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Deadeye animation is not visible enough


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I understand they're bullets being fired, but most of the time I'm getting hit by a deadeye and my health goes down rapidly and I have no idea why. Sure I get it, oooh they're a thief it's supposed to be like getting sniped. It's super annoying though, and I hate it. You can't even prevent it if you find out too late that you're getting shot at. Also, I think they do way too much damage. It seems like their "auto attack" or whatever it is can down me in like 3 hits (which hit in rapid succession).

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6 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

I understand they're bullets being fired, but most of the time I'm getting hit by a deadeye and my health goes down rapidly and I have no idea why. Sure I get it, oooh they're a thief it's supposed to be like getting sniped. It's super annoying though, and I hate it. You can't even prevent it if you find out too late that you're getting shot at. Also, I think they do way too much damage. It seems like their "auto attack" or whatever it is can down me in like 3 hits (which hit in rapid succession).

have you tried playing with sound on, instead of the "Thomas the tank engine theme song"?

Deadeye makes an absurd ammount of noise, with every shot. AudioQs are what you should be watching out for when fighting DE.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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10 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

have you tried playing with sound on, instead of the "Thomas the tank engine theme song"?

Deadeye makes an absurd ammount of noise, with every shot. AudioQs are what you should be watching out for when fighting DE.

It does desync allot from stealth and the sound plays after it hits you. Also I prefer the Benny Hill show theme or the Circus song depending on the situation.

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18 minutes ago, Vancho.8750 said:

It does desync allot from stealth and the sound plays after it hits you. Also I prefer the Benny Hill show theme or the Circus song depending on the situation.

First off: good music choice.

Second: it doesnt desync for me... Never have i been shot from a DE without a sound playing. might be a hardware problem? i know slow/older CPU´s sometimes causes sounds to be delayed.  Try changing your Soundquality to "fastest".

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14 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

have you tried playing with sound on, instead of the "Thomas the tank engine theme song"?

And this is the real problem with PvP. We can do balance and rework rewards all we want, it's all in vain when people still listen to the original -  unremixed, non-earr*pe version - of the theme song.


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On 1/17/2023 at 3:54 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

have you tried playing with sound on, instead of the "Thomas the tank engine theme song"?

Deadeye makes an absurd ammount of noise, with every shot. AudioQs are what you should be watching out for when fighting DE.

I don't really have sound up very loud.

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On 1/17/2023 at 3:54 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

have you tried playing with sound on, instead of the "Thomas the tank engine theme song"?

Deadeye makes an absurd ammount of noise, with every shot. AudioQs are what you should be watching out for when fighting DE.

In a game full of visual cues (i.e. red rings, dodge roll animation, color scheme differences) you tell someone to use audio cues.  Brilliant.  

Not even good audio cues like listening for OWP or Dolyak Stance on ranger (which have distinct animal sounds)--no, let's tell the difference between deadeye bullet shots! 

Which is facetious at best, because especially as an ele you aren't listening for audio cues, you wait for any damage to appear and hit one of your many blocks.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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8 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

There is no way on earth people can actually listen to very obvious soundQ´s and dodge accordingly.

ergo: you are carried by elementalist!

I firmly believe people dont use AudioQ´s enough. And apparently you are one of them, if you think i am joking/talking nonsense here. Against no other profession is listening to AudioQueues as important as it is against Deadeye.

differentiate!? I am not talking about dodging every skirmisher shot😂 You dont know how to play the DE matchup do you?

How to win the DE MU: You have to dodge the stealthshot to instantly put you in a advantageous position. And from there on push your lead, dont let him breath.

First off: the Stealthshot sound is very obvious and its vastly diffrent to the other sounds. They made it like that on purpose, so you have time to react. You can hear a buzzing sound wayyy before they even shoot the shot! The second they start channeling, is when the buzzing will start. So there is enough time to dodge. And now comes the part, where this little AudioQ will win you the whole MU.  The DE will be revealed even if the shot doesnt hit. Consistently dodging this stealthshot is key to winning against a good DE. The second you start dodging their stealthshots, they will reveal themselves and achieve exactly nothing. leaving a opening for you to attack.  You have to be  patient... wait for the sound.... and dodge... then punish, while they have the revealed debuff. You have to go completly ham on them while they are revealed! Dont let them breath.

