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Profession Mechanics and Their Traits: Warrior and the Short End of the Stick...

Lan Deathrider.5910

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Note: I copied these from the respective wiki pages, which weren't all in the same formatting, sorry for the mixed formatting in advance.  Bolded traits do not require hitting the target for some or all parts of the trait. Looking at CORE trait lines only.

Lets take a look shall we...


3 Virtues that passively grant a benefit after some interval with Justice requiring successful hits. These can be activated for more powerful effects, with Justice requiring a hit to benefit. 



 Zealous Scepter — Gain might when your Virtue skill 1 passive effect triggers; gain more might while wielding a scepter.


 Justice is Blind — Gain a light aura and blind nearby foes when you activate Virtue skill 1.

 Renewed Justice — Virtue skill 1 is renewed when you kill a foe.

 Wrath of Justice — Striking an enemy with the damaging effect from Virtue skill 1 casts Lesser Signet of Wrath.

 Amplified Wrath — Burning you inflict deals increased damage. Burning duration applied by the passive effect of Virtue skill 1 is increased.


 Purity of Body — Your Virtue skill 2 passive also regenerates endurance.


 Inspired Virtue — Virtues apply boons to allies when activated. Deal increased strike damage for each boon on you.

 Virtue of Resolution — Gain resolution when you activate a Virtue. Resolution you grant has increased duration.

 Absolute Resolve — Activating Virtue skill 2 removes conditions from nearby allies. Virtue skill 2's passive effect is stronger.

 Permeating Wrath — The passive effect of Virtue skill 1 triggers more quickly and now burns in an area.

 Battle Presence — Nearby allies gain the passive effect of Virtue skill 2. Willbender: Heal allies when your Resolve effect triggers.

 Indomitable Courage — The active effect of Virtue skill 3 breaks stun and grants stability to nearby allies. Its passive effect gains a shorter interval.

Now, Revenant. I'm focusing on Profession Mechanic skills, but these guys do have a resource to manage.
Legend Swap and Arcane Echo, neither of which requires a resource, but are press for effect.

Invoking Torment (Corruption) — Release a burst of torment energy when you switch legends.  I'm counting this one as on hit as it triggers an attack

Invoking Harmony (Salvation) — Healing done to other allies is increased for a short duration after invoking a legend.

Invoker's Rage (Invocation) — Gain fury when you invoke a legend.

Cleansing Channel (Invocation) — Invoking a legend removes a condition.

Spirit Boon (Invocation) — Invoking a legend grants boons to nearby allies based on the legend that was invoked.

Song of the Mists (Invocation) — Invoking a legend casts a skill based on the legend you invoked.

Charged Mists (Invocation) — Invoking a legend while at or below the energy threshold grants extra energy to your new legend.


Ranger. Pets, their commanded Beast abilities, and pet swap. The pet running around trigger traits on its own isn't something I'm going to look at here, just what is on the mechanic bar. 

Clarion Bond (Marksmanship) — Cast Lesser Call of the Wild when you swap pets. Soulbeasts can trigger this trait by entering or leaving beastmode.
Spirited Arrival (Nature Magic) — Grant boons to nearby allies when swapping pets. Soulbeasts can trigger this trait by entering or leaving beastmode.
Zephyr's Speed (Beastmastery) — Cast Lesser Quickening Zephyr when you swap pets. Soulbeasts can trigger this trait by entering or leaving beastmode.
Poison Master (Wilderness Survival) — Upon using a Beast ability, your pet's next attack will inflict poison; your poison damage is increased.
Invigorating Bond (Nature Magic) — Beast abilities heal allies around the caster.

Go for the Eyes (Beastmastery) — Nearby foes are blinded by Beast abilities.  I'll count this as an attack.
Wilting Strike (Beastmastery) — Beast abilities inflict weakness on those struck. This effect will only occur once on each target struck by an ability.
Beastly Warden (Beastmastery) — Beast abilities taunt nearby foes.  I'll count this as an attack.


Thief. Steal, no activation time, and traits that grant effects will still grant their effects if the steal is not successful.

