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World Linking 3/31/2023

Cal Cohen.2358

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2 hours ago, Leaa.2943 said:

I think you guys need to be more clear about if you talk about NA or EU.

Referring to the NA peeps, can't speak for EU since you guys also have language barriers/uneven amount of tiers/larger pop in general and such to worry about. Not gonna act like I know what goes on across the ocean cause I don't

I do know what is happening in NA, though, and tier 4 has been surprisingly healthy for fights, especially during NA. Don't have to worry about all the drama that seems to perpetually happen in Tier 1, and there is no fear of dropping to anything lower.

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2 hours ago, subversiontwo.7501 said:

No one said anything about algorithms.

Needed to be mentioned since people think Anet devs just merge servers based off vibes.


2 hours ago, subversiontwo.7501 said:

When Relinks were launched they said it was a short term, temporary fix. It is literally right there in the announcement.

Stopped reading here because you are arguing something completely different. Guess there is a reason I stayed off official forums

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8 hours ago, Kain.9136 said:

I actually like playing with HoD so I'm happy with this. 💖

Thanks! I can't really speak for all of HoD but my guild rather enjoyed being linked with CD too (once we all blocked the Teamchat spammers, and since we're linked up again, no need to worry about blocking a whole new slew of players lol).

However, I am less enthusiastic about being matched up with Mag & TC again (which oddly enough is how we started off the first week of our previous linking). Blob v Blob v our groups of 15-20.

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55 minutes ago, Heibi.4251 said:

Another issue is tier consistency. HOD/CD were 2nd place in Tier 4. After "re-links" ANET sees fit to throw us in Tier 1. How the heck does that even make sense?

It doesn't make sense, which makes it completely consistent with pretty much everything else Anet does regarding WvW.

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Imbalanced linking is mostly a player created problem.  The metrics are based off of activity and not activity per time zone.  Reason being is off hour guilds have stacked on a few servers (and much of the players into very few guilds).

as soon as relinks happen, some pairings start dropping/raising into their appropriate spot in the first couple weeks.  Then the typical guilds who move every relink make their moves and imbalance the matchups all over.  It used to be to stay with a specific host, but lately its more about finding the tier with the easiest bags.  On top of that, you have certain servers who drive guilds away when they get linked.  Reasons for guilds running away: Culture, Off-hour coverage, or too high a ratio of PPT players.


As for the Hosts that never leave t4, they are where they belong. Its either the coverage you have, or too many players feeding warscore to opponents without the PPT to cover for it.  If almost all your server play hours are in NA, and you fail to secure enough skirmish wins in primetime, why should you move up.  In the good ol days, the fight guilds would PPT when necessary when they felt they wanted a change of scenery.  Maguuma would constantly push into tier 2 back then without the population to sustain it.  Once the fight guilds stopped helping, they would fall right back to t3/t4. 

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8 hours ago, Galaxiaspace.7895 said:

Interesting how people keep baby raging about this relink system after 7 years of existence

Might want to be careful there as a number of people did not ask for the linking system in the first place as it was a 'let's deal with tough items later' item.

First off, I didn't agree or disagree with the links but did find it interesting this was the first time I saw my server linked with the same server in a sequence. I am good with it we seem to work well together, so say oh hai to them again. I may not agree with some posts, but its their opinions and would and don't have information on how links work since its at best vague from ANet since they miss the opportunity to share the details. That's on them and how they decide to PR issues. That said.

oh hai welcome to the forums! I have enjoyed the link system to meet up with people I get to play against but I wouldn't take that as a standard across everyone's experience. When ANet misses dates without info and then appears to be slack, though it might have been complex without details, they miss PR options and leave players in a non-positive state. 

So before you try and stir up drama by attacking forum posters, you might want to provide counter points if you want to make a better point. 2 cents.

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Do you "Arenanet Staff" not play this game?  Do you know how frustrating this is to get the same link over again while other servers get a swap?  How is this done, a vote between the anet staff, a roll of the dice, what is this crap?   This game is so broken in so many places.  I am AR with TC

Edited by Challenges.3168
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7 hours ago, Ronin.4501 said:

Thanks! I can't really speak for all of HoD but my guild rather enjoyed being linked with CD too (once we all blocked the Teamchat spammers, and since we're linked up again, no need to worry about blocking a whole new slew of players lol).

