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I'm tired of people messaging me after blocking me to troll

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13 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

I do not judge or choose why players decide to invisible but choose to still whisper someone. Maybe they don't feel like interacting with others, maybe they want to interact with only a select few, what ever the reason, they have the choice to do so now.

I've had situations where I whispered back a friend/guild mate only to use in-game mail or other means to tell them they are still invisible. I don't bother to ask why they went invisible, I'm sure they had their reasons.

Penalized in this case means regular players are being handicapped/disadvantaged by having their choice to use invisible mode the way it is implemented now removed in the future. Right or wrong, you are taking away an option from those players.

I'm sure you read through this topic. It should be very evident WHY some players, especially the ones that WANT to respond to toxic behavior with their own toxic behavior, should not be given that choice. This is literally in place to protect players, who can't handle their verbal diaerhea, from themselves. The last thing we need is threads about how players baited others into temporary bans, etc.

Reducing toxic interactions is the most sensible approach from the developer here.

Explained above, it would be more consistent at the expense of limiting responsible players choice. It would also do almost nothing to prevent toxic whispers since there remains the option to whisper and immediately block. When faced with: is it better to change something which negatively impacts responsible players while having no impact on the actual issue, I'd go with it's not better.

For anyone who doesn't want toxic whispers, they can choose themselves to go invisible or report, block and move on after getting such a text.

You are actually trying to explaing things to me that I've already said in my first reply to this thread. Well to be honest, I also already answered my first question "But what is the point of going invisible and still whisper others if they can't respond?" in that first reply aswell. 

On 7/30/2023 at 11:07 AM, Kalli.4506 said:

Are you sure they actually blocked you and wasn't set to 'invisible'? 

My experiance is that they put their online status to 'invisible' so they can spew their toxicity in whispers whithout getting fired back at. I think it's common to change the online status to 'invisible' in pvp, some do it to avoid getting whispers from trolls and some do it to troll. 

I've also seen this happen when people are complimenting my characters look. I can't reply because it says they are offline. Why would they block me after complimenting me? Nah, I think they were set to 'invisible' and maybe forgot about it or they just didn't want to be social but still wanted to compliment. 

Anyway, players shouldn't be able to contact those who they blocked nor should they be able to whisper  others while set to 'invisible'. 

I don't agree that poeple needs to be protected from themselves. It's their own responsibility to behave mature and civil, even if someone are insulting them or their mother. If they can't, they really need to work on that and maybe a warning or a ban will be a wake up call. 

I still don't think removing the posibility to use whisper while invisible will penalize regular players, they can still use the mail function to PM others.

I  still think it's only fair that people shouldn't be able to whisper others if others can't whisper them. 

Edited by Kalli.4506
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45 minutes ago, Kalli.4506 said:

I  still think it's only fair that people shouldn't be able to whisper others if others can't whisper them.

But you are ignoring the fact that people can change their state whenever they choose. So if they can't whisper while invisible, then they can simply make themselves visible, whisper and make themselves invisible again. Just like today they can unblock you, whisper you and block you again.
Technical solutions to people problems are always going to be flawed. The best option is simply to block anyone who sends you toxic messages and/or report them. It takes a few seconds and doesn't rely on any system changes.

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35 minutes ago, costepj.5120 said:

But you are ignoring the fact that people can change their state whenever they choose. So if they can't whisper while invisible, then they can simply make themselves visible, whisper and make themselves invisible again. Just like today they can unblock you, whisper you and block you again.
Technical solutions to people problems are always going to be flawed. The best option is simply to block anyone who sends you toxic messages and/or report them. It takes a few seconds and doesn't rely on any system changes.

I'm well aware of the fact that people could change their status back and forth so they could whisper others. I just don't think it was relevant to mention since it will simply be like if they log in and log out. When they change their status to invisible, people that have them on their friendlist will see the system messages as if they log in and log out. 

I agree that blocking and reporting those who are toxic is the best way. I have never said anything else so I don't know why you feel thay you need to tell me that? It's like you are implying that I would thinke something different than that blocking those people would be the best solution, just because of my opinion about not being able to whisper others while invisible? 

The reason why I think no one should be able to whisper others while invisible is no more complicated than that I simply think it's not fair that others can't whisper back while the person is invisible. This opinion of mine is not an answer for a solution to this behaviour so please don't take it that way when I never said it that way. 

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I agree with @Kalli.4506

Furthermore, the action "Set status as: " can be used as a trolling tool.

Offcourse we can emmidiately block and report; but there are occasions in which you may be in the middle of a WvW zerg, or in a Raid, and you need all your fingers and attention on it.

It only takes two clicks and two seconds, but those two seconds can cost you to be left behind in a squad or miss that vital move.

The following is also a very important point.

Don't forget nor miss to take into consideration that not all pms are bad intentioned nor toxic.

Some might come from friends that don't realise that their status is offline and keep pm you with no reply.

