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So, can we finally get rid of transmutation charges?


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The claim that it is scummy to ask a player, new or otherwise, to spend money on the game they are playing is hilarious. I wonder if those making that claim tell their employer to not bother paying them because it would be scummy to charge for one's work.

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On 2/14/2023 at 8:09 PM, vares.8457 said:

No. That would take away one advantage of legendary gear. 
And it is super easy to get more than enough transmutation charges, just play the game and you’ll get more than you can spend. 

If it's so super easy and you'll get more than you can spend, why you care anyway?

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I like the transmutation charges as they are personally. Something about the whole commitment process of making sure all your armor pieces are just the way you want them is satisfying, and they're not all that hard to get. 

GW2 Fashion Wars is a large part of endgame, I'd imagine there's a number of little benefits (including revenue) that would have Anet prefer to keep the system as is.

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4 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

And the use of that sarcasm had some role, which was... what exactly? From my understanding, it's exactly what I wrote in the last post, but I sure might have missed something.

Was the post on the previous page somehow unclear?

Make no mistake, you're not required to respond to anything you don't want -except suddeny taking this turn into sarcastic post you made on this page looked weird and disconnected from what was being said in this thread in general. Again, if that post was meant to say anything more than "people just disagree with me because they don't want any change! And I'm such a monster because I want a change, poor me!" then please expalin, because apparently it went right over my head.

Let me make it easy for you.

Transmutation shards are there to inconvenience you as a player.  That is their purpose.  We can't agrue that because it's literally there to force you to grind them out or pay money to skip the grind.

So that being said why are they still in the game if the player's will at lengths tell you not to buy them with gems?

I feel like as a player I am being punished for wanting autonomy on something so simple as changing my gears appearance.

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5 minutes ago, PMoneyMobileRobot.4630 said:

Let me make it easy for you.

Transmutation shards are there to inconvenience you as a player.  That is their purpose.  We can't agrue that because it's literally there to force you to grind them out or pay money to skip the grind.

So that being said why are they still in the game if the player's will at lengths tell you not to buy them with gems?

I feel like as a player I am being punished for wanting autonomy on something so simple as changing my gears appearance.

Why is level 80 boost still in gemstore even though you're probably as sure about players not buying it as you're about players not buying charges (despite having literally no data on it at all)? It doesn't matter what you think about it, it matters what anet sees on their end. Why I'm ok with it? I already told you and you're still refusing to address it to apaprently re-ask the same question. It's because I'm ok with them and how they can be earned through gameplay. It's in the post I've linked in the one you just quoted:

Stop pretending I somehow "need it to be made easier for me" and instead address the answers you already received. Or don't, but at least stop re-asking the question I already answered.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Why is level 80 boost still in gemstore even though you're probably as sure about players not buying it as you're about players not buying charges (despite having literally no data on it at all)? It doesn't matter what you think about it, it matters what anet sees on their end. Why I'm ok with it? I already told you and you're still refusing to address it to apaprently re-ask the same question. It's because I'm ok with them and how they can be earned through gameplay. It's in the post I've lined in the one you just quoted:

Stop pretending I somehow "need it to be made easier for me" and instead address the answers you already received. Or don't, but at least stop re-asking the question I already answered.

Awnser the question.

Edited by PMoneyMobileRobot.4630
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1 minute ago, PMoneyMobileRobot.4630 said:

Awnser the question.

I did and linked the relevant post multiple times already. Answer to that post now, ty.

e: actually I also repeated the answer in the post you've just quoted. Not sure why you're refusing to address anything there.

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Transmutation charges exist to make money for the company. Everything in the game that can be purchased is something that someone would (ideally) desire to have and so that someone is locked out of without spending money.

Personally I like how TC work now. It is a purely optional cosmetic item that exists to help fund the game but a player can bypass it by playing the game. This allows people with more money than time to subsidize those who are financially less able (or inclined) to spend money but who have potentially more free time. 

Removing things that someone might want to buy from the gemstore, giving them out freely or spending development time changing the game so that they serve no purpose, would mean necessitating raising prices, dramaticqlly, elsewhere. Since all that would be left to financially support the game after removing things that people might want from the gemstore would be expacs the game would become less accessible to those with more time thwn money and so there would also be less for people with more money than time to buy.

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5 minutes ago, PMoneyMobileRobot.4630 said:

What are they there for then?

Changing an items skin.

You what's easier?  Not needing a shard.

Exactly.  They are for changing an item's skin.  If you find that inconvenient, then that's on you.  Unless you can show me where Anet specifically says that the purpose of them is to inconvenience their players.

These charges are quite easily obtained without grinding.  Or, you could simply toss some real cash at Anet (you know, to help support the game since it's pretty much F2P?) and get them that way.  Not sure how that is inconvenient.

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Just now, kharmin.7683 said:

Exactly.  They are for changing an item's skin.  If you find that inconvenient, then that's on you.  Unless you can show me where Anet specifically says that the purpose of them is to inconvenience their players.

