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connection to login server lost ... [Merged]

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55 minutes ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

You're not crying, it is extremely frustrating! I'm sorry it's still going on, but we've got some people on the team who are focusing on just this issue right now so we can sort it out as soon as possible. 


Thank you for making it a priority.

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I dont have a issue playing the game or logging in its just the kitten spamming of that server error pop up all the time , Cant you just disable that crap?  If I cant login or stay connected then I wouldnt be playing the game !  WTF is it good for?

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For what it's worth, I deleted my %Temp%/gw2cache folder and spent about an hour playing with no "game client lost connection to login server" messages (42:1020:101:4457:101).

Why?  I figured that doing so would lessen the number of requests being made to Anet servers by the streaming client for any cruft that may exist in the cache.  The logs still contain a lot of messages about map load hangs and missing DX11 assets though.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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@Chaba.5410 could be coincidence; i have not seen it in the past hour and ive done nothing extra other than login and watch mistlock sanc.


But I am still thinking we need more cowbell Popups; it reminds me of the 90's.

Edited by vee.5609
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3 minutes ago, vee.5609 said:

@Chaba.5410 could be coincidence; i have not seen it in the past hour and ive done nothing extra other than login and watch mistlock sanc.

Indeed.  I had started with few popups to begin with rather than the spam some others are reporting.  I was hoping the pop up would appear so I can check out if there's anything in the logs.  xD

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simply just sounds like a missconfig of connections;  between retries, timeouts, routing, and throtteling. hopefully they kill the popups so folks with higher ping are still not plaged with the issues on a daily basis..


oh did i mention that people hate popups? it would be great if these went into the chat log vs hijack the UI so users cannot do a single thing ? @Rubi Bayer.8493


just to name a few:

- mail confirmation has popups; hate that!

- a single packet was dropped and made a connection fault, and it did not silently retry in the background - so here's a popup; hate that!

- queue-anything? popup; yep hate that too

- squad/lfg message dialog -> its a popup with a proper title bar- but i cannot move it around? gotta say, i hate it too but at least it is self-induced

- squad ready? hey a popup that doe s not kill my UI! well that is an improvement

- boost a toon to level 80 -> popups AND having to click 80 open-buttons and 80 accept buttons. 100% not okay.

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Can confirm deleting the %Temp%/gw2cache* folder (just type %Temp% in search bar in Win10) seems to have lowered the amount code 42, so far about 40mins in no sign of it, or maybe Anet tweaked something in the mean time.  Also tried redownloading the gw2.dat - don't recommend that option as the downloader seems borked.

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I log in, get in game, im standing there, 5 seconds later, its all over. cant mount or dismount, cant do anything, and have to close game.


Log in, repeat all above. 


Bla bla all the usual stuff, i know you'll say its client side except it's not. Went through this for 10 years with Blizzard. So let's just get past the denial on your end and face the fact that it's not the players job to re-code the game to fix it.


Lets see, more usual stuff. Everything else on the internet works fine except your game.


WoW i've typed all this so many times in my life, like a broken record. Anyways arena net, go ahead and look up my spending history. ya, its alot, and i wont be spending anything if i cant "connect the client to the log in server" anytime before the end of creation so if you want any money you're gonna want to fix that. While i'm unable to play i'll be looking for new stable MMO's to spend my money on.


Good luck on that fix.

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16 hours ago, mercury ranique.2170 said:

Please look at this FAQ: Network Connection FAQ – Guild Wars 2 Support

All errors described are connectivity issues. So something between you and the game servers is broken or not functioning correctly.

And to add a FAQ of my own:
My home internet works fine and I have no issues other games, how can it not be Arenanet's fault??

Imagine this as a network of roads. You look out of your window and everything about the road looks fine. You go to your parents. It goes well and smooth. You go to the shops for groceries and the drive there is very smooth. Then you go to your grandmom's house and the highway bridge is out. All traffic has to go around over a small country road and then over a tiny ferry that can handle 6 cars at a time. The delay is atleast 5 hours!

Now, is this the wrongdoing of your grandmom? or the organisation taking care of the bridge?

Only if the issue is with your grandmom's driveway or maybe the roads in the immediate vicinity of her home, you could blaime it on her.

Same goes here. Now how to know wether or not it is Arenanet's driveway or the immediate vicinity of their datacenter? Simple. If it was an issue there, this forum would be crawling with complaints. I'm not saying it is just you either (check again the example of the bridge being out, more people coming from your location to you grandmom's will suffer this), but the majority seems to be enjoying the game with no issues.

Now this is out of the way. It would be helpfull to tell more about the route your taking, specially your originating adress. No not your details, but something Like: British Telecom in London area of the UK.  Also it helps to contact support. Eventhough they can not help you in these situations directly, they can help you in troubleshooting and in some cases by contacting the bridge owner to complain about this from their end (which often is more impressive to them).

Really? Before the patch everything was ok and after patch somehow 90% of peoples internet settings changed? I dont think it's the issue on our end. 

