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Fresh 80, broke from Hero Point gathering

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So I finally made lv. 80, and went to the expansion areas to get Hero Points for Elite Specializations since that seemed to be the recommended route. I managed to snag about enough for one specialization before I got stuck in an area where mobs would just murder me whatever I did and my meagre savings got drained into zero. After much frustration, I sold some gear so I could get back to the vanilla continent. So that's where I am right now.

I'd like to get into some group content (and eventually crafting), I primarily run healer/support but currently rolling a Revenant since they looked very flexible role-wise. So I need gold and gear (since one gives the other), right? Fractals seemed to be interesting from what I could find to be recommended, but after about two hours I couldn't find any groups that run the easier ones. Is this just for veterans speed running dailies or just unlucky today?

Any other group content that's rewarding and doesn't require any investment to get started? I heavily dislike PvP, but anything along the lines of instanced PvE/raids or similar. Assume that I have nothing to invest into buying gear or other useful stuff (like gathering tools.. >.>)

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Well, you're going to need at least SOME gold.

For fractals tier 1 dailies get run all the time and are decent gold starting out. Just make your own group and someone will probably join who can open the fractals. You can also make a group like "trying to learn fractals" and someone will probably jump in to help. Best to do in offpeak hours, if you do around daily reset everyone is rushing to get their clears in. If you do it at like 3pm on saturday some bored exp person flipping through lfg can show up to help you, or maybe someone else looking to learn fractals joins and you can bumble through them together.

Also look for IBS strike missions especially easy 3. Usually people don't care much about what you're doing in those runs. Especially shiverpeak pass, you don't need masteries to get rewards for this either

For raids probably a minimum training group is looking for full exotic, elite specc'd and dps or boon dps build. Ballpark on TP around 60-80g minimum for a build (but this is extremely build dependent). Some training groups will let a healer first time heal but healing has tons of responsibility and needs encounter knowledge so it's recommended to learn the encounter as dps (where u have less role responsibility) before swapping to a healer role.

imho if you want to rush endgame content, do t1 fractal dailies (progress as you get more comfy to t4s), ez3 strikes, and farm a boatload of winterberries/mystic motes to cover your trinkets. If you need quick infusion of gold do some gold farming, dragonfall is a good choice, silverwastes if you have to... daily achieves and tequatl is quick and ez 4g a day

Also don't join exp runs for raids/eod strikes if you aren't exp. Expectation mismatch will burn both you and the group. Find training groups like RTI (EU) or Raid Academy (NA). 


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38 minutes ago, lissiandra.1357 said:

Well, you're going to need at least SOME gold.

For fractals tier 1 dailies get run all the time and are decent gold starting out. Just make your own group and someone will probably join who can open the fractals. You can also make a group like "trying to learn fractals" and someone will probably jump in to help. Best to do in offpeak hours, if you do around daily reset everyone is rushing to get their clears in. If you do it at like 3pm on saturday some bored exp person flipping through lfg can show up to help you, or maybe someone else looking to learn fractals joins and you can bumble through them together.

Also look for IBS strike missions especially easy 3. Usually people don't care much about what you're doing in those runs. Especially shiverpeak pass, you don't need masteries to get rewards for this either

For raids probably a minimum training group is looking for full exotic, elite specc'd and dps or boon dps build. Ballpark on TP around 60-80g minimum for a build (but this is extremely build dependent). Some training groups will let a healer first time heal but healing has tons of responsibility and needs encounter knowledge so it's recommended to learn the encounter as dps (where u have less role responsibility) before swapping to a healer role.

imho if you want to rush endgame content, do t1 fractal dailies (progress as you get more comfy to t4s), ez3 strikes, and farm a boatload of winterberries/mystic motes to cover your trinkets. If you need quick infusion of gold do some gold farming, dragonfall is a good choice, silverwastes if you have to... daily achieves and tequatl is quick and ez 4g a day

Also don't join exp runs for raids/eod strikes if you aren't exp. Expectation mismatch will burn both you and the group. Find training groups like RTI (EU) or Raid Academy (NA). 


I've not owned a whole gold throughout the leveling process, so still looking for anything that pays better than selling the small pile of junk mobs might drop once every few hours.

