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A Question about the Main Story Content (without spoilers)

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Hi All,

i have a quick question about the story content in GW2.

Basically i need to know if in the Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire, the Dragons expansions and the living world content has that end of chapter instance that takes

a long time to complete. for example that tower near the end of season 1 living world where you have to complete it to move the story forward.   i think they might be strike missions? (but you dont join a group but can see other players doing the content too) or something similar.


I currently have a new born, and in my down time i don't have 2-3 hours to complete this content, going halfway through and logging out doesn't help either as it resets your progress. i really want GW2 to part of my down time when i get it but i can't commit to long stints of content that will reset if i log out and lose progress. As a vision impaired player too things naturally take me longer.


thanks for your time and have a good day


Edited by kopite.1679
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Not really like the tower or Battle For Lion's Arch in season 1. But there are some longer story missions and the difficulty gets harder in expansions. The longest shouldn't take more than half an hour though. 

There is a kind of a strike mission you need to complete in LS5 and it's suppose to be done in group. But otherwise everything else in the story is made for solo. 

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The biggest problem, I think, would be the HoT boss fight - especially hard mode for the "migraine" achievement - which is essentially 3 consecutive boss battles. It wouldn't be hard for experienced players, but it has mechanics you need to learn (or the fight resets), and the instance is known to consistently bug or crash for certain people (but not for others), forcing a reset. It's one of the only fights in the game where if you die, the boss resets.


I don't generally need to log out during story missions, so I can't tell you how great the saving feature is, but I have had a few long-running instances that reset when I went out-of-boundary or logged out (mostly living world, S4 ep 3 was a shocker).

Edited by Westenev.5289
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Thanks for the replies,

sounds like i should be able to do about 85% of the content without too much issue with timing when i have to log off at the drop of a hat to tend to the little one without having to worry to much about losing progress from instance resets.

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I think you're currently facing the longest contents added in a single instance: the tower of nightmare and the battle for Lion's Arch, both in LW1. Like the others said, there are still long instances, like Heart & Mind, in HoT, however due to the power creep and "cheese" Anet added (like the shield to avoid the updraft), the fight is much much shorter than in the past. And there are now checkpoints. The Departing (in PoF) was also a long instance, often bugged, but they added checkpoints later on. So yes, the problem is only in story instances with other players, and luckily this is something that happens only in LW1 (so far).

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16 hours ago, Urud.4925 said:

I think you're currently facing the longest contents added in a single instance: the tower of nightmare and the battle for Lion's Arch, both in LW1. Like the others said, there are still long instances, like Heart & Mind, in HoT, however due to the power creep and "cheese" Anet added (like the shield to avoid the updraft), the fight is much much shorter than in the past. And there are now checkpoints. The Departing (in PoF) was also a long instance, often bugged, but they added checkpoints later on. So yes, the problem is only in story instances with other players, and luckily this is something that happens only in LW1 (so far).

thanks for your input.

luckily i complete LW S1 pre baby (pre searing: :P)  i'll look to avoid it on my other characters, otherwise the rest of the stuff seems reasonable based on everyone's comments

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As a single parent I know where you’re coming from. If you’re in Europe and need a bit of firepower to get through anything quicker and I’m online give me a shout.

On 4/2/2023 at 12:28 AM, kopite.1679 said:

Hi All,

i have a quick question about the story content in GW2.

Basically i need to know if in the Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire, the Dragons expansions and the living world content has that end of chapter instance that takes

a long time to complete. for example that tower near the end of season 1 living world where you have to complete it to move the story forward.   i think they might be strike missions? (but you dont join a group but can see other players doing the content too) or something similar.


I currently have a new born, and in my down time i don't have 2-3 hours to complete this content, going halfway through and logging out doesn't help either as it resets your progress. i really want GW2 to part of my down time when i get it but i can't commit to long stints of content that will reset if i log out and lose progress. As a vision impaired player too things naturally take me longer.


thanks for your time and have a good day



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On 4/1/2023 at 6:28 PM, kopite.1679 said:

Hi All,

i have a quick question about the story content in GW2.

Basically i need to know if in the Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire, the Dragons expansions and the living world content has that end of chapter instance that takes

a long time to complete. for example that tower near the end of season 1 living world where you have to complete it to move the story forward.   i think they might be strike missions? (but you dont join a group but can see other players doing the content too) or something similar.


I currently have a new born, and in my down time i don't have 2-3 hours to complete this content, going halfway through and logging out doesn't help either as it resets your progress. i really want GW2 to part of my down time when i get it but i can't commit to long stints of content that will reset if i log out and lose progress. As a vision impaired player too things naturally take me longer.


thanks for your time and have a good day


I believe you don't get kicked from story missions no matter how long you stay logged in, so just don't close the game. Even if it would kick you I believe just setting an ability to autocast or autorunning into a wall still keeps you from getting disconnected.


To make everything go faster and smoother, you should always play with another player.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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