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What do you want for the next E-Spec?

Lan Deathrider.5910

What type of Espec do you want now?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Spec Type and possible mechanics?

    • Melee Power DPS
    • Melee Condi DPS
    • Ranged Power DPS
    • Ranged Condi DPS
    • Melee Support
    • Ranged support
    • Pet Mechanic
    • Shroud Mechanic
    • Stealth/smoke fields
    • More than 2 Function key skills
    • An F key that summons a new weapon type (not to be confused with shroud, but can also be in a shroud mechanic)
  2. 2. What kind of weapon? Keep in mind Range and Melee mean nothing to Anet apparently anymore.

    • Main Hand Pistol (900 range)
    • Main Hand Pistol (melee range cause it's a warrior)
    • Shortbow (900 range)
    • Shortbow (melee range cause it's a warrior)
    • Staff (melee)
    • Staff (ranged)
    • Focus (melee)
    • Focus (ranged)
    • Scepter (melee)
    • Scepter (ranged)

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2 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

But then you also have Paragons in GW1, who are closer to Warrior (both mechanically and thematically) than any other profession.

Paragons had multiple ability types referring to singing.

So while a Bard (with Instruments and everything) would be more fitting for Mesmer, something like a Battlesinger (which would basically be a modernized Paragon) would fit for Warrior.

I guess that's true, but I am a bit torn between the paragon being either closer to warrior or guardian.

Guardian would also give opportunity to give them warhorn as an elite spec weapon, which would be thematically appropriate for a battle singer.

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37 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

I don't think there's any similarity, other than both using Shortbow.

Your idea loses all kinds of normal Bursts, my idea retains not only the T1 Bursts (like Berserker and Spellbreaker), but all stages.

Your idea is a pet specialization, mine is not.

Your idea gets a variant of Stances, while mine has a Shadowstep on F2 and no type of Utilities (yet).

Warrior always is magical. Even core and Junksworn are.

I know. Superhuman strength and rage fueled by magic.

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1 minute ago, Kodama.6453 said:

I guess that's true, but I am a bit torn between the paragon being either closer to warrior or guardian.

I don't think there's all that much similarity between Paragon and Guardian. There are pigeon wing visuals on some Guardian abilities and probably a few ability names that Guardian took from Paragon. But Guardian also took ability names from GW1's Warrior. For examples, Guardian's "Retreat!" (which was recently renamed) and "Save yourselves!" Shouts are the names of Warrior Shouts in GW1.

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18 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

I don't think there's all that much similarity between Paragon and Guardian. There are pigeon wing visuals on some Guardian abilities and probably a few ability names that Guardian took from Paragon. But Guardian also took ability names from GW1's Warrior. For examples, Guardian's "Retreat!" (which was recently renamed) and "Save yourselves!" Shouts are the names of Warrior Shouts in GW1.

Putting aside the shouts, because as you mentioned they generally got redistributed alot, let's focus on some other evidence.

I think you are underselling paragons a bit with the bit about "pigeon wing visuals". Paragon very clearly had a very angelic thematic going on. They were also portrayed as zealous.

Then there is also the fact that paragons were highly associated with burning as a condition and that for basically the very same reason why guardians are associated with it today: holy flames.

And then there is also the fact that.... warrior already kinda got their paragon spec?
Spellbreakers are themed after the sunspears, which the paragons have been highly associated with. Their daggers are representing the spears used. So if we want to split up the paragons again into an elite spec, using warrior again for that seems a bit redundant for me. Guardians are also easy to connect to paragons thematically, it hasn't been used yet and as mentioned, they could get warhorns as a weapon which even more fits the singer theme.

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31 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Putting aside the shouts, because as you mentioned they generally got redistributed alot, let's focus on some other evidence.

I think you are underselling paragons a bit with the bit about "pigeon wing visuals". Paragon very clearly had a very angelic thematic going on. They were also portrayed as zealous.

Then there is also the fact that paragons were highly associated with burning as a condition and that for basically the very same reason why guardians are associated with it today: holy flames.

And then there is also the fact that.... warrior already kinda got their paragon spec?
Spellbreakers are themed after the sunspears, which the paragons have been highly associated with. Their daggers are representing the spears used. So if we want to split up the paragons again into an elite spec, using warrior again for that seems a bit redundant for me. Guardians are also easy to connect to paragons thematically, it hasn't been used yet and as mentioned, they could get warhorns as a weapon which even more fits the singer theme.

