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Accepting the fact that I will never obtain a skyscale.

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1 hour ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

I did the skyscale because it didn't feel that optional. Still is a kitten collection. Other shouldn't waste time on that bottom of the barrel content.

It not hard, it is however a low effort time sink.

I said it's optional to the effect that you can play 99% of the game without it. It's a bit harder to play yes, but still able to play.

So, it's either players need the Skyscale to play easier, or they can play "harder" without one. Other than that, they have same access to game content as players who own Skyscale..

I am not complaining about Skyscale. I got it. I would not do it again though lol.

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14 minutes ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

which all boils down to 'I feel entitled to the content I want at the speed that i want it doing what I want.'  The reality is many many many people happily got the skyscape, which is a medium length easy to do objective with a desirable reward. 

You can spin it any way you like, but this is the reality of it.

Many people did it when the content was new and i'm sure doing it back than was a whole different feeling, experience than doing it now.

Not sure i said it already, but implemented content might be fun and work when it is new but doesn't anymore when it gets older.

A balance a lot of MMOS have to struggle with. You can't keep content the same way as it was at the beginning,  IMO.

Edited by Escadero.7891
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3 minutes ago, Escadero.7891 said:

Many people did it when the content was new and i'm sure doing it back than was a whole different feeling, experience than doing it now.

Not sure i said it already, but implemented content might be fun and work when it is new but doesn't anymore when it gets older.

A balance a lot of MMOS have to struggle with. You can't keep content the same way as it was at the beginning,  IMO.

It was much harder when it was new. This is why it's been made easier on numerous occasions. It's just not been made trivial. 

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14 minutes ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

which all boils down to 'I feel entitled to the content I want at the speed that i want it doing what I want.'  The reality is many many many people happily got the skyscale, which is a medium length easy to do objective with a desirable reward. 

You can spin it any way you like, but this is the reality of it.

THIS. I agree. 

I'm sorry it's harsh. But some people went out of their comfort zones to get what they wanted. "Want" is a key, not "need".

WvW players play for WvW but if they need a Legendary, they need to go PvE.

I personally don't like Jump Puzzles, I suck at them, but I need to do it to complete some "Return to" achievements for the Legendary Amulet. Do I need to have the Amulet, heck no. But it's a QoL.

There are certain aspects of the game players do not want, but we just need to step out of the comfort zone a bit, to get what we want. Again, want, NOT need.

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Just now, knives.6345 said:

There are thousands of players in GW2, ofcourse you are not the only one.

I worked before as tech support, and I got people saying "I read on the internet that this is a common issue". No, 1000 devices out of 2 million does not make it common issue.

Same logic applies here. 

Exactly, confirmation bias . What we have are people who want a medium term goal with a short term objective.  Well medium term goals need good rewards, which is what Skyscape is.  What; the alternative?  we make skyscale a short term goal? well now we all lost a great medium term goal. 

There is no issue with Skyscale, its not hard to do, and its not that time consuming if you align your normal day to day activities with it, i.e plan and be patient and don't mask your impatience with a sense of entitlement.

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Ok back to what i think people actually want, seems like i talked my self a bit into the "i want it easy" guy.

I don't want it easy, i don't want it for free, i enjoy working for stuff, the relief when i reach it.

All i want is more creativity, an interesting story, something that keeps me on doing it.

(no i'm not the special guy who everyone should listen to but i can only speak for my self that's why i, you know who i'm talking to)

That repetitive gameplay, go from a to b to c and do it all again and again is boring.

Would it be realy to much work to create a storyline behind it? I mean a real story line not that alibi story.

Quests that keep me enjoy playing instead of grinding currencies doing the same thing over and over again.

This is gameplay that bothers people not only in GW2, it's in WOW, LOTR, in openworld singleplayer games like assassins creed.

Is it that bad to ask for some entertainment, something everyone could enjoy a little bit more?

(now give me the "If you don't like it don't do it" nonsense cause you can't handle critics on things you like)

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1 hour ago, knives.6345 said:

I said it's optional to the effect that you can play 99% of the game without it. It's a bit harder to play yes, but still able to play.

I actually agree with that. I'm wondering how nobody sees that as design flaw of the game, when a lot of Open world content includes activities where you move as a pack. A problem it does share with the Raptor + Springer combo.