Deadly Arts
Serpent's Touch — Stealing inflicts poison. While in the downed state, your attacks apply poison.
Mug — Deal damage and gain life when stealing. This attack cannot critically hit enemies.
Even the Odds — Apply vulnerability when you steal. Gain might when you hit with a stealth attack.
Improvisation — Use stolen skills twice. Recharge one random equipped utility skill when you steal. Goes on cooldown regardless of whether a utility skill is recharged. Does not affect inactive sequence skills. 
Shadow Arts
Hidden Thief — Stealing inflicts blindness. Stealth Attacks inflict weakness. Cannot affect the same target more than once per interval.
Shadow Savior — After completing a shadowstep, you are healed. Nearby allies are also healed for a larger amount. Only affects thief shadowsteps.
Kleptomaniac — Stealing gives you initiative.
Thrill of the Crime — When you Steal, you and all nearby allies gain fury, might, and swiftness for 10 seconds.
Bountiful Theft — Stealing grants you and all nearby allies vigor. You rip boons from your target and grant them to nearby allies. (vigor happens regardless of the steal being successful)

Sleight of Hand — Stealing also dazes the target. Reduces the recharge of Steal.
Deadly Ambush — Stealing also applies bleeding. Bleeding you inflict deals more damage.


Elementalist. Attunements, press to change your weapon bar, and staying in an attunement gives you effects based on your traitline. 

Traits that improve attunements

  Arcane Prowess (Arcane) — Gain might when you switch attunements.

  Arcane Restoration (Arcane) — Swapping attunements restores health.

  Elemental Attunement (Arcane) — Grant a boon to nearby allies when changing attunements. Note: This effect will not trigger when attuning to the same element.

Traits that change based on attunement

 Inscription — Gain a boon upon casting a glyph based on your attunement. Glyphs gain reduced recharge.

 Arcane Restoration — Swapping attunements restores health.

 Evasive Arcana — Cast a skill when you dodge based on your attunement.

 Elemental Surge — Arcane skills gain reduced recharge, grant increased ferocity, and inflict a condition based on your attunement.

Empowering Flame — Gain power while in fire attunement.
Sunspot Sunspot — Gain a fire aura, and damage nearby foes when you attune to fire. Also triggers on overload skills.
Power Overwhelming — While at or above the might threshold, gain increased power. Power bonuses are doubled while attuned to fire.
Pyromancer's Puissance — Gain might for using any skill while attuned to fire. When leaving fire attunement or successfully completing a fire overload, unleash a Flame Expulsion.

Soothing Mist — You and nearby allies recover health while you are attuned to water.
Piercing Shards — Vulnerability you inflict has increased duration. Deal increased strike damage to vulnerable foes. Damage bonus is doubled while attuned to water.
Healing Ripple — Heal nearby allies when attuning to water. This effect will not trigger when attuning to the same element, but will be triggered by overload skills.

Zephyr's Speed — Your chance to critically strike is increased. While attuned to air, your movement speed is also increased.
One with Air — Gain superspeed when attuning to air.

Electric Discharge — Strike your target with a bolt of lightning when attuning to air. Also triggers on overload skills. I'll consider this an attack
Aeromancer's Training — Gain ferocity, and gain additional ferocity while attuned to air. Air weapon skills get a reduced recharge time.
Fresh Air — Recharge air attunement on a critical hit. Gain a ferocity boost when attuning to air.

Stone Flesh — Strike damage taken is reduced while attuned to earth.
Earthen Blast — Damage and cripple nearby foes when attuning to earth. Also triggers on overload skills. I'll consider this an attack
Rock Solid Rock Solid — Grant stability to nearby allies when attuning to earth. Note: This effect will not trigger when attuning to the same element.
Stone Heart Stone Heart — You cannot be critically hit while attuned to earth.

These next few classes are going to have more in common with Warrior's traits.

Mesmer. Press F key to shatter clones for effects. Can be used without clones, but more clones for greater effect. This requires Clones as a resource which must be built up with CDs, but still can be used with 0 resources. Think about that last statement...

Rending Shatter (Domination) — Shatter skills inflict vulnerability on hit.
Shattered Concentration (Domination) — Shatter skills also remove a boon on hit.
Mental Anguish (Domination) — Shatter skills deal more damage. This bonus damage is doubled against foes that are not activating skills.
Bountiful Disillusionment (Chaos) — Gain stability when you use a Shatter skill. Gain an additional boon based on which Shatter is used.
Restorative Illusions (Inspiration) — Heal yourself and lose conditions when you use a Shatter skill.

Maim the Disillusioned (Illusions) — Shatter skills inflict torment on hit.
Master of Fragmentation (Illusions) — Your Shatter skills are improved.

 Note how the defensive traits are all on use and that all of these can be used with 0 clones.

