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Reflecting on Anet's recent blog post, what type of content do you find engaging, what deserves more emphasis from Arenanet?

What type of game content do you engage most with/or are you most excited about to see more of?  

173 members have voted

  1. 1. What type of game content do you engage most with, or are you most excited about to see more of? (Pick two if you really can't choose one)

    • Story/living world
    • Open world meta-events/boss encounters
    • Player to player combat (WvW or PvP)
    • Instanced group content (Fractals/Raids/Dungeons/Strike missions)

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PvP could use existing  PvE assets to function , making it less costly  , such as Open World Locations for future maps and having events that transform the enemy team in PvE mobs , for a Tournament style event , every 6 hours

Essentially slightly reducing the frustration of the PvP format and works as an introductory tool



( Bats that hinder the visibility of the enemy + show in their minimap fake inc red dots + high mobility

// Werewolfs that gain more effects under the "night"

// WvW Bear Form that gets 25 might stacks and"charge the target"

//HoT Raptor Commander(Minionmaster)  (invisible till the last raptor is dead . Each get an iframe when two raptors dies) and choose where the pack should go and attack )

//Mole that creates portals and sandstorms (miss+absorve projectiles)


Edit: Then allowed this "classes " to be used in WvW , that are kinda worthless in mass PvP (werewolf, bear) , but offer utility (bat , mole) . - Breaths heavily...

Edited by Woof.8246
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12 hours ago, Cirran.1429 said:

Anything that is not PvP/WvW , Fractals, Dungeons or any forced group instanced content.

Also BIS and and FLOTM Builds are the bane of this game.

There is WAY too much of the all of the above and we can easily take a 5 to 10 year hiatus from all of it.





What does BIS and FLOTM stand for?

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Anything that focuses on new repeatable content (although i personally dont care to much about pvp). WvW needs a new map and i would love to see old instanced content get an overhaul. Zhaitan can be easily turned in a raidwing (basically a 10 man story mode with added difficulty & mechanics and the final fight needs an overhaul anyways). Mordremoth can also be a strike (story mode instance) or raid wing (map instance). mordrems luitenant, Caudacus, Lazarus, Balthazar, kralkatorrik can be easily turned into strikes. Gyala delve could be implemented into a raid aswell depending on the further progression of the map. 

Add higher difficulty levels to Dungeons & increase their rewards, some extra difficulty for Fractals aswell (more CM's maybe), same goes for DRM's. 

There's so much potential content to do when playing a horizontal progression game since everything stays (somewhat) relevant. Unfortunately Anet has thrown so much content in the bin/ or has been neglected for way to long.


I understand that GW2 is and always has been a game with limited resources that focuses on the casual gamer (and new maps and story are a big part of this) and im completely fine with this, but there are so many ways that Anet could add some extra instanced group content by recycling old map designs/combat with a relatively small amount of resources. 


PvP, WvW and instanced PvE are relatively small gamemodes, which generate a relatively small amount of income. Still they are very important for the health & marketing of the game. Even though only a small group of players in MMO's eventually become raiders/pvp/wvw'ers, it is still one of the first aspects a potential new players look into when they're deciding  wether they wants to give the game a shot. 

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On 2/25/2023 at 10:23 AM, GEGEZZ.7563 said:

i'm sorry but i can't vote, because what i enjoy these days the most isn't there in your list.


I like fishing, cooking, gathering, collecting food recipes, work on my home instance and serve food to people, and use my gold to either buy things or run quizzes to make people more knowledgeable.


I have played over 60k hours of video games, with like 20-25k of GW2. In most games combat is everywhere and i have seen enough of it. So i'm mostly playing with the other things there are ingame now that don't involve combat.



Yep many options left out (purposely?)by OP to skew answered to an intended result.

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7 hours ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:


What does BIS and FLOTM stand for?

BIS is best in slot. It stands for  the highest numbers you can get in gear. Right now, Ascended and Legendary gear are best in slot in Guild Wars 2.


FLOTM which is usually abbreviated FOTM is flavor of the month, usually referring to powerful builds/easy to use builds  that people flock to because they're powerful yet easy to use.