However, I am less enthusiastic about being matched up with Mag & TC again (which oddly enough is how we started off the first week of our previous linking). Blob v Blob v our groups of 15-20.

I like HoD so much I even thought about transferring. I notice some people (When I pay attention to main tab chat) they're kinda mean to you guys but I think you're all friendly lol.

I'm not sure how we ended up in T1. It's so unfair because when the game got up again Mag and TC made a B-line straight to our keep right out the gate and it was pretty much them two fighting for OUR keep. It was kinda funny but very sad at the same time. 😕

Edited by Kain.9136
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On SBI and I like being paired with Ebay; we seem to work well together.  Just wish we weren't in T4.  Not sure how, during last relinks, we moved UP to T1 and then fell all the way to T4 after that.  I may be weird but I liked facing Mag; don't really understand why people complain about them, there were constant fights.  I'd trade with you all HoD/CD folks.

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16 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

The only thing competitive about wvw is the system it was built on, scoring

WWW is a large-scale PvP mode, which allows a considerable number of players to interact with each other, in a lot of different ways. It was literally thought and designed to be competitive. Everything within it is competition. Real player vs real player. in the most varied forms up to its current map limit 70vs70vs70. or at least a number very close to this.

I am also convinced that those who created it and launched it live, were absolutely aware that constant monitoring and development would be necessary. Because communities would be formed, because players would dig everything into this mode, so the need to develop, modify and refine the mode itself. Like the presence of a referee who has the task of keeping the competition at a high level and guaranteed for everyone equally.

Don't make fun of me when you write about time zones or impossible balance, because we both know that no one has looked for them. What is needed is to make the flows (K+D players and their playing time) as similar as possible. Give access to competition and fun to all servers in the most similar way possible.

completely ignoring the very concept of alliances that render the server environment meaningless. And this would be enough to realize that this choice brings with it a series of big inevitable problems.

but only by using a little intellect. How can you think of taking care of and constantly improving this game mode, practically choosing to redo it from scratch. How can you think it's the only choice to deal with.

With a bit of reason, you should take little time to realize that this mode must and can be improved , gradually, small steps after small steps. There is no other way. because the player will continue to dig the environment you propose. to the point of abyssing anything. So you will still have to monitor , observe and choose which step you will have to give to this mode.

Because the task of the referee will always be the same, to guarantee an increasingly credible competitive environment. The passing of time should bring this mode more and more towards perfection and not the other way around.

This community and this forum has really suggested many small steps, necessary, that will lead you to improve more and more this PVP environment. So many ways to make Anet's work easier, small changes after small changes. But as I mentioned above it seems that what is lacking is the will to do.

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Alliances are not needed, making the revolution within this mode 1 time every 10 years, will get you nowhere. If the goal is to see this community of players grow, and see them participate more actively, then we must consider constant development. Many small development works not too demanding for the guys of Anet. And I'm not talking about developing classes rather than how you earn gold or tickets. I'm talking about servers, I'm talking about the competitive environment that WWW offers to all servers, I'm talking about involving and transporting players and communities of this mode, so as to give credit to players who win a weekly game, a season a tournament, I'm talking about giving fun to everyone, and that everyone is considered and treated equally.

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30 minutes ago, Crazy.6029 said:

This company has demoralized its own player base. WvW is dead most of the time. GG. 

They DO NOT CARE for WvW. Plain and simple. This is all it is, and it will never get any better.

We both know that this is not true. The very fact that I have been reading on this forum for 10 years that he is dead is the demonstration that it is not true. Especially when you end up in the right game and go online and find 4 maps in the queue, still 10 years later.

I bought all the Anet expansions, from GW to GW2. I haven't missed any, because I'm an enthusiast, and because Anet has made a really good product. Suffice it to say that a company like Amazon, practically with illumitata economic availability, has not even managed to get close to this product. The point is that players who participate in this mode see the potential it would have to offer.