I don't think we can attribute Zeal to any profession. They all were zealous in their own ways.

The flames are/were associated with Balthazar, who also was the Patron of non-healer Monks, Warriors and Fire Elementalists. So, if we attribute Guardian's and Paragon's flames to their zeal, then they are exactly the same as Elementalist's and Warrior's flames.

Also, the origin for the two Elite Specializations wouldn't necessarily be the same. I don't see a problem with Warrior getting a support specialization that may be mechanically similar to Paragon, but have a fundamentally different lore background. Meanwhile, Spellbreaker only has shallow lore connections to Paragons, which were turned out not even to be accurate, as we encountered many Sunspears who are no Spellbreakers.

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There's really not any paragon in spellbreaker. It's W/Me with a touch of dervish. ArenaNet have even said this. There's the whole symbolism with broken spearpoints thing, but spellbreaker is a new tradition formed after the fall of the Sunspears and has no paragon connections beyond what was already in warrior.

Guardian absolutely does, canonically, draw from paragon. Again, this was said: there's an old and unfortunately no longer available interview where they talked about the origin of the guardian profession, and it basically started out as a merger of paragon refugees from Elona and monks that were tired of being priority targets in light armour. However, guardian paragon traits are already fairly well-established, and guardian already has strong supportive elements both in the core profession and in firebrand (and firebrand lore even makes it a bit of a storyteller, so 'battle bard' is already a possible interpretation of firebrand). Warrior, however, is in need of augmenting those capabilities, and paragon-like behaviour is one way to achieve that.

Which just leaves mesmers, which DO have a canonical connection with being musicians and other performers:

My response to this can probably be summed up in the "Porque no los dos" meme.

The warrior take on the musician theme would be very martial in behaviour. The war drums were the first thought I had along those lines, and the only reason I didn't raise trumpets was because that might be a bit too close to warhorn. But it would still be inspired by musicians used to relay battlefield commands in the days before radio, by marching bands in military parades, and by the heavy rock or metal musician you sometimes see in fantasy who's quite happy to pull out an axe or a mace to quickly deal with someone who annoys them... if they're not already using the handle of such a weapon as a drumstick to begin with. No subtlety, not much in the way of intricate melodies, and no (overt) magic - they rally their allies with deafening sound and are quite happy to smash a guitar over the head of anyone who annoys them.

The mesmer take, by contrast, would be much more like a traditional bard. Lots of magic, with softer music carrying complex melodies that can stir a range of emotions, and potentially using illusions to support their performance. The kind of character that can partake in adventure using trickery and guile, but is probably more at home in a tavern performance or royal courtroom than a clash of armies.

Now, the flute thing really fits more into the second category, but I threw that in because I hadn't really thought much beyond the brainstorming stage. If such a concept is going to result in a warrior healer actually being viable, it would need some form of healing tool mixed in there. It's hard to reconcile the 'heavy metal' theme with healing, although maybe it could lean heavily into barrier instead, reducing the need for regular healing like scourge does. But I think there is room both for a traditional bard concept based on mesmer, and a paragon-style battlefield motivator that could be built off warrior.

Whether that's the best option... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I still like the 'inspired by support dervish' option, myself. Does have the problem of not having a ranged weapon, but I consider that a constant diet of melee weapons for elite specialisations to be less of a problem on warrior than, say, engineer and elementalist, and IMO rifle is actually a pretty decent weapon design-wise it just needs some tuning. But I think "paragon modernised with pistol and battlefield instruments" is a concept that does have some legs.

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To expand on what I meant on the prior page:

I have a large charr warrior and the last thing I want is a warrior bard with a flute. Instead I would lean into the "big barrier" as in physical obstruction idea (think Rampage before CC nerfs in PVP/WVW). Thematically I would rather have a big barrier on F2 on staff in a similar style to how support spellbreaker works currently. I would categorize support spellbreaker as more of an offensive support in design as it doesn't actually have support for your allies in the spellbreaker traitline. A support warrior has a tall order to supplant a spellbreaker since any non-spellbreaker warrior has a lack of boon removal meaning it needs to make up for it in a greatly increased boon and/or heal support. Protection counts for 33% damage reduction after all.

