in endgame content as many other classes (aka elementalist , a class anet forgot exist) , bolster the damage of reaper and you will see more of them be played , once people looking at arc , will see a reaper hammering them mechs pew pew down from 5k , dont worry people will start playing it.

And if you have a guild/static who likes to play on wheelschair , well good for you , i like to be at top , so i play mech 75% of the time ...

you want constructive posts ? give reaper fury uptime on his own , make a +5% crit. chance somewhere , so reapers can reach 100% crit. (curse line has a trait that increase cit.+ 2% chance for each condi on target , that belongs to a power traitline not a condi one ...) , makes his AA Gs more faster and stronger . Make all melee weapons stronger than ranged ones ... thats obvious .

Everytime someone come to complain about somehting (and is right) you pop-up white knight of arenanet ultimate wall of protection . What's next ? you will say that the banner nerf (the white page banner) rework was good ?

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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8 minutes ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

Obtena mech loosed 3k damage , because bot doesnt fire rockets passively anymore and was strip from 50% of his crit. strike , and guess what mechanist fell down from 33% played to 27% played in strikes missions and in raids , so people do care about damage so if reaper goes up to 38-40k (on real fights) people will start taking it , and about my block : the thing i readed was quoted so ... cant block quotes , i am a human being curious 

Anet choosed to remove the 10 target cap , and unique group boons (aka old banners , spotter , etc...) so now they have to make each class competitive to each other , we know it will be hard , very hard , but none asked for that change , rev. was played cause +150 ferocity on 5 people was nice , druid +150 precision on 5 nice too (+25 constant might on 10 targets)

If you just look at wingman stats way before , like july 2019 , you will notice a +- "balance" for all classes , every class was represented by 1 or 2 e-specs , now look at the end graphic , can you see the reaper logo ? where is it ? so people here are right anet need to see this graph and ask why people dont want to play this or this or this , answer will be : "duh, mechanist do the same and i can fap... do homeworks while playing " 

I know you dont like data , but proof is there , i run mech on every encounter and i can notice his power everytime i play it .

just example on harvest temple cm , how can you heal and provide boons to your team when you need to go 1500 away 50% of the fight ? well mech has a remote boon provider , THE BOT , so feeling this fight was made for the healmech , try play another healer on that , and see the results : less boon uptime , less healing , etc etc .

We are talking a fight who need you to take 110% of your class power . 

Just why are they literally no reapers in endgame ? answer the question and i will traduce your "poetic" answer ...

Mech usage changing when it's DPS is changed (plus MANY of other things that were changed on it you DIDN'T mention that would ALSO affect mech usage) is not 'proof' that giving Reaper more DPS will make it desirable in performance-focused PUGs. Again, the amount it would need isn't just 'more' it's TOP DPS, and it still doesn't make it more desirable than the current top DPSers because of it's limitations to healing, etc ... 

I already gave reasons why Reaper isn't used endgame ... and those reasons are only applicable to a subset of people that choose to play the game a certain way. "Traduce" away (whatever that means). 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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On 10/18/2022 at 3:29 AM, Obtena.7952 said:

Again, The Reaper toolset isn't appropriate for endgame team content. That's not something a DPS buff will fix. Even massive DPS buffs expose big problems with how the Reaper is ill suited for endgame team content. 

Again. DPS specs don't need a fat toolset.


SB doesn't have anything but damage. That spec sees play at all the power bosses up to HT CM.

Bladesworn. Completely melee bound. Sees play at most power bosses up to HT CM.

Virtuoso. All damage and cleave. Again. An incredibly often picked special up to HT CM.


Reapers spec, via Chilling Nova + Cold Shoulder, is very much setup to do the same job Virtu is doing, just melee bound.


Reaper is a failure as a damage dealer because he lacks damage. Not because of a lacking toolbelt.

You definitely dont need to be a Mech, or FB to be part of a instanced party.

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9 minutes ago, Radina.6057 said:

Again. DPS specs don't need a fat toolset.


SB doesn't have anything but damage. That spec sees play at all the power bosses up to HT CM.

Bladesworn. Completely melee bound. Sees play at most power bosses up to HT CM.

Virtuoso. All damage and cleave. Again. An incredibly often picked special up to HT CM.


Reapers spec, via Chilling Nova + Cold Shoulder, is very much setup to do the same job Virtu is doing, just melee bound.


Reaper is a failure as a damage dealer because he lacks damage. Not because of a lacking toolbelt.

You definitely dont need to be a Mech, or FB to be part of a instanced party.

OK But not having DPS isn't the only thing holding Reaper back from being desirable in performance-based PUGs because it needs to compete on other parameters with the existing DPS specs ... and it won't. Those points have been made, lots of times, many threads. They are still true. 

I mean, if increasing DPS was the ONLY thing holding this class back, why do we not have a DPS buff for it in game implemented years ago? or even recently? Like, Anet hasn't forgotten how to buff DPS? They did it for lots of classes. So think about the reason we don't have it instead of believing there isn't a reason and it needs to be done. 

The problem here is that people don't want to believe there is an alternative solution to the problem ... because the goal isn't to make Reaper desirable in team, even though it's the reason people give. The goal is just to get more DPS. 

