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where the is battle on the breach maker i mean what the heck

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sure they got the personal story ...but where the heck is the instance for the whole map to join i know that  was the thing that kept players coming back to it back then years ago .now its just cut for only single players you have us doing the battle for la in a public and not give us the same mechanic as they were back then after we take down the three watchknights to fight scarlett after we take back the city and fight her with 50 plus peeps on the breach maker are you kidding me that fight also was part of the reason why peeps kept coming back since it ties it together but really anet give us the ability to fight scarlett on the breachmaker with the whole map in public instance not just one person in a story instance 

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I think I get what your saying, honestly it feels like the "The Battle for Lion's Arch" meta just ends suddenly and you don't get a big sendoff, instead it just restarts.  I also recall the original version and you had the extra step of dealing with Scarlet on the breachmaker, her fight even feels a bit weird due to it clearly being designed on the larger scale but now it's compacted into a fight against a single player.

Overall a big win to see all of this LW1 content back but this is a L for the original meta since it feels like it was slightly gutted, it felt like Anet was a bit scared of making the meta longer or something.  It 100% makes it easier to farm but I rather it feel great than for it to cut right before the big final battle.


like imagine if for Dragon's Stand that there is no Mord fight after towers, it just cuts off.  That's how I feel about this.

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3 hours ago, WOLFGENERAL.9564 said:

sure they got the personal story ...but where the heck is the instance for the whole map to join i know that  was the thing that kept players coming back to it back then years ago .now its just cut for only single players you have us doing the battle for la in a public and not give us the same mechanic as they were back then after we take down the three watchknights to fight scarlett after we take back the city and fight her with 50 plus peeps on the breach maker are you kidding me that fight also was part of the reason why peeps kept coming back since it ties it together but really anet give us the ability to fight scarlett on the breachmaker with the whole map in public instance not just one person in a story instance 

AGREED. When I finished the Battle for Lions Arch meta I was expecting the map to hop on board the Breachmaker to fight Scarlet. Instead we get a solo instanced, which is fine but as someone who played LW season 1 I was really hoping for a group version. It just really takes away a lot of the nostalgia for the fight. Not to mention it's nerfed to absolute hell. I burned through the first two phases almost immediately. Really disappointed. I hope Anet will consider adding a public instance. They did with Dragonstorm after all.

Edited by Derak Strider.7851
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1 minute ago, Zera Allimatti.2541 said:

The reason they did it is because in a couple of weeks when no one is doing this content anymore, other players won't be able to complete the story without relying on other players. It has to be done solo.


Not true. With Dragonstorm they have the story instance and the public one. I'm all for having the solo instance there, but at least give us the option for a public one as well.

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2 minutes ago, Derak Strider.7851 said:

Not true. With Dragonstorm they have the story instance and the public one. I'm all for having the solo instance there, but at least give us the option for a public one as well.

Yes but that LS1 content was not worth doing as a group.

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sorry, wat?! I killed that potato on my own and complain about the end being just an excuse to sell finishers (I even remember the thread on the old forums where I also complained about the idle animation that got removed because of that) so what are you even talking about? 50 players to kill her? I think either my memory is fried, or you are confusing things.

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2 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

sorry, wat?! I killed that potato on my own and complain about the end being just an excuse to sell finishers (I even remember the thread on the old forums where I also complained about the idle animation that got removed because of that) so what are you even talking about? 50 players to kill her? I think either my memory is fried, or you are confusing things.

They mean that fight. The fight that took place in-between Assault Knights fights, and the solo instance one you mentioned here.

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42 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

The fight that took place in-between Assault Knights fights, and the solo instance one you mentioned here.

ah! I have no memory of that... I really hated the "living word" so maybe is that. Regardless, the less of "her" the better, besides it's nearly impossible to find people to do group content once everyone rushes through any "fresh" content anyways.

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It's definitely not as epic as a solo instance, but I can see why they did it. Having the story step gated behind group content that, while active right now, is very isolated from the rest of the game and will probably become "dead" at some point, wouldn't really work going forward. It's the same issue with the Tower of Nightmares right now. I'm guessing they didn't want to repeat that.

Just the realities of adapting 2013 open world fomo content into a 2022 replayable solo story mission format I suppose.

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I don't like these public instances in the story journal.  Don't get me wrong. I love group meta events, like in HoT or EoD.  These are super fun to do! But Public instance have no place in the personal story Journal. It's supposed to be my personal story, but with those instance I'm stuck in a story step and I have to wait and rely on other players to finish it. It sucks! 😕


Earlier I got in the LA public instance... everything was already blue.  I killed a few foes but my progression bar was progressing.  WTF? Where the fun in that?  So I guess I have to wait after the instance to reset or something? It really sucks! 🙄

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