How high into tier 1 is feasible to run from scratch? I figured starting at lv. 1 would be the safe route as to not ruin someone's run (especially if they're aiming to speed run a daily). 

Where can I start these strike missions? Not sure if I've come across them anywhere.

Yea, sounds like raids are something to put on the backburner until there's some gear in the bank at least.

What would constitute not rushing? Is there any other content to do while gearing up? All this solo stuff while leveling got really dull. Dragonfall was closed when I checked it out, so that was an expensive trip for a closed wall.

Where does this train leave from? Is that some other kind of farming run, since I didn't see any tracks in the maps or any of the cities I've passed?

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You can usually find HP trains in LFG. Typically under Verdant Brink or Crystal Oasis. Someone will tag up and you follow them to hit up all the hero points in those maps. Glider is required, some comms require raptor as well. If you don't have mastery to get to a location, there are plenty of mesmer portals.

The majority of the content in this game is map metas. Popular ones that run on timers are Auric Basin, Tangled Depths (Chak Gerent), Crystal Oasis (Pinata), Dragon's Stand, Seitung Province (Aetherblades), Echovald (gang war). Type /wiki et in the ingame chatbox and a bunch of timers pull up. For core content there's world bosses on a constant timer. Lots of people do them at all times of the day. Triple Trouble is the only one that needs real coordination but there are often guilds running.

For non-timed metas, usually Dragonfall, Silverwastes, Gyala Delve are go-to farms.

You likely could not get to Dragonfall because you do not have the Living World episode that accompanies it. Each living world episode(s) is accompanied by a separate map that has its own metas, story, etc.

Assuming you have like idk, rare gear you can do almost all of t1 fractals honestly, most people do not care how much damage you do and if they do, just find another group. Though if a vet stops by to help and they're typing instructions or tips in chat just try your best to follow. The game semi locks you out around 23-25 if you don't have any ascended at all though (u will die to agony). You can do other ones that have AR requirements by buying Anguished Tear of Alba.


I think i might have also misunderstood where you are in the game. If you haven't played through expac story, I recommend playing through expac story. There are going to be gaps where you're missing LWS episodes, you can either swipe for those or farm up enough gold > gems. The story does a good job at guiding you through the different maps, and if you are struggling ask a friend/guild/map chat to help you clear an instance (or just abuse infinite revives)

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Heart of Thorns hero points are very difficult to solo.

Path of Fire hero points are easier.

End of Dragons is similar to Path of Fire.

If you tried to solo Heart of Thorns hero points I wouldn't be too discouraged if you failed. If it was Path of Fire, End of Dragons it might be worth looking at your gear and weapon/skill choices. Some can be difficult but assuming you know your character it's not that bad.

In terms of Fractals I would look into your server reset time - it's 8pm EST for North America as an example. You'll typically see groups in Fractals LFG doing tier 1 stuff around reset but the system is designed so if you do the top tier fractals you get credit for tier 1-2-3 so you're right there isn't a ton of people doing tier 1 fractals throughout the entire day.

Fractals you can get to level 19  in tier 1 with 0 agony resistance. So anything below the level 20 fractal should be fine for you. When you get to 20 and beyond you're going to want to get ascended pieces of equipment and put agony resistance on the equipment. Any group with a reasonable amount of experience could likely 3-4 man it no problem. I would join a group without hesitation for any fractal below 20 unless the LFG is obviously elitist because they might give you kitten for it.

If you type "/wiki et" you can look up schedules of some major events based on world time and join in on those with large groups of other players. Check LFG on those maps. Open world events can be fun.

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Heart of Thorns hero points that involve combat are not meant to be solo'd, they say "Group Event" when activated for a reason.

Like half of the HPs are just interacting though and can thus be acquired on your own but you still kind of need to know where they are and avoid the other ones while on your own. I would strongly recommend you to try and just unlock waypoints and masteries first before you start exploring more so that you don't experience huge setbacks when you get murdered by some random mob group surprising you.

HoT is a huge step up in difficulty and I certainly struggled against smokescales, pocket raptors and mordrem snipers when starting out but as you get used to how these mobs work, they become easier to handle.

