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Shouldn't we have another set of legendary armor available?

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2 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

Yeah and that’s way it already is the game mode with the most legendaries. All legendary weapons and most legendary trinkets. 

Fair point. One of many actually. A shame the forum seems to be more interested in building strawman's and calling people lazy for not wanting to raid.

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12 minutes ago, Vyr.9387 said:

[sarcasm] Would you look at that, it's almost as if anything worthwhile You brought to the table got swallowed whole by Your personality - or lack thereof - in an attempt to mimic some sort of authority by catering to the highest echelons of local bottom-feeders. [/sarcasm]

Do take a year off the forums.
We'll poll how people felt afterwards, see how many missed Your oh so invaluable insights;
watch the weather change.

Can you please stop derailing this thread with your permanent insults and personal attacks? No one wants to read this, if you haven’t anything to contribute to the topic just stay away. It’s really annoying having to read your toxic posts. Thank you 

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2 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Fair point. One of many actually. A shame the forum seems to be more interested in building strawman's and calling people lazy for not wanting to raid.

And the legendary weapons and trinkets are almost exclusively open world content. 
So in my personal opinion you should have to play a variety of content to get every slot legendary and you should not be able to get everything legendary in one area of the game. 

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1 minute ago, vares.8457 said:

So in my personal opinion you should have to play a variety of content to get every slot legendary and you should not be able to get everything legendary in one area of the game. 

Yes you should play a variety of content. Why should the whole of PvE be tunneled through Raids specifically for amor. By your proposed logic it is time Strikes give some legendary too. Raid will keep their uber skin for themselves so it is not like the incentive to do Raids would drop by much.

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Just now, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Yes you should play a variety of content. Why should the whole of PvE be tunneled through Raids specifically for amor. By your proposed logic it is time Strikes give some legendary too. Raid will keep their uber skin for themselves so it is not like the incentive to do Raids would drop by much.

Strikes do give LI for legendary armor. But maybe they could add a legendary backpack or trinket for strikes. 

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7 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

Strikes do give LI for legendary armor. But maybe they could add a legendary backpack or trinket for strikes. 

Oh right they give LI. Some trinket could be nice Earrings or rings. The "easy" aurene legendary kind of ruined Amulet as an reward. Any reason armor shouldn't be an option? I guess it could be redundant depending who you ask.

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12 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Oh right they give LI. Some trinket could be nice Earrings or rings. The "easy" aurene legendary kind of ruined Amulet as an reward. Any reason armor shouldn't be an option? I guess it could be redundant depending who you ask.

So if the return to amulet kind of ruined amulet as a legendary reward, whatwould  a purely open world legendary armor do bud?

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2 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

And legendary armor. PvE armor is a mix between open world and instanced content. 

Well we can have an instanced version and a OW version of the Legendary sets , just like the Turtle aquisition :PPP


Or even better , take  1x gear and releaset it in OW in every expansion .

In the end , OW+Raids are till PvE , i dont beliove raiders will whine (and hopefully not boycot future mechanics to protect the gear aquisition):PPP



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On 6/17/2023 at 8:02 PM, Radnor.4185 said:

I want to make a legendary armor for some time now, but when I went to look how to do it, I got really disappointed. First, we have the WvW legendary armor, tailored for those who have enough cash or luck to be in a server with a big WvW guild (my free server change was used a long time ago); then, we have Raid armor, tailored for players that actually play with other people and do not get annoyed; and third, we have PvP armor, the one type that depends ONLY on the player himself on his willingness to play PvP.

This quick examination, showed me that there isn't an legendary armor for PVE, since a decent amount of players don't have the time nor the inclination to keep track of other players irl (my case). Even then, I still tried to get into Raids, but the two times I actually entered a guild and went to the so called "raid training", the players just keep talking about meaningless kitten for several minutes even after the group is full instead of actually starting the Raid, which got me very angry and made me quit since I abhorre wasting time.

