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Mad Clocktower


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While spectating on other people doing the event (or even just having an outside view like you see when you start) would at least be less boring, it may quickly become boring.

I'm in the situation where I know how to do the clock tower, but maybe I have ~25% success rate.  so watching someone else complete it doesn't really help me out - I know how to do it, but I still often miss a jump or something.


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SUBMITED: This JP is tied to so many achievements and is way to hard. Im old either keep it hard and remove ties to other achievements or make it a little easier PLEASE THIS IS TERRIBLE bad done so many times watched bunch videos and tutorials nothing works. Received a standard response to check forums...REALLY sooo not helpful

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wait is not issue: This JP is tied to so many achievements and is way to hard. Im old either keep it hard and remove ties to other achievements or make it a little easier PLEASE THIS IS TERRIBLE bad done so many times watched bunch videos and tutorials nothing works.

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7 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

I always interpreted that as a justification for having the time pressure.

I think the rising green mist might have something to do with the timer as well. It's a shared instance, so the mist doesn't automatically reset when one player fails.

While this doesn't account for the wait at the start and the end, it might be the reason for the timers in between attempts.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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8 hours ago, Gwyen.3792 said:

This JP is tied to so many achievements

Which ones? I've never done it, but I'm not aware I've missed out on any achievements, except the one for literally completing the JP. You can skip it and still complete the Annuals.

Edited by costepj.5120
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18 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Games are supposed to be fun, not disrespectful to the player's time to the extent that clocktower is.

As far as I'm concerned, as long as it stays as it is, it is essentially dead content and any reward locked behind it does not exist.

Maybe you should just act like the content doesn't exist either. Then you woudln't have to discuss it any further. 

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On 10/22/2022 at 4:37 PM, Labjax.2465 said:

I'm pretty sure it's because it uses the same code template as a PvP match lol.

All the activities (festival and otherwise) basically do, even the ones that don't involve direct combat like the jps or Sanctum Sprint. Used to put your character in their PVP armor and everything, back when that was still a thing.

Edited by Hyper Cutter.9376
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6 hours ago, Hyper Cutter.9376 said:

All the activities (festival and otherwise) basically do, even the ones that don't involve direct combat like the jps or Sanctum Sprint. Used to put your character in their PVP armor and everything, back when that was still a thing.

That's interesting, didn't know that little tidbit about it!

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For me it's miss the same stupid jump 8 times because you're somehow too slow, get really sick of the constant waiting making you forget what to try next, and give up.  Because you KNOW the reward will not be worth it anyways.  It pretty much never is in GW2.

It's been 10 years, I still haven't finished this stupid JP exclusively because of that wait time.  I've seen the videos, still can't do it.

Edited by SinisterSlay.6973
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It is interesting that for the wintersday JP, they did modify it a few years ago to have an easier (slower path), as well as a faster path, with the reward varying between them.

I don't know if they could make an 'easy' instance of this - maybe just no green goo.  Then there wouldn't need to be a wait before retries (you could go the start, and be fine - though the rotating clock face at the end might always need to be broken).  Give fewer rewards.  Not sure about achievements, but if nothing else, this would also give an easy/non frustrating instance to practice on - once people got pretty good on this training instance, they might then be willing to move to the 'real' instance.

My first time completing the clocktower, I was fortunate to get put into an instance by myself for the entire 20 minute time period.  This rapid retry on failure probably let me do 5x more attempts than one can having to wait the full duration.


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I am not sure what they would have to do to re-code it for a single player instance.  If you break the map, it is actually 3 distinct structures.  there is the clock tower where everyone starts which is stationary with a rotating staircase.  When the puzzle starts everyone is ported to a second clock tower where the stairs are stationary and the tower itself rotates in sinc with a gradually rising green disk (giving the impression that the stairs and player are moving around when they, in fact are not).  Upon jumping into the clock the player is removed from the timer and ported to a third, stationary, structure that consists only of the top of the tower.  The timer stops its count down and begins the next attempt when all players are clear of the 2nd structure, either by falling or succeeding.

Your wait is longest if you finish the tower as all the other players start jumping while you are opening the chest.  Your wait is shorter the further you make it up the tower without falling as you are more likely to be the last player to be removed from the 2nd structure, triggering the next attempt.  If you make it almost to the end before falling you will be able to restart almost as soon as you respawn at the beginning.  So the better you get at the puzzle the less wait you will have (unless you succeed and I don't think most player who succeed mind waiting a bit after opening the chest)

The jumps themselves are not hard.  Except for a couple of vertical gears there aren't any where precision is too tight.  It is the combination of the disorientation from the spinning tower and the pressure of the timer that make the puzzle difficult.  For the first, once you realize the staircase is not spinning and that you are, in fact, jumping up a stationary structure, it gets a bit easier.

As for the timer, I mastered it a little at a time.  I watched a good video of the first few jumps and once I had them memorized I worked on memorizing the next 2 or 3 after that.  It took a lot of time but once I was able to do it a few times and got the whole thing memorized I got to the point I could succeed about 4 times out of every 5.  And on the few times I still fail, since I usually pretty far up the tower, the wait is quite short.

I don't know if that helps at all but I despised the tower the first year and have come to enjoy it very much since.

I would also add that once I became proficient with the tower I also started to enjoy the wait time as it gives me time to check out other players' armor.  People who frequent the tower tend to be people who also get creative with their armor choices 🙂

Oh, also make sure your buttons are set for whatever works best for you for jumping.  I found moving my jump to a thumb button on my mouse and disabling dodge on double tap improved my jumping a lot.

Edited by Lamont.5973
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