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Achievement Timegate Cap should not be 20 years!

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39 minutes ago, Izzy.2951 said:

Because this game is based around gathering achivements (theres even a leaderboard), and every piece of content doesnt matter if is pve instanced, open world, pvp, wvw... has this. 

But the current situation is that the achivement ladder is a fake, no1 can compete with those players unless you have been playing gw2 10 years nonstop, even the veterans cannot compete with those players if they have stopped playing the game for some years.

Why? cos doing permanent achivement is USELESS, specially the ones from Pof onwards that gives what 1-2 points? when there are thousands of points retired from the game that are no longer obteinable like monthlys, retired achivements etc...

So achivements should be the dailys, the permanent ones, and anual events only. All the monthlys and retired achivements or either you give those points to all the players so we can all "kinda" be competitive and have fun, or either retire those points from players but keep the rewards and put some new ones when they get there again.

This just discourages new players or players that have been  playing for years but still cannot compete cos this problem. So ppl end up not doing them since its a waste of time and effort. Missing also cool story stuff. And making the "re-playable" content of gw2 not that replayable anymore.

Go in game, into LA or any other map with a large amount of active players in it, and ask them if any of them can tell you who is in the top ten of the leaderboards without checking.  Not only would none be able to do so, I'd bet many wouldn't even have been previously aware that there ever were leaderboards.

And such is the toxicity of "equity", always seeking to take way from other that which you yourself didn't earn in a perversion of equality. Never mind that we that earn those retired achievements did so fair and square, often under more difficult circumstances than today since many of those achievements could only been finished within an allotted time that could be as short as two weeks. Hard earned contributions to each of our personal progresses that you want to take away from in your jealousy, and you offer in your "Good will" to let us keep the "rewards".
Again, how about no.

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47 minutes ago, Izzy.2951 said:


Achivements should take time, skill, effort, whatever you wanna say. What you CANNOT do is making it imposible for 90% of the playerbase to compete there just because you werent in the right moment when there were tons of points that were retired, even if you put more effort and skill than any of those players in the TOP. So yeah the system is pretty much broken and was (and is) one of the pilars of gw2 and a way to make you repete content.

Its like joining a game and saying oh hey boy, ur never gonna get to Top rank in PvP or in raids or whatever, cos theres a bunch of kittens that have been in the right moment and its imposible for you to reach them EVER. Doesnt matter the amount of hours you play or the skill you have. What a great fair system to discourage ppl from playing! (/hi steam players)

I guess your one of those players that dont wanna give ur sit, despite your doing nothing appart of being here playing a few hours nonstop for 10 years. Again, how about you dont deserve to be there and not be challenged by the rest of the community? And if you dont like that put ALL the retired achivements back, so ppl can do it aswell (aside annual events), you wouldnt like that either eh? this conversation is pointless, cos you think your great in a world of blind people.

They should just disable the leader board it have no reason to exist.

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7 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

Because this game is based around gathering achivements (theres even a leaderboard), and every piece of content doesnt matter if is pve instanced, open world, pvp, wvw... has this. 

But the current situation is that the achivement ladder is a fake, no1 can compete with those players unless you have been playing gw2 10 years nonstop, even the veterans cannot compete with those players if they have stopped playing the game for some years.

Why? cos doing permanent achivement is USELESS, specially the ones from Pof onwards that gives what 1-2 points? when there are thousands of points retired from the game that are no longer obteinable like monthlys, retired achivements etc...

So achivements should be the dailys, the permanent ones, and anual events only. All the monthlys and retired achivements or either you give those points to all the players so we can all "kinda" be competitive and have fun, or either retire those points from players but keep the rewards and put some new ones when they get there again.

This just discourages new players or players that have been  playing for years but still cannot compete cos this problem. So ppl end up not doing them since its a waste of time and effort. Missing also cool story stuff. And making the "re-playable" content of gw2 not that replayable anymore.

The game has never been based around gathering achievements. It’s just a fun little side thing to make players feel like they are being extra rewarded and encourage them to do content. It was only ever competitive to about half a dozen players at the top of the leaderboard (which should never have existed anyway). Even Anet barely care about AP given their poor devotion to it over the years. 