Necro. Shroud, which grants a second life bar over the HP bar, damage reduction, and new skills. The Shroud skills count as part of the mechanic. Costs a resource to enter and maintain but has strong generation of said resource in very accessible locations. Note, you can enter Shroud at any time so long as you have a minimum amount.

Awaken the Pain — Might grants you more power and less condition damage. Gain might when entering shroud.
Signets of Suffering — Gain enhanced versions of your equipped signet passive effects while in shroud. Signets recharge every second you are in shroud.

Spiteful Spirit — Strike around you when entering shroud.
Plague Sending — Your first attack after entering shroud transfers conditions. Only activates if you have conditions.
Furious Demise — Gain fury when entering shroud. Gain additional precision.
Weakening Shroud — Cast Lesser Enfeeble when entering shroud. Critical hits inflict weakness.
Death Magic
Armored Shroud — Gain carapace when entering shroud.
Shrouded Removal — Lose a condition when you enter shroud and every few seconds while you remain in shroud. Gain carapace when removing conditions from yourself.
Unholy Sanctuary — Regenerate health while in shroud. If your life force is above the threshold, your shroud will activate if you would take a lethal blow.

Blood Magic
Vampiric Presence — You and your nearby allies siphon health with attacks. This effect increases while in Shroud. 
Unholy Martyr — Entering shroud transfers conditions from allies to you. Exiting shroud consumes conditions currently on you and converts them to life force.
Soul Reaping
Speed of Shadows — Entering shroud grants swiftness and removes movement-impairing conditions.
Soul Barbs — Entering or exiting shroud increases all damage you deal for a duration.
Eternal Life — Gain life force every interval up to the threshold when not in shroud. Gain protection when you enter shroud.
Death Perception — Gain increased critical-strike chance chance. Gain increased critical-strike damage while in shroud.

Traits that improve Death Shroud skills
Reaper's Might — Shroud skill 1 grants might.
Dread — Inflicting fear on a foe gives you boons. Shroud skill 3 partially recharges when you defeat foes.
Path of Corruption — Shroud skill 2 now additionally converts boons into conditions.
Blood Magic
Transfusion — Shroud skill 4 heals and partially revives nearby allies. Up to five nearby downed allies are teleported to you upon using shroud skill 4.
Soul Reaping
Unyielding Blast — Shroud skill 1 inflicts vulnerability.
Dhuumfire — Shroud skill 1 inflicts burning on your target.


Engi. The tool belt, changes based on skills 6-0. Some suck, some are awesome. No resources management required. Some are attacks, some are just buffs.

Soothing Detonation (Inventions) — Heal nearby allies when using a tool belt skill.
Optimized Activation (Tools) — Using tool belt skills grants vigor.

Static Discharge (Tools) — Discharge a bolt of lightning whenever you use a tool belt skill.
Mechanized Deployment (Tools) — Your tool belt skills gain reduced recharge. Tool belt skills remove conditions. Engage Photon Forge cannot activate this trait.
Kinetic Battery (Tools) — Gain Kinetic Charges when you use a tool belt skill. At maximum, charges gain a burst of speed.

Special note: Alchemy improves elixirs as a skill type and tool belt skill from elixirs are also elixirs and through several trait interactions an engi can cause their toolbelt skills to do more than what is listed above. These traits don't require hitting either and all but 1 are defensive in nature:
Purity of Purpose
Compounding Chemicals
Comeback Cure
Reconstruction Enclosure

Anticorrosion Plating

In case you haven't noticed yet MANY IF NOT ALL defensive traits affecting profession mechanic skills thus far are ON USE! Even for professions that require a resource to use their mechanic! Even traits that are simple boon applications!

Now. Homeboy's turn. The Warrior. Bursts. They are all attacks. They require a resource that is expended all at once unless you are a Spellbreaker. You cannot use these without at least 10 adrenaline. Warrior does have strong adrenaline generation abilities, but with the exception of Axe Mastery and now Merciless Hammer are not located in convenient places for build crafting.