These charges are quite easily obtained without grinding.  Or, you could simply toss some real cash at Anet (you know, to help support the game since it's pretty much F2P?) and get them that way.  Not sure how that is inconvenient.

They do inconvenience you though.  You have to do other things to earn them.  Even if you don't see it you're still earning them to use them for that purpose.  Imagine if it was just in game money.  What would be the harm in that?

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Just now, PMoneyMobileRobot.4630 said:

They do inconvenience you though.  You have to do other things to earn them.  Even if you don't see it you're still earning them to use them for that purpose.  Imagine if it was just in game money.  What would be the harm in that?

The same way gold and other rewards "inconvenience you" because you need to get them through gameplay?

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19 minutes ago, PMoneyMobileRobot.4630 said:

Transmutation shards are there to inconvenience you as a player.

Sure, but that's kind of why it works the way it is.

People want transmutation charges because there's a whole catalog of armor pieces they have access to at any time. Because people want them, itemizing them makes them an easy way to sink event currency out of the game and motivate people to dabble in pvp and wvw, in addition to them being monetizable (though they are otherwise so easy to get buying them with gems is more an instant gratification thing than anything else.)

"It's an inconvenience" is true, but that only really becomes an issue for debate when the inconvenience interferes with you playing the game or gates content unless you pay up. Legendaries are inconvenient too, but the end result makes people chase 'em anyway, and while they're doing that they're playing the game and engaging with the community. 

I don't think this particular inconvenience requires making gear skin changes free. I'm fine going to wvw and bonking heads for a couple hours to change a set or two.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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10 minutes ago, PMoneyMobileRobot.4630 said:

They do inconvenience you though.  You have to do other things to earn them.  Even if you don't see it you're still earning them to use them for that purpose.  Imagine if it was just in game money.  What would be the harm in that?

They can be purchased with in game money. You just have to convert it first. That process takes seconds, usually less than 5.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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3 minutes ago, PMoneyMobileRobot.4630 said:

Again though a level 1 player can now use the system as changed.  They can't the way it currently is.  They have to earn a shard.

Am I getting through to you?

Level 1 player doesn't have skins to use transmutation charges on. You're making up artificial problems and keep arguing what YOU want from a made up "new player perspective". So no, you're not getting to me since this didn't change for the past page or two.

Quick reminder that as much was already pointed out here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/127727-so-can-we-finally-get-rid-of-transmutation-charges/page/11/#comment-1958139
(and I still hope you can finally address the two posts I linked above?)

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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

Level 1 player doesn't have skins to use transmutation charges on. You're making up artificial problems and keep arguing what YOU want from a made up "new player perspective". So no, you're not getting to me since this didn't change for the past page or two.

It's called in game money.  Every player has it in their bags.


Look I'm done with you guys you like this garbage the way it is I get it.  Maybe some day you will play a better game that doesn't nickle and dime something so trivial.

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1 minute ago, PMoneyMobileRobot.4630 said:

It's called in game money.  Every player has it in their bags.

And it's also earned through gamepaly, similarly to charges. The new player can't buy whatever they want for gold because they need to play to get it. Or they can gem -> gold. That's right, the same way they can do with the charges. Hence my initial response saying: The same way gold and other rewards "inconvenience you" because you need to get them through gameplay? 

(and I still hope you can finally address the two posts I linked above? I mean you seem to really have wanted those answers, but despite receiving them, they're now irrelevant? I don't get it)

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3 minutes ago, PMoneyMobileRobot.4630 said:

It's called in game money.  Every player has it in their bags.


Look I'm done with you guys you like this garbage the way it is I get it.  Maybe some day you will play a better game that doesn't nickle and dime something so trivial.

Most online games charge you more money for skins that are less customizable, and don't offer you an option to get them for free/without spending money at all though. I think we will be okay.

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I wonder which games are completely free where no one needs to pay for anything...and how do the developers feed their families?

Its always funny to see people insisting that it is somehow wrong for others to charge for the fruit of their labor....while themselves getting paid for their own.

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14 minutes ago, PMoneyMobileRobot.4630 said:

Look I'm done with you guys you like this garbage the way it is I get it.  Maybe some day you will play a better game that doesn't nickle and dime something so trivial.

Ah, yes. Lets play other mmos where skins and outfits are bound to your character and not your account. Even skins and outfits bought with real money. It's way easier that way right? Oh wait

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42 minutes ago, PMoneyMobileRobot.4630 said:

They do inconvenience you though.  You have to do other things to earn them.  Even if you don't see it you're still earning them to use them for that purpose.  Imagine if it was just in game money.  What would be the harm in that?

Other things?  Like play the game?  Heck, there are even multiple ways to obtain these so that players aren't locked into one game mode.  I've outfitted 13 level 80 characters, all with each elite and having their own skin to differentiate between them.   And I still have over 60 charges left, and that's without even grinding for them.  And I don't even play competitive modes where I understand these charges are even more plentiful.

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