Here's a trick from my broke newbie times:

You can always get back to Lion's Arch by entering PvP or WvW through the menus and then take a portal on those maps to get back to Lion's Arch. If you're not completely broke it's generally not worth the loading times but when on excessively low coin count, definitely a better option than selling your gear.


Talking about gear, there is cheap level 80 gear available on the TP, you can probably afford an entire set of armor with cohesive stats with just doing dailies for 1 or 2 days if you don't have it already. Random stats jumbled together will be very inefficient and in more difficult content like HoT it shows, in vanilla not so much.

As for available stats, vanilla mostly has good stats available for power-based builds. Depending on how confident you feel about yourself, you want to find a a place somewhere between two extremes:

Either high damage and paper defenses (berserker/assassin) to kill enemies before they kill you
or low to moderate damage with decent defenses (soldier) which makes fights take significantly longer but is more forgiving about getting hit

Stacking defensive stats, in particular toughness, has diminishing returns so you don't want to overdo it. Try to get a health mix between power, precision, ferocity, vitality and toughness to conquer HoT - for instanced group content however, people usually ask for the full glass cannon variant as there will usually be a healer/support to keep you afloat.

Many stat combinations are only available from HoT and later expansions and Verdant Brink in particular allows you to acquire stat-selectable exotic armor in exchange for map currency so if you want to build your ele into a support/healer that works for instanced group content, you'll eventually have to play expansion content. Still, going through fractals is a nice idea as fractals are the best source of ascended armor in the game and they also have a somewhat gradual difficulty curve with increasing fractal levels.


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One quick tip: You can always get back to a city from anywhere in the game for free by going through the PvP lobby. You can also just go to the lobby to access basic services like the bank and trading post.

Open the PvP menu and push the button which says Enter PvP Lobby. That will take you to the Heart of the Mists. You're not going into a queue for matches or anything like that (that's what the rest of the menu is for), just going to the hub. There's an asura gate there which will take you to Lion's Arch (and gates there to all the other cities), or you can use the menu to exit and go back to exactly where you were.

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13 hours ago, Inspace.6402 said:

So I finally made lv. 80, and went to the expansion areas ...

I'd like to get into some group content

A first and most important tip: Don't be impatient. You are facing 15 years of game development (4 before release, 11 after), it would be a pitty, if you could cross that in an afternoon, wouldn't it? Enjoy that there is so much to play for little money.

easy =/= fast: As an online MMO Gw2 is designed to keep player busy for a long time. The faster you want things the more expensive or effort they take (or frustation they produce), the more relaxed you are in progressing, the easier and cheaper are things.

Gold: The easiest Step is login daily and take the login reward, just the mystic coins you get give you around 20g per 28 days. Next is doing dailies, 2g a day aggregate to 60 a month and to 720 a year.  (So: Within a year you get over 1000g basic income just for spending 10-15min every day) Another good and easy source are Open-World Group events on timer (/wiki et in chat ), just to name 3 of them:

  • Tequatl: 1g cash plus loot (incl ascended drop chance) once per day
  • Dragonstorm: 2g cash plus loot (incl ascended drop chance) once per day
  • Legendary Ley-Line Anomaly; 0.5g + 1 mystic coin (currently a bit more than 1g) once per day

Fractals: Fractals are grouped into 4 tiers (T1-T4), all 25 T1 fractals you should be able to play without much more than a decent build and practise to play your build and build-conform lvl 80 exotic gear and jewelery (but ascended jewelery is quite easy (easy =/= fast) to get with laurels (login rewards), ls3+4 map currencies, esp. winterberries and fractal relicts). You don't have to play them in order (1, 2, 3, ...25), you can join groups doing them, even if you cannot open them yourself. (but whenever you play a fractal higher than your current opening capability, your opening capability is increased by 1). So: Play the T1 dailies, there should be groups in LFG, especially as the daily rewards are what make fractals lucrative.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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Map chat is the key.

It never failed me especially on HPs. (But screw HoT maps lol) There are people who either is in the same boat as you or just willing to help. 

I yelled once on map chat, on a known "dead time" where there are usually less players and I got like 5 other people coming to help.

