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Celestial on a warrior?


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I have made use of celestial gear on pretty much all of my characters. I love it. It works well in open world and is never bad in WvW. 

Only class I never used celestial stats on was warrior. A very old topic in these same forums warns that warriors don't benefit much from it nd is therefore pointless to try.


Is that still the case? Can warriors be good with celestial, especially in WvW? 

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I've used it fine in WvW. You have to decide if you want to take a sword or longbow on your build otherwise the condition damage is wasted, but warrior makes very good use of the rest of the stat set.

You can build a cele warrior with 4k power fully buffed easily and have good vit, toughness, crit damage, and condition duration.

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Some quick examples for you:


Berserker version at 4k power:

Spellbreaker version just shy of 4k power:

BSW ~3750 power:

When they removed Armored Attack Cele warrior lost about ~160 power but Berserker and Spellbreaker can make up for it.
Those are just 4 variations of ONE build. There are lots of ways to build a Cele warrior. Rune choice ends up matter a GREAT deal.

Here is a condi version of Berserker for instance, still Cele:


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  • 3 months later...

I managed to create just a few pieces and I see that more doors open in matter of skills.

I survived some combos which in berserker one shot me and I hit for some good amount of damage and crit.

Celestial gear makes out of your warrior a dangerous being for the enemies and medium support for allies.

Not many people uses it but it can be felt on the battlefield.

In raids you will probably be taunted for not being useful enough...but m8...it's raid... for some players there just nobody is good enough other then themselves... so don't take it personally.

I will continue to pursue this gear set just need more gold.

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I used a Cele SPB build. So troll. 

The name of the game is CC. Body Blow is what is gonna make it sweet because it constantly inflicts Bleed and Weakness, and you have so much CC from being a SpB and running Dagger/Shield. MMR will keep you healed up but you have a burst heal and condi cleanse in the backpocket too. 

GS for defensive swap/getting away

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Hammbow SpB is decent on Cele, does it's job in a larger scale scenario well.


Defiant, Enchantment Collapse and Balanced over Stomp for some bigger scale action with the hammer.

Bow decent cleave on downies.

Pretty tanky and relatively mobile, if adrenaline not a problem, Slow Counter>

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  • 3 months later...

I used the level 80 item and my warrior got celestial gear and I don't know how to use it properly. I'm not happy with the damage from what ANet threw my way.

The first posted builds don't even do condition damage. But what do I have this equipment, that has stats in condition damage and expertise, if I can't use this to hybridize my damage (power and condi)?

Right now I'm looking for a build for mere Open World (story, explore, meta of EoD). The latter builds use bleeding, but since they're wvw builds I guess that can be optimized for pve since I hardly need to get away and don't need much mobility and safety in pve.

Any tips for changes? Preferably from experience.

(This thread was first in google when searching for: guild wars 2 celestial warrior)

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2 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

I used the level 80 item and my warrior got celestial gear and I don't know how to use it properly. I'm not happy with the damage from what ANet threw my way.

The first posted builds don't even do condition damage. But what do I have this equipment, that has stats in condition damage and expertise, if I can't use this to hybridize my damage (power and condi)?

Right now I'm looking for a build for mere Open World (story, explore, meta of EoD). The latter builds use bleeding, but since they're wvw builds I guess that can be optimized for pve since I hardly need to get away and don't need much mobility and safety in pve.

Any tips for changes? Preferably from experience.

(This thread was first in google when searching for: guild wars 2 celestial warrior)

In open world you can use something like this until you've unlocked berserker, after that just change strength to berserker 1-2-2, take torch instead of offhand sword, and change the signets to rage skills. Cele damage will be low by pve standards but it should be fine for killing mobs/story bosses.

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13 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

I used the level 80 item and my warrior got celestial gear and I don't know how to use it properly. I'm not happy with the damage from what ANet threw my way.

The first posted builds don't even do condition damage. But what do I have this equipment, that has stats in condition damage and expertise, if I can't use this to hybridize my damage (power and condi)?

Right now I'm looking for a build for mere Open World (story, explore, meta of EoD). The latter builds use bleeding, but since they're wvw builds I guess that can be optimized for pve since I hardly need to get away and don't need much mobility and safety in pve.

Any tips for changes? Preferably from experience.

