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What stops you from playing gw2/wvw for longer durations in a week


What stops you from playing gw2/wvw for longer durations in a week  

206 members have voted

  1. 1. On your typical average week of wvw, what is the thing that would affect you to play less hours a week.

    • Real life responsibilities - family, job, injury, holidays etc
    • No friends playing
    • No guild or guild on break
    • Class balance - my favorite class doesn't seem viable in a given area
    • Class balance - my class seems fine, other classes seem overpowered to face
    • Class balance - anet patch screwed up my spec
    • Maguuma
    • Facing any stacked blob server
    • Too many boon balls encounters
    • Not enough boon balls encounters
    • Not enough roaming encounters
    • Thieves
    • Too much solo pvp, or pvp in general
    • I don't like my server
    • I don't like my link server
    • We don't have a link server
    • My favorite commander is not playing
    • My favorite guild is not playing
    • World Restructuring beta week
    • Not enough action in my time zone

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3 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Lack of rewards would have been an appropriate option I guess, but I see that always getting a vote anyways given that everyone knows wvw is least rewarding.

Doesn't have to be a gold reward. It can be status - like the rank icon next to your name during PvP seasons. It can be a unique legendary (requires winning a matchup 10 times), or anything like that. It just has to be something that players want badly enough that they actually care about playing.

I get bored and demoralized when I'm roaming and scout a group of ~15 enemies about to hit our T3 keep and I call it out in team chat and .. no one shows up. They're not busy or fighting for something elsewhere. They just literally can't be bothered to swap maps out of their EBG stalemate and come fight for an objective. The score doesn't matter to them in the slightest

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There are many reasons not to play WvW, but here are a few in no particular order.


- Not only is there no point in winning, but often my team is actively trying to lose.  For me, the fun comes from struggling to win somehow.  If my team wants to tank, then I don't really have a reason to be there.  The big picture is key for me.


- Siege mechanics are awful.  I mostly play defensively.  In many cases, it is impossible to have any meaningful interaction with the people attacking my objectives.  No matter how braindead their tactics, they can't be punished or delayed or such.


- I don't care about rewards.  None of the WvW rewards actually do anything in WvW.  I just repeat some reward track that gives me free siege/traps and focus on the game itself.


- Small-scale balance does not exist.  In WvW, with food and PvE stats and all that, sometimes you just encounter something that makes you want to die irl.  I end up in tons of duels over objectives and it can be pretty grating when some nigh invincible Asura runs in circles farting out condis and taking next to no damage.  Sure, it'll die eventually, but it's also going to cap the ring since no NPCs have been updated to deal with condi damage in the last decade.


I do not play on ABL.  I spend most of my time defending my home borderland.  If home is Alpine, that is a lost cause.  I can't move around discreetly and sieges are even less interactive while break-in times are shorter.  I can't even stop Bay from upgrading because SWC on Alpine is a joke.  If I don't have a zerg at my beck and call I might as well settle for havoc on RBL...or, more likely, log off.  I just don't have sufficient reason to suffer through that as long as I maintain free will.

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I vote for "none" - since none of them really does apply. I play only WvW at the weekend/reset ... until I get the wood tier chest. To have the +1 pip for the following weeks always. Should I suddenly decide to play more.

Back then in 2012/13 I liked it more. With the "server identity" (no linking) ... and less other content. Though I did not play GW2 from end 2013 until June 2019 at all. (WvW I only came back in mid 2020.) I have a ton of PvE stuff to catch up on. Main achievements are done but still a lot of smaller stuff + leveling alt chars (until I have one for each profession with all story steps completed at least once + full world/map completion everywhere).

Then I have other hobbies/games to play. The PvP though ... I do the full season always (getting last chest) - playing 3-4 matches a day until I finished the last chest. (Already half of the last one finished in the current season.)