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After watching a  a video with Aizza as guest  , i heard a phrase that got my attention:

" if people  spread doom and gloom in various forums  , they should be listened to by the company and fix their demands"

Shouldn't the company start  fixing things like Dungeons (S1 Living Story re-modeling)  for the next expansion ?

And then try to eliminate a different demands with each expansion ? (hopefully they get the right one)

Edited by Woof.8246
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It has been pretty interesting reading your replies. Some of you mentioned that what you find most appealing to the game is not captured well enough in the options, though I recognize GW2 has a lot to offer, I still think having 4 broad categories is more helpful than a 20 option pole where I would probably still miss some niches. I think the comments is an excellent place to mention what you are most excited about if it is not well captured by the poll.

So the main take away from Anet’s February blog-post was that rather than spending 100% of their dev effort on living world/story patches they want to distribute their efforts a bit more allowing to also work on content that hasn’t seen much focused in the past years. Though I am well aware about all the negativity around the latest patch, in particular the story content it brings, I actually think a broader scope approach is probably healthy for the game.

First I think a reality check/expectation management would be good. Occasionally I see some of the more vocal critics on the game being angry about dev effort being spend on parts on the game that don’t interest them. I think people should be free to voice their opinion, but I think it is not very realistic to expect Anet to only spend time on things they like, but rather try cater to a broader audience. I get that a lot of this critique comes from a passion for the game, but, in the end it is up to Anet to decide what kind of game they want to make.

Interestingly, guild wars 2 players seem to love the game, but have been super critical about patches and expansions as long as I remember. Anet is a relatively small studio in the mmo scene (the total number of employees is about 8.5% of that of blizzard), yet people seem to expect or even demand a constant flow of big content patches, this is just not very realistic. Instead, it makes sense for Anet to look into how they can deliver the most value for their players within the limits of what their team can deliver.

Story and lore is important to set the tone and atmosphere in the game and to pique the interest of the players, but considering that even if they would triple their efforts on the story, the diehard gw2 fans would still easily finish it day one of the patch, I don’t think it makes sense to spend the vast majority of the development efforts there. I am pretty sure people would still complain about there not being enough story to play through even if they would increase it 10 fold. I’d rather see Anet writing a longer interesting story arc for an expansion release and potentially add some lighter “side story” content with following patches exploring the lore and deepening out some of the characters. They could even pull some small side stories that are hidden deep in the achievements panel and give them their own tab such that they are easier to find and keep track of.

Good end-game content is something that can both get new players excited about the game as well keep long time players entertained in between expansions. I think it makes a lot of sense to develop maps with interesting meta-events or world bosses, as this keeps maps relevant for a long time. You can still find people playing world bosses that have been in the game for 10 years on a daily basis. I also think it is a smart move to introduce a new fractal. Even though we haven’t seen a new fractal for 2.5 years, many people still play them on a weekly or even daily basis. I think “Guild wars 2 is adding a new fractal dungeon” is a lot more marketable and generates a lot more hype than “we are adding an hour more story to the game”. It doesn’t make so much sense to create a popular game mode people are excited about and then ignore it for years, the same would count for raids (almost 4 years since the last raid) or player vs player modes. They don’t need to be the main focus of the studio, but it doesn’t make sense to completely ignore and forget about the content either (just such that the entire team can work on living world episodes).

I can see how much just the restructuring of the WvW reward system has already done for the game mode. With that in mind I am curious what is still to come, what they will do in other game modes. I am in general not sad to hear that Anet wants to shift some of the focus away from living world type content and bring some more focus on other parts of the game. Sure I understand that if you play guild wars 2 only to play through as much story as possible that sucks, but GW2 does not need to be your only game. I think that mainly focusing on story content wouldn’t be a smart strategy for Anet as they will never be able to pump out enough story focused content to keep the player base engaged with the game. This is something regular updates or additions to end-game/repeatable content such as world bosses, instanced content or new WvW/PvP features can deliver on. As far as I can see from the pole, it is something a lot of people on the forums are interested in.

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