Ofcourse that being said, prepare to get decently equipped so you don't die on the way to HP lol. Don't rush things. That will only add to stress. GW2 doesn't have time-limit, so if you get frustrated - hunt world boss (find them on GW2 Timer) to farm mats to sell so you have gold. 

Do Dailies, 2g. Tequatl the Sunless is 1g I think. That's 3g guaranteed per day, plus your loots.

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15 hours ago, Inspace.6402 said:


So I finally made lv. 80, and went to the expansion areas to get Hero Points for Elite Specializations since that seemed to be the recommended route. I managed to snag about enough for one specialization before I got stuck in an area where mobs would just murder me whatever I did and my meagre savings got drained into zero. After much frustration, I sold some gear so I could get back to the vanilla continent. So that's where I am right now.

I'd like to get into some group content (and eventually crafting), I primarily run healer/support but currently rolling a Revenant since they looked very flexible role-wise. So I need gold and gear (since one gives the other), right? Fractals seemed to be interesting from what I could find to be recommended, but after about two hours I couldn't find any groups that run the easier ones. Is this just for veterans speed running dailies or just unlucky today?

Any other group content that's rewarding and doesn't require any investment to get started? I heavily dislike PvP, but anything along the lines of instanced PvE/raids or similar. Assume that I have nothing to invest into buying gear or other useful stuff (like gathering tools.. >.>)

IBS strikes - the 3 easy ones (Shiver, Fraenir, Claw and Voice) are very easy for new people and does not take much time, people do them quite often (check the experienced channel, people rarely use the other one - training I believe).

For fractals having some agony resistance is nice but not super mandatory on Tier 1. You can get enough by going for ascended trinkets (either complete some of the story achievements or you can do living story 3 where each map has certain currency that you can use to buy ascended trinkets that are stat selectable).
People do almost always only daily ones and recommended levels since these are most profitable. You can just tag along, you don't need to have the higher levels unlocked if there is someone in your party that have them already unlocked.

If you are getting murdered, you are either running full glass build including gear or you are engaging with content that is meant for groups. Hizen has some good open world builds, or you can just google around a bit (guildjen, metabattle, hardstuck etc.)
The cheapest one is Berserker gear that you can also buy with karma (certain merchant sells it in Orr), however it does not provide any defense/sustain, it's full dps.
For stat selectable gear it's usually Bladed armor from Verdant Brink (Heart of Thorns expansion). Best all-rounder is usually gear with celestial stat.
In general I would recommend you to check out this guide

As for gold income, I would say mining quartz in Dry Top can net you decent income (Charged Quartz can be turned into e.g. skyscale food in Mystic Forge that sells for decent profit, you don't need crafting for that), also lower tier materials like Iron ore etc. can be profitable since there is always high demand for them.

Outside of that, dungeons have basically 0 requirements (they are abandoned content but you might still need to do them for certain runes etc.)

Raids are viable option as well but you need certain masteries for them. You might want to find guild that suits you for this type of content, since PUG experience can vary.

Good luck and have fun.

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Hi friend. Alot of great advice already. I just want to add:

1) Unlike other games gold isn't just given out. Alot of the rewards from bosses and events are currencies or materials. These can be used to buy/craft gear or sell the materials on the Trading Post for gold. Take a look in your bank and material storage. You may have more gold than you know just sitting in there.

2) Exotic (orange) gear is good enough to do most normal group content. So don't go and think you need ascended (pink) items before you start. I don't know what class/spec you are on but you said you are following some sort of guide. Don't let it bankrupt you though. Get it done piece by piece. As others said if you rush it'll cost more. 

3) Achievements are a good source of rewards. Not only does your Achievement Points (AP) turn into skins, gold and even gems but the achievements themselves can get you some Asceneded items. This is especially true for weapons where each elite spec has an achievement unlocked that ends in a weapon if you can do each item (those steps also give rewards too!). Again more of a long term thing but instead of jumping map to map and loosing gold maybe sitting on one and building to something.

4) Don't be afraid to put yourself in the LFG tool. Saying you are new and want to learn is a good way to get people to join you.  I often look in the training section myself and love taking a new player into Fractals and Strikes!

