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WvW Tournaments

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Anet quitted the seasons cause their experience was that player literally wear themself out during these weeks and get burnout from the game and quit then.

the player retention was to high with 24/7 gamemode.

it would need a change of how this works.

like: for tournament only friday reset until sunday evening counts.

in the week players can then chil and play it like they want.

something like that.

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I think reward structures might be a problem. Afaik there were certain rewards only given to the top tiered servers. (I only played that first thing that was called "season" though. And remember different chests but the wiki says that the differences in rewards was actually small and everyone got the dolyak mini.) Annoying when everyone wants to stack on one server. (Leading to huge queues there.) And other servers where the people left from - to join the stronger servers - always will be weaker no matter what they do.

If you make rewards that are not really better ... for the winners - then actually less people might care about winning. (While for the opposite it might be too much pressur ... and a "can't get the top reward so I don't even wanna try" thinking for the worse servers maybe.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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Every tournament caused permanent player loss as people eventually realized that it was a pure numbers game.  Thus, you had to be online as much as possible and that's simply not sustainable.


Anet went pretty quiet after that, but when they showed up again it seemed that they seemed to be trying to make it less of a pure numbers game.  Unfortunately, that ship had long since sailed and now they seem to be leaning into the numbers game side again.  Thus, it's unlikely that tournaments will come back even if we ignore all the other problems they caused.  The game mode just isn't designed in a way where it holds up under serious competition.

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The tournaments lead to mass burnout. Servers imploded as groups called out others for not taking overnight shifts to play offhours where they didn't have coverage. Long queues on all maps during primetime meant people were just waiting in line. If people got in it didn't mean others of their group did as well so those not used to roaming or havocs were left asking other people to leave the map so that they could get their tag and group in which lead to more internal division to servers. Its kind of why a lot of people still have the idea that weekend rewards are bad idea. But the tournaments were that magnified. No lets get back to week end rewards first and see how it impacts the player base first please. 

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Just for reference, here's the dev post about permanent player loss.

"Our primary motivation for avoiding running another tournament, is that at the end of every tournament we saw a permanent dip in the number of players playing WvW. Presumably this was due to players burning themselves out during the tournament.

However, we can still run a poll to see if the majority of the community wants another 4 week tournament, even if it might be bad for the long term WvW population numbers. Though even if ‘running another tournament’ won the poll, we’d probably hold off until we get the scoring updates in."




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Yeah, i can remember people took vacation from work and gamed the weeks through. No matter what daytime you arrived the same people could be seen. Only making break to eat, sleep some in between and go again.

Schedules where made for morning, day and nightshift… people pushing others to stay and make break later… jesus. Commanders who insisted on scouts in every tower and keeps or they would throw it and not continue what would result in a loss… as soon only one single enemy showed up you where to say it directly in voicecom. There was no participation at this time so you as a scout gained nothing in return. We won some wvw tickets in the end which where just enough to choose one weapon skin. The same tickets which are rewarded today with pips…

lots of people where never seen after again.

salute to the fallen brave ones, may you find rest in the hall of heros

Edited by roederich.2716
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As mentioned, the tournaments just led to bandwagoning before they started and lots of us burning out from it as a result, as it was mostly all in about numbers and coverage.

Also how in the EU some servers dropped from low Gold to silver, just to dominate Silver with more coverage, when there were a lot more servers and tiers.

They would need to be much shorter than they were, if they were ever to come back with less player and guild mass migration to even work.



Edited by CrimsonOneThree.5682
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This was the past. We should try to get into a completely different perspective when we have alliances and WR. We get teams numerically and flow very similar. We find a way to manage transfers. And we give these new servers a competitive season. 6 months 1 year. that you want to stay home from work for 6 months? Absurd, pure fantasy. You will continue to do WWW in your spare time as before. At the end of the week you still get 1 point or lose 1 point. 

Add a series of daily events always in a competitive perspective to stimulate teams and players to put content, accessible, active only in normal leisure time slots (afternoon / evening and weekend) and the same events contribute to the server score. somehow rewarding the player weekly if you want. Finally, we will have similar teams, let's try to use them to offer something more to the player of this mode. 

Let us make winning meaningful. Saying this does not mean that ''you have to'' win, when you go online you continue to play and have fun, each one in the different way he prefers, but at the same time you have the awareness that your seasonal server, participates in a great seasonal event.

Offer something extra to your player, it's certainly not the reason to see a player move away from this mode. If this has happened in the past it is because you did it differently and made some mistakes.

Before we had teams built from scratch and put together randomly?

Before we had a seasonal tournament after which did you know Anet would remake the teams from scratch?

Did we have controlled transfers before?

Before we had a daily reset to incentivize the game?

Before, did we have daily events that could count on the score?

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Why did they even "burn out"? I mean ... the rewards afaik were not that interesting. (If so - then you could lower them or make them obtainably be other means.) Should be just "for the win" - where you already can have to play a lot now ... if you try to take it seriously in tier one.

And we have a ton of other stuff where they don't seem to care - many festivals (with constantly new weapon sets getting added and stuff) - a lot of  "work" especially since they are only available for a limited time. (Even more so for new players that try to catch up.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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