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Difference of language boards

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I've recently made a thread in one of the other three language boards and was a little irritated to say the least. So I have taken a look at all of them and compared the features:

DE - German
- can add pictures from URLs in all of their posts

FR - French & ES - Spanish
- can add pictures from URLs in all of their posts
- the + Create button at the top of the page has 3 options: Topic, Event, Dowload Files (which means uploading from your hard-drive)
- they have a badge-system (the standard Invision Community system)
- store feature (?)

Looking at those fancy features, the English board looks like a downgraded dummy board. We are obviously less liked than the Twitter and Reddit community. But this is a new level of disdain. We are basically lowest priority.

Any thoughts or opinions before the moderators do the inevitable?

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I never paid attention to the other language boards, so your finding baffles me. Usually when people complain that this forum is on the standard of the early 2000s, the answer is, well it's just not possible with the software used. But as it seems, that's not the case and ANet just doesn't care for its "OFFICIAL FORUMS". Nothing new but still kinda sad.

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It's definitely possible for Invision (the current forum software) to allow embedded images. We actually had it for a very short time after the forum was moved over to this software, then it was disabled for some reason. But there's still traces of it, if you look at your profile there's an entire tab for images you've uploaded, there's just no way to upload them.

There's also a section for achievements and there used to be an option to give yourself a custom 'title' under your username.

I assume the different language forums have different admins and it's up to them to decide which features they enable and which get turned off. Maybe because the other language forums are less active their admins don't think it would be a problem to monitor images and other stuff in addition to posts, or maybe it's just a difference of opinion about how useful or interesting they are.

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27 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

But there's still traces of it, if you look at your profile there's an entire tab for images you've uploaded, there's just no way to upload them.

Pretty sure this is a fairly recent addition that came with one of the latest forum updates.
(and recently I've seen someone with youtube video embedded directly in their signature, which took about 10 x more space than the rest of their 1-2 sentence post, so maybe that was also connected to that update)


Why x has it enabled, but english does not? Who knows, plenty of potential reasons, like:
-those forum versions have lower activity, so they want to test a potential addition where it's easier to reliably moderate before they add it here,
-similar to the above, but instead of "testing", it's intentionally left on the forum versions with lower activity because it's easier to consistently moderate unwanted images,
-english forum is managed/moderated more often than the other ones, so... it was missed there 😄  

Whichever reason it is, tbh I don't care about those particular features. Last time we had pictures embeddable in the posts, there were users posting walls of memes and irrelevant pseudo-artistic motivational quotes. Couldn't care less about those 🤷‍♂️

Edited by Sobx.1758
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