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Hero Points are outdated

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34 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:


What relevance does it have here?

That's the kind of reply I expected. Core specs aren't really wanted for those activities, they might be "allowed" by some groups, but who wants core specs when they can have eSpecs in their groups?

Edited by entrailsgalore.4150
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3 minutes ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

That's the kind of reply I expected. Core specs aren't really wanted for those activities, they might be "allowed" by some groups, but who wants core specs when they can have eSpecs in their groups?

But the complaint about core especs was about being somehow unable to get hero points -or just play?- in new zones with them, which is false. Just because people would like to play in some content with especs instead of core specs changes literally nothing about that false claim.

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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

But the complaint about core especs was about being somehow unable to get hero points -or just play?- in new zones with them, which is false. Just because people would like to play in some content with especs instead of core specs changes literally nothing about that false claim.

But the expectation is that everyone eventually get on an eSpec right? So even a player who buys the expansions, has access to "all" content, but doesn't want to grind Hero Points for XYZ reason, they won't get the same amount of group invites to XYZ content as an eSpec would right?

So to say "Nah man you'll be perfectly fine with just a core spec, you don't need an eSpec to experience the game the same" is disingenuous.

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8 minutes ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

But the expectation is that everyone eventually get on an eSpec right? So even a player who buys the expansions, has access to "all" content, but doesn't want to grind Hero Points for XYZ reason, they won't get the same amount of group invites to XYZ content as an eSpec would right?

It's not a grind though? It seems you somehow try to categorize it into two extremes: either you can just skip it or it's a grind. But that's not really what it is.

Not only that, but how is this supposed to be response to what you just quoted? You can normally get hero points in expansions with core builds. "but what if I want espec" isn't responding to it in any way, if you want espec then go get it.

8 minutes ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

So to say "Nah man you'll be perfectly fine with just a core spec, you don't need an eSpec to experience the game the same" is disingenuous.

It's not, it's true (even though it's not what I said in my posts 🤨). What I see as disingenuous is someone trying to say that they can't go for hero points because it gets in the way of experiencing the game. Meanwhile getting hps is part of experiencing the game and its content.
The claim was also about not being able to kill hp bosses with half-filled templates. First of all, wrong. Secondly, if you can't get hps with half-filled templates for whatever reason then don't slot half-filled templates.

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8 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

It's not a grind though? It seems you somehow try to categorize it into two extremes: either you can just skip it or it's a grind. But that's not really what it is.

Not only that, but how is this supposed to be response to what you just quoted? You can normally get hero points in expansions with core builds. "but what if I want espec" isn't responding to it in any way, if you want espec then go get it.

It's not, it's true (even though it's not what I said in my posts 🤨). What I see as disingenuous is someone trying to say that they can't go for hero points because it gets in the way of experiencing the game. Meanwhile getting hps is part of experiencing the game and its content.
The claim was also about not being able to kill hp bosses with half-filled templates. First of all, wrong. Secondly, if you can't get hps with half-filled templates for whatever reason then don't slot half-filled templates.

Not everyone wants to experience the game that way. And is the solution to just not equip an eSpec until you have enough HP to fully unlock it?

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2 minutes ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

And is the solution to just not equip an eSpec until you have enough HP to fully unlock it?

I don't see why not. You can also slot it before you finish it, works either way, do what you want with it. Either way the claims about not being able to play content without having them fully unlocked or just on core was -and still is- false.

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4 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I don't see why not. You can also slot it before you finish it, works either way, do what you want with it. Either way the claims about not being able to play content without having them fully unlocked or just on core was -and still is- false.

So that leads me to ask, if I just play a core spec and never unlock an elite, will I get invited to all the same groups that someone with an elite spec unlocked would get invited to?

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1 minute ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

So that leads me to ask, if I just play a core spec and never unlock an elite, will I get invited to all the same groups that someone with an elite spec unlocked would get invited to?

Again, how is this relevant to anything said before? 

Secondly, do what you want with it.

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27 minutes ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

So the answer is No...which is exactly what I suspected...

No, that is not the answer. The answer was that and it was already responded to before and you can do with it whatever you want. The thing here is that you take random, clearly wrong claims and on the mention of them being false you draw on another straw to make another random claim to search for reasoning behind the goal. I've seen literal "only core specs" squads in lfg. They can play the content, you can play with them. Now, how and why exactly are you trying to move from "but completing hps is bad/need finished especs for it!" into.... "what about raid/fractal groups?!". You're just trying to reach for one irrelevant strawman after another. Focus on what you're saying and stop guessing your own points because currently that's a bit too apparent.