Traits designed such as

  • Brute Force / Upper Hand "Dazes and stuns apply Protection and Resolution to allies in an area" --- makes mace a more defensive weapon against conditions and shores up resolution uptime for DPS guardians ; shield becomes a support weapon in this manner as well as hammer
    ---> see Guard counter on spellbreaker
    ---> alternative is protection/resolution applied on F2 but that's far more passive gameplay
  • Practiced Advance ---  "2 skill on mace grants regeneration and staves' #2 now also heal allies for more , Gain healing power while using a staff" --- a defensive version of Crack Shot which doesn't make it an OP spec simply because it is non-stacking regen not burst healing
    ---> Heal weapon trait that affects more than one weapon in a similar fashion to Forceful Greatsword, Crack Shot, and Merciless Hammer , +120/+120 added on staff for +240 healing power might be a good starting point
  • Mending Echo (a throwback to "echo mending" meme) --- Call of Valor becomes an ammo skill, applying might to an ally heals them for a small amount to top off scholar uptime (as a regen additive akin to spirit healing , MDF on engi, shared resolve on firebrand, or soothing mist)
    ---> Heal support focused trait that applies minor AOE healing
  • Furious Charge --- Fury you apply lasts longer and you gain an additional 15%/20% crit chance while under fury  --- this makes taking banner of discipline more optional when you run tactics for FGJ and reduces the need for Thief Runes in PVE
    ---> Fury and DPS  support focused trait (if you need boon duration with diviner's it means you can avoid thief runes)
  • Heightened Recovery --- Applying resistance to an ally removes a damaging condition (burning, bleeding, poison, confusion, torment) , movement skills apply 1-2s resistance in an area ... see Warrior's Sprint
    ---> resistance focused support trait with anti-condi
    ---> alternative option, copy Dogged March boon functionality in AoE and give regen when applying resistance to a target with a damaging condition
  • Territorial marker / Fierce Defender --- Battle Standard becomes an ammo skill and applies stability (it historically did), new utility skill type applies regen, stability you apply to allies has an additional stack

(Because there's damage traits on heal specs...)

  • Shielded Advance--- Gain Increased damage while affected by barrier, staff #2 skill now does double the damage (or is ammo skill) and does not heal
  • Final Stand  aka Actual last stand 😆--- Gain Increased damage and healing power while adrenaline is not full , this would be less meme since it isn't tied to staff so in theory you could run greatsword or axe and mace mainhand for CC
  • Relentless assault --- Gain (outgoing) increased critical hit damage and outgoing condition damage while affected by resistance with additional crit damage while affected by resolution, or protection
    ---> alternative option for PVE minded people: Gain increased critical hit damage and outgoing condition damage while affected by resolution or protection and additional against bleeding , weakened, or tormented foes

(Condi traits, although it is a bit weaker due to the Vigorous Shouts conversion and lack of torch and rage skills inflicting burning)

  • Mace applies confusion on its dazes and stuns. Confusion does twice the damage against defiant foes. --- I don't expect this trait to happen since mace is a core weapon.

Likely minor traits that everyone is forced to take essentially:

  • (spec name) Gain access to staff. Only level 1 bursts are available.
  • Might you apply lasts % longer. Gain fury (only you , not allies) when knocking down, knocking back, or slowing a target when blocking or evading an attack.
    ---> gives more options for fury on condi quickness builds ; quickness, might , fury would be covered probably
    ---> another boring alternative is +120 power and +120 concentration instead of might duration. Isolating only might allows for a higher bonus duration.
  • Healing allies grants adrenaline and outgoing healing to allies is increased. Gain healing power while under 25%/50% health (see Urn of Saint Victor coding).

Non staff weapons utility with a boon support idea in mind ; since Full Counter does negligible damage in PVP/WVW and has CC this spec would avoid applying hard CC on F2:

  • F2 Greatsword - Applies AoE fury and swiftness for allies with no damage  in the ~450 Arc Divider radius as this will be a mobility focus
  • F2 Hammer - Applies slow and vulnerability to targets in the same cone AOE as a Hammer shock ~600 range , this would probably be a prime weapon for DPS on this new spec with a focus on CC chaining
  • F2 Mace - Applies pulsed confusion stacks , weakness, and long duration bleeding in 240 or 300 radius, allowing for a attrition minded hybrid condi heal build to sort of work
    ---> the other option is going purely defensive with resolution and resistance type effects but then it would likely not see use
  • F2 Sword - Applies pulsed low burning stacks in contrast to berserker (that bursts with high stacks and low duration and 900 range) with short cast time in PBAOE, you'd have more condi DPS than mace but no regen on this weaponset with warhorn
    -- probably the only way a condi support would be workable with a sword more so than a boon additive ; a low damage burning application helps out other classes such as firebrand, condi mech, condi ele
    --- the other option could be fury output or perhaps vigor (since sword is supposed to be the agile weapon) and some long duration bleeding
  • F2 Axe - Applies PBAoE cripple and slow -- don't want to make Axe the go to weapon for all warrior specs so this applies cripple to allow for added damage via Leg Specialist in the Tactics traitline
  • F2 Rifle - Applies AOE might and fury for allies , rifle is not that great in general without Gunflame
  • F2 Longbow - Applies AOE vigor   resolution and fury for allies in a short duration and removes chill
  • F2 Spear - Applies AOE fury (it's underwater) , Forceful Greatsword has might generation so it comes down to your alac for additional might probably
  • F2 Harpoon gun - Applies AOE swiftness (it's underwater) or resistance (because Aquatic fractal has condition spam sometimes)