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I'm not sure if the obvious has been mentioned, but I'll be glad to point it out: This is an MMO.

MMO's, should you have not heard, are most known for their grinding aspect and multi-levels in their achievements, essentially relying on the player's either skill (Usually the faster route, but harder) or dedication (Usually longer, but guaranteed). 

Then enter Skyscale. As pointed out here, it can potentially replace all mounts except maybe the Skimmer, which only proves special use in the water. 

As a result, I think it makes perfect sense the Skyscale takes an immense amount of grind and to make it shorter would harshly harm the viability of the other mounts for the sheer fact that it's their accessibility and early adoption that provides any sort of edge against the Skyscale. Screw sense of accomplishment or player satisfaction at that point. Should Skyscale grind be reduced enough, it'll be better to just whole-hog skip the other mounts except maybe Raptor or Springer.


22 minutes ago, Escadero.7891 said:

This is gameplay that bothers people not only in GW2, it's in WOW, LOTR, in openworld singleplayer games like assassins creed.

Citation needed. A few people here, at least me, certainly don't seem to mind it. I'd recommend to representing yourself and nothing more. It's a bad look when people said there's an invisible mass that agrees with them for real trust me bro

Edited by StuckHat.8061
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15 minutes ago, StuckHat.8061 said:

Citation needed. A few people here, at least me, certainly don't seem to mind it. I'd recommend to representing yourself and nothing more. It's a bad look when people said there's an invisible mass that agrees with them for real trust me bro

No offense but you need to come out of your zone.

100s of YT vids, forums from content creators, game designers, players about repetitive game design isn't an invisible mass.

It's an problem known in the industry.

You and a few people? Who are those invisible few people?

It doesn't look good if you try to advise me and ignoring it for your self.

Edited by Escadero.7891
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3 minutes ago, Escadero.7891 said:

No offense but you need to come out of your zone.

100s of YT vids, forums from content creators, game designers, players about repetitive game design isn't an invisible mass.

It's an problem known in the industry.

And it doesn't look good if you try to advise me by ignoring it for your self.

Okay, unengaging, repetitive gameplay and grind isn't fun.  Was it fun to do 20 scavenger hunts and time-gated skyscale feeding, etc.?  Not really.  I wouldn't argue that the collection could have been more inspired.  However, worse than having a collection that isn't exactly fun would be having no collection at all. 

Several commenters in this thread seem to be suggesting that this useful and practically necessary upgrade should be granted for essentially no effort.  In my opinion, that works fine for a game you play through once and maybe spend a few days on.  You played through to this point?  Here's that unlock you need to progress.  Not so much for an MMO that is trying to maintain an audience for years.  It needs to have some long-term goals, even if not everything you do on your way to achieving those goals is riveting gameplay.

I guess my question here is if not this then what?  I disagree that getting rid of collections and providing instant gratification for major account upgrades like the skyscale is the way for a game of this kind.  I also don't think this is going to change anything for the skyscale at this point.  However, there is value in discussing how a collection could be better designed in the future for account upgrades like this.

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45 minutes ago, Escadero.7891 said:

This is gameplay that bothers people not only in GW2, it's in WOW, LOTR, in openworld singleplayer games like assassins creed.

After asking my high school classmates on what their opinion was on the Skyscale "grind" they told me to mention something that they can consider a grind, they've been playing WoW since 2011 and 2012, so, I think I can trust them on this.

13 minutes ago, Escadero.7891 said:

No offense but you need to come out of your zone.

100s of YT vids, forums from content creators, game designers, players about repetitive game design isn't an invisible mass.

It's an problem known in the industry.

And it doesn't look good if you try to advise me by ignoring it for your self.

Just because you see ~10 people whining on the forums that the Skyscale is too hard it's not a known problem in the industry, besides, you mentioned repetitive game design, something the Skyscale ""grind"" is not. Wanna see repetitive grind? You can pay a visit to games you mentioned before, but there's also Lost Ark as well that is a really good example to what repetitive grind is.

If you dislike an MMO being repetitive.. something MMOs are kinda known for the better solution is thinking about whether you should play MMOs or not. 
Imagine complaining that CoD's huge issue is it being a shooter game and people should be allowed to gather roses, because there are 100s of YT videos and people going on about it.

