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How does Warrior do soloing Open World content like champions?


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I've been struggling for a week to decide what class to play, and through it all i think one of my favorite weapon set ups was axe/axe on warrior, I'm also really fond of the high base HP with heavy armor for high effective HP. 

I am somewhat worried about their ability to self sustain? It's between Warrior (Spec undecided), Dragonhunter, and some form of Necro right now.
The reason warriors still in the running is because i reaaaally dislike reflect mechanics and DH and Necro would be much more heavily affected by those, i know i could Necro - Reaper for melee, but it doesn't feel as satisfying as Warriors Axe/Axe

I also think Warrior would be a better way to "learn to play" ? since they seem more reliant on getting things like Dodging right which I'm currently pretty bad at, I'm struggling to read attack prompts from monsters compared to WoW and FFXIV especially when the area is crowded.

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1 hour ago, Squishy.6139 said:

I am somewhat worried about their ability to self sustain?

The whole sPvP forum is worried about warrior self sustain right now. Which is basically as good as telling you that you shouldn't be worried about warrior's self sustain in PvE.

Axe/Axe isn't going to be the best way for you to find this missing survivability. It can provide you decent might gen and thus sustain if you trait for this, though.

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Defense traitline pretty much makes you immortal if you can hit your burst. It's like, constant healing over time which never goes away as long as you keep doing Warrior things. 

You also have defensive kits like Shield, Greatsword 3 and CC skills from Hammer or Mace. And if you really need to pull out the big guns, you have Rampage to fallback on which, if needed, allows you to escape the Champions. 

And if you're looking at specs, Spellbreaker makes you even harder to kill with Full Counter. And as a wonderful addition to being a Spellbreaker, a trait lets you lifesteal with Dagger equipped in the offhand. 

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So I'm not sure if things have changed, but I remember playing Strenght/Tactics/Discipline with Greatsword and double axes. Basically you pick the healing shouts traits from Tactics and Might Makes me Right from Strenght. Mending/Healing shout, Great Justice, Shake it Off and power and elite signets.

This way you get permanent 25 might, permanent fury and never die as long as you can dodge, all while playing full berserker gear.

You probably want to check the Defense spec and using a Hammer since those recently received some big buffs.

Edited by Telgum.6071
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Do a search on YouTube for “Lord Hizen warrior”.  There’s both a Bladesworn and Spellbreaker build that can solo just about anything.  His vids have guides and demonstrations of him soloing stuff.  

I’ve tried both builds and they’re both very solid.  Only real downside is that the Bladesworn build uses Cavalier gear and the Spellbreaker one is celestial, although there’s a berserker gear variant for the cele build if you use scrapper runes, so your mileage may vary, depending on your access to gear with these stats.

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On 1/19/2023 at 12:12 PM, Squishy.6139 said:

The reason warriors still in the running is because i reaaaally dislike reflect mechanics and DH and Necro would be much more heavily affected by those, i know i could Necro - Reaper for melee, but it doesn't feel as satisfying as Warriors Axe/Axe

These sunspears dogs are once again spreading malicious slander about the fine art of necromancy  - it's past time they faced their judgement..

Scourges laugh at the very concept of projectile hate. Unless we count reflecting weak and generally not used staff autos.
Similar fits of low volume, sinister chuckling can be heard when someone mentiones losing a hefty chunk of dps when using ranged weapons over melee.

As for learning the game - Warrior and Necromancer are polar opposites to be sure. Warrior will teach you all about taking proper actions, necros all about creating good builds.

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14 hours ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

As for learning the game - Warrior and Necromancer are polar opposites to be sure. Warrior will teach you all about taking proper actions, necros all about creating good builds.

Warrior will force you to adapt and learn or you drop the class, Necromancer just creates bad habits. 

Arguably, Necro's latest Especs are all about discouraging bad habits due to Shroud no longer protecting health. 

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2 minutes ago, Yasai.3549 said:

Warrior will force you to adapt and learn or you drop the class, Necromancer just creates bad habits. 

Arguably, Necro's latest Especs are all about discouraging bad habits due to Shroud no longer protecting health. 

By same logic i could say playing a warrior teaches you to be a monkey, because it's all about dodging and pressing god mode defenses at the right time, while running around in zeker gear and little else.