Staff design:

F1 Staff Slam --- ~2.0 coefficient Damage skill with a blast finisher in case someone wants to play Staff DPS ; staff applies regen in an area ; ~8s cooldown
F2 Armored Blockade / Shields Up burst ~8s cooldown --- Staff creates a big barrier for allies
---> should be ~600+1.0*Healing as minimum similar to scourge's Desert Empowerment or ~1.2K+2.0* healing power if you use Sand Cascade as a blueprint
---> Call of Valor provides ~2.6K base barrier + 1.0* healing power with a 20s cooldown so this could probably use half of that as a starting point

F3 if full adrenaline  ~15-20s cooldown in PVE and longer in PVP/WVW --- projectile deflecting dome with full counter duration and "tick down" per block similar to Aegis instead of lasting for seconds, If Arenanet wants to break the warrior mold of 2 "F skills"
---> Why? Revenant is brought on conjured amalgamate CM , Harvest Temple, and Adina just for the dome

  1. Staff "Auto" --- designed to emulate staff animations on revenant such that the damage isn't absolutely pitiful (see druid staff or elementalist on water using a staff for pitiful DPS) which keeps the warrior in theme overall , small barrier or heal at end
    ---> idea is a minor passive sustain
  2. Dauntless Advance? --- Take druid's ancestral grace as a template , 600+ range gap closer similar to Greatsword or sword mainhand , destroys projectiles in path  (~500 + 0.2* healing power). ~6 cooldown This will function as a way to mitigate the disadvantage of melee by projectile destruction and a short recharge gap closer.
    ---> idea is to make melee support viable in WVW
    ---> Cyclone Trigger on Bladesworn also has projectile destruction so this existed in some fashion without support already
  3. Swift Hands --- High damage melee skill that applies swiftness in an area and slow on target
    ---> Idea is to make it also capable of doing some DPS if necessary
    ---> Bonus points if it blocks projectiles trying to hit you (see whirling stones on catalyst , electrowhirl on scrapper, or warding rift on rev staff)
  4. Top Battle form? / Rested Resilience --- Protection application on a warriors is lacking so this applies protection ; a PBAOE heal instead of barrier on warhorn , similar to Empower on guardians or Renewing Wave on revenant sans condi clear. This will function as a pre battle buff to be in max health or a top off of health.
    ---> large sustain/resustain skill in the same style as Empower , "Wash the Pain Away", or Rejuvenating Tides
  5. Full Resistance?  ---  Remove immobilizing effects , apply resistance, 2-3s PBAOE CC (daze / launch 0 / knockdown as these are all less annoying if you use them by accident unlike knockbacks)  with 15-20s cooldown
    ---> a counter to condi bombs

I'm not creative at making skill or trait names, so adjust naming in your mind accordingly to how you want the naming to be.

Tried to cover the basics: a heal/barrier on auto lowers the skill level required to have minimum effectiveness, gap closer for PVP/WVW, F2 barrier for relevance especially on Matthias and Soulless Horror, resistance as an effect is in short supply which sets it apart from other heal builds

Boons check for PVE:

