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Want to roll an Ele, but am i wasting my time?


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I play my weaver with rare gear and I'm always like: "I wonder what it would feel like if I used exotic gear?"

I also play my ele way more than my other characters.

Try ele it be fun if you like spamming buttons and dying alot.

I also remember that time when tempest was op before they nerfed auras that was awesome

Edited by Infinity.2876
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22 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Surely you can trust the opinion of someone who says they see a lot of pdps weavers and tempests... 🙄

Ive been trying to spot a single one of them to take a screenshot. Ended up with 3 photos of Bigfoot, still no power weavers... 

Edited by soulknight.9620
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On 11/6/2022 at 10:24 AM, Dadnir.5038 said:

Fact is that popularity is heavily impacted by prejudices and the elementalist's community like to draw a pitiable picture of their favourite profession. If you take the example of the OP, who hadn't yet played elementalist, he already come here fearing the prejudice that somehow you need to play piano if you want to play elementalist.

When scourge was labeled as the "noob carry" in PvE raids, only good at ralying low skill players, nobody played it. When a team start to threaten the speed clear record along with good survivability by exploiting scourge's strengths, it became the "easy to play OP spec" in people's mind and everyone flocked to it.

The irony here is that the same team that led scourge to it's popularity also used tempests in their team to achieve their speed clear time and they even unsloted scourge at time in favor of an extra tempest when more survivability was needed. Would you think that the elementalist's community would have capitalize on these facts to improve their main class popularity? Oh great god no, they would rather have people see their favourite profession as unplayable and useless.


What the elementalist need the most to see some play in end game content isn't buffs but some positivity from the elementalist's playerbase itself.

Ele should receive a buff , there is no going around :


-Weaver : incredibly hard to play , benefit ? Li builds do the same as virtuoso or mech LI -> virtuoso and mech have more hp , more range and more survivability , and i am not talking about other classes (hello scourge , with a  condi cleanse every 4 sec free).


-Tempest : while it is a decent healer , it's just decent , the way it applies alacrity is awfull , you have firebrand , mech , scrapper , ... and sofort , literally spewing out quickness and alacrity , while tempest need to :

1. switch to an attunement , once his overload is finsihed 

2. wait 4 sec for the overlaod to be ready 

3. successfully overload to have alacrity (that imply a 4sec cast time (2with quick) and no dodging or interrupt while overlaoding)

Also all others quickness/ alacrity provider have traits who give bonuses with the boon implied :

-Herald : alacrity and 6 sec of passiv skill glint duration after used.

-Scrapper : quickness with 10% power converted into concentration 

-Firebrand : So easy to give quickness it's like you breath , hop you give quickness.

-Specter : Alacrity , provide shadow force , heal allies when shadow step.


Then Hat : you give alacrity when you overlaod (successfully) thats all ... somehting is missing ? where is my bonus ?


-Catalyst : Won't talk about that thing , worst quickness provider of all times (-10% damage done on a trait ... wouhouuu).


So , sorry , but ele need a buff and a huge one ! The flaws are here and they are too many .

Ele has been nerfed then buffed then nerfed again , then buffed again , ... so the players are tired to have the class being changed so many times ... just because some elite players are able to reach 50k on some encounters , yeah pretty much 0,001% of the community , meta defining played at 2% playerbase ... nice !


Edited by poop.4183
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On 11/6/2022 at 10:13 PM, Brasides.9360 said:

Yeah, I ended up leaving that guild and am going to make a new guild for new people who want to do content blind together and just figure things out. I've learned that there is just a lot of gatekeeping around endgame content and the best way to get into it is form your own group over time and have fun figuring it out together. I don't even know what "enrage" mechanics are because that experience and a couple others like it convinced me to wait until I could do raids on my own terms, and I haven't looked at any guides.

The rest of what I said above still stands though. I'm either just a particularly poor player who will never be good with weaver or am just not yet good enough to play weaver - which maybe makes sense, since I'm a newer player. Playing condi sword weaver or hammer cata, while the most fun class while I wasn't dying, definitely felt like hard mode now that I've tried a couple other classes and have something to compare it against. Both in PvE and PvP.