Building Momentum (Strength) — Burst skills restore endurance on hit.
Berserker's Power (Strength) — Gain increased strike damage when you use a burst skill; this damage increase is based on your adrenaline.
Furious Burst (Arms) — Using a burst skill grants fury. Fury gives an increased critical chance.
Sundering Burst (Arms) — Burst skills inflict vulnerability if they hit and inflict additional vulnerability if the attack is a critical hit. Can only occur once per interval per target for multihit burst skills.
Burst Precision (Arms) — Burst skills have an increased critical chance.
Cull the Weak (Defense) — Deal strike damage to weakened foes. Burst skills inflict weakness. Can only occur once per interval per target for multihit burst skills.
Adrenal Health (Defense) — Gain health based on adrenaline spent.
Cleansing Ire (Defense) — Gain adrenaline when hit. Remove a condition when you hit with a burst skill, then remove an additional condition for every bar of adrenaline spent.
Marching Orders (Tactics) — Periodically gain Soldier's Focus. Hitting with a burst skill expends Soldier's Focus to grant might to nearby allies.
Soldier's Comfort (Tactics) — Soldier's Focus heals affected allies.
Martial Cadence (Tactics) — Soldier's Focus grants quickness to affected allies
Burst Mastery (Discipline) — Burst skills deal more damage, grant swiftness, and restore a portion of adrenaline spent.

What do you notice? None of our defensive Burst related traits activate simply from using our mechanic, which I would argue has the most onerous requirements to use. The only two that don't seem to require a hit give Fury and Swiftness, and to be frank I have those on me so frequently that I don't think I've ever not had them on already prior to using my Bursts.

So, if we were to normalize how profession mechanics and their related traits worked then the follow traits would no longer require hitting with a Burst, but would activate ON USE:
Marching Orders
Soldier's Comfort
Martial Cadence
Adrenal Health
Cleansing Ire
Building Momentum

My challenge to the Balance team: Stop making warrior jump through hoops to access it's traited defenses. Normalize how defensive profession mechanic traits work and make the above traits I bolded function on Burst use. Bonus points if you include Berserker's Power.


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Defense rework definitely did a lot to bring this up, looking at the list of traits that you listed for Warrior. Not only did it expand them (CotW for example, but also saying Adrenal Health is no longer a joke. 

As for the point, yes, no one else has to land their profession mechanic to benefit from their mechanic-enhancing traits, short of one’s that have an offensive effect (for obvious reasons). This is a good, comprehensive write up for displaying the disparity between Warrior and other classes.

A good medium ground with the new defense rework (specifically towards those reworked traits) would be to have the 1 base stack of adrenal health/1 base condition cleanse be on use, then the added ones to be on burst (as was suggested by Calm). The reason I say this is because I think that some of the effects we do have on burst use would be quite strong if they were solely on use, but having them in the stronger state when landing skills is beneficial for the class as a whole. So that kind of bridged version, to me, is better. 

Im aware I’m in the minority when arguing for things to not be made completely on use. I like things that provide a higher skill cap but are harder to use. I’m weird and probably masochistic though. Aren’t we all though?

Edited by oscuro.9720
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2 minutes ago, oscuro.9720 said:

A good medium ground with the new defense rework (specifically towards those reworked traits) would be to have the 1 base stack of adrenal health/1 base condition cleanse be on use, then the added ones to be on burst (as was suggested by Calm). The reason I say this is because I think that some of the effects we do have on burst use would be quite strong if they were solely on use, but having them in the stronger state when landing skills is beneficial for the class as a whole. So that kind of bridged version, to me, is better. 

Im aware I’m in the minority when arguing for things to not be made completely on use. I like things that provide a higher skill cap but are harder to use. I’m weird and probably masochistic though. Aren’t we all though?

If warrior has to have a high skill cap for being able to use it's defensive traits, then so too should the other professions. This is an issue of design disparity.

There are two main issues here. Defensive profession mechanic traits not proccing on use for warrior,  but for everyone else, and the fact that warrior as some of the fewest means of active defense (Necro has fewer, but also has Shroud which is one of the best defenses in the game).

The high skill cap can lie in how Warrior budgets it's lower active defense pool, but as far as the defensive traits go, the implementation of defensive traits procing on profession mechanic use should be standardized so that all professions benefit from it instead of 8 out of 9.

I'm tired of Warrior being treated like an after thought.

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7 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

If warrior has to have a high skill cap for being able to use it's defensive traits, then so too should the other professions. This is an issue of design disparity.

There are two main issues here. Defensive profession mechanic traits not proccing on use for warrior,  but for everyone else, and the fact that warrior as some of the fewest means of active defense (Necro has fewer, but also has Shroud which is one of the best defenses in the game).

The high skill cap can lie in how Warrior budgets it's lower active defense pool, but as far as the defensive traits go, the implementation of defensive traits procing on profession mechanic use should be standardized so that all professions benefit from it instead of 8 out of 9.

I'm tired of Warrior being treated like an after thought.

That’s a fair argument. I would say everyone else should change instead of Warrior, though I do believe there is a balance to be struck between traits that offer on-hit vs on-use.