Having it changed to not be able to pm whilst offline would make them realise that and change it to online or away.



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1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I agree with @Kalli.4506

Furthermore, the action "Set status as: " can be used as a trolling tool.

Offcourse we can emmidiately block and report; but there are occasions in which you may be in the middle of a WvW zerg, or in a Raid, and you need all your fingers and attention on it.

It only takes two clicks and two seconds, but those two seconds can cost you to be left behind in a squad or miss that vital move.

The following is also a very important point.

Don't forget nor miss to take into consideration that not all pms are bad intentioned nor toxic.

Some might come from friends that don't realise that their status is offline and keep pm you with no reply.

Having it changed to not be able to pm whilst offline would make them realise that and change it to online or away.



Well if your that focused on the game you wont see the msg anyway and can safely block it later when there is a lull in the battle

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10 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Well if your that focused on the game you wont see the msg anyway and can safely block it later when there is a lull in the battle

You still need  to see the commanders and team mates chat messages whilst keeping your fingers on important keys.

In those situations you only have time to type important messages.

Niw imagine somebody trolling you and keep sending you toxic replies and messages while you're trying to read your team messages and keeping your fingers on the important keys.

You do realise how annoying that is, right?

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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2 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

You still need  to see the commanders and team mates chat messages whilst keeping your fingers on important keys.

In those situations you only have time to type important messages.

Niw imagine somebody trolling you and keep sending you toxic replies and messages while you're trying to read your team messages and keeping your fingers on the important keys.

You do realise how annoying that is, right?

It's 1 right click + block.

Commanders usually are on voice, ping with markers or ping waypoints. That's the extent of commication which needs immediate attention.

The only time WvW chat is as fast scrolling as you make it out to be is when there is non productive bs going on.

Let's not blow things out of proportion please.

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Love all the replies that this has never happened to me so is not a thing. In WvW a whisper from the other side will 80% be something salty and 10% might be a question/comment and 10% be a good fight. So in WvW and sPvP, don't allow cross side whispers unless both sides are set as friends. Issue solved. If someone on the other side wants to take up a dialog for the 20% valid reasons, add said person as a friend and wait for them to add you as one and then, let what happens happen. 

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36 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


Let's not blow things out of proportion please.

And please don't make it sound like it's that easy.

You forget people with disabilities, among other cases


... and yes, you can block them, but that's not what we have been mentioning in the past few posts.

The point is, in case you missed, is that a person with offline status should not be able to pm other players.

Read my posts on this threat to see.

We know sometimes threads stray off point; but that was my initial point on this thread. 

We have way long passed the point that block and report are still the best two options.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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44 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Love all the replies that this has never happened to me so is not a thing. In WvW a whisper from the other side will 80% be something salty and 10% might be a question/comment and 10% be a good fight. So in WvW and sPvP, don't allow cross side whispers unless both sides are set as friends. Issue solved. If someone on the other side wants to take up a dialog for the 20% valid reasons, add said person as a friend and wait for them to add you as one and then, let what happens happen. 

I receive all sorts of whispers in WvW - and i wouldn't want to miss out on any of those. Because i'm not bothered (sometimes even amused) by toxic ones (and if you are - there are already solutions) and appreciate the positive ones. Since there are already ways to keep the salty messages to a minimum, removing cross server communication would hurt positive interactions more.

Also preventing messages makes it much harder to "make friends" to begin with. Players don't receive a notification if someone adds them to their friend list, so it is highly unlikely that players add each other at the same time, even if they are open to some nice talk.

40 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

The point is, in case you missed, is that a person with offline status should not be able to pm other players.

As already mentioned plenty of times - completely pointless because easy to circumvent.

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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37 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

And please don't make it sound like it's that easy.

You forget people with disabilities, among other cases


... and yes, you can block them, but that's not what we have been mentioning in the past few posts.

The point is, in case you missed, is that a person with offline status should not be able to pm other players.

Read my posts on this threat to see.

We know sometimes threads stray off point; but that was my initial point on this thread. 

We have way long passed the point that block and report are still the best two options.

You can easily just do a wvw tab with just squad and team messages this is a none issue.

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9 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

You can easily just do a wvw tab with just squad and team messages this is a none issue.

The same side will also whisper between tags, havocs and scouts, especially if they are on disparate voice comms. So just parsing whispers is not really a solution.

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2 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

You can easily just do a wvw tab with just squad and team messages this is a none issue.


I've done that myself.

But ended up missing important pms from guild mates and friends.

So I had to include pm option back in every tab.

9 minutes ago, Zyreva.1078 said:


As already mentioned plenty of times - completely pointless because easy to circumvent.

Yes. It has been mentioned several times.

And even though it only takes a few seconds and two clicks, it's not always possible to block the person straight away; and I understand that implementing a system in wich would limit people from pming someone else would be difficult; there should at least be a limit of PM one can send if the other person does not reply, just like the anti spam in general chat.