Bless you! Just the direction you should have taken and if you on NA i would love to be a part. Have cleared up to w-4 before I left game so am keen to try the "new" ones.....but good on ya for making that stand!  😉

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20 hours ago, poop.4183 said:

-Weaver : incredibly hard to play , benefit ? Li builds do the same as virtuoso or mech LI -> virtuoso and mech have more hp , more range and more survivability , and i am not talking about other classes (hello scourge , with a  condi cleanse every 4 sec free).


-Tempest : while it is a decent healer , it's just decent , the way it applies alacrity is awfull , you have firebrand , mech , scrapper , ... and sofort , literally spewing out quickness and alacrity , while tempest need to :

1. switch to an attunement , once his overload is finsihed 

2. wait 4 sec for the overlaod to be ready 

3. successfully overload to have alacrity (that imply a 4sec cast time (2with quick) and no dodging or interrupt while overlaoding)

Also all others quickness/ alacrity provider have traits who give bonuses with the boon implied :

-Herald : alacrity and 6 sec of passiv skill glint duration after used.

-Scrapper : quickness with 10% power converted into concentration 

-Firebrand : So easy to give quickness it's like you breath , hop you give quickness.

-Specter : Alacrity , provide shadow force , heal allies when shadow step.


Then Hat : you give alacrity when you overlaod (successfully) thats all ... somehting is missing ? where is my bonus ?


-Catalyst : Won't talk about that thing , worst quickness provider of all times (-10% damage done on a trait ... wouhouuu).

Agree on the weaver status. It does not enough dmg for the amount of utility it has. 

Kinda agree on the tempest: alac distribution is clunky and rly encounter dependant. Also the downtime in the beginning of the encounter is quite bad, since u cant precast on most encounters like frac CMs, raids, etc. The only thing i do not agree is comparing HAT to herald, screpper, firebrand. We need to compare alac specs to alac specs, quick to quick. 

And i dont agree on Catalyst. Catalyst quick distribution is good, u just simply get an air sphere out and u have done it. The main reason Catalyst is out of the meta is dps. Sicne Catalyst is a dps spec it needs to do the same amount others do or provide same utility. Atm Catalyst lacks stab and dps. The simple "change numbers" treatment would bring it back on par with others. Although some QoL changes would be appreciated aswell (plz... get.... rid... of... doublecasting.... hammer 3....). 

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4 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

Catalyst quick distribution is good, u just simply get an air sphere out and u have done it

This only works if you either get like 150% uptime on quickness or if you are able to use the skill on a low cooldown. Currently the uptime on quickness is like 100-120% depending on the amount of concentration you slot in. Whenever a player (for whatever reason) is not standing in your field it basically results in a 10+ seconds downtime on their quickness. There's no other Qdps that is so brutal in its upkeep time currently. 


Granting ~3.5 seconds of quickness upon casting a jade sphere would be much preferred. 

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20 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

Agree on the weaver status. It does not enough dmg for the amount of utility it has. 

Specifically sword and power builds don't do enough damage.  Condi scepter is arguably pretty decent at the moment, with strong damage and an easy rotation.  Staff is good in theory also, albeit harder to play.  But I don't think any power weaver build is in a good spot and both condi and power sword are too low for a melee build (as well as the spec weapon for a selfish DPS spec!).

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1 hour ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Specifically sword and power builds don't do enough damage.  Condi scepter is arguably pretty decent at the moment, with strong damage and an easy rotation.  Staff is good in theory also, albeit harder to play. 

Both Condi scepter and staff have its issues. For example Condi scepter has an LI version of rotation, but there is a dmg cap of 35-36k that it cant surpass. If you want to do more you get harder rotation with weave self in its core. And there is a problem of being a bit clunky to access cc on demand for cc heavy encounters without loosing 4-8 secs of dps. Staff on the other hand has problems with small hitbox targets and the same issue as scepter (LI vs meta build rotations and problems to get access to cc on demand). But i do agree that power builds have it worse, although power builds tend to have easier access to cc (like FA weaver for ex.) 