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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

No, that is not the answer. The answer was that and it was already responded to before and yo ucan do with it whatever you want. The thing here is that you take random, clearly wrong claims and on the mention of them being false you create draw on another straw to make another random claim to search for reasoning behind the goal. I've seen literal "only core specs" squads in lfg. They can play the content, you can play with them. Now, how and why exactly are you trying to move from "but completing hps is bad/need finished especs for it!" into.... "what about raid/fractal groups?!". You're just trying to reach for one irrelevant strawman after another. Focus on what you're saying and stop guessing your own points because currently that's a bit too apparent.

No I'm pointing out that sticking with a core spec is purposely keeping yourself at a disadvantage compared to especs. There 100% IS an advantage to using an elite spec over a core spec.  To say that core specs are not at a disadvantage is dishonest.

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5 minutes ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

No I'm pointing out that sticking with a core spec is purposely keeping yourself at a disadvantage compared to especs.

But that wasn't the point you were making, this was:



You're making -or supporting- false claims, get response to them, ignore the response and try to make another irrelevant strawman. HPs are part of experiencing the game. You can get them with core specs or incomplete especs. Content is playable with core specs. "But I want to get espec NOW!" or "but what if not every group will take me?!" don't change a single thing about that. Nothing here is somehow out of reach for new players. So what's your issue?

5 minutes ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

There 100% IS an advantage to using an elite spec over a core spec.  To say that core specs are not at a disadvantage is dishonest.

I don't know what you're attempting to respond to with this, but pretty sure this is not anything I wrote.

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23 minutes ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

No I'm pointing out that sticking with a core spec is purposely keeping yourself at a disadvantage compared to especs. There 100% IS an advantage to using an elite spec over a core spec.  To say that core specs are not at a disadvantage is dishonest.

This point of argument has zero value to the topic of this thread.

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1 hour ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

So that leads me to ask, if I just play a core spec and never unlock an elite, will I get invited to all the same groups that someone with an elite spec unlocked would get invited to?

If you don't play the game (and think spending an hour or two on getting an espec is beyond you), then yes, you will be far less likely to get invited to any content that requires actual player experience. Whether you will actually have that espec or not. because you're not the type of player those groups look for.

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31 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

If you don't play the game (and think spending an hour or two on getting an espec is beyond you), then yes, you will be far less likely to get invited to any content that requires actual player experience. Whether you will actually have that espec or not. because you're not the type of player those groups look for.

Look, man.  Posting 68 times in a single thread, there's no time left to play the game! 

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4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

If you don't play the game (and think spending an hour or two on getting an espec is beyond you), then yes, you will be far less likely to get invited to any content that requires actual player experience. Whether you will actually have that espec or not. because you're not the type of player those groups look for.

Ah so I won't get kicked or prevented from joining a high end group simply because I don't have a core spec? Thats good news!

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4 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

But that wasn't the point you were making, this was:



You're making -or supporting- false claims, get response to them, ignore the response and try to make another irrelevant strawman. HPs are part of experiencing the game. You can get them with core specs or incomplete especs. Content is playable with core specs. "But I want to get espec NOW!" or "but what if not every group will take me?!" don't change a single thing about that. Nothing here is somehow out of reach for new players. So what's your issue?

I don't know what you're attempting to respond to with this, but pretty sure this is not anything I wrote.

But I don't want to experience the game that way. "Play YOUR Way!" is literally on the GW2 website...so I want to play MY way. Not the way you tell me I should play or experience the game.

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3 minutes ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

Ah so I won't get kicked or prevented from joining a high end group simply because I don't have a core spec? Thats good news!

Ofcourse you wont get kicked because you have a elite spec equiped,  you will however be kicked from high end groups because you dont know how to play it and that have nothing to do with core or elite spec bud.

Please tell me how you do a build without any core spec btw I would love to equip 3 elite specs.

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Just now, Linken.6345 said:

Ofcourse you wont get kicked because you have a elite spec equiped,  you will however be kicked from high end groups because you dont know how to play it and that have nothing to do with core or elite spec bud.

 I meant if I only have core spec. Say I show up a core necro to a high end group, all high end groups will take a core necro?

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9 minutes ago, entrailsgalore.4150 said:

 I meant if I only have core spec. Say I show up a core necro to a high end group, all high end groups will take a core necro?

You already know that answer is negative and it have nothing to do with the thread anyway so would you stop pushing that strawman already?

You can play how you want aslong as it dont hinder anyone else from playing how they want.

So find 4-9 other like minded people and play your core specs in any content you desire.

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