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Needed Weapon Buffs For Warrior


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We have had some great recent changes to our traits, but a lot of our actual weapon skills and utilities need work. This post focuses on weapons. This is coming primarily from a pvp perspective.



  1. Hundred blades cast time reduction.
  2. Fix Rush pathing.
  3. Make Blade Trail return more reliable.


  1. Make Staggering Blow an evade

Mace Main Hand

  1. Increase auto speed.
  2. Make Counter Blow block for full duration with flip over skill if you block an attack.
  3. Give Pommel Bash a small leap.

Mace Off Hand

  1. Giver Crushing blow a small leap.
  2. Make Tremor an aoe cone instead of a projectile.

Sword Main Hand

  1. Give Savage Leap an evade and add a damaging condi.
  2. Final thrust needs reduced cast time to 1/2 second and to use the increased damage at all times. Add a 2 sec immob if below 50%. Currently not worth using above 50% at all.
  3. Unroot flurry or give it an evade. Could use a dps boost too.

Sword Off Hand

  1. Make Rip leap to your opponent to remove the sword and not remove the condi application.
  2. Riposte needs the same treatment as counter blow. Block duration may need to be reduced.

Axe Main Hand

  1. Eviscerate needs a buff. I suggest making the tier 3 damage default and making adrenaline affect might gain. This is a huge buff, but it's a single target skill and hits for less than arcing slice under 50%.
  2. Throw Axe needs its pathing fixed.

Axe Offhand

  1. Whirling Axe needs increased radius and reflect.


  1. Charge could grant some aoe might to grant a bit more impact for offensive support and trait synergy. Also, if mending might is ever changed to heal allies this would give support warrior more team healing.


  1. Shield Stance needs a cooldown reduction or a flip over skill. Compare to ranger GS block, Engi Shield block, and Vindicator GS block to see why.


  1. Auto needs burning by default.
  2. Combustive Shot should pulse burn every second.
  3. Give Arcing Arrow burn like in pve.
  4. Give Smoldering Arrow PvE daze.


  1. Increase auto speed and damage.
  2. Make Explosive Shell a circular aoe around target instead of a cone and increase vuln and give immob. Increase damage.
  3. Remove vuln and immob from brutal shot. Remove the attack from brutal shot to stop the evade from failing due to direction. Turn it into an instant evade like ele fire staff 4 burning retreat.
  4. Give Rifle Butt a small leap.


  1. Give Blaze Breaker a bit more burn. This skill is really only used to proc King of Fires right now.

Dagger Main Hand (Edit)

  1. Give Aura Slicer 450 range. Give it splash damage and remove auras.
  2. Breaching Strike: Damage bonus for removed boons.

Dagger Offhand

  1. Make the increased damage default. Remove 3 boons from foes not using skills.
  2. Increase Bladestorm damage and make each hit remove a boon.


  1. Increase damage on Dragon's Roar and remove pushback.
Edited by Zuko.7132
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Very good post. I think many warrior weapon skills haven't mechanically changed in a wayyyy too long time, and it really does show, especially for GS and mace mainhand (DID these skills ever mechanically change?). 


With these changes, many neglected weapons might see some more play in competitive environments, although your proposed changes for dagger offhand might be a little too much 😄 


Edited by Argamir.3651
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engi rifle 11111 die fast, and still at large for so long til present, is precisely the reason i think the sorry state of warrior is deliberate.


over the years warrior design'd be like, "how do we make warrior changes as unimpactful or negatively impactful as possible?" 🤔


i find it hard to believe that they're afraid to make warrior too strong. given what they've done with other classes.


something just doesn't add up 🤔

Edited by eXruina.4956
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3 minutes ago, eXruina.4956 said:

engi rifle 11111 die fast, and still at large for so long til present, is precisely the reason i think the sorry state of warrior is deliberate.


over the years warrior design'd be like, "how do we make warrior changes as unimpactful or negatively impactful as possible?" 🤔


i find it hard to believe that they're afraid to make warrior too strong. given what they've done with other classes.


something just doesn't add up 🤔

Cuz they refuse to believe that war is bad at skill mechanics

A lot of skills are actually incredibly overbuffed number wise. Sword 4s power damage is literally insane. Yet it's still garbage

3 second stun every 8 sec on mace core burst is also insane, yet in reality garbage.


Other classes have many ways to make skill work.

Warrior has no way to make these skill work

A full combo from rev probably does less damage then a single cc'ed hammer 2 yet rev is literally 2 times better then any war build in pvp

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Wastrel's Ruin would be great as a 3-target choice as to bring forth some of the AoE feel to it (you know, Axe competition and some reliable cleave that doesn't reflect Swords' single target offhand approach, despite it being "condi" with crazy power dmg). 


Also, dagger mainhand could use the buffs Lan said, would not mind dagger skills hitting 2 enemies for that splash aoe Felix described. 

All autoattacks should get either some casttime decrease (2 handed and maces) or some dmg increase (for the rest). 

Small things like this. 

Definitely would love to see a buff to T3 bursts. 

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4 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I'd say that Dagger MH needs more range on Aura Slicer, and for Breaching Strike to deal increased damage per boon removed, an extra 20% per boon removed, stacking multiplicatively.

I like this idea, a nice way to add in more damage to breaching while keeping its focus on what it does.

Aura Slicer should be 450 range like most other leaps. I’m not even sure 300 range should qualify as a leap.

Edit: also bring the PvP damage buff over to WvW for both Breaching and Aura.

Edited by oscuro.9720
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15 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

I like this idea, a nice way to add in more damage to breaching while keeping its focus on what it does.

Aura Slicer should be 450 range like most other leaps. I’m not even sure 300 range should qualify as a leap.

Edit: also bring the PvP damage buff over to WvW for both Breaching and Aura.

And the improved Resistance for Revenge Counter. 

Can we also update Natural Healing while we are at it lol. 

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Longbow auto having the auto attack burn by default would be good QoL for any kind of condi Warrior. But most importantly it would be great fun to be able to freely run warrior's sprint.


If the developers goal here is to have variety in choices players can make, they should aim to achieve that by giving the player multiple strong choices, not by forcing their hand into a filler option so that they can have condi damage for their condi build auto attack. That is a cruel way of doing things and it only serves to frustrate the player.



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6 hours ago, rainhelm.3827 said:

Longbow auto having the auto attack burn by default would be good QoL for any kind of condi Warrior. But most importantly it would be great fun to be able to freely run warrior's sprint.


If the developers goal here is to have variety in choices players can make, they should aim to achieve that by giving the player multiple strong choices, not by forcing their hand into a filler option so that they can have condi damage for their condi build auto attack. That is a cruel way of doing things and it only serves to frustrate the player.



You're absolutely right. It should obviously be default. That's not a fun trait choice. It's a necessity to make a lackluster weapon somewhat functional. Our baseline weapons need to be good.

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