Rinse and repeat, till the DE is dead or has to run.

idk what to tell you... when i hear the buzzing sound, i hit the dodgekey by musclememory. Ever since i developed this habit, fighting DE has become alot easier.

Thats how you play the DE matchup. Take it or leave it.

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3 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

I firmly believe people dont use AudioQ´s enough.

As it was said before, sound comes way too late. The same problem with rendering stealth targets, it takes up to a whole second. Hence why DJ is very hard to dodge (you just cant see the laser in time), I'v seen youtube video once where the guy got backstabbed and was stomped without DE appearing on the screen even for 0.0001s, because he managed to cast elite to remove revealed/stealth before his model/name was even rendered for the victim.

3 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

And apparently you are one of them, if you think i am joking/talking nonsense here.

Count me in as well.

Edited by semak.7481
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2 hours ago, semak.7481 said:

As it was said before, sound comes way too late. The same problem with rendering stealth targets, it takes up to a whole second. Hence why DJ is very hard to dodge (you just cant see the laser in time), I'v seen youtube video once where the guy got backstabbed and was stomped without DE appearing on the screen even for 0.0001s, because he managed to cast elite to remove revealed/stealth because he managed to do that before his model/name was even rendered for the victim.

Count me in as well.

So you are telling me that it happens so often for you, that you cant reliably use sound to dodge? I have to believe you i guess....  but why is it happening for you, but it is in no way common for me?

maybe its a hardware / settings problem? make sure sound is set to "fastest", and make sure gw2 is on a SSD....... Maybe its a latency thing!?  i play with a ping thats below 30 on average.

Sometimes the bullet hits you unexpectedly fast, but that is not because the sound is delayed. Its because the DE is shooting with Quickness, but the sound still plays at normal rate. This results in the hit landing, altho the sound doesnt suggest it will land this early. To someone unaware, this looks like the sound was delayed, when in reality quickness shortened the Casttime, but the sound still did play at normal rate.

Do you mean that with delayed? Because thats the only thing thats happening for me.

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18 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

So you are telling me that it happens so often for you, that you cant reliably use sound to dodge? I have to believe you i guess....  but why is it happening for you, but not for me? I can use the AudioQ very consistently...

Yea, I have all the reasons in the world to BS you for fun /s.

I had an amazing pc years ago and this sound issue persisted since forever on different PC's and I prefer to listen to music anyway.


Sometimes the bullet hits you unexpectedly fast, but that is not because the sound is delayed. Its because the DE is shooting with Quickness

Yea, tell that to instant shatters as well, which sound plays way after I used with "fastest" setting on.

Whatever you suggest doesnt work for me. 

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17 minutes ago, semak.7481 said:

Whatever you suggest doesnt work for me

Thats unfortunate...For me, listening to audioQueues works wonders.

53 minutes ago, semak.7481 said:

without DE appearing on the screen even for 0.0001s, because he managed to cast elite to remove revealed/stealth before his model/name was even rendered for the victim.

haha that sounds like S/d SA thief.... There is a build specifically abusing this.


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Just now, Sahne.6950 said:

Thats unfortunate... i would check my connection.

haha that sounds like S/d SA thief....


My avg ping is 50 and what I described, was a wvw video and he was backstabbed for 100% hp out of nowhere, idk how you could come up to a conclusion it was s/d.

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8 minutes ago, semak.7481 said:

My avg ping is 50 and what I described, was a wvw video and he was backstabbed for 100% hp out of nowhere, idk how you could come up to a conclusion it was s/d.

i didnt come to that conclusion... i just wanted to tell you i know a video where someone is abusing the stealthdelay for 13 straight minutes 😄 i even said "there is a build that is specifically abusing this" and then i linked the video...

i am still baffled how that dude managed to 100-0 him without stacking malice or deadeyes mark tho.

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6 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

i didnt come to that conclusion... i just wanted to tell you i know a video where someone is abusing the stealthdelay for 13 straight minutes 😄

i am still baffled how that dude managed to 100-0 him without stacking malice or deadeyes mark tho.