So, since I'm not in a decent WvW server, nor do I like to play PvP or want to get into the mess called Raids, why can't solo players like me (that don't have absolutely no problem with going into LFG stuff, like fractals) have a legendary armor that doesn't depend on other people?

Okay, so you don't want to play with others and you don't have the time to get into serious endgame content.

...what do you need a set of legendary armor for again? 😄

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10 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

OP will most likely never respond they have said what they want to say and dont want to hear a different oppinion.

And why we might be against this is Anet developing this and the implementation on how to earn it might take away something better like for example housing, airships battle in they skies or the opposite of that digging down to a new layer and exploring the inside of the planet  from the next expansion since Anets resources are not infinite

Coomon lets be a little honest

You answer about the housing is here :" Just look how it went with the fishing feature a house feature would be even less used then that. " , in the thread the raiders also locked it , by derailing it


(nothing should get resources .. and if the expanion fails , it will be of :

a) the lack of raids , because people loved hardcore stuff in HoT (yeah the OW wher THEY HIT HARD AND DIDNT NEED 20K DPS , not raids:PP)

b)most of raiders left for other games (while those persist hide behind KP and dont allow easy mode+auto-lfg: that other games allowed that people fled to PP)!)


Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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6 hours ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

True. I like to do pve but the excessive amount of times you have to do chak gerent is just too much. 10 w1-4 clears are enough to get enough LI for the first armour but for some reason i had to do 30 chak gerents. 90 total for all 3 armors.

I know plenty people who could not craft the armour because they just burned out on tedious open world events. Show up, press 1 once and watch a movie or stream until rewards plop in. Peak gameplay. But chak gerent is not even enough. It also includes other metas.

The total time needed for pve armor is split 1/3 raid and 2/3 metas. It requires all the pve content. Also same applies to pve daily. Why the heck does that daily only include the most tedious tasks ever like 10 events in a dead map?

It would be great if the game would not force everyone to do so much mindless open world pve.

False dichotomy. The Chak Gerent takes well under half an hour, and you need to do it 30 times. That's still well under 15 hours of something boring. A single raid boss, for a new player involves a lot more than 15 minutes. You need 50 LI per piece, except for the first set where you need 25 LI.

You're equating 15 hours of "grinding" that you can do in 15 minute intervals. You can do it slowly because the LI will take yoiu longer to get.

By contrast, an open world player will have to do something harder, that is get 25 LI per piece for the first set.  If they are only doing emboldended that means they're still spending, likely anyway, an hour a week to do that one raid wing, which will give them 3-4 LI, of which they need 25 for one piece.  That means 1 hour a week, and not every week if it's a harder wing, during which they're spending an hour playing assuming they beat every boss. Might be more than an hour too.  So, say they can get 3-4 LI a week, that's still an hour or more a week, for 15 weeks, or 15 hours, for a single piece of armor, but then they have to do it again, and that's only first the first set.

It will take them at least 3 months per piece, doing something that may be at the edge of their ability.
You complain about doing something that takes less than 15 minutes maybe every other day, but you have no idea of what a non raider raiding has to  go through. The learning curves are massive, and that would be fine.

If the worst PvPer in the world couldn't solo every single game through a loss and still end up with lengendary armor. That's the part every keeps ignoring. If you like PvP or WvW, you will eventually get legendary armor easily. And that's not true in PvE. Why is PvE getting the short end of the stick?



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45 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Okay, so you don't want to play with others and you don't have the time to get into serious endgame content.

...what do you need a set of legendary armor for again? 😄

Because it's a goal and everyone needs goals. One of the biggest complaints about this game from people who don't get it particularly (I'm not one of them) is there's nothing to work through when you've geared your character and it's not that long to gear them in ascended. For people from other games, at that point, many of them feel done and lose interest in the game which is bad for the game. Not everyone cares about cosmetics.