2 hours ago, the krytan assassin.9235 said:

This only works if you either get like 150% uptime on quickness or if you are able to use the skill on a low cooldown. Currently the uptime on quickness is like 100-120% depending on the amount of concentration you slot in. Whenever a player (for whatever reason) is not standing in your field it basically results in a 10+ seconds downtime on their quickness. There's no other Qdps that is so brutal in its upkeep time currently. 

Its easy doable with arcane trait line which nets you faster cd on sphere/attunement swaps and +180 concentration. So you can make it work with around 30-40% boon duration (i pref to go for 46%) to get it down reliably. The sad part here is dmg as i stated. If cata would be able to do more dps baseline then the loss of some stats due to specing into concentration wouldnt hit us that hard. 

As for people that are running around like headless chickens instead of stacking to get buffs, thats a major problem not only to qCata. But yes its annoying. I prefered the old way of distribution with pulsing quick. Although i like the range on the sphere after the changes. 

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31 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

As for people that are running around like headless chickens instead of stacking to get buffs, thats a major problem not only to qCata. But yes its annoying. I prefered the old way of distribution with pulsing quick. Although i like the range on the sphere after the changes. 

Sorry but the other spec have a non stop flow of quick , cata is only getting quick from 1 skill , while the others have less uptime on their skill , but  a lot more source (trait skill) blended in their rotation .

What do you prefer ? having 4 sources of quick provinding all together 16 secs , 4 secs every 4secs . Or 1 skill giving you quick 16 secs , 16 secs every 15 secs . 

I think it's a good idea making the trait give quick on each sphere 1st pulse , it allow a much more constant flow of quick , if for some reason 1 guy in your sub is away (for a mechanic or he is just stressing out) and you use air sphere at that time ... well it's 1  guy without quickness for 15 secs , as for the other way he will come back and will lack quickness for like 2-3 secs after the flow continues . that make Qcata the more poorly designed quickness provider , and the bottom line of dps giving quickness.

But i agree the ++  range on sphere is nice , but feels like a cherry on a  t u r d  when you read -10% damage done ...

Edited by poop.4183
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10 minutes ago, Joxer.6024 said:

Ok tried both Temp and Weaver, tried that condi Weaver build of MrMystic and nope, still too fast paced for this kid. Ah well, back to my Scourge. But thanks for all the discussion and junk in here, it really was a huge help!! Sadly Ele aint for me....

You are not alone don't worry 😁

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2 hours ago, poop.4183 said:

What do you prefer ? having 4 sources of quick provinding all together 16 secs , 4 secs every 4secs . Or 1 skill giving you quick 16 secs , 16 secs every 15 secs . 

Tbh i prefer the way it is atm. A one package of 16 sec of quickness so that i may focus on doing rotation instead of constantly poking mantra or smtn. But i think thats a matter of taste. Both variants have their advantages and disadvantages. 

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2 hours ago, Joxer.6024 said:

Ok tried both Temp and Weaver, tried that condi Weaver build of MrMystic and nope, still too fast paced for this kid. Ah well, back to my Scourge. But thanks for all the discussion and junk in here, it really was a huge help!! Sadly Ele aint for me....

Exactly the right mentality, the whole game is about doing something you want to do/love doing. You tried something, you didn't like it, maybe revisit it down the line, maybe not.


All of us here are guilty of countless "rerolls" to a different profession.

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On 11/8/2022 at 5:22 AM, the krytan assassin.9235 said:

This only works if you either get like 150% uptime on quickness or if you are able to use the skill on a low cooldown. Currently the uptime on quickness is like 100-120% depending on the amount of concentration you slot in. Whenever a player (for whatever reason) is not standing in your field it basically results in a 10+ seconds downtime on their quickness. There's no other Qdps that is so brutal in its upkeep time currently. 


Granting ~3.5 seconds of quickness upon casting a jade sphere would be much preferred. 

There's a flip side to this coin.  The long quickness duration on one sphere means that, once used, teammates are much more free to run about for whatever reason.  The professions that give small amounts of their boon repeatedly have the downside that, unless you stick to them like glue, all of your boons fall away.  

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