  • Aegis - applied by banner of defense if required but I never thought Aegis would be applied by warrior in general
  • Alacrity - warrior probably isn't getting this due to quickness unfortunately
  • Fury - see the fury trait I suggested above which would also allow for more boon duration gear for hybrid variants with minimal loss in power damage ; otherwise need Banner of Discipline and "F.G.J." most likely
  • Might - never has been an issue for warriors, but healing other people via might would be a massive improvement to passive support
  • Protection - historically lacking on warrior skills, so it was added onto staff to set it apart from warhorn
  • Quickness - shouldn't be an issue
  • Regeneration - Banner of Defense, also see Practiced Advance trait suggested and the banner trait
  • Resolution - added onto a trait for maces and staff, see above
  • Resistance - Banner of Tactics, warhorn had it but also see staff skill suggested above and the trait suggestion
  • Stability - Banner of Tactics but also the trait I suggested above for Battle Standard ; I have a feeling a AoE stunbreak would be more likely to be implemented than additional stability utilities
  • Swiftness - warhorn had it , so does Battle Standard, also added to staff since guardian staff has swiftness
  • Vigor - warhorn had it , not really thematic so it would probably be another trait


Possible utility skills (probably Spirit weapons, Marks, Tricks, or Consecrations?):

  • Something that outright heals people over time (to keep burst heal in check) and applies resistance
  • Call to Arms (the original name of Call of Valor) -  An actual damage skill with AOE even though it is a support spec (typical Arenanet lol)
  • Barrier Breaker / Barrier Buster - melee attacks are unblockable while you or the target are affected by barrier (maybe a flip skill?) --- synergy with Warrior's Cunning in Tactics traitline , competes with Signet of Might
  • Any kind of offensive skill with a bit of support (see Purging Flames on Firebrand) that means it is a good skill regardless of whether you need the support
  • "There's Nothing to Fear" / No Fear / Fearless (I'm bad at names) - AOE stunbreak , removes fear and applies renaissance or  removes chill / immob / torment ... since Arenanet seems to want to keep stability limited
  • A DPS boon support skill that applies slow to the target in addition to quickness and fury to allies to shore up any quickness builds that may need "For Great Justice". This precludes requiring Banner of Discipline on a power build.
  • An AOE reveal skill that has some other use other than reveal. Otherwise make "On My Mark" an AOE reveal if there is no target.
  • Elite skill could be a version of the old channeled Winds of Disenchantment which was able to move, but instead of preventing and removing boons remove movement impairing conditions and pulse personal stability or something akin to that. This means there is a clear tradeoff to using it since you do nothing other than using the skill.

Current build blueprint for various variants:

  • Power Bladesworn (Strength+Tactics) for quickness DPS variant
  • Power spellbreaker (Strength +Tactics variant) for a full DPS variant knowing that it will likely not be a strong DPS spec
  • Heal spellbreaker (Discipline+Tactics or Defense+Tactics) for WVW/PVP support
  • Some sort of new mace+shield with staff heal quickness build for tanking purposes

The warrior support spec could be similar to mace+shield mechanist (which is currently the only power spec with barrier output) but with  more skill usage to play effectively. Scepter, scourge are condition while firebrand, druid, core engi med kit (thus scrapper), and tempest don't provide barrier but heals instead.

* Being attacked at range would be an issue so that is why gap closers and projectile defenses should be a priority.
* Being CC-ed while using banner of tactics is unfortunate if it is the only stunbreak
* As far as PVE goes, only one source of aegis (Banner of Defense) and you need boon duration for other boons other than quickness and might


The idea would be mobility, projectile destruction (Arenanet insists on melee for warrior even on pistols lol), resistance, barriers, and condi cleansing. This means instant relevance in WVW since mechanist is a meme in WvW largescale.

Having a third spec with a melee staff (revenant, daredevil currently) would probably lead to more melee-capable (is that a word?) staff skin options as well.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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A commander-type staff support warrior with a predator flying animal perched on it. Radiating perma Alac and stability within a small aoe. 


Or add unarmed strikes and disarm mechanic to the game.


Or monkey grip dual greatswords/dual hammers/dual longbow/dual rifle. . Have all 10 skills be converted into weapon attacks. 

No healing is needed. 

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4 hours ago, xellink.7568 said:

Or monkey grip dual greatswords/dual hammers/dual longbow/dual rifle. . Have all 10 skills be converted into weapon attacks. 

No healing is needed. 

Unless our characters grow 3rd and fourth arms, I'd rather not see the mistake of WoW's clown grip repeated in this game.

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On 12/22/2022 at 2:17 PM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Ranged Support that could either be power or condi focused with a Mainhand Pistol (900 range).

What kinda sadist wants each pistol (offhand and mainhand) on two different specs?
Next up you'll want to have us choose between having pizza pie with nothing on top, or everything on top without the pizza pie!

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31 minutes ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

What kinda sadist wants each pistol (offhand and mainhand) on two different specs?
Next up you'll want to have us choose between having pizza pie with nothing on top, or everything on top without the pizza pie!