On the last note, I kind of find it strange how majority of the videos I find, that talk about this "widespread repetitive grind" never seem to mention GW2, most of the times it's WoW, Lost Ark, sometimes even FF14 is brought up.

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25 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

 ~10 people whining on the forums that the Skyscale is too hard it's not a known problem in the industry, besides, you mentioned repetitive game design, something the Skyscale ""grind"" is not. .....

This is totally out of context, just made up nonsense for your own purpose.

And again I'm not you. If you enjoy it, fine. For me it's to much grind.

Do i have to quit or stay silent because you liked it?

No, i have the right to talk about it, to criticize things i don't like. If you can't handle it, not my problem.

If you can't handle critics, just avoid situations you might come in contact with.

If you can't handle that not everyone agrees with you 100%, you might play the wrong kind of game.

Edited by Escadero.7891
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4 minutes ago, Escadero.7891 said:

For me it's to much grind.

Great, then don’t do it. No one is forcing you to get a skyscale. I know some players who are doing just fine without it. 


5 minutes ago, Escadero.7891 said:

No, i have the right to talk about it, to criticize things i don't like.

No one is denying you that right, you can complain all you want. But other players have the right to speak against you. 

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On 5/26/2023 at 2:02 PM, OldManWhat.5083 said:

Let me first start this off by saying if you have a sky scale you are really cool, and good job! But do you think the developers overestimated how much time and effort a player would want to put in before getting completely burned out and/or frustrated with the game entirely? One look at the requirements and it makes me not only never want a sky scale but makes me want to quit the game altogether thinking to myself "This is what I have to do to unlock flying a dragon?". I know 3 people (including my guild leader) who just recently got their sky scale but are now playing other games because right after getting their dragon they needed a break from guild wars 2. I just got The Ascension wings after playing on and off since launch and I'm happy with them. The sky scale looks really cool, but I'd rather spend my time playing guild wars 2 instead of grinding for a new way to move around the world. To be honest not having one makes me not want to PvE at all in the open world. I hope I don't get flamed for my opinion because I really love GW2 more than any other MMO. I just wish getting a sky scale flowed naturally within gameplay progression. 

With age hopefully comes wisdom, but I forgot to offer my help. If you see me in game and I can help you with your quest, feel free to hit me up. I use my Mesmer to help my buddy. Bringing him up to perches or wherever by flying to the destination and using my porting skills to bring him there, etc..



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4 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Wow this discussion is still going 12 pages strong.  In the length of time this has been debated, OP could have their skyscale.....

Not yet. Being the OP of a thread that goes to 20 pages is needed for Skyscale, dontcha know.

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2 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Wow this discussion is still going 12 pages strong.  In the length of time this has been debated, OP could have their skyscale.....

Same as the last one, and the one before...and the one before... It'll get to 20+ pages. Nothing new will be said, 2-4 people will end up in a circular argument that gets progressively more aggressive and the thread would have "run its course" and get locked. 

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Just now, Sigmoid.7082 said:

Same as the last one, and the one before...and the one before... It'll get to 20+ pages. Nothing new will be said, 2-4 people will end up in a circular argument that gets progressively more aggressive and the thread would have "run its course" and get locked. 

Truth.  I always feel kind of sad and frustrated when everyone offers suggestions and encouragement but posters just say they can't and stomp their feet.  Oh well, sometimes you have to choose your priorities.

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7 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

This is the way 


Some people derail threads by being aggressive and telling others "that they should quit ,, if they dont like it " (like you did) if  and some other reports the thread for not being producing .

Well its ok , by me because these kind of threads will pop up all over the years and dwarf other threads (instances) .

Rather than clearing the house , we will have the same things

In the end WvW will steal our men and our casuals 😛

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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Just for the sake of civility since I'm getting snippy: Why do you NEED a Skyscale? ("You", in this instance, being anyone who thinks the mount should be far faster in acquisition). Maybe more understanding as to why it's such a vital mount that the game is unpleasant without it would help a bit of actual communication.

Edited by StuckHat.8061
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1 minute ago, StuckHat.8061 said:

Just for the sake of civility since I'm getting snippy: Why do you NEED a Skyscale? ("You", in this instance, being anyone who thinks the mount should be far faster in acquisition). Maybe more understanding as to why it's such a vital mount that the game is unpleasant without it would help a bit of actual communication.

More fun aquisition *

Not 4 times the same events

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