Theres nothing to complete, nothing to race for and I suspect 99% of new players could care less about the old achievements. 

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4 hours ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

but you will NOT take from me what I've already rightfully earned

YES. You should get those AP taken from you. You didn't rightfully earn them. You got the achievements. Keep those.
The AP should be universal. It Is how things work everywere. This system is broken. 

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8 minutes ago, just.9782 said:

YES. You should get those AP taken from you. You didn't rightfully earn them. You got the achievements. Keep those.
The AP should be universal. It Is how things work everywere. This system is broken. 

Utter rubbish. No player should have their ap stripped away to appease a few new players who may or may not even stick around long term. There’s plenty of ap I didn’t get even from the ls1 days or pvp tournaments or festivals I didn’t play. I would never selfishly begrudge a fellow player their points, especially in such a non competitive thing.


Edited by Randulf.7614
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On 10/20/2022 at 6:49 AM, Minoitis.3804 said:

1. mmos can be finished. There is an article for every WoW expansion about the first player to max the achievement points.

Just cause something can be done or cause competitor A or B did it, doesnt mean it is a great idea or should be done that way.

When the genre was young, the most established game was WoW. GW1 was relative small. With the campaign factions, arenanet introduced the achievements (or title) system. It was back then reveolutionary. It attracked a lot of people. The reason was that there is a rule in gaming. No content can be created quicker then it can be played. things like achievements are to fill this gap. When GW1 started this, other games like WoW followed.

Bottom line is: the goal of achievements is not to pleasure completionists who wants to complete everything. It is to give people something to do between releases.

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If I'm reading correctly I get the frustration - I've played the whole 10 years, but I took a lot of breaks in between and only have like 12k AP. If someone else got 2,000 hours like I have, they should have the opportunity to make as much AP. I get it, it's not "I only just started and I want equal footing" it's "hey, I've played x many hours in 3 years, but there's still achievements I can't get that put other people who've played the same amount of hours in a longer time frame ahead of me."



AP also really doesn't matter at all. Honestly, I didn't even know there was an AP leaderboard until today. Granted, I play incredibly casually (as demonstrated by 2k hours and only 12kAP, I'm sure) but I honestly thought the only person who could know your AP is you. I get that from a completionist stand point it's frustrating to see those greyed out boxes that you'll never be able to get, but honestly if you put the effort and hours into it you're still going to end up with more AP than a lot of players who've been here the entire 10 years. Maybe you won't have the EXACT same as someone who's been here longer but with similar hours played, but you will still be pretty close!

Edited by burstaxe.1832
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1 hour ago, burstaxe.1832 said:

If I'm reading correctly I get the frustration - I've played the whole 10 years, but I took a lot of breaks in between and only have like 12k AP. If someone else got 2,000 hours like I have, they should have the opportunity to make as much AP. I get it, it's not "I only just started and I want equal footing" it's "hey, I've played x many hours in 3 years, but there's still achievements I can't get that put other people who've played the same amount of hours in a longer time frame ahead of me."



AP also really doesn't matter at all. Honestly, I didn't even know there was an AP leaderboard until today. Granted, I play incredibly casually (as demonstrated by 2k hours and only 12kAP, I'm sure) but I honestly thought the only person who could know your AP is you. I get that from a completionist stand point it's frustrating to see those greyed out boxes that you'll never be able to get, but honestly if you put the effort and hours into it you're still going to end up with more AP than a lot of players who've been here the entire 10 years. Maybe you won't have the EXACT same as someone who's been here longer but with similar hours played, but you will still be pretty close!

Nah every friend and follower can see your ap press y in game

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On 10/19/2022 at 11:49 PM, Minoitis.3804 said:

 1. mmos can be finished. There is an article for every WoW expansion about the first player to max the achievement points.


Been playing Everquest (and MMO's in general) since 1999, and you have perhaps the narrowest possible idea of "completed" I've ever heard.