You are being marked and pretty much at the same moment stabbed because of quickness trait on mark (which gives extra power while under quickness) and mark gives 1 malice stack. And thats wvw after all.

I dont remember how many years ago I'v seen noody video where he shows how he was oneshotted by DE cleanly and then he does the same against other ppl. Its too much effort for me, busy here

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2 hours ago, semak.7481 said:


You are being marked and pretty much at the same moment stabbed because of quickness trait on mark (which gives extra power while under quickness) and mark gives 1 malice stack. And thats wvw after all.

I dont remember how many years ago I'v seen noody video where he shows how he was oneshotted by DE cleanly and then he does the same against other ppl. Its too much effort for me, busy here

all good man, no need to search the video.

What i have to admit is, that, on resetnight, in WvW, the sounddelay happens quite frequently. Thats why i also believe it has something to do with Latency/Serverload/Bandwith... something along those lines.

But in PvP, which this post is about, the sound delay is in no way common for me, thats why i can use the AudioQ to avoid the Stealthshot very consistently. Weird that its happening so frequently for you, that listening to sound is no longer an option.....

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12 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

I firmly believe people dont use AudioQ´s enough. And apparently you are one of them, if you think i am joking/talking nonsense here. Against no other profession is listening to AudioQueues as important as it is against Deadeye.

differentiate!? I am not talking about dodging every skirmisher shot😂 You dont know how to play the DE matchup do you?

How to win the DE MU: You have to dodge the stealthshot to instantly put you in a advantageous position. And from there on push your lead, dont let him breath.

First off: the Stealthshot sound is very obvious and its vastly diffrent to the other sounds. They made it like that on purpose, so you have time to react. You can hear a buzzing sound wayyy before they even shoot the shot! The second they start channeling, is when the buzzing will start. So there is enough time to dodge. And now comes the part, where this little AudioQ will win you the whole MU.  The DE will be revealed even if the shot doesnt hit. Consistently dodging this stealthshot is key to winning against a good DE. The second you start dodging their stealthshots, they will reveal themselves and achieve exactly nothing. leaving a opening for you to attack.  You have to be  patient... wait for the sound.... and dodge... then punish, while they have the revealed debuff. You have to go completly ham on them while they are revealed! Dont let them breath.

Rinse and repeat, till the DE is dead or has to run.

idk what to tell you... when i hear the buzzing sound, i hit the dodgekey by musclememory. Ever since i developed this habit, fighting DE has become alot easier.

Thats how you play the DE matchup. Take it or leave it.


You want them to play the DE matchup by Death's Judgment sound? 

A few things...first: Shadow Meld - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) ; you have no advantageous position when DJ is fired off, because they can just use that elite and go right back into stealth.  

Secondly, the audio cue does nothing because you'll be dead from skirmisher shot spam way before they ever need to use DJ.  Most of the time you can literally kneel high up and just spotter shot someone down with no recourse other than another counter DE or LB ranger chasing you around.  And even then if you are pressured, you can just lay down sniper cover and advance/retreat your way to a new rotation.

So, before you go breaking this down into memes you might want to fight a competent DE or two to see the other side on this one.  

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12 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

audio cue does nothing because you'll be dead from skirmisher shot spam way before they ever need to use DJ.

you might want to fight a competent DE or two to see the other side on this one.  

You want them to play the DE matchup by Death's Judgment sound? 

sounds like a "you" problem, ngl.   "The audio cue does nothing, because I always die to skirmisherspam, like a complete noob" 🤪 "ohh also look at this! they can remove reveal! Dodging their big Damage and forcing them to burn a charge of their elite isnt advantageous at all m8! 🤓

I have already fought EUs most dedicated Deadeyemain and also EU's arguably best Thief main. Just ask them how that went.

Yes, exactly! i want people to use Soundqueues to help them dodge skills! IMAGINE! I am not saying they should ignore everything else, but paying attention to sound can help improve your gameplay immensly.

If you cant be bothered... so be it... you can continue getting roflstomped by skirmishershot spam now. 

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8 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

I have already fought EUs most dedicated Deadeyemain and also EU's arguably best Thief main. Just ask them how that went.

