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Finally...I get it

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I have tried starting GW2 roughly 4 or 5 times and it never just clicked in.  I though I would give it another chance, yehp I was the problem, changed my thinking, really gave the game a chance and I am having a blast.  Not only that my daughter is on and yehp, getting ready to buy end of dragons.  I have a lot of catching up to do but this is so much fun taking my time.   I still don't know what a fractal is or the mystic forge, that will come with time. 🙂

Edited by BELDAYNE.7415
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1 hour ago, BELDAYNE.7415 said:

I have tried starting GW2 roughly 4 or 5 times and it never just clicked in.  I though I would give it another chance, yehp I was the problem, changed my thinking, really gave the game a chance and I am having a blast.  Not only that my daughter is on and yehp, getting ready to buy end of dragons.  I have a lot of catching up to do but this is so much fun taking my time.   I still don't know what a fractal is or the mystic forge, that will come with time. 🙂

So what was your thinking before and after this epiphany?  What thought did you change?

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Well, I think I wanted it to be more like GW1 or Wow with the trinity.  In GW1 I played a monk, in WoW I played a priest so coming over and mostly seeing that healing was self done and boons I think they are called just didn't gel with me.  Fast forward to this week and I thought to myself that I spent the money on the game give it another shot.  I started a Mesmer and had an old ranger I had dabbled with and played them.  I got the Mesmer to 24 I think and the char ranger to 64.  The storyline has been so good, I even got choked up when one Char sacrificed himself.  Tonight I ran with a wonderful group of people who actually were cordial and it was a nice change.  We ran something called Triple trouble with worms and I had a blast.  The commanders were excellent and everyone was so kind.  I'm not used to that with other MMO's.  This was so much fun.


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6 hours ago, BELDAYNE.7415 said:

I have tried starting GW2 roughly 4 or 5 times and it never just clicked in.  I though I would give it another chance, yehp I was the problem, changed my thinking, really gave the game a chance and I am having a blast.  Not only that my daughter is on and yehp, getting ready to buy end of dragons.  I have a lot of catching up to do but this is so much fun taking my time.   I still don't know what a fractal is or the mystic forge, that will come with time. 🙂

As a sidenote, the Mystic Forge is often referred to as the Mystic Toilet. Just to help you avoid confusion 😉

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12 hours ago, BELDAYNE.7415 said:

Well, I think I wanted it to be more like GW1 or Wow with the trinity.  In GW1 I played a monk, in WoW I played a priest so coming over and mostly seeing that healing was self done and boons I think they are called just didn't gel with me.  Fast forward to this week and I thought to myself that I spent the money on the game give it another shot.  I started a Mesmer and had an old ranger I had dabbled with and played them.  I got the Mesmer to 24 I think and the char ranger to 64.  The storyline has been so good, I even got choked up when one Char sacrificed himself.  Tonight I ran with a wonderful group of people who actually were cordial and it was a nice change.  We ran something called Triple trouble with worms and I had a blast.  The commanders were excellent and everyone was so kind.  I'm not used to that with other MMO's.  This was so much fun.



Welcome back! If you find yourself fully back would recommend finding a like minded Guild to further enhance the experience. Especially if you get into Fractals (or we call them Fraggles) then being able to grab guildies to work them can be a blast even if you group wipe an encounter. 🙂 

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One of the best and worst things about Guild Wars 2 is just how much content is absolutely PACKED into this game. I remember playing just a year after launch and I was already very pleasantly overwhelmed with all the stuff that was possible on TOP of the already involved and intensive combat. (I remember spending about a week just getting a hold of all the combat basics.) And again, that was just a year after launch. There's been a LOT more added since then.

Unfortunately though... All this content also means you'll see a lot of things just kind of... Abandoned. Dungeons and PvP in general are some infamous examples. A lot of storylines and plots have been in hibernation for a while. That sort of thing.

Edited by Arnox.5128
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I have played this game on and off since 2016 and it does make you learn in some round about and odd ways, eg I was having so much trouble at the beginning of EoD with the jumps. So I went back and made myself a new Mesmer leveled him up all the way to 80 -Bam! I Knew that I should be able to portal myself and others, went to practice, realized there was something way off with my ground targeting that I needed to fix in the options controls { huge intake of breath } and then, of course, I realized that's exactly why I couldn't use the cannonball mech from Aurene and so that HUGELY round about way of doing things taught me how to use some of the Mesmer's skills, to stick it out with what I find to be frustrating must-do story paths and a bit of confidence with jumping. You do need to push yourself a bit. That does not mean that I am a fan of MUST do story lines - particularly when it is stopping access to maps purchased. Having to do boring, slog it out story lines - Outreach I'm yelling at you! is very aggravating - It's not like my character actually has a set of NEW moves they need to practice! Why not have the map accessible and parts to the storylines blocked if a player doesn't want to be crossing off a list of effing chores? I have tooled around very happily fighting when I must on a map partly played as storyline, partly played as gathering and exploration. I have 3 mounts and different skins for them all and I am really only ready to think about working for a Griffon now. The ridiculous amount of work that needs to happen for a Skyscale is, I think, punishing but it probably makes it more worth while to those that manage to stay with it and get the reward, I hope so, anyway. Still I think it is a good balance of buying some things that may make other things attainable and getting in game gold to buff up your gear. Not one of my characters have completed the map and one of my most rewarding characters to play slogged it out to level up and has only just now reach level 80. It's a great game just not all the time, I don't think there is such a beast.🤨😉


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To me GW2 is the perfect casual game. Just exploring the map, do some events, progress the story a bit, unlock a new mastery, take down a challenging champion mob just to see if I can. There is a lot to do and your achievements don't get invalidated every other month with a new patch and a new tier of gear.


I know there is a dedicated raiding crowd that is all about efficiency and the latest meta but unlike other games you can just feel free to ignore this kind of content and still getting more than enough for your money.

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