Getting all the arbitrary achievements in an MMO barely scratches the surface most of the time. 

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10 hours ago, just.9782 said:

YES. You should get those AP taken from you. You didn't rightfully earn them. You got the achievements. Keep those.
The AP should be universal. It Is how things work everywere. This system is broken. 

How the absolute kitten did I not "Rightfully earn those"?!?  I played the game, I did the required challenges, I've never used any cheating programs, and I had to do most of the LS s1 achievements back when I had to make do with my college laptop that didn't have the minimum specs for GW2 (not to mention my crappy dsl internet, I had to go to public wifi whenever there was a major patch).  I earned what little I got fair and God kitten square and I will keep it all: skins, titles, coin, and mfering AP. 

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I think a solution would be to make the festival achieve that grants 50 AP each year repeatable during the festival, so if you want to repeat it 2,3,4+ times each year you can, that way if you have missed a year or multiple years you could then catch up, also would allow new players to catch up too.

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19 minutes ago, Vavume.8065 said:

I think a solution would be to make the festival achieve that grants 50 AP each year repeatable during the festival, so if you want to repeat it 2,3,4+ times each year you can, that way if you have missed a year or multiple years you could then catch up, also would allow new players to catch up too.

How could they catch up if the vets can also repeat this content for additional AP?

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1 hour ago, Vavume.8065 said:

I think a solution would be to make the festival achieve that grants 50 AP each year repeatable during the festival, so if you want to repeat it 2,3,4+ times each year you can, that way if you have missed a year or multiple years you could then catch up, also would allow new players to catch up too.

 The above doesn't fix anything, i.e new and old players could repeat above as they wish and in any case the problem the new player faces is not lack of achievements to max their time out on.  The answer is simply that if a players wants to 'catch up' on another player then they need to do more achievements than that person per day, and since new players have vastly more achievements available than the veteran that is easy.  Rather than repeating the same festival achievements over and over (dull) do other achievements in the same time that takes your interest.

Question, if a new player has access to 45 thousand achievements points (give or take a few hundred for retired), why do they need more?

Edited by vesica tempestas.1563
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54 minutes ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

Question, if a new player has access to 45 thousand achievements points (give or take a few hundred for retired), why do they need more?

It is not the Achievements or Points they are lacking. All  of them have an extremely long way to go to even clear most of them. What they want are easy and fast ways to get lots of APs immediately.

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4 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

It is not the Achievements or Points they are lacking. All  of them have an extremely long way to go to even clear most of them. What they want are easy and fast ways to get lots of APs immediately.


yeah i know i'm trying to trigger the realisation in them that what they are REALLY asking for is a way to gain more achievement points per hour /played without actually doing more achievements in that time. which ofc makes 0 sense since achievements points are simply a record of progress.

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2 minutes ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:


yeah i know i'm trying to trigger the realisation in them that what they are REALLY asking for is a way to gain more achievement points per hour /played without actually doing more achievements in that time. which ofc makes 0 sense since achievements points are simply a record of progress.

It will be very interesting to know how many APs each of these players who are complaining about this actually have. 10k? 20k? Doubt anyone of them are even anywhere close to the top, even if they're able to repeat these easy achievements.

To these players: Prove me wrong. Show us an image of your current APs and achievements completions, and that you'll be able to catch up within a reasonable time frame if those are repeatable.

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Here are the numbers:


- For a new player to gain achievement points they need to do achievements.  Do more faster get more faster.


- A new player has access to 45kish achievement points, so they don't need more as they have literally thousands of hours of solid back to back content much of which they can do in parallel.


- If a new player does X achievements per hour, adding achievements to the game is irrelevant until they start to run out of achievements for e.g if Anet switch on every single retired achievement tomorrow then that new player is doing the EXACT SAME achievements per hour.

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2 minutes ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:


The overall thread is about all achievements not just a particular subset, i.e if the vet is capped at 1000 they do another achievement in its place and vice versa, it doesn'.t matter

The thread is about festival achievement cap being 1000 Ap, which requires 20 years to complete...  you seem to be going off on a tangent...

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