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Should Instant Revive abilities be disabled in 2v2?


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On 12/9/2022 at 6:01 PM, Waffles.5632 said:

CC is a thing and having abilities that help make the downed state dynamic is healthy for overall PvP.  Not every class should be able to do every thing, this is why teamwork is needed to cover "All bases".

If you down an opponent and see their support is going for the clutch rez.... there's two of you, between you and your ally one of you should have at least some type of CC ready, just like when you go up against a Mesmer or Necro and you see them go for Moa/Lich.


Clutch rezzes are the most fun thing about gw2 PvP.


Also the main issue here isn't even rezzing, it's how hard it is to kill some specs, which, this is 2v2 and the game was certainly never balanced around such pvp, so all the good try hard specs will be near unkillable, just how it goes. If they nerf those for 2v2 then 5v5 becomes a mess so I'd rather they just leave 2v2 and 3v3 alone as is, or make them entirely separate because those modes really should be for fun only. It would be an absolute nightmare to balance gw2 pvp around 2v2.

Downed state for me is where all the intense action happens and it is an awesome mechanic in the game. For WvW I can see it being unnecessary, but anything outside of that, nah. Keep downed state and keep the clutch abilities so players can actually feel like heroes who made a difference in the outcome of a battle.


Lastly if you really prefer not to, then just don't bring it. Bring something else. I just find it a bit dishonest that you're using the very thing you claim to be unfun, and then turning around and saying it's unfun.



insta rez is fine untill classes start using it from stealth, after teleport or during stability
guess what, all insta rez classes have at least 1 of these, sometimes more

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On 12/9/2022 at 12:26 AM, Raught.3294 said:

It seems most of my matches come down to whoever has insta revives. And there is no real way to counter this. I feel in a 3v3, it would be different, but in a 2v2 it's pretty disheartening and frustrating. 

I don't really consider skills with a casting timer an "instant revive with no way to counter"... not in the slightest. There certainly IS a way to counter... some classes just CC easier than others. Likewise, if a Core Supp Guard doesn't save stability to use a signet rez (which has a huge animation) then he deserves to get CC'd.

In 2v2's I've experienced a No Healing situation in Overtime where there are downed players but you can't insta rez them or pick them up. Some players have complained about removing downstates completely and let me tell you, that is very much not fun for me.

Edited by Saiyan.1704
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21 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

insta rez is fine untill classes start using it from stealth, after teleport or during stability
guess what, all insta rez classes have at least 1 of these, sometimes more

> spellbreaker-tempest combo
> hit tempest, shocking aura, you're CC
> hit spellbreaker, full counter, you're CC
> spellbreaker hits you, stomp, you're CC
> spellbreaker hits you, bull charge, you're CC
> spellbreaker hits you, dagger 3, you're CC
> spellbreaker hits you, hammer knockback, you're CC
> try blocking, tempest gales, you're CC
> try LoS, tempest comets, you're CC
> you kill the spellbreaker
> tempest glyphs
> cast headshot\magic bullet\overcharged shot\point blank shot for the rupt
> it bounces back, you're CC
> war goes rampage, you're CC
> your CC just helped them stun you even more

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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32 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

> spellbreaker-tempest combo
> hit tempest, shocking aura, you're CC
> hit spellbreaker, full counter, you're CC
> spellbreaker hits you, stomp, you're CC
> spellbreaker hits you, bull charge, you're CC
> spellbreaker hits you, dagger 3, you're CC
> spellbreaker hits you, hammer knockback, you're CC
> you kill the spellbreaker
> tempest glyphs
> cast headshot\magic bullet\overcharged shot\point blank shot for the rupt
> it bounces back, you're CC
> war goes rampage, you're CC
> your CC just helped them stun you even more

Can you stop Leaking my Gameplan please? 😄


But yeah... this is is a thing and carrys even monkee like me.

People get extra salty, when they slot Stabi next round, only so you burn thru their stacks in an instant.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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On 12/9/2022 at 11:44 AM, Waffles.5632 said:

If I'm not having fun and I'm not getting paid, I either don't play, or I don't use whatever I find to be "broken".

Once again, the issue is within the person. I can't get behind actively using something that causes frustration, just to keep a competitive edge in such an isolated game mode where there is literally no expectation of balance because it's not even the correct game mode for the this game's PvP. Does OP truly want to win that bad? If so, that's a flaw within OP. Again.


The fact is any system that promotes paying attention to your opponents during key moments is good and healthy for competitive PvP gameplay because that is what creates excitement. PvP would be so boring if everyone just died at 0 hp. We would never get types of plays that Naru made with his tempest during the last big tournament or so. Supports would be dumbed down so much it would be insane.


In 2v2 the most exciting moments come from when one person is downed. At the top, if its just bunker/support vs bunker/support, or whatever the top 2v2 specs are, that is still not an issue of rezzing but again rather how insane some builds be when it's just 2v2, so nerfing rezzes not only would not change that issue, it would actively destroy a pillar of gw2 pvp.


But again, this is 2v2, one should expect tanky support condi builds to rule supreme, or any "bruiser" type build which is


- Enough defense to survive CC

- Enough sustain to get out of a jam

- Enough dps to kill any class that cant check the above two points


If you find a spec like that in 2v2, grats you're a bruiser and if you duo queue you're prolly gonna win like 90% of your matches because that is what has ALWAYS been top in 2v2 for as long as I can remember.


If youre using any spec like that and then complain "Bruisers so OP they make pvp 2v2 unfun" guess what? You're part of your own problem.


If you want proof of any of this just check out EVO moment #37


Tell me why this moment out of all moments, is still one of the most hype moments in all of gaming.


Because someone was able to come back with the proper use of skill AND timing by the game allowing him a chance to pay attention to his opponents moves and use a "comeback mechanic" very similar to gw2's clutch rezzes.


The most extreme example is if you and opponent both have 100 hp, but he always does 2 damage and you always do 1 damage. No one would ever play that game because the person who does 2 damage will ALWAYS win. Now let's add something, the person who does 1 damage can now dodge, but the person who does 2 damage can't. Now it creates a moment where skill can beat the mechanics, and that is exciting. On the flip side if you just make so 50% chance of player A doing 2 damage instead of 1, that's not promoting skill or active gameplay, it's gambling RNG.



You are actually, utterly zonked out on several substances simultaneously if you're going to compare the parry precision and timing of EVO Moment 37 to pressing [button] in GW2 lmaooooo

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