P.S. There is a holiday going on that can make you some gold too. Or you can farm it for some items/skins as well. Go to Holbrek (Norn city) and do the events, adventures, achievements and dungeon there for some fun!

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Given how fast leveling is, you probably haven't explored much if you recently made lvl 80... I'd recommend do map exploration/completion while gathering mats, and sell those mats on the TP.  Non-expansion and pre-80 maps are very forgiving for not having the best gear, and you can experience more of the really cool game world including participating in meta and world-boss events for some of the group play you're seeking.  Some of those world boss will have players tagged as commanders with a squad to join, to make it easier.

Tbf, I'm a sucker for exploring every nook and cranny in a game, so take my advice w/ a grain of salt. 😇


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On 6/22/2023 at 11:24 PM, Inspace.6402 said:

So I need gold and gear

What are you currently wearing? What stat combination are you looking for? It is an old MMO gear acquisition is a bit convoluted. Some stat combinations like Berserker(the name of the stat combination Power, Precision, ferocity) is really cheap and best bought from the Trading Post. Celestial(the name of the stat combination with every stat) is really expensive and is best acquired by getting gear you can select the stat combination you wish. For example the first map of HoT(verdant Brink) has gearboxes you can buy, that give you gear with selectable stats. So what the best approach is kind of depends on a couple of factors. 

Gold: You primarily make it by selling materials, Trophies and unidentified gear on the trading Post. Wood, leather, metals, blood, scales, Ecto plasm and so on. A lot is probably in your material storage at the bank right now. 

Edited by SlayerXX.7138
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15 hours ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

What are you currently wearing? What stat combination are you looking for? It is an old MMO gear acquisition is a bit convoluted. Some stat combinations like Berserker(the name of the stat combination Power, Precision, ferocity) is really cheap and best bought from the Trading Post. Celestial(the name of the stat combination with every stat) is really expensive and is best acquired by getting gear you can select the stat combination you wish. For example the first map of HoT has gearboxes you can buy, that give you gear with selectable stats. So what the best approach is kind of depends on a couple of factors.

Gold: You primarily make it by selling materials, Trophies and unidentified gear on the trading Post. Wood, leather, metals, blood, scales, Ecto plasm and so on. A lot is probably in your material storage at the bank right now. 

Many here offered advice on how to earn gold the easy way or where to get cheap gears. And I am pretty sure that there will be others sending gold to help OP after reading this. A little thank you or reply to their mails will be much appreciated. It is rude to just accept their gold and totally stay numb about it.

Edited by Min Min.9368
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3 hours ago, Min Min.9368 said:

Many here offered advice on how to earn gold the easy way or where to get cheap gears. And I am pretty sure that there will be others sending gold to help OP after reading this. A little thank you or reply to their mails will be much appreciated. It is rude to just accept their gold and totally stay numb about it.

I don't know why you are quoting me? But btw most advice given here suck. Most of you are too detached from a new player to give any helpful advice. Op barely got HP together people start talking about IBS Strikes and kitten(Let's hope OP bought all living worlds). Also everyone has a different takes, wtf should Op think is actually helpful. People started talking about:  IBS, Strikes, Trains(btw wtf is at train?), Festivals, dungeons, Raids, daily's, world bosses, Tequatl, Dragonstorm, Ley-line anomaly, Dragons end, getting gold/gear through achievements(?) and on and on.

Edited by SlayerXX.7138
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54 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

People started talking about: Fractals

The OP asked about fraktals so I answered him.

54 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

btw wtf is a train?

A squad of many people rushing over the map making it easy to get something, e.g. a HoT-HP-train rushes from H(ero)P(oint) to HP on the HoT maps, makes it easy to gather 250+ HP in less than an hour. Some trains I am aware of:

  • WB train: Rushing from World Boss event to World Boss event
  • WvW-karma train: Rushing in off-time over the WvW-Maps to flip objectives without much opposition, this gives quite a lot karma/h.
  • HoT or PoF HP-trains: Rushing over the HoT (PoF) maps to gather HPs making it easy to get an elite-spec when you hit 80 (on a new alt, usually they require some masteries you likely still miss on your first char).
  • Bounty trains: Doing bounty-hunts on PoF (or LS4) maps
  • EoD meta-train: doing Aetherblade Assault, Kaineng Blackout, Gang War in a row on the EoD maps.
  • ...
54 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

daily's, world bosses, Tequatl

What’s wrong on that, OP is 80 and needs money, doing that is easy money.