Just because Warrior traits are on-hit and everyone else’s are on-use doesn’t mean there can’t be a properly balanced version of that. In theory, on-use should be markedly weaker than on-hit versions, which, between the professions, you could validly argue they are not.

I honestly don’t view this as being that big of an issue personally. I think there’s more impactful changes that can be made for Warrior. But that’s just an opinion, and one I’m aware I’m in the minority group for having.

Anyways, a good post overall. A lot of people have argued about Warrior lacking in profession mechanic interactions but never really laid it out comprehensively from what I’ve seen. This definitely did a good job of that.

Edited by oscuro.9720
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3 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

If warrior has to have a high skill cap for being able to use it's defensive traits, then so too should the other professions. This is an issue of design disparity.

There are two main issues here. Defensive profession mechanic traits not proccing on use for warrior,  but for everyone else, and the fact that warrior as some of the fewest means of active defense (Necro has fewer, but also has Shroud which is one of the best defenses in the game).

The high skill cap can lie in how Warrior budgets it's lower active defense pool, but as far as the defensive traits go, the implementation of defensive traits procing on profession mechanic use should be standardized so that all professions benefit from it instead of 8 out of 9.

I'm tired of Warrior being treated like an after thought.

Pretty much, yeah. Its been repeated multiple times that Warrior got left behind. The "on hit" stipulation used to work, back in vanilla GW2, but since expansions started rolling out the situation has only gotten worse and worse for Warrior.

Its why Spellbreaker holds up better due in large part to "on hit" Burst effects from traits being able to trigger simply from FC being triggered, not it hitting.

I definitely still think one of my suggestions from another thread could be a solution as well and would expand upon Warrior's class mechanic further and actually update it for modern GW2; making each Adrenaline bar proc an effect when it is filled.

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I agree with @oscuro.9720, traits like cleansing ire and adrenal health would be very strong if they were completely on use, such that I wouldn't be surprised if the effects got nerfed to compensate. However, this would penalize players who are able to land bursts consistently with the current iteration. 

The skill cap for core warrior originally involved counting dodges, baiting defensive skills, swapping weapons if eviscerate was going to miss, etc. since it had highly telegraphed attacks that were easy to dodge. However, that was compensated by high damage and sustain if you landed bursts, with stacked adrenal health and healing signet. I prefer the design of being rewarded for landing key skills over passive sustain, even if that drawback is unique to warrior.

It's also worth noting that core warrior's sustain is actually higher than it used to be, with traited mending and might makes right giving better cleanse and dodges. Resilient roll makes it so that axe is no longer hardcountered by thief blind spam. It just lacks damage on certain skills like eviscerate and hundred blades, aside from that it's in a decent spot compared to other core builds.

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3 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:


Just because Warrior traits are on-hit and everyone else’s are on-use doesn’t mean there can’t be a properly balanced version of that. In theory, on-use should be markedly weaker than on-hit versions, which, between the professions, you could validly argue they are not.


I'd agree. And I hate hearing one-sided arguments which is likely what you'd ever get on internet forums.


To get a better gauge on just how "unfair" these on-hit traits are, I'd be curious to hear what changes would have to be made to make these traits on par as being on-hit.  What is the quantitative gap? But I'd garner that it hasn't or can't easily be quantified thus it's probably also an assumption making them on-use would somehow fix the issue.


The above aside, I personally dislike making things normalized. Of course, it can help keep balance too, but it also removes variation and leads to a more boring, sterilized and predictable game.

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37 minutes ago, Leo G.4501 said:


I'd agree. And I hate hearing one-sided arguments which is likely what you'd ever get on internet forums.


To get a better gauge on just how "unfair" these on-hit traits are, I'd be curious to hear what changes would have to be made to make these traits on par as being on-hit.  What is the quantitative gap? But I'd garner that it hasn't or can't easily be quantified thus it's probably also an assumption making them on-use would somehow fix the issue.


The above aside, I personally dislike making things normalized. Of course, it can help keep balance too, but it also removes variation and leads to a more boring, sterilized and predictable game.

Well when you have a situation like we have with Warrior where it is, to my knowledge, the only class that does this and every other class already has these functions then the game is already normalized and Warrior is an outlier for literally no reason.

However, to be fair, Thief is also similarly an outlier, though the difference there is it has an abundance of stealth and god-tier mobility to compensate. Warrior doesn't have that level of "power" anywhere in its gameplay.

(This is all of course speaking from the perspective of competitive modes/gameplay.)

