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Is it just me or does warrior have a lot of unspent tickets?


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In the recent balance philosophy livestream, Roy used the analogy of having a set amount of tickets to spend for a power budget. I think a lot of warrior stuff has some unspent tickets. Core war definitely has some tickets left over for profession mechanics. Fast hands baseline would be a good use, and an f2 for core wouldn't be unreasonable. Lots of weapons and utility skills definitely have tickets left over. Hello Hundred Blades. It's time to stop hoarding those tickets and spend them. How would you like to see our tickets spent in the November patch?

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I think in the specific example they used on stream, the issue with Warrior is that our Class Mechanic (Burst skill) is intrinsically tied to the power budget of our Weapon and thus in terms of tickets it's like we have no budget for a Class Mechanic at all. Example, GS weapon set is kinda mediocre without it's Burst skill, because the Burst skill is the power move of the weapon. Rifle is even worse in this respect.

Compare this to say, Firebrand which can have very strong weapon skills while separately having an extremely strong Class Mechanic in their tomes that was entirely, separately budgeted for.

Edited by Jzaku.9765
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11 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

I think in the specific example they used on stream, the issue with Warrior is that our Class Mechanic (Burst skill) is intrinsically tied to the power budget of our Weapon and thus in terms of tickets it's like we have no budget for a Class Mechanic at all. Example, GS weapon set is kinda mediocre without it's Burst skill, because the Burst skill is the power move of the weapon. Rifle is even worse in this respect.

Compare this to say, Firebrand which can have very strong weapon skills while separately having an extremely strong Class Mechanic in their tomes that was entirely, separately budgeted for.

If that's the case, then that's a tremendous double standard. All classes should have the same power budget. Both Firebrand and Warrior should have the same total budget. If you want to put most of warrior's budget into the weapon that's fine, but then the weapon should be really good. If firebrand tomes are worth 50 tickets and their weapon is worth 50, then warrior needs to add up to a 100 too.

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6 hours ago, Verdict is Vengence.6912 said:

They say a lot of things.


Sad but true. The analogy means nothing if at the end of the day they think warrior is in good place with power and condition builds that are successful in all content or whatever and don't see a big pile of tickets that they just don't know what to do with. 


Show me the patch. 



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warrior weapons need to function without burst skills.

but yea thats definitely one of the design flaws for having unique burst skill for each weapon.

it's often counted as part of the weapon.

but then warrior would have no real class mechanics, which is why warrior is so limited and lack diversity and flexibility

Edited by felix.2386
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44 minutes ago, felix.2386 said:

warrior weapons need to function without burst skills.

but yea thats definitely one of the design flaws for having unique burst skill for each weapon.

it's often counted as part of the weapon.

but then warrior would have no real class mechanics, which is why warrior is so limited and lack diversity and flexibility

Fasthands baseline would allow flexibility in place of diversity in this respect. The issue is traitlines are all over the place in terms of focus (defense, arms, tactics) with everyone's go to being discipline for the aforementioned fasthands and strength for the highest damage.


At its core, warrior is power. Berserker introduced a condi alternative but its a very niche position. There needs to be some sprinkling of condi in trait options (like Strength) but not as minor traits as we see in Arms. Arms should focus on crit and burst improvement through choices (condi, power, or utility). Tactics has room to provide a healer alternative in addition to the boon support they are trying to introduce (heal, support, power, though I would still like to see eternal champion from berserker be the quickness/stab boon share spec through power/condi/support grandmaster choices). Defense...I don't know what to make of defense, grandmaster changes are meh at best.

Edited by Potato Slayer.3107
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7 hours ago, Potato Slayer.3107 said:

Fasthands baseline would allow flexibility in place of diversity in this respect. The issue is traitlines are all over the place in terms of focus (defense, arms, tactics) with everyone's go to being discipline for the aforementioned fasthands and strength for the highest damage.


At its core, warrior is power. Berserker introduced a condi alternative but its a very niche position. There needs to be some sprinkling of condi in trait options (like Strength) but not as minor traits as we see in Arms. Arms should focus on crit and burst improvement through choices (condi, power, or utility). Tactics has room to provide a healer alternative in addition to the boon support they are trying to introduce (heal, support, power, though I would still like to see eternal champion from berserker be the quickness/stab boon share spec through power/condi/support grandmaster choices). Defense...I don't know what to make of defense, grandmaster changes are meh at best.

won't really tho, fasthand baseline, but the kit is still the same. the kit itself is just bad.

fasthand baseline won't magically give an extra f2 f3 skills or make utility and weapon skills any good.

it could make warrior in it's current form stronger, but it's still all the same.

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9 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

warrior weapons need to function without burst skills.

but yea thats definitely one of the design flaws for having unique burst skill for each weapon.

it's often counted as part of the weapon.

but then warrior would have no real class mechanics, which is why warrior is so limited and lack diversity and flexibility

It’s definitely a huge design flaw that’s become more apparent over the years. Look at mainland mace without its burst skill. It’s pathetic. GS has no damage without burst, especially with hundred blades current state. The weapons are just intentionally kitten. Anet needs to recognize that burst skills should not be tied to the power budget of our weapon. We need a separate power budget for profession mechanic and good weapons on top of that.

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11 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Sad but true. The analogy means nothing if at the end of the day they think warrior is in good place with power and condition builds that are successful in all content or whatever and don't see a big pile of tickets that they just don't know what to do with. 

Exactly. It took all of warrior kind throwing away hammer for them to finally take a look at it. Their philosophy may be this or that but it doesn't matter if they don't have the sight or sense in recognizing what needs to be done.

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4 hours ago, Verdict is Vengence.6912 said:

Exactly. It took all of warrior kind throwing away hammer for them to finally take a look at it. Their philosophy may be this or that but it doesn't matter if they don't have the sight or sense in recognizing what needs to be done.

That and the fact that they zeroed out all the damage on CC skills, making 3 of the hammer skills useless in modes outside of PvE

Edited by Potato Slayer.3107
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3 hours ago, Potato Slayer.3107 said:

That and the fact that they zeroed out all the damage on CC skills, making 3 of the hammer skills

At first, they pumped up numbers on hammer 2 and hammer 3, two skills that are almost as unreliable as earthshaker as well as lower cooldowns. Still, warriors knew better than to use it. Some tried it out like always when things are changed and in the end, we all collectively said, "nah."

When finally axe 5 was deemed a much better alternative to hammer for zergs and pvp hammer had all but disappeared, only then did they finally cave.

I don't know why the hell they're so cautious about warrior. We don't dominate anywhere lol. Ours skills aren't earth shattering no matter the numbers.

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