(This thread was first in google when searching for: guild wars 2 celestial warrior)

I am going to quote Ephem and his build mentioned below. (thanks for the build)

I had decent success with it in OW, although I made some changes in terms of sigils and also I find LB as better choice instead of rifle.
Outside of that I prefer Signet of Rage over the Battle Standard.
You can check out whole thread here: 


On 5/18/2023 at 7:46 PM, EphemeralWallaby.7643 said:

Sure, here's the build as it currently stands: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKyAwyRlZwoYeMFGJOSL/peA-zxIY1ojvQCsAiNDCPEcfVCMA-e (edited because I had one wrong trait selected... fixed now, sorry)

I switch out Banner of Defense with Banner of Strength, Tactics, or Shake it Off depending on the fight.

I find I stack and keep might at 25 stacks pretty easy w/o food or banners, so I only pop them during tougher fights.  My cheap food preference is Fried Golden Dumplings.  I don't care that I proc extra might while at 25 stacks, because procing might is the build's sustain... the more I do it the better.

Runes look like an odd choice since by itself the build doesn't proc weakness, but for most fights I don't need the t6 ability to proc.  For tougher fights such as champs, I'll pop the Skale Venom utility which procs it plenty.   The reason I chose it over, say, rune of strength is for the ability to proc might and, thus more heals/sustain.

My biggest challenge with the build is dealing w/ lingering conditions post-fight if I don't equip shake it off.  Another challenge is lack of extra speed, which is solved mostly with mounts or with speed boosts if I find myself constantly chaining fights... highly mobile enemies aren't a problem, though, due to being able to regularly immobilize, leap, etc.

Rifle is my switch-off only for large champion events that I don't want to melee... otherwise, I generally don't use it.  I prefer rifle to lb just as a matter of play style... lb would be a fine ranged switch off, too.

I have some ideas for how it can be modified for WvW... but I don't play melee in WvW, so I've done no testing.  I don't have the hand-eye coordination/reflexes to use melee against PCs no matter the profession or weapon.

I totes agree with all of this.  


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18 hours ago, Greyrat.2378 said:

I am going to quote Ephem and his build mentioned below. (thanks for the build)

I had decent success with it in OW, although I made some changes in terms of sigils and also I find LB as better choice instead of rifle.
Outside of that I prefer Signet of Rage over the Battle Standard.

No worries, and thanks for the mention!  I'm glad to hear you've been trying it out, and I'm super-curious what your preferred sigils are...  I enjoy tweaking the build, trying new things, so I'd love to know about your improvements. (As far as the elite goes, for lols I'll sometimes slot Warband Support, just so I can give might to them then heal off of it while they distract some mobs)

It made me laugh how the forums have my quote missing what I'm responding to, so it looks like I'm just praising myself at the end. 🤣

@Lucy.3728 Same goes for you... if you give it a try, I'd love to hear about any modifications you make to fit your playstyle or improve performance if you feel up to sharing.  

Celestial gear also serves a second purpose, imo... I like to use it to test builds, even builds that aren't meant for celestial armor.  Even if the dps is low for something that, say, recommends berserker or marauder gear... trying it out in celestial first gives me a little more survivability while I figure out how the build plays... not to mention decide if it's worth investing in the possibly expensive gear. 


Edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643
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On 6/6/2023 at 6:16 AM, EphemeralWallaby.7643 said:

No worries, and thanks for the mention!  I'm glad to hear you've been trying it out, and I'm super-curious what your preferred sigils are...  I enjoy tweaking the build, trying new things, so I'd love to know about your improvements.

Oh I just leaned more into damage with the sigils, nothing crazy.
I took Sigil of Strength and Earth for swords, Sigil of Fire for LB (I feel like it kind of helps with the adrenaline generation and adds little bit more AoE damage).
I am not sure about the second sigil on LB though, perhaps Torment or something similar to throw in little bit more of the condi damage, or something more defensive or perhaps Sigil of Strength as well for that might generation.
For conditions I usually grab the Mending which works fine I guess (it has lower CD than the signet)
I am also contemplating whether the Dual Wielding is worth taking over the Furious trait.
For playing solo I would consider taking the Martial Cadence over Phalanx (you already have the Empower Allies trait.)
Basically something like this:

Edited by Greyrat.2378
edit: some additional thoughts
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14 hours ago, Greyrat.2378 said:

Oh I just leaned more into damage with the sigils, nothing crazy.
I took Sigil of Strength and Earth for swords, Sigil of Fire for LB (I feel like it kind of helps with the adrenaline generation and adds little bit more AoE damage).
I am not sure about the second sigil on LB though, perhaps Torment or something similar to throw in little bit more of the condi damage, or something more defensive or perhaps Sigil of Strength as well for that might generation.
For conditions I usually grab the Mending which works fine I guess (it has lower CD than the signet)
I am also contemplating whether the Dual Wielding is worth taking over the Furious trait.
For playing solo I would consider taking the Martial Cadence over Phalanx (you already have the Empower Allies trait.)
Basically something like this:


Ooooo... interesting changes.