Besides, it seems people are forgetting something. 

I, just like you; 99.9% of the time find those toxic pms hilarious. 

But there is always that 0.1% of really offensive ones... and well, not everybody has a thick skin to those like us two.

Some people are by nature very sensitive to personal attacks.

Especially younger people... and they can take it to heart;  which can lead to worse things.

This alone opens and branches out to many more lines of debate... and man, Do I hate bullying... of any kind. Whether is gender, race, disabilities, and so on.

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19 minutes ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

I receive all sorts of whispers in WvW - and i wouldn't want to miss out on any of those. Because i'm not bothered (sometimes even amused) by toxic ones (and if you are - there are already solutions) and appreciate the positive ones. Since there are already ways to keep the salty messages to a minimum, removing cross server communication would hurt positive interactions more.

Also preventing messages makes it much harder to "make friends" to begin with. Players don't receive a notification if someone adds them to their friend list, so it is highly unlikely that players add each other at the same time, even if they are open to some nice talk.

Agree for the most part. But this seems to be one of those cases where the design intent and actual use are not the same. We have people asking for things all the time, so in that aspect nothing wrong with the OP from making the request, but I disagree with people saying this isn't something that happens, since as we have both seen, it does. Sometimes for the good, sometimes for the waste of time and distraction. 

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7 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

But there is always that 0.1% of really offensive ones... and well, not everybody has a thick skin to those like us two.

Some people are by nature very sensitive to personal attacks.

Especially younger people... and they can take it to heart;  which can lead to worse things.

And non of the suggestions made here can prevent that from happening. The only way would be to remove all means of player interaction - better play a single player game then.

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3 minutes ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

And non of the suggestions made here can prevent that from happening. The only way would be to remove all means of player interaction - better play a single player game then.

So your better suggestion is to deny people who are sensitive the joy to play guild wars 2?

Does that sound like discrimination in desguise?

Just saying.

Great. Don't do anything about it; get rid of them. You really hit the spot there fellow.

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2 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

But there is always that 0.1% of really offensive ones... and well, not everybody has a thick skin to those like us two.

Some people are by nature very sensitive to personal attacks.

Especially younger people... and they can take it to heart;  which can lead to worse things.

This. Downside to the internet age, having to talk excitable people down. You can try and get them to see it a different way but....sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't.

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4 minutes ago, Zyreva.1078 said:


All i'm saying is that the only way to actually prevent potential negative interactions is to not interact with others at all. Which defeats the entire purpose of a multiplayer game.

Point taken.

Still does not explain why people who are not prepared to take insults from random strangers should not enjoy guild wars 2.

I'm not going into stats here, but I think that would take a big chunk out of the game's player base... and possibly some of them are a few of the Gem Store big spenders.

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8 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Still does not explain why people who are not prepared to take insults from random strangers should not enjoy guild wars 2.

I never said or implied anything along those lines. Everyone should be able to enjoy the game without being bothered by insults.

But toxic behaviour can happen - that's just the reality.

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3 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

You still need  to see the commanders and team mates chat messages whilst keeping your fingers on important keys.

In those situations you only have time to type important messages.

Niw imagine somebody trolling you and keep sending you toxic replies and messages while you're trying to read your team messages and keeping your fingers on the important keys.

You do realise how annoying that is, right?

I have a separate tag for only whispers. But not because I get spammed by invisible (or visible) trolls, it's so that I wont miss any PMs when the other chats easily gets flooded at times. Just a tip but wont solve the problem if you also need to see the PMs at the same time in the same tab. 

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3 hours ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

As already mentioned plenty of times - completely pointless because easy to circumvent.

Although it can be easily bypassed, they will still have to spend a little more time and energy on it because they would have to change the status back and forth every time. Imagine doing that in the middle of an ongoing match. As it is now, they don't have to work for it, it's too easy for them. 

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For WvW, it'd probably be better for it to opt-in for server to server communication, since the current method requires a workaround and somewhat doubtful it's intended in the first place.

As much as I love the meme value of people going out of their way to  sending me salt, I do not think the majority would agree. Considering most of the gw2 player base are not the hardcore competitive players even if they go into wvw (wvw itself is pretty light on the competitiveness), there is no point exposing them to that much cringe.

And yes there have been some positive comments, but sadly a lot of the good sports have been driven away due to attrition and we have a lot of cringe players that stayed around because they have nothing else going on in their lives.

On the other hand, players that do want communication can just turn it on, and I trust most seasoned wvw players would know what to look for.

At the end of the day, Anet just needs to be much more aggressive at banning abusers. It takes a long time to get rid of some people, but I will say a lot of them behave themselves a bit better when they "disappear" for a month and suddenly act more civilized. You probably know what happened, rather than those slap on the wrist 48 hour bans or whatever.


Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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