Meanwhile playing a necromancer forced me to learn all about the less flashy but crucial game systems.
Like attributes, boons, conditions, and what my skills and traits really do and how they interact with eachother.
Each topic sounding simple, but in reality having much greater depth. Things playing a zerk warrior would not teach me.

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On 1/23/2023 at 2:03 PM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Things I learned playing Necro with a new born asleep on one arm.

  • Summon minions
  • Roll 2-5, press F1 every so often
  • Press F

Joking/not joking. I actually did do that when my now almost 5 yo was a newborn 🤣. I needed something easier to play than my warrior at that time.

Things I learned playing warrior:

dodge roll, dodge roll, shield stance, dodge roll, do damage, dodge roll.
I may have missed a dodge roll in there somewhere..

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I only crush everything with the warrior's axes that seem to have no edge and hit with the handle, they need many improvements, to only be oriented to do damage they lack this much more being melee and even so I have completed things that some only dream of or seen on youtube with broken builds.
I also crushed several jokos along the way.

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11 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Necro lines are some of the better ones. *Glares at Arms*

Actually you should be looking at other traitlines. Arms is pretty close to "necro good" (except dual wielding ofc).

Necro traitlines are so good because they don't try to monopolize one aspect of gameplay and ingore all else. Pick any necro line and you will find something that gives sustain, something good for power builds and also something good for condi ones.
Which means you get a lot of build variety, since the same goal can be achieved in myriad of ways.

Arms is close to that design - there's impactful goodies for power builds and condi builds and some good agnostic stuff (unsuspecting foe). My personal big offenders for warrior are Discipline (arm twisting must-have), Tactics (not easy quickness, underwhelming healing) and defense (kinda monopolizes said defense). Not to mention there's only one line for conditions (arms) while all else is power or utility + power.

Edited by ZeftheWicked.3076
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2 hours ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

Actually you should be looking at other traitlines. Arms is pretty close to "necro good" (except dual wielding ofc).

Necro traitlines are so good because they don't try to monopolize one aspect of gameplay and ingore all else. Pick any necro line and you will find something that gives sustain, something good for power builds and also something good for condi ones.
Which means you get a lot of build variety, since the same goal can be achieved in myriad of ways.

Arms is close to that design - there's impactful goodies for power builds and condi builds and some good agnostic stuff (unsuspecting foe). My personal big offenders for warrior are Discipline (arm twisting must-have), Tactics (not easy quickness, underwhelming healing) and defense (kinda monopolizes said defense). Not to mention there's only one line for conditions (arms) while all else is power or utility + power.

Arms isn't though?

The big problems with Arms are:

  • Wounding Precision is just a passive stat boost, it doesn't add any new gameplay
  • Signet Mastery is hampered by the Signer of Ferocity stacks clearing when you mount
  • Opportunist is weak and sees zero use ever
  • Unsuspecting Foe is great in PvE, especially after the last change, but for PvP/WvW that window relies on your opponent being bad
  • Blademaster like Wounding Precision is just a passive stat boost. It does nothing to change the way you play like the other weapon traits
  • Burst Precision is okay and gets used but that is more from it being the only viable power option in the tier. It really should give a lingering effect based on adrenaline spent
  • Dual Wielding is a waste of space since it does not stack with quickness, which warrior has an abundance of

The two traits that I would say are fine as is, are Sundering Bursts and Furious. Othewise, the traitline almost entirely needs work.

Tactics needs the CD on Marching Orders removed, and the CD on Soldier's Comfort set directly as 5s, and Martial Cadence set to 10s directly. Phalanx Strength needs to be merged into Mending Might and Mending Might's healing changed to heal allies you grant might to. Then Martial Cadence and Vigorous Shouts need to be placed in separate tiers.

Discipline needs Crack Shot's effects to be made baseline and then removed. Vengeful Return needs to be removed. Fast Hand's effects need to be made baseline and the trait changed to grant 1s of quickness on weapon swap. Heightened Focus needs to be removed. The must have trait is made baseline, and there would then be three new slots for actually useful traits.

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As an experience warrior open world PVE I am alright but not superior. Guardian would be a better class to be honest as they have more "I WIN" buttons to spam. However if you want to play a Warrior more power to you there is a guild for Open World Warrior at this link below:



However that's for Open World. If you want to do raiding eventually and get ascended gear you may want to build another way first depending on how much gold you got. Snowcrows.com has builds for Warriors don't forget to look under the viable tab as well as it has some older less expensive but still effective builds. 

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