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I must wonder if I'm the only one having a problem with character control?  This having to hold down the mouse button to turn your view or fight. Not to mention I can't get them to even run in a straight line. I even bough a new mouse thing my current one was to balm. Still the same problems. It's so bad I get to pissed off to play for very long..

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I do not have problems with this - but I am used to it from a lot of other games ( not only MMORPG). This is a pretty convenient thing - compared to keyboard view controls or automatically rotating of the view.

You just have to get used to it - I guess. Once you play more and more video games you'll also encounter similar controls in a lot of other games ... then getting more and more used to it. (Similar as to the WASD for movement that a lot of people like better than  using the up/down/left/right arrows - where WASD is commonly known from a lot of ego shooter games that introduced this.)

To run in a straight line ... just move forward with the button associated to this (usually W or the up arrow key) ... WITHOUT moving the camera view (at least not moving it to left/right).

I actually ... would suggest trying an easy jumping puzzle ... or core map (they are easier and no strong enemies) explanation. If you are a total beginner ... in the first starter zone try to get to the vistas and stuff. Focus on exploration - not the combat. To get used to the movement.

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I think it depends on whether you played other similar games before or not. It's like learning to drive a car: it's not intuitive at all at the beginning (releasing the clutch while you are accelerating), but after a bit it becomes so natural that you even have problems to teach someone how to do it. I tried a couple of times to introduce my parents to MMOs, and they were absolutely unable to control their character, constantly getting stuck facing a wall or watching the sky or their feet. Sadly I had to give up and look for some game with click-to-move (but they are all garbage for kids).

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55 minutes ago, Headshot.4728 said:

I have been playing computer games since 1976, I am familiar with mouse/keyboard control setup. The kitten toons will  not run straight. As I said I even bought a new mouse, no joy. Well I won't be buying any more games in this series.

Tried a -repair to the client, in case of corrupted file(s)?

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There's several ways to control your character, I think it's worth experimenting with different ones to see which you prefer. I tend to go between different ones depending on what I'm doing. 


Here's a possibly incomplete list:

Using WASD, plus Q and E to turn instead of strafe left and right. 

Using the arrow keys. 

Holding down both mouse buttons: the character will move forward and turn in the direction you turn the mouse.

Turn on auto-run (R by default) and holding down just the right mouse button to turn using the mouse. 

Turning on action-camera and auto-run so you just need to move the mouse to turn, without holding any buttons. 


You can also rebind any of the keyboard controls and if you have a mouse which supports software profiles you can change those as well, to get something that's more comfortable for you. 

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10 hours ago, Headshot.4728 said:

I have been playing computer games since 1976, I am familiar with mouse/keyboard control setup. The kitten toons will  not run straight. As I said I even bought a new mouse, no joy. Well I won't be buying any more games in this series.

I'd like to help with this, but I'm having trouble formulating a response that won't come across as condescending (i.e. I'm sure you already know which controls cause your character to turn).  I'm at a loss as to what could be causing this.  I've been playing for years and have never had an issue with being unable to keep my character moving in a straight line.

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I'm sorry if I assumed that you were new to the genre, as this way to control characters is used in basically all the MMORPGs. Apologies. It might be some broken file then, as others suggested, or... have a look at the controls for left/right. I think the default were A for strafe, instead of left (although this has nothing to do with the mouse button. Who knows).

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20 hours ago, Headshot.4728 said:

I have been playing computer games since 1976, I am familiar with mouse/keyboard control setup. The kitten toons will  not run straight. As I said I even bought a new mouse, no joy. Well I won't be buying any more games in this series.

well if you press W the character runs in a straight line there's nothing else to it, also not sure what being old has to do with this issue

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