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Engineer Spam getting really bad in sPvP [Merged]


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Due to the high difference in players real life education nowadays it would indeed be better to rework the queue system.

It would make sense to seperate the ratings in each an own league. Every league has a fix number of players who can take part.

Like: Platinum League, Gold League, Silver League, Bronze League.

Every Season the best 10 players from each league go one league up and the 10 losers go one league down for the next season.

Like it is in european sports competition.

Who wants to be in platinum matches needs to win the gold first etc.

This way its not possible to cheat with queue sniping anymore as if someone uses an account to lose on purpose this account is much likely to do down the league next season. etc.

And we can get rid of this absolutely unfun situation that bronze players get mixed with platinum etc.


Back in gw1 competition was prestige and cheaters where blamed for. nowadays cheaters are seen as smart people and held high as heroes. A change that came in with more underdeveloped countries where people have no values in life got access to the internet. You bypass the system you are a hero. A result of corrupt politics specially in eastern world countires.




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Mech is an ape tier class, but OP is a known forum troll. On top of his past troll threads he even necro'd a couple multiple year old threads on the pvp page, which are now locked. Just ignore his hyperbole filled threads and posts please...

Edited by Koensol.5860
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19 hours ago, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

I know that tempest have best projectile reflection but how to you deal with holo.

When the engi gets one knock down, its over for sure cuz it has so much damage like what the hell. 
Hes literally one shotting and any kinds of elementalist...... and Anet buff holo nerf elementalist ....

Why does Anet hate elementalist ?

It really does feel like choosing elementalist is just playing pvp on hard mode for no benefit.


You should check out my bruiser tempest.  it features 1600 Toughness, permanent +39,99% protection boon and another flat -17% strikedamage reduction from Earth, over 100% projectilehate/refelct uptime and Shockaura.  Holo and engie in general is a piece of cake for Fire/Earth/Tempest. They literally tickle because of all your flat dmg reductions. They have no answer to the shockaura spam, and your conditionvomit overwhelms them after a few seconds.

If you think Anet hates elementalist.... your using a bad build, because Ele is at the strongest point it has been in years. According to memebattle, Elementalist is the only profession that has 2 builds in the "meta".   

Yet you have people crying that ele succs.....   in all honesty.....  Tempest is borderline overpowered right now....

Edited by Sahne.6950
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12 hours ago, thepolishman.2348 said:

Still wish that applied to staff ele though.

staffele is sooo 2014 xD

... idk... uhm.... frownyclown!?.... idk who it was really, posted a staff support ele build a few months back, and i was playing that for quite some time and it was quite alright, ngl.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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On 10/12/2022 at 5:58 AM, GhandiBot.6257 said:

Pretty much non-existing in Plat games. This is more of a L2P issue than anything. 


The game already has enough projectile denial, and you or your team should focus it for a free easy kill instead of letting them free cast. 

Did you mean that have no need to balance If there have problem with gold/silver?

You don't see how much play are here in gold/sliver,  If that thing work on 99% of player, it's OP, engi OP.

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7 hours ago, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

Tool holo is another beast, one shot everything is not a fun.

Engineer show how the balance devs be so bad,  Please consider nerf it ASAP.

I just run the old grenade build but with rifle. It does well enough. 

Those cc chain combos locking someone down and 100-0’ing them is fun. Lol

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