Besides the only thing support suggests is restarting your PC, router and adding a firewall rule. Which is really not that helpful.

Edited by Carnifex.3275
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I've been having this bug every since I came back to the game a few weeks ago. It happens at least daily. Sometimes it'll spike for a few minutes up to an hour. I find that it happens more in the very late evening on the west coast of the US and into the early AM hours PST.

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19 hours ago, Carnifex.3275 said:

Really? Before the patch everything was ok and after patch somehow 90% of peoples internet settings changed? I dont think it's the issue on our end. 

Besides the only thing support suggests is restarting your PC, router and adding a firewall rule. Which is really not that helpful.

Actually, this was happening to me and other people I've asked in the game for a long time. Way before the patch. It just got worse after the patch. For me, after the broken patch the other day, I wasn't getting that error right away, but the TP just would not load (or the gem store, and the gem exchange was very bugged when it did load).

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On 5/3/2023 at 4:16 AM, mercury ranique.2170 said:

Please look at this FAQ: Network Connection FAQ – Guild Wars 2 Support

All errors described are connectivity issues. So something between you and the game servers is broken or not functioning correctly.

And to add a FAQ of my own:
My home internet works fine and I have no issues other games, how can it not be Arenanet's fault??

Imagine this as a network of roads. You look out of your window and everything about the road looks fine. You go to your parents. It goes well and smooth. You go to the shops for groceries and the drive there is very smooth. Then you go to your grandmom's house and the highway bridge is out. All traffic has to go around over a small country road and then over a tiny ferry that can handle 6 cars at a time. The delay is atleast 5 hours!

Now, is this the wrongdoing of your grandmom? or the organisation taking care of the bridge?

Only if the issue is with your grandmom's driveway or maybe the roads in the immediate vicinity of her home, you could blaime it on her.

Same goes here. Now how to know wether or not it is Arenanet's driveway or the immediate vicinity of their datacenter? Simple. If it was an issue there, this forum would be crawling with complaints. I'm not saying it is just you either (check again the example of the bridge being out, more people coming from your location to you grandmom's will suffer this), but the majority seems to be enjoying the game with no issues.

Now this is out of the way. It would be helpfull to tell more about the route your taking, specially your originating adress. No not your details, but something Like: British Telecom in London area of the UK.  Also it helps to contact support. Eventhough they can not help you in these situations directly, they can help you in troubleshooting and in some cases by contacting the bridge owner to complain about this from their end (which often is more impressive to them).

To be fair, based on what I've heard from people who have worked in game development, the majority of bugs and the majority of times that players notice a bug go unreported. People often assume that another person will get to it, but when most people assume that... Well, you get where I am going with this. 


I have the same network configuration and hardware, firewall settings, port forwarding, etc. as I did a year ago when I played the game, but I never used to get this issue. Nothing with my ISP has changed. While it may not be directly related to game code, it is still possible for anet to communicate with the data centre hosts to troubleshoot the issues and find a resolution (if possible). 

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Game is STILL crashing at the beginning of world bosses, just did it again, thats why i'm here of course. Standing at mark 2 golem for 20 min waiting all is fine she goes to drop the robot on the platform..................BOOM all goes dead, can't mount or use any button, have to tab out and close game for the millionth time this week. Of course all of this started with the recent updates and never happened before in 6 years.


I see from the posts above they're still gonna play that denial game with the "its client side" etc. so we'll just have to wait for the denial phase to end before a fix starts getting worked on. If its connectivity issues, how does the worlds internet know EXACTLY when bosses start in GW2, because that's when it drops EVERYTIME.


One more day of unplayability and i'll probably just bail for a year or more to a new game until the denial phases out, and then check back. Have had to do it before, all these companies are the same. And while I'm gone my money goes with me so have fun with all that.

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1 minute ago, Chaba.5410 said:

What?  ArenaNet posted that they are investigating the issue.

Yeah, I think ArenaNet is acknowledging bugs/issues more than they ever have tbh. And there are more proposals and plans to fix issues and prevent them than ever before.

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4 hours ago, Wonderra.3469 said:

Actually, this was happening to me and other people I've asked in the game for a long time. Way before the patch. It just got worse after the patch. For me, after the broken patch the other day, I wasn't getting that error right away, but the TP just would not load (or the gem store, and the gem exchange was very bugged when it did load).

True yes, even before the patch i had some :42 errors but they were abit rarer (like once a day on avg?) and trading post was acting up too. But after the patch it became alot worse.

Yesterday felt very good though. Trading post was smooth and no :42 errors at all. So hopefully they fixed it already. 

Edited by Carnifex.3275
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On 7/28/2023 at 6:52 AM, LimpDragon.5029 said:

i'm getting Connectivity Error "42:1020:101:4457:101". I've tried modifying my firewall (I have Bitdefender), changing my steam password since that's how I log in, re-install, check game files through steam, re-setting my router, anyone have anything else I can try? 

Just here to say I've also encountered the problem for the first time. It was playing fine, I closed it, came back 20 minutes later and now cannot log in.

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