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"Weekly tower guardian" doesn't work


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What exactly counts to progress this achievement?

Killing players in combat inside tower: does not count
Destroying siege used to damage tower: does not count
Killing players who used siege to damage tower: does not count
Killing players who damaged tower NPCs: does not count
Killing players who damaged the lord: does not count
Repairing tower structures: does not count
Any combination of the above after "defend (tower)" event expires: damned it actually... nah just kidding, still doesn't count.

What actually counts: killing remaining defenders after taking a tower. Because reason.


Edited by rune.9572
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10 minutes ago, rune.9572 said:

What exactly counts to progress this achievement?

killing players inside tower counts (always for some, seldom for others), if they damaged NPCs, the chance that it counts is probably higher.

12 minutes ago, rune.9572 said:

What actually counts: killing remaining defenders after taking a tower. Because reason.

Because after flipping a tower the defenders become attackers and vice versa.  😁

14 minutes ago, rune.9572 said:


Bad code/design. There is already more than one thread about this topic. You could look there.

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On 5/31/2023 at 10:23 AM, rune.9572 said:

What exactly counts to progress this achievement?

Killing players in combat inside tower: does not count
Destroying siege used to damage tower: does not count
Killing players who used siege to damage tower: does not count
Killing players who damaged tower NPCs: does not count
Killing players who damaged the lord: does not count
Repairing tower structures: does not count

Close, but change "does not count" to "just might count" for each line that starts with "Killing players" and replace "Killing players" with "Killing players while you see an active counter on your screen".

Though that's not 100% accurate either as you can actually hit someone during a timer and chase them while still in combat outside of the timer and still get credit.

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4 hours ago, Aerthan.1907 said:

...you can actually hit someone during a timer and chase them while still in combat outside of the timer and still get credit.

I've gotten credit that way sometimes but not others. The same goes for members of the squad I'm running with. Some get credit in that situation, others don't.

2 hours ago, TheHeretic.3529 said:

Can confirm that we have loads of people involved in fights for defending towers and they don't get credit

Can confirm the same thing. Some folks in the fight get credit but others don't, and the results seem to be random.

On 5/31/2023 at 6:43 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

can we like merge all these threads...


From the moment Anet changed things so that repairing walls no longer gives defense participation credit, it became clear that the defense participation mechanics are badly broken. There has been thread, after thread, after thread about all this, ever since Anet made that change. As far as I know, Anet has yet to say a word about any of these problems. Will creating new thread after new thread about the same issues do anything? I have no idea but it sure feels like we are talking to/shouting at a brick wall. I'm hoping that Anet will try a fix in the next patch or two but who knows?  🤷‍♂️

Edited by Chichimec.9364
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All the while people complaining about tower guardian not working, when in fact it is NOT not working, it simply is the hardest to get weekly/daily achievement.  if it isn't working how come, I have completed all the tower guardian achievements every week? 

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9 hours ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

As far as I know, Anet has yet to say a word about any of these problems. Will creating new thread after new thread about the same issues do anything? I have no idea but it sure feels like we are talking to/shouting at a brick wall. I'm hoping that Anet will try a fix in the next patch or two but who knows?  🤷‍♂️

You must be new cause that's how it's been in the wvw section for years, don't expect a reply from them, creating a bunch of threads on this is not going to get you a reply, they might have already read it and have a fix in the works, who knows but them.

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20 minutes ago, Ubi.4136 said:

It won't matter soon anyway.  Apparently, Anet is going to add an infusion that ONLY drops from keep lords (non acct bound version anyway).  Anet will finally accomplish the one wvw goal they had...to get people to stop defending.

Really depends on how they implement it. What type of infusion it is. If it's an enrichment(you only need one) or another gear stackable infusion(you can use up to 18).

If they make it a midway drop rate then people will most likely want to farm it and not defend and let the keeps flip flop, certainly the first couple weeks, as it was for the OSR.

If they make it a really low drop rate like queen bee, then people aren't even going to give it a consideration to farm.

If they make it highly droppable, there will be a lot of supply of it and at a point people won't actively farm it.

The sellable version will most likely sell to those who don't want to do wvw, while wvw players will have easier access.

Being as there's an achievement version for wvw players to buy it, most wvw players will have it and don't need that temptation to flip keeps for it, I would guess it's like queen bee drop rate for the tradeable version.


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On 6/2/2023 at 1:12 PM, babana.7521 said:

All the while people complaining about tower guardian not working, when in fact it is NOT not working, it simply is the hardest to get weekly/daily achievement.  if it isn't working how come, I have completed all the tower guardian achievements every week? 

Except this week, since I cannot even get into WvW.... 

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When I play small scale I almost never get the achievement, yesterday I played in a squad of about 25 that steamrollered over all opposition and got 8 tower defenses.  The only oddity I observed was that there were a more than usual number of enemy players that threw their lives away trying to defend against much larger numbers, or simply sitting afk in an objective.  I suspect that bringing in a blob to squash a smaller number of attackers, especially after they have brought a wall down and are inside the structure, might be the most reliable way to get the achievement.

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34 minutes ago, blp.3489 said:

When I play small scale I almost never get the achievement, yesterday I played in a squad of about 25 that steamrollered over all opposition and got 8 tower defenses.  The only oddity I observed was that there were a more than usual number of enemy players that threw their lives away trying to defend against much larger numbers, or simply sitting afk in an objective.  I suspect that bringing in a blob to squash a smaller number of attackers, especially after they have brought a wall down and are inside the structure, might be the most reliable way to get the achievement.

Your second part doesn't make sense.

You got credit because more of "your defenders" threw themselves at the enemy? or sat afk in your structure?

More than likely you got credit for killing one of the attackers that had killed a guard or broke the wall with siege.

I also got my achievement done solo, so being part of a large squad isn't really required.

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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On 5/31/2023 at 5:23 PM, rune.9572 said:

What exactly counts to progress this achievement?

Having other people in your group/squad. That raises the chances.

Keep is somehow easier.

On 6/3/2023 at 7:04 PM, Ubi.4136 said:

Anet will finally accomplish the one wvw goal they had...to get people to stop defending.

Then it must stop them attacking towers as well. If there are bags, then people will come. Doubt many wvw players will care about some infusion. I give a poop about it.

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