On the other hand, if you have legendary armor, just it being legendary will make people want to work for it. It doesn't have to make logical sense for people to want something. Legendary armor has the word legendary in it and that's enough for some people. What it would do as add another goal in PvE for people who are into "gear grind" and keep more people playing the game.

Why does anyone buy anything? Plenty of people buy stuff they don't need. It's not a matter of needing something, so much as wanting it. Will it hurt the game to give half the population more stuff to work on if they want to?

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19 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Because it's a goal and everyone needs goals. One of the biggest complaints about this game from people who don't get it particularly (I'm not one of them) is there's nothing to work through when you've geared your character and it's not that long to gear them in ascended. For people from other games, at that point, many of them feel done and lose interest in the game which is bad for the game. Not everyone cares about cosmetics.

So same people who complain about the time or content it takes to get the legendary gear and at the same time claim that getting more exotic gear for different stats is too hard/annoying/whatever are somehow in a dire need of additional long term goals? If those players "need goals", first step would easly be playing more of the game's content they clearly still refuse to play. -or simply getting more gear for the builds and roles they want to play. Adding more rewards to world bosses they're already semi-afk farming doesn't seem like a huge change aimed at what you're talking about. Due to how the game is balanced (which isn't around legendary or -in most cases- even ascended gear), there's a rather good "sliding" range of goals for everyone.

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11 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

So same people who complain about the time or content it takes to get the legendary gear and at the same time claim that getting more exotic gear for different stats is too hard/annoying/whatever are somehow in a dire need of additional long term goals? If those players "need goals", first step would easly be playing more of the game's content they clearly still refuse to play. Adding more rewards to world bosses they're already semi-afk farming doesn't seem like a huge change aimed at what you're talking about. Due to how the game is balanced (which isn't around legendary or -in most cases- even ascended gear), there's a rather good "sliding" range of goals for everyone.

They will play their content , where the OW Legendary will be created .

You had 10 years to entice them :PP

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2 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Common , give them mechanics that exist in other games

They will daily farm the gold like Fractals and the old gg Devs plans , for  re-playable instanced content will come in fruition :PP


How is fractals somehow now open world and raids aint.

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So to flip this question, why shouldn't there be PvE legendary armor.

I can think of a few reasons people may come up with:

- Exclusivity - getting legendary item requires top notch players/skill to get.  But the WvW and PvP armor demonstrate this is not the case - it it just a matter of playing that content enough, not actually playing it well.

- Promote certain content - having it in those game modes gets people to play that content.  But does that really work?  If people don't like that content, forcing them to play it is unlikely to change their opinion.  I can see it as a way to get people to experiment with content they may not play (I think Gift of Battle works for this - doesn't take a lot of time, but players have to at least play a little in WvW to get it).  But if that is the goal, then once player have done that content to get that reward, there should be another method - maybe that alternative takes longer or costs more, and players could make that choice that WvW isn't so bad to get that vs doing alternative content.

- People don't need it - this is a meaningless argument, as no one need anything in the game.  But as long as Anet makes big balance changes that invalidates certain builds/equipment, you are going to have players who do want to perform well and thus end up having to regear, and legendary removes that.

- The PvE method will be too easy.  We don't know - this is an implementation detail for Anet to figure out what is reasonable. The counter is taht it will be too hard and people complain - again, we don't know.  But people find things to complain about all the time, so this won't really change that.


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56 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

False dichotomy. The Chak Gerent takes well under half an hour, and you need to do it 30 times. That's still well under 15 hours of something boring. A single raid boss, for a new player involves a lot more than 15 minutes. You need 50 LI per piece, except for the first set where you need 25 LI.

You're equating 15 hours of "grinding" that you can do in 15 minute intervals. You can do it slowly because the LI will take yoiu longer to get.