54 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Also everyone has a different takes,

Yes, gw2 has countless possibilities, everyone can (and has to) choose the ones he likes most. Being aware of many of them may be a bit overwhelming, but also helps to choose the ones you like.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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@Dayra.7405Missing the point buddy.
If you want to explain something to a person, don't throw every information you have on them. Don't use lingo. Don't assume knowledge. People just want to be helpful, so I generally don't care, but Min Min calling Op rude just rubbed me the wrong way.

Look at the advice you gave. Sure is all true, but look at all the things a new player probably didn't engage with yet.
Dagonstorm: instanced meta, on a timer
Leyline anomaly: High value event you have to chase after, that cycles through maps(do you still only have a couple of minutes to catch it?)
Tequatl: World boss, you probably need to use the LFG to change maps, how do you do that?
Event timer: Using a external site to manage all these event.
LW: What are DLC? How do you get them?

That is a lot of stuff from your comment alone, even if you tried to explain it as best you can. Looking at the threat as a whole someone might as well start to read the wiki from beginning to end. Most of these answers do just open up more questions, not for me, but for a new player. I know what a train is, but OP is right for asking where the train tracks are as train is pretty much a GW2 only term. I hope that did clear up the confusion.

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I fully agree with @SlayerXX.7138 here. Veterans often come with the advices that are generally good but can be completely confusing for a brand new player. I was once there. You dont even have most of the maps uncovered, no waypoints, no idea what acronyms mean...

To the author.

Since you're completely new I would advise to just go with the flow of the game. There is completely no reason to go look for the most lucrative activities at this point. Everything in this game gives gold. If you just follow the game naturally (as the story progress or just as the maps flow) you should be making gold all the time.

Its more important to process drops correctly. Based on what you wrote, that you are broke at lvl 80 you're missing something. Either you are rushing way to fast. Or you are wasting a lot of gold somewhere. What are you doing with drops? I hope you are not selling them to vendors. Only junk should be sold to vendors (there is a button in vendor menu "sell junk"). Everything else should be sold on the trading post, there is a market for everything in this game. Weapon/armour drops can be either sold directly or salvaged and materials can be sold. It's also possible you have a ton of resources in material storage (check bank tabs) and you don't even know it.

Entering fractals. It just seems strange to me you didnt get a group in 2 hours. Usually its a few minutes. Did you use LFG tool and check tier 1 fractals? You can easily join daily fractal groups (3 daily fractals). Those are the ones that actually give good gold and don't worry about gear to much in tier 1. You might get carried if one of the last ones in the tier are daily but that is quite common in tier 1. Most groups don't mind carrying a player or 2 in tier 1. I have seen more often people "angry" at player because he wanted to quit because he felt that he is getting carried than angry because he doesn't perform in t1.

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7 hours ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

@Dayra.7405Missing the point buddy.
If you want to explain something to a person, don't throw every information you have on them.

Lol, I know a bit more than I wrote 😉  I fact I spend some thought about the educational aspects 🙂

OP just reached 80, but expressed it's wish in end-game group content. I said: this game is hugh, you have more fun if you don't rush, but enjoy the way.

OP was concerned about being broken, I said don't worry, money flows in by just daily login, you can boost it doing dailies as well.

If you are 80, learning about word bosses and timed events is natural and a good next step in my view. 2 of the 3 examples I gave are core-Tyria.

I would not have mentioned fractals, if he would not have asked about them, but as he did, I gave him a practical advice.


7 hours ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

That is a lot of stuff from your comment alone, even if you tried to explain it as best you can.

I outlined some possibilities, I gave some links to read more on interest, I looked further into this thread, such that I could give more infos, should the OP ask for more. But it's OPs choice if and where exactly he want all this possible additional help. I wanted to avoid throwing all my knowledge at the OP 🙂 (to much to write and to much to read 🙂 )

Edited by Dayra.7405
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