Yeah, I know. Anet should have given both to BSW. But they didn't so it's a valid choice. Also, pizza pie with nothing on top is jut focaccia, which is itself tasty on its own. 

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34 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Yeah, I know. Anet should have given both to BSW. But they didn't so it's a valid choice. Also, pizza pie with nothing on top is jut focaccia, which is itself tasty on its own. 

Tbh, considering that warrior is soon running out of weapon to give them in an elite spec, not giving warrior dual wield pistol was the smarter move. Because now they can spread it over two elite specs, buying them some time to figure out what to do after warrior has no options left.

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32 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Tbh, considering that warrior is soon running out of weapon to give them in an elite spec, not giving warrior dual wield pistol was the smarter move. Because now they can spread it over two elite specs, buying them some time to figure out what to do after warrior has no options left.

They don't really need to figure out what kind of weapon they could give to Warrior. They could just take weapon ideas from the forums.

Sceptres as Javelins

Staves as Spears (melee and ranged)

ranged Shortbows with high mobility

dual Focus as fist weapons

And these are just four concepts that are fundamentally easy to work with that have been proposed repeatedly on the Forums.

Even if Junksworn had gotten both pistols, there are still more options left than the game is likely to get further expansions.



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3 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

They don't really need to figure out what kind of weapon they could give to Warrior. They could just take weapon ideas from the forums.

Sceptres as Javelins

Staves as Spears (melee and ranged)

ranged Shortbows with high mobility

dual Focus as fist weapons

And these are just four concepts that are fundamentally easy to work with that have been proposed repeatedly on the Forums.

Even if Junksworn had gotten both pistols, there are still more options left than the game is likely to get further expansions.

I consider javelin scepters and dual foci to be quite unrealistic for future additions for warrior.

Throwing scepters will look really weird. The very very VERY big majority of scepter skins don't look like something you throw towards an enemy to impale them.

Dual foci, just as any other concept of dual wield offhand weapons, most likely will never happen. Still a chance for warrior to get offhand focus, tho.

Anyway, the options for warrior are fairly limited now. Keeping one pistol to give to a future elite spec in the backhand might not be the worst idea, depending on how many more especs anet plans to do.

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37 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

I consider javelin scepters and dual foci to be quite unrealistic for future additions for warrior.

Throwing scepters will look really weird. The very very VERY big majority of scepter skins don't look like something you throw towards an enemy to impale them.

Dual foci, just as any other concept of dual wield offhand weapons, most likely will never happen. Still a chance for warrior to get offhand focus, tho.

Anyway, the options for warrior are fairly limited now. Keeping one pistol to give to a future elite spec in the backhand might not be the worst idea, depending on how many more especs anet plans to do.

I have to echo Kodama on this one. These concepts as weapons will not happen. As new kits like what we gained with gunsaber maybe though.

If Rampage lost it's passive defenses and instead became a new weapon bar with access to the utility bar, then that would satisfy the dual foci fisticuffs concept (sorry Kodama it would have to be as a weapon kit like thing for that to work).

Summoning a Spear to through on an F2 kit, that can surely happen. That is why I added that option under the first question, to capture esoteric weapon concepts that can't be replicated well with the current weapons. 

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6 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

I consider javelin scepters and dual foci to be quite unrealistic for future additions for warrior.

Throwing scepters will look really weird. The very very VERY big majority of scepter skins don't look like something you throw towards an enemy to impale them.

Dual foci, just as any other concept of dual wield offhand weapons, most likely will never happen. Still a chance for warrior to get offhand focus, tho.

Considering that Revenant and Daredevil can use Kasmeer's Staff and other Staves that obviously are not meant to bash people with, as well as all the silly particle vomit on too many weapon skins, it's fair to say that they don't care too much about how weird a weapons looks when used by specific professions/elite specializations.

And even if it's unrealistic to ever get dual foci, the very concept of Junksworn is based on a highly unrealistic romanticized view of Samurai in movies. Arenanet is far from a stranger to taking unrealistic turns.

Also, I only mentioned four ideas for weapons, from a pool of many more.

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if they gonna expand EOD i would like to see the weapon spells come into play. I know it doesn't sound very warrior like but it would work with a focus off-hand for example


Spirit Light weapon (Heal), Resilient Weapon (sustain), Wailing Weapon (cc), Weapon of Aggression (dps), Spirit's Strength (Elite Skill)


like Rt/W

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