By contrast, an open world player will have to do something harder, that is get 25 LI per piece for the first set.  If they are only doing emboldended that means they're still spending, likely anyway, an hour a week to do that one raid wing, which will give them 3-4 LI, of which they need 25 for one piece.  That means 1 hour a week, and not every week if it's a harder wing, during which they're spending an hour playing assuming they beat every boss. Might be more than an hour too.  So, say they can get 3-4 LI a week, that's still an hour or more a week, for 15 weeks, or 15 hours, for a single piece of armor, but then they have to do it again, and that's only first the first set.

It will take them at least 3 months per piece, doing something that may be at the edge of their ability.
You complain about doing something that takes less than 15 minutes maybe every other day, but you have no idea of what a non raider raiding has to  go through. The learning curves are massive, and that would be fine.

If the worst PvPer in the world couldn't solo every single game through a loss and still end up with lengendary armor. That's the part every keeps ignoring. If you like PvP or WvW, you will eventually get legendary armor easily. And that's not true in PvE. Why is PvE getting the short end of the stick?



Raids in this game are incredibly easy. Compare that to monster hunter which also forces you to do group content for the best armor and weapons in the game. Oh dying in that game can fail your entire group btw and it is not even an mmo. It is not even a true multiplayer game.

The learning curves are only massive because there is 0 skill check in open world and story. Some of the raid bosses are easier than ff14 normal raidbosses. Those are casual content. The only thing making them hard are the useless builds pugs like to bring into them and generally having no clue how their classes work which is especially true for 40k+ ap players.

You can do bosses in 15min intervals too. 3 months per piece? Proud did a w1-4 full clear in a couple days or something while not using internet resources like builds. His group was not even using a proper healer and boons for the majority of their clears. A wing only takes an hour if you wipe multiple times. Like a ton.

Doing something 15-30min daily compared to 1-3h once a week is completely different commitment. Also wvw takes even way longer than that so there is that.

Also why would they do only emboldened. There are plenty of training discords or they could join guilds. 

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9 minutes ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

Raids in this game are incredibly easy. Compare that to monster hunter which also forces you to do group content for the best armor and weapons in the game. Oh dying in that game can fail your entire group btw and it is not even an mmo. It is not even a true multiplayer game.

The learning curves are only massive because there is 0 skill check in open world and story. Some of the raid bosses are easier than ff14 normal raidbosses. Those are casual content. The only thing making them hard are the useless builds pugs like to bring into them and generally having no clue how their classes work which is especially true for 40k+ ap players.

You can do bosses in 15min intervals too. 3 months per piece? Proud did a w1-4 full clear in a couple days or something while not using internet resources like builds. His group was not even using a proper healer and boons for the majority of their clears. A wing only takes an hour if you wipe multiple times. Like a ton.

Doing something 15-30min daily compared to 1-3h once a week is completely different commitment. Also wvw takes even way longer than that so there is that.

Also why would they do only emboldened. There are plenty of training discords or they could join guilds. 

Raids are incredibly easy for you. I think you probably overestimate the skill of the vast majority of the player base.

Edit: I've killed every raid boss and still don't find raids easy, and I have all but five pieces of armor.  I find some bosses relatively easy, but not most.

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11 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Raids are incredibly easy for you. I think you probably overestimate the skill of the vast majority of the player base.

Edit: I've killed every raid boss and still don't find raids easy, and I have all but five pieces of armor.  I find some bosses relatively easy, but not most.

Have you played other games? Other mmos? Have you raided in other mmos?

Most gw2 bosses have 1-2 mechanics the majority of players have to deal with while the other 3 mechanics are done by 1-2 dedicated players.

Dhuum for example: 3 people have to actually do something. Tank on that boss is brainafk. Dps go monkey dps unless they get chains and have to run away or get a bomb in which case they also have to run away. Thats basically it. The other stuff is incredibly obvious like dont stay in red.

Or xera: Monkey dps unless you get ported in which case you have to do a mini puzzle and complain in chat if you get ported twice. Only the tank has to know where to move. You can just follow. w4 b1-3 exist. W7 was cleared within 1h30 after release. One boss was even oneshotted without anyone knowing any mechanic before. 

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