For the LB, if you find you're using it more for champs or large-player events where mobs aren't running directly at you, maybe the hit-on-flank might be useful... otherwise yeah, I agree blight or torment would be a good pick.  Smoldering would also be a good pick for the F1 and burning skills.

When I originally posted the build, I was experimenting between Dual Wielding and Furious... that was the one I had selected wrong.  I think Furious is good vs a lot of successive fights, where DW shines better against champs that you'll be smacking for a little while.  And, since DW doesn't stack w/ quickness, martial cadence is a great option...  I like the changes... a little more dps in exchange for a little less sustain when you don't need it in OW.

Thanks for the alternative build ideas!


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Ik it ain't peak dmg or pve focused but, cheap gear that can get stuff done with a similar condi core build is a mix of rampager and rabid.

Arms all condi

Tactics for Leg specialist and heal shouts. Middle trait is up to you.

Discipline with either warrior's sprint or bow autos, burst mastery, anything from middle line.

Defiant, SiO, Rampage (the other elites work too ofc) and either FGJ/OOM, or Fear Me/Dolyak Signet.

Healing signet and rage signet may allow you to pick signet mastery assuming your precision is decent enough (which it is) for ferocity stacking.


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5 hours ago, EphemeralWallaby.7643 said:


Ooooo... interesting changes.

For the LB, if you find you're using it more for champs or large-player events where mobs aren't running directly at you, maybe the hit-on-flank might be useful... otherwise yeah, I agree blight or torment would be a good pick.  Smoldering would also be a good pick for the F1 and burning skills.

When I originally posted the build, I was experimenting between Dual Wielding and Furious... that was the one I had selected wrong.  I think Furious is good vs a lot of successive fights, where DW shines better against champs that you'll be smacking for a little while.  And, since DW doesn't stack w/ quickness, martial cadence is a great option...  I like the changes... a little more dps in exchange for a little less sustain when you don't need it in OW.

Thanks for the alternative build ideas!


I think DW feels overall better in terms of gameplay, feels a bit sluggish without it.
I guess in group content with some reliable quickness source Furious would be better choice.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been thinking how to tweak the discussed cele build after the recent patch.
In the end I've settled up for pure melee version since I felt like I did not really utilise LB that much.
Sustain might be a bit worse but overall I am having fun with it and it has decent damage as well.
Small doses of quickness on axe 4 also feel nice and in combination with Fast Hands and Axe Mastery it's not bad.
Utility is still same, the Skale Venom. For food I went with Fire Flank Steak.
Here is the build if someone would be interested:


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On 7/3/2023 at 1:24 PM, eXruina.4956 said:

its still worse than every other class on celestial gear, warrior has terribly outdated condition and boon design to take advantage of celestial as effectively as other classes. even after the recent buffs from last october and february.

Warrior has mediocre condi output but mediocre isn't bad, lets calm down with the doomposting. We benefit from Celestial gear as much as other classes, just requires other ways of looking at it.

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13 hours ago, Shadowpeixera.2918 said:

We benefit from Celestial gear as much as other classes

lol compared to which class? show me against someone worth their salt. there be lots in wvw and i don't hold a candle to any of em. show me on em folks i can't beat on a warrior and i'll take your word for it. should be easy. 🙂


its not doom posting, its truth, i'd rather be in there playing, and not here playing the forum mini-game, playing well designed, balanced to other classes, developed and updated warrior, wanted it for the past decade. i played the class day in and day out and did my best with it, through thick and thin, mostly thin.


i only ever really became active in these forums because of last june's banners and discord leaks. after a decade, i finally broke and got vocal, but i was already at my breaking point after feb 2020.


you have a problem with that as im sure some other people do. then don't read my posts, add me to your ignore list. mods would recommend it. 😁

Edited by eXruina.4956
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Warrior benefits differently from celestial than the other professions. Our Condi dps game in competitive is lacking, we don't stack damaging condis at the rate that other classes can so our ability to leverage the condition damage from cele is stunted. You'd be better off running Trailblazer if you want condi. When a warrior does run cele, where we benefit is from our naturally higher HP and Armor. Cele makes a warrior extra tanky with just enough base power and ferocity to do decent power damage. From there you roll Strength and power based runes to have high power/ferocity stats and then either roll Arms or accept the lower crit rate and build even tankier with Defense. The expertise will help out in your vuln, immob, and cripple durations to round it out, and the concentration will keep your might stacks high.

Edited by Lan Deathrider.5910
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