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On 10/16/2022 at 4:56 PM, Obtena.7952 said:

There isn't a game mechanic that prevents anyone else from doing the same. Just not sure what the purpose of your post is ... other than in some extreme way ... to say I'm correct

Yes it's called Lfg , and i am removing you from Bl you are too funny to read , i am weak i know . I would appreciate some data about what you say , but you gonna bring back the same sorry excuse , there is a difference at how we view this game , as i said you before (kinda of a spy) i never see you on the game (ofc you are using an alt for whatever obscure reason...) so when you talk about something you dont know , better keep it quiet , but we are in a democraty , so plz enlighten us with your nonsense... if you plz can give us some data about what you've done in this game we could agree , but you are just thin air , just talk , nothing else...

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4 minutes ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

 if you plz can give us some data about what you've done in this game we could agree , but you are just thin air , just talk , nothing else...

Well, I do play Reaper when I want in teams ... so that's not just thin air. So do the people I play with. That's also not just thin air. 

Again, what is the problem being solved here? Why is DPS the ONLY solution that people are willing to consider? It doesn't make sense. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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14 minutes ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

Data ... not thin air plz 

Just because I don't have data proving people play Reaper in team content doesn't mean there aren't people that play Reaper in team content. That's just being absurd. This might blow your mind but .. the data you so heavily lean on to 'prove' your point is actually heavily biased. 

I mean, are you actually denying there are people out there that can and do play specs they want in teams or that Reaper is somehow an exception to that? That's sad ... for you ... because there are teams that are full of  people that play how they want and you could be too if you change your mindset about how the game has to be played. 

... or is all this bravado just a front to get more Reaper DPS under the false pretense of not getting teamed?

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13 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Just because I don't have data proving people play Reaper in team content doesn't mean there aren't people that play Reaper in team content. That's just being absurd. 

I mean, are you actually denying there are people out there that can and do play specs they want in teams or that Reaper is somehow an exception to that? That's sad ... for you ... because there are teams that are full of  people that play how they want and you could be too if you change your mindset about how the game has to be played. 

... or is all this bravado just a front to get more Reaper DPS under the false pretense of not getting teamed?

A lot ? Show me where plz https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity thin air thin air , we have not the same definition of 'a lot' , or maybe you're making raid teams for tarir meta so you feel like raiding ... or you play with your multiples ego and think you are legions on your own ...

And my mindset will change when all the forgotten of arenanet will be buffed and get some love , like druid recently , all the change they made on druid where great , so make the same guy balance the whole thing (hoping he knows every class ...)

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3 minutes ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

That data does not represent the whole population of players and as I said, that's a biased dataset. I'm actually going to hypothesize that most people who aren't into measuring their performance aren't represented in that data ... which is likely to be a significant number of people that play specs that aren't high performance, like Reaper. 

Also, I never claimed to know how many. I just know there ARE people that play how they want in teams ... EVEN with Reaper. 

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20 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Well, I do play Reaper when I want in teams ... so that's not just thin air. So do the people I play with. That's also not just thin air. 

Again, what is the problem being solved here? Why is DPS the ONLY solution that people are willing to consider? It doesn't make sense. 


Low tier fractals have low requirements so easier to complete and less fuss on tier 1 fractals but later on reapers DPS falls through the roof because it loses tons of dmg upon getting hit and it dps basically plummets. With how punishing it is, that is not ok.

I don't know what you main i don't care frankly but you seem to either playing open world and soloing regular mobs or doing jump puzzles or maybe low tier dungeons cause if you do that you gonna have your DPS become non existent and that is not good.

Like i said before If anyone wants to play reaper as a DPS in raids or high CM fractals they should have the option be viable and not cut off. It creates stigma and toxicity and create a situation of superiority where one gets to be toxic laugh and point at someone and harrass. You can do pretty much anything in open world but when it comes to you know group stuff that is higher tier You are expected to kinda have certain things under control you know how military are trained and swat have everything planned to a T? well thats for a reason people plan out raids DPS etc and anyone who plays a class has to understand their class and offer something and if they don't they get benched and stigmatized and harrased and shamed for being underpowered which creates more people leave this game and it spretty simple: SOme people really love reaper and nec and want them both to be able to do content because in the past people have stigmatized and shamed them and they got benched and were underpowered.

By your standards you are equivalent tohttps://www.salon.com/2016/08/04/this_is_fine_cartoonist_on_why_its_not_fine_after_all_its_a_response_to_how_weird_and_bad_2016_has_made_me_feel/


You know that one? ignore the problem and hope it goes away? well that doesn't work it makes the problem become worse and does damage to arenanets reputation and is a terrible advice. 


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9 minutes ago, Axl.8924 said:

Like i said before If anyone wants to play reaper as a DPS in raids or high CM fractals they should have the option be viable and not cut off.

Well, you can believe that if you like but that's just not a realistic view of how the game works because not every spec can be desirable in a 10 person optimal PUG team for a raid or even worse, a 5 man CM fractal team. There simply isn't bandwidth to allow it. There is also not a need to pursue it. It's a hard sell. 

Again, even if you want to solve that problem, DPS is not necessarily the solution to do it. I have argued it's actually a bad solution for lots of reasons. Again, not against Reaper getting buffs ... but they have to be changes that address the problem and ideally, address the problem as a long term and effective solution. DPS does not do that. DPS is a fickle partner. I get that it's the solution you WANT ... that doesn't make it good. 


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10 minutes ago, Axl.8924 said:

Why is DPS the ONLY solution that people are willing to consider? It doesn't make sense. 

Cause role you know ... Why in lfg people ask for dps ? dps is supposed to do what ? pancakes ? no , it's supposed to wreck your target , damage-per-second , not deluded-poor-selfestime . And also it's the easiest think to arena to work on , just numbers grinder ... no drastic change to a skill , but they should do that to some skills ofc ...

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