In WvW the reward structure is not encouraging. I constantly feel the pressure to keep my participation up. Not able to lay back a while and defend (not enough enemies might come fast enough) - always having to run somewhere to kill something. So ... the participation system ruined it a bit- while the server linking stuff ... is still somewhat acceptable once you get used to it. Obsidian Sanctum also is dead (and you lose participation there). I like the EBG and Obsidian Sancum most. Desert borderlands the least.

Also: There is no real reason to play ... besides action and rewards. Sometimes there is good action. Sometimes not. (And I do not want to log in and have to wait.) Though ... most of the time there is enough. But the "wanting to win" aspect - is missing here. In PvP where I can play the full match ... there I have motivation (unless really bad matchmaking :D) ... here you log off ...  team might lose stuff ... or just care about fights in the borderlands - not defending anywhere regarding the structures.) There is no motivation for the actual game mode. This goes so far that there even are people that prefer killing and dislike "PPT" and upgrading and defending structures. (Other threads exist about this.) And zerg fight ... just for the purpose of fighting: That one I find pretty boring - gets old fast. Rather PvP with a bit more strategizing and tactics when you see the points ticking and want ot win.

They would need to be pretty harsh in the changes - to make it interesting for me: Remove the points on kill (that could even be removed in PvP lol) ... make the structures (especially if upgraded) give a lot more points. And change/abolish the participation system and create a different reward structure.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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On 1/4/2023 at 1:39 AM, KeyOrion.9506 said:

I got bored this week with the matchup.  Went into Obsidian Sanctum and helped couple newbies on our server through the JP.  Day two was still bored, so went back in, actually saw a Maguuma in there.  Saw their ranked title was low, figured must be a WvW newbie, showed him the path.  They were stuck in the dark room.  Bout the only time I really spared another player in that JP, mostly because it's still a combat zone, and every once in a while a ganker messes with the new players in that JP, and I hate that.

I remember having to do that jp for map completion With BG camped out in there killing everyone 

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On 1/4/2023 at 2:25 PM, BlueFlame.8673 said:


Have you ever thought about how demoralized players are for not playing a meta build? The ones you kicked from squad because their build doesn't conform to your worldview of how GW2 WvW should be played?


Maguuma is the refuge of the non-meta conformists of which I am one, we spawncamp because it's about sending a message, why do you think there's dozens upon dozens of us at your spawn every single day every single hour? Spite is a very powerful motivator I can tell you that.

Is that why they attack solo players 10v1 on the regular using what are almost always blatantly the FoTM solo/smallscale builds, and have for the past half decade?

And why when organized blobs actually play against their "cloud" they get run over open field and cry in T3 towers spamming siege until attackers get bored playing PvE under constant Arrow Carts?  Or that they just never actually match the fight?  This defense is like sitting down to play checkers and have fun and having your opponent throw a tantrum, flip the table, and demand playing something else "refined" like chess.  And then when you agree to chess, they follow a computer-generated instruction set on how to win.  Real classy.

Because yup, it's It's clearly those damned roamers ruining their first attempts at blobbing that make them so scared to actually roam...

In all of my years of running smallscale I don't think I've ever NOT been outnumbered when matched up against Mag's absolutely insane gank-fest which mostly consists of whatever cheese stealth build is viable on thief and whatever ranged railgun/nuke build is out there to be paired with them, from the days of GF Berserker to TS DH to Sic 'Em Soulbeast to Nade Engi, etc.

One of my most notable memories playing against Mag is playing D/D core power thief of all things was downing one permastealth SA deadeye from a group of five or six in a party back in the days of pre-nerf MBS, as a solo player, then proceeding to get hate mailed by their guild for like... three consecutive weeks for being bad.

Get outta here.  Mag is and has been a haven for sweaty people who think cheeky, cheesy, abusive mechanics are fun and that putting trollface memes overlaid on their gank compilation videos is peak humor.  I have respect for like... one group of players from Mag that actually ran either solo or like 3-5 max, who don't even play GW2 anymore BECAUSE the roaming scene is such trash now.



Edited by DeceiverX.8361
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On 1/4/2023 at 11:25 AM, BlueFlame.8673 said:


Have you ever thought about how demoralized players are for not playing a meta build? The ones you kicked from squad because their build doesn't conform to your worldview of how GW2 WvW should be played?