As they see a series of small problems to solve , to make their favorite mode even more beautiful.

So they go to the forum and bring all their proposals, initiatives, report bugs after they launch an update and so on. I have also written it several times and that I have tried in many different ways, to bring the guys of Anet in this section of the forum. Because just seeing them participate in our discussions would be very useful.

If the player and the developer could talk informally to exchange information it would only be wonderful. If I have an idea of what the development is doing or what direction it has chosen and why, everything becomes much easier. Leaving the community in a sort of indefinite oxen does not help at all.

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Come to think of it, I wouldn't even want to know from Anet when it predicts the next beta , but rather if while carrying out this colossal project, it wants to consider trying a series of small changes , to understand how this mode would respond. And perhaps discover that alliances and WRs may not be useful.

Have you considered solving the problem of servers in the EU? What are your fears or difficulties? Have you considered putting transfers under control? What are your fears or difficulties? Have you ever considered reducing the limit that makes a server full?  ( because filling 27 buckets with less water leads you to fill them all 27 with the same amount of water ) what are your fears or your difficulties? Have you considered offering new maps in this mode? What are your fears in doing so or your difficulties? Have you ever thought about making WWW a great seasonal competition so you'll have the chance to redo the servers from scratch every year? What are your concerns about this? Have you ever considered adding weekly events that affect the score of the weekly match, and even if you considered overhauling the scoring system (War Points and Victory Points) to make it a bit eventful? Would it be a mess to deal with?

and much more. but better stop there.😉


Edited by Mabi black.1824
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3 hours ago, Johje Holan.4607 said:

  I may be weird but I liked facing Mag


Yes that is weird.


3 hours ago, Johje Holan.4607 said:

  I may be weird but I liked facing Mag; don't really understand why people complain about them


Almost no one likes fighting heavily outnumbered the entire day. The difference is so big that most guilds don't even try. Why defend a structure and risk placing second and having another week of unfair fight? Better to don't defend anything and let mag paper all the keeps to guarantee placing 3rd. Since there is no reward for winning and a big reward for losing (leaving T3). You have the 2 sides that were outnumbered competing to see who make less points, hence creating a snowball effect. I have seen several times people calling in map chat to  don't defend keeps and let it flip.


The harder you lose, the better the chances of going T2 ->  lots of people try to lose or don't even play that week -> the match gets even more unbalance -> more people try to loose ->loop 


Edited by Edu.6984
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4 hours ago, Johje Holan.4607 said:

On SBI and I like being paired with Ebay; we seem to work well together.  Just wish we weren't in T4.  Not sure how, during last relinks, we moved UP to T1 and then fell all the way to T4 after that.  I may be weird but I liked facing Mag; don't really understand why people complain about them, there were constant fights.  I'd trade with you all HoD/CD folks.

No, you aren't weird and I agree wholeheartedly. Was a nice challenge when the numbers are similar-ish. I learned a lot about how to play better.


Mag is a great example of everything wrong with the matchmaking tho. And how it's 100% player-created. Getting to pick which team you on means people pick the winning team given the option. I'm thankful ANet is at least profiting off the suckers who choose to do that.


This is why they at least want to do alliances. Because it removes some of the ability for players to pick the winning side.


But sure, go ahead and keep bandwagoning to the winners. Keeping giving ANet a financial incentive to change nothing. Keep complaining about ANet not fixing a 100% player-made problem. They will laugh at these complaints all the way to the bank!

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4 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

WWW is a large-scale PvP mode, which allows a considerable number of players to interact with each other, in a lot of different ways. It was literally thought and designed to be competitive. Everything within it is competition. Real player vs real player. in the most varied forms up to its current map limit 70vs70vs70. or at least a number very close to this.

It is a large scale PvP mode, and is still often fun, even the drama, but it was never competitive in the sense of "the best team wins a match". Because of at least two reasons:

1. It is not a "team aginst team" mode, but a three-way "team-against-team-against-team"

2. The player numbers of the teams are not the same during the match.


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