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Philosophically speaking, I think it is a valid observation to make that missing a burst skill means that you've just failed to land a high-impact skill. That's a penalty to failure in and of itself. Denying defensive procs because an offensive action failed seems like adding insult to injury.

Maybe an appropriate compromise is for the proc to be stronger if the hit lands?

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I'm kinda curious what if when one misses their burst skill and does not hit a enemy then your f1's go on cooldown. However if you were to manage to hit someone with a burst skill and The adrenaline is then spent for that bar but the F1 itself would not be on cooldown as a reward in a way for making contact with telegraphed burst skills. And for each successful burst hit, it increases your total adrenaline generation from specific traits or sources such as cleansing ire when one is hit and generates additonal adrenaline based on successful burst hits . 1 bar - 3 adrenaline 2 bar 5 adrenaline, 3 bars 7 adrenaline added over the course of 5 seconds. The stacks could last at most 15 seconds before resetting back to the first tier or upon missing ones next burst skill but could be reapplied similar to how adrenaline health stacks are now. Would this make warrior stronger with certain weapons? Perhaps, but then it would perhaps help to possibly improve upon the telegraphs and allow for more balanced game play. In shorter words smack someone with a burst adrenaline starts flowing and more bursts occur more quickly. The moment a burst is missed a warrior falls on its face and starts at t1 again to rebuild it's momentum.

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6 hours ago, KryTiKaL.3125 said:

Well when you have a situation like we have with Warrior where it is, to my knowledge, the only class that does this and every other class already has these functions then the game is already normalized and Warrior is an outlier for literally no reason.

This is the point. Everyone else is playing by a separate set of rules.

It's been normalized and was in the beginning. Warrior was reworded for merely holding tiers of adrenaline with it's traits. That had the obvious result in warriors never using their bursts. The changed it to the current paradigm, for warrior just not anybody else. Kind of like the "tradeoffs" that they rolled out first for warrior, but then quickly forgot about for other specs and declared basic changes as "tradeoffs."

This constant reoccurrence of warrior having to play be a separate set of rules is why it's found itself in a sorry state.

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3 hours ago, Peacekid.1463 said:

is it true?90% of warrior players are bad 7% good 3% pro?

No. 100% of warriors have to play by an alternative set of rules. If they had the same set of rules the other classes would get rolled because having to play at an unfair advantage has taught those warriors how to play well.

Edited by Lan Deathrider.5910
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I think you’re on to something Lan. Let’s take a core war running strength defense and discipline. The warrior builds up 30 adrenaline for a tier 3 eviscerate. He swings he misses.


Here’s what he loses. 30 adrenaline and damage of course. But here are the traits that don’t activate. 

Berserker’s Power. 21% damage buff.

Building Momentum. 15 Endurance.

Cull the Weak. Weakness application.

Adrenal Health. Health Regen.

Cleansing Ire. Condi cleanse.


Cull the Weak makes sense. You shouldn’t apply a debuff if you don’t hit. The rest should be on use.

It takes a decent amount of time to build 30 adrenaline. Losing the adrenaline and the damage and the rebuffs is enough of a hit. You shouldn’t be able to negate 3 defensive traits and a self buff that require so much build up. Against a decent player who can dodge bursts, they can straight up make it so that you might as well be missing 5 traits. More if you consider discipline and the adrenaline generation traits there.



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8 minutes ago, Zuko.7132 said:

I think you’re on to something Lan. Let’s take a core war running strength defense and discipline. The warrior builds up 30 adrenaline for a tier 3 eviscerate. He swings he misses.


Here’s what he loses. 30 adrenaline and damage of course. But here are the traits that don’t activate. 

Berserker’s Power. 21% damage buff.

Building Momentum. 15 Endurance.

Cull the Weak. Weakness application.

Adrenal Health. Health Regen.

Cleansing Ire. Condi cleanse.


Cull the Weak makes sense. You shouldn’t apply a debuff if you don’t hit. The rest should be on use.

It takes a decent amount of time to build 30 adrenaline. Losing the adrenaline and the damage and the rebuffs is enough of a hit. You shouldn’t be able to negate 3 defensive traits and a self buff that require so much build up. Against a decent player who can dodge bursts, they can straight up make it so that you might as well be missing 5 traits. More if you consider discipline and the adrenaline generation traits there.



As opposed to a Necro who can press F1 to cleanse condis, gain a 10% damage boost, and press it again to cleanse condis, heal, and refresh said damage boost no having to hit the target required.

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