Maguuma is the refuge of the non-meta conformists of which I am one, we spawncamp because it's about sending a message, why do you think there's dozens upon dozens of us at your spawn every single day every single hour? Spite is a very powerful motivator I can tell you that.


On 1/4/2023 at 11:46 AM, Xenesis.6389 said:

I see it as Mag just getting back at the blobbers/ppters that did the same thing taking over maps, for years mind you, to everyone else. Now those same servers complain about it happening to them, it's just hilarious. 🤭

Sure spawn camping is not good for content, demoralizing especially to the casuals and pve'rs, a lot of guilds agreed to that a long time ago, but, you're not dealing with that with mag, just the spiteful mag cloud that has players that have been looked down on for years. 🤷‍♂️

In the end, do unto others as you would have them do unto you... that does also includes you Mag. 🙂



35 minutes ago, DeceiverX.8361 said:

Is that why they attack solo players 10v1 on the regular using what are almost always blatantly the FoTM solo/smallscale builds, and have for the past half decade?

And why when organized blobs actually play against their "cloud" they get run over open field and cry in T3 towers spamming siege until attackers get bored playing PvE under constant Arrow Carts?  Or that they just never actually match the fight?  This defense is like sitting down to play checkers and have fun and having your opponent throw a tantrum, flip the table, and demand playing something else "refined" like chess.  And then when you agree to chess, they follow a computer-generated instruction set on how to win.  Real classy.

Because yup, it's It's clearly those damned roamers ruining their first attempts at blobbing that make them so scared to actually roam...

In all of my years of running smallscale I don't think I've ever NOT been outnumbered when matched up against Mag's absolutely insane gank-fest which mostly consists of whatever cheese stealth build is viable on thief and whatever ranged railgun/nuke build is out there to be paired with them, from the days of GF Berserker to TS DH to Sic 'Em Soulbeast to Nade Engi, etc.

One of my most notable memories playing against Mag is playing D/D core power thief of all things was downing one permastealth SA deadeye from a group of five or six in a party back in the days of pre-nerf MBS, as a solo player, then proceeding to get hate mailed by their guild for like... three consecutive weeks for being bad.

Get outta here.  Mag is and has been a haven for sweaty people who think cheeky, cheesy, abusive mechanics are fun and that putting trollface memes overlaid on their gank compilation videos is peak humor.  I have respect for like... one group of players from Mag that actually ran either solo or like 3-5 max, who don't even play GW2 anymore BECAUSE the roaming scene is such trash now.



Big sigh 😑😅... I feel regret for saying this, but the more I look at these comments the more I see myself aligning with maguma's playstyle 😮 (minus being salty, and camping spawn).

Reason: I don't like blobs and so a having a meta or having ideas of breaking up blobs like of constantly ganking, tapping and roaming and prioritizing camp flipping to cut a blob supply lines is appealing to me. It is very active and fun. Participating in big blobs do not interest me at all.

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On 12/19/2022 at 12:52 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

On your typical average week of wvw, what is the thing that would affect you to play less hours a week.

Multiple choice will screw this up, but oh well just a fun poll, let's see what ends up being number one. 🤭

The game mode overall is in a terrible state. That is all. 🙃

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Here's something I failed to mention in my previous post.


WvW has very little hope for the future.  There are alliances, which are great (YMMV), but that's a meta thing that isn't directly a game mechanic.  We don't have any solid info on Anet's plans for the game mode and its core mechanics.  Thus, if you're dissatisfied with something now you don't have much reason to hope that it will improve.  Given how all over the place the mode is, everyone has something to gripe about and with no hope of change on the horizon that can make long sessions or long-term play very unappealing.


This is very different from certain games where there may be a period of bad vibes but you know there's a patch coming and that it may restore the vibes to some established equilibrium.  WvW is just bad vibes almost all of the time.  Pointless suffering with no hope in sight.  And yet, here I am, still loving it in small doses...

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