I'm sure they probably easily won with the advice you've been giving.  

As if the big 'marked' icon above your head wasn't enough, and if the black ring of smoke from pistol #5 isn't enough tell about what is happening vs. thief, then you are definitely losing to thief.  

I do also like how you are accusing me of getting stomped by thief when I'm not the OP.  I'm just the one telling you that its braindead easy to play DE up into high gold without knowing a thing about the intricacies of thief other than how to intelligently use stealth, height, and rotate.  

Against thief I rarely ever care about the sound of DJ.  I just look for the marked and either kite or LoS it which forces them to disengage or die to counter-pressure.  The only time it becomes a real nusince is a mid-fight or something where I'm the sole focus, and even then, sound tells me nothing--either I move or die as just the rifle autos hit hard enough to down you without waiting for any malice gain or DJ to hit.  

Also, since it's driving me nuts, it's literally 'cue': Cue Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster.  Since we're being pedantic here, I didn't want people to think we were queuing up in line of some sort.

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5 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

I'm sure they probably easily won with the advice you've been giving.  

Against thief I rarely ever care about the sound of DJ. 

either I move or die as just the rifle autos hit hard enough to down you without waiting for any malice gain or DJ to hit.

"You probably lost with the advice your giving" haha! I said that listening to sound might help dodging the DJ, incase the visuals are not enough.... It sure helped me beat sinister and EU's most dedicated deadeye main. 😉

Good for you, that you dont care for the Sound. Apparently you are playing at peak performance, and there is nothing you could improve on. I wish you the best of luck dying to just the Rifle autohits, while being stuck in Gold. 😘


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On 1/19/2023 at 5:43 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

In a game full of visual cues (i.e. red rings, dodge roll animation, color scheme differences) you tell someone to use audio cues.  Brilliant.  

Not even good audio cues like listening for OWP or Dolyak Stance on ranger (which have distinct animal sounds)--no, let's tell the difference between deadeye bullet shots! 

Which is facetious at best, because especially as an ele you aren't listening for audio cues, you wait for any damage to appear and hit one of your many blocks.  

Ranged attacks generally dont have a lot of visual cues. You always were supposed to use audio cues for them. And even as far as visual cues are concerned, Deadeyes are still more visible than most, simply because the red and black tinge to it makes it blend into the background far less than the standard pure grey visuals that ranged attacks like, say, Rangers bow, have.


But also, they are in fact good audio cues. All the bullet-firing attacks have very distinct sounds. The 3 skills has a sharp ringing , 2 has a radar beep behind it, and 1 has a dulled bell behind it. Oh and deaths judgment, which already has the super obvious line that you really cant miss, also has a unique sound both on the chargeup and the firing, though Im not sure how to describe it.


If youre struggling to figure out that a DE is attacking you, or what theyre attacking you with, you would struggle against any ranged character even more.

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55 minutes ago, UNOwen.7132 said:

Ranged attacks generally dont have a lot of visual cues. You always were supposed to use audio cues for them.


They don't?

I think it's pretty obvious what a longbow ranger is doing entirely visually; rapid fire looks like a machine gun, hunter's shot they stealth, PBS you go flying backward, and barrage has like a 3 sec animation.  Not really listening for audio cues on any of these.  

Can extend this to both shortbow and axe on ranger as both poision shot and splitblade are super visual.  Even winter's bite is visual with a frost trail behind it--the only ones that are not are shortbow 4 and 5 (even 3 is as they leap backward).

Even something like Druid staff you have visual indicators on literally every skill: the auto has a giant beam, the two is swirling ball/wisp, 3 the ranger turns into a flying ball, 4 huge vines, and 5 a literal wall on the ground.  

For others we have dragon hunter's true shot that has long visual animation and stuff like virtuoso burst that is literally flying purple daggers coming at you.  

So that's why I think telling someone to listen for DE audio cues isn't all that helpful because the big thing you want to dodge has a large laser pointed at you, and the rest of it revolves around predicting when they go in and out of stealth.  If they're sitting there autoing or skirm shotting while standing or kneeling